The superstar is here

Chapter 462 Guan Xinxin's New Home

Chapter 462 Guan Xinxin's New Home
Guan Xinxin's tone was unquestionable, it didn't matter whether Chen Ziang agreed or disagreed, he just gave him a choice.

Chen Ziang felt that he walked forward with a guilty heart, and became very compassionate. He didn't know how to reject Guan Xinxin, and he couldn't.

He had no choice but to bite the bullet and ask, "Is it at the new home?"

Guan Xinxin has already bought an independent villa in the suburbs, and she hasn't lived in it for a long time. She plans to live there on weekends in the future, and usually lives in the urban area, which is convenient for her to go to work, and it is also convenient for Guan Tianyu to go to school.

It's winter vacation and weekend, Guan Xinxin is living with Guan Tianyu there.

"New home." Guan Xinxin replied.

"Okay, let's stay at the new home. We'll be there later, and we should be there around six o'clock." Chen Ziang said.

"Well, I'll buy some good food and wait for you to come over." Guan Xinxin's tone softened a bit.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Ziang and Guan Tongtong went back to their parents.

"Dad, Mom." Chen Ziang glanced at Guan Tongtong and said to his parents, "Let's go to Tongtong's sister-in-law's house for dinner."

Chen Feng was puzzled and looked at Shi Jia.

Shi Jia frowned slightly, she really thought it was complicated.

"To Aunt Tongtong's house?" She asked, looking at Guan Tongtong.

"Yes." Chen Ziang explained: "Sister Tongtong helped me a lot. "The Masked Singer" was able to cooperate with Youzhou Satellite TV. It was Sister Tongtong who helped me at the beginning. Tongtong and sister-in-law are also very close, since junior high school , she spends more time with her sister-in-law than with her mother."

Shi Jia showed a slight smile: "Without the acceptance of Youzhou Satellite TV, your Boyu Entertainment is still dusty. Aunt Tongtong has helped you so much, we should treat people to dinner, how can we let people treat us to dinner. In the evening we will also It's nothing, let's treat Aunt Tongtong to dinner."

Guan Tongtong was quietly on the sidelines and did not speak.

Chen Ziang said: "Mom, let's buy some gifts and go there, we can be thankful. Let's go over there tonight. Aunt Tongtong is very nice. Whenever Tongtong and I encounter any confusion, we will ask her for advice."

Afterwards, Chen Zi'ang gave a rough introduction to the identity of Sister Tongtong.

Chen Feng was a little unclear about Aunt Tongtong's location, but Shi Jia knew it well, and took a breath when he found out.

She pulled Chen Ziang aside: "Sister Tongtong is so big?"

Chen Ziang nodded: "Yes, in the Guan family, apart from Grandpa Tongtong, Aunt Tongtong has the highest position, but Tongtong's father is in Fengjiang and will be promoted soon, so he will go further than Aunt Tongtong by then. I I heard that Aunt Tongtong is also planning to go out to seal borders, and when she comes back, she will still be more important than Tongtong's father."

Shi Jia immediately became nervous.

Although in Zhejiang Province, she had met the top leaders of Zhejiang Province, but those leaders still couldn't compare with Aunt Tongtong.

Tongtong is just a student and his son's girlfriend, so Shi Jia still has opinions.

Aunt Tongtong, it is impossible to have an opinion.

However, Shi Jia also knew that it was time to meet, this was a good opportunity.

There are people in the court who are easy to handle. Shi Zifeng Technology used to work hard on its own. If the amount of taxes was not too scary, it would be difficult to get the government's appreciation and preferential treatment.

Even now, without official contacts, it is very difficult for Shi Zifeng's technology to continue to advance, and the efficiency is not high.

"Then let's go, I'll think about buying some gifts for the door." Shi Jia thought hard.

Chen Ziang said with a smile: "You can't buy something too expensive, just something ordinary. They are honest officials, so don't compare them with those people you come into contact with."

Throughout the afternoon, Shi Jia was not in the mood to go shopping and was looking for a place to buy gifts.

At the same time, Shi Jia often asked Guan Tongtong for opinions, and his attitude towards Guan Tongtong changed a little.

Guan Tongtong secretly heaved a sigh of relief. Chen Zi'ang's parents will get along easily after seeing her.

Guan Xinxin knew about getting the certificate at the age of eighteen.

Guan Tongtong was not afraid of getting pregnant and having a baby in her third year of junior high school after receiving the certificate. She and Guan Xinxin were afraid that if she didn't give birth before graduation, it would affect her career.

At around five o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Ziang drove the land cruiser and took Guan Tongtong and his parents to Guan Xinxin's villa.

Land cruisers are particularly fuel-intensive, and Chen Ziang seldom drives, preferring to take a taxi.

Taking a taxi not only saves fuel and money, but also saves you from looking for a parking space all the time, which is very convenient.

"This car is actually my sister-in-law's car. She doesn't drive it, so she let me drive it." On the way, Chen Ziang explained the origin of the car to his parents.

"Sister-in-law's car?" Chen's father and Chen's mother were surprised. They always thought that Chen Ziang bought it with his own money.

Shi Jia was a little pensive, feeling that this sister-in-law had a very good relationship with Chen Ziang.

There are some things that cannot be messed up.There are some things that should not be sent indiscriminately.

Just like Guan Xinxin can buy a condom for Guan Tongtong, but there is a reason why she cannot buy a condom for Chen Ziang.

The car drove for nearly an hour before arriving at the villa area where Guan Xinxin lived.

Chen Ziang swiped the access card, and when he drove in, Shi Jia was even more surprised that his son even had the access card for the gate of this community.

Guan Tongtong thought it was normal, her cousin Guan Tianyu especially admired Chen Ziang, and Chen Ziang was highly appreciated by his sister-in-law.

Not long after, Chen Ziang drove the car around and came to an independent villa.

He pressed the horn twice, and after a while, the door of the villa opened automatically.

The car started, drove in and parked in the yard.

This is Guan Xinxin's villa. It is on the mountainside, but the mountain is not high. To southerners, this kind of mountain is no different from a hill.

There are very few villas in this villa area, unlike other communities, the villas are row after row.

Townhouses, standing on your own balcony, you can reach the balcony of the neighboring villa with one step.

Detached villa with exclusive private space.

Guan Xinxin's villa has four floors including the first floor.

The basement floor is actually not a basement. It faces down the mountain and has an independent closed courtyard without a gate.

The main entrance of the villa is on the first floor, and the entrance is from the first floor.

Chen Ziang liked it very much when he came here for the first time. There is also an independent small courtyard in front of the first floor, and a balcony at the back. You can overlook the mountains and the high-rise buildings in the downtown area of ​​Youzhou in the distance.

There are no people on the first floor, only the living room, balcony, bathroom and kitchen.

In the corner of the huge living room, there is a piano.

Chen Ziang's favorite is the first floor, where there is a lobby, which has been transformed into a small bar with a bar counter.

Guan Xinxin likes to drink red wine, and often goes to the first floor of the basement to read documents and materials while drinking at night or on weekends.

In addition to the bar-style hall on the first floor, there is also a huge room with a bathroom and a cloakroom.

The door of the room on the lower first floor facing the outside is a floor-to-ceiling window. When the floor-to-ceiling windows are opened, there is a small courtyard with a pavilion, a fish pond and a small vegetable field.

The second and third floors of the villa are all rooms, there is no living room, and the fourth floor has only one room, and the rest of the space is the roof.

There is a hanging sofa and a leisure tea table on the roof, which is very artistic.The washing machine and drying clothes are also on the roof.

(End of this chapter)

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