Chapter 464
After Guan Xinxin and Chen Ziang went downstairs, only Father Chen and Mother Chen were left watching TV in the living room.

It's only been half an hour since I came here, but Shi Jia can clearly see that her son and Guan Xinxin really don't see each other, and they seem to have a good relationship.

With a woman's intuition, she felt that Guan Xinxin's feelings for Chen Ziang were not just for her niece and son-in-law.

how to say?

It is said that Guan Xinxin treats Chen Ziang like a mother treats her son, but not like that.

To say that she treats Chen Ziang like a woman treats her boyfriend or husband is not the same, this is too exaggerated, Shi Jia dare not even think about it.

Guan Xinxin is the most temperamental woman Shi Jia has ever seen. Guan Tongtong is too beautiful, but Guan Xinxin is not bad, especially her femininity, which Guan Tongtong does not have yet.

In terms of charm and attractiveness, the current Guan Tongtong is far worse than Guan Xinxin.

Looking at her husband, Chen Feng, he hardly dared to take another look at Guan Xinxin.

Shi Jia really wanted to talk to her husband about Guan Xinxin and the special relationship she felt between her son and Guan Xinxin, but it was obviously inappropriate now.

We can only talk about it when we get home.

The two elders waited in the living room for almost half an hour. Why did the son and Guan Xinxin run downstairs and throw the two elders here.

Guan Tongtong was upstairs tutoring Guan Tianyu's homework and did not come down.

When Shi Jia was restless, Guan Xinxin came upstairs.

Seeing Guan Xinxin's appearance, Shi Jia was a little shocked.

Chen Feng didn't dare to look at Guan Xinxin too much, and his thoughts were not as delicate as Shi Jia's, so he didn't find anything special.

Shi Jia is different, she can look directly at Guan Xinxin.

At this moment, Guan Xinxin's pretty face had a breathtaking flush, which was bright and moving, and even Shi Jia found it particularly attractive.

"Sorry, it's time to cook." After Guan Xinxin came up from the stairs, she went directly to the kitchen next to her, instead of going to the living room.

Shi Jia hurriedly got up and went to help.

Chen Feng sat in the living room by himself, and the two women cooked. He was a big man and it was not easy to intervene.

In the kitchen, behind Guan Xinxin, Shi Jia sniffed quietly, with puzzled eyes.

"Sister..." Guan Xinxin turned her head and saw that Shi Jia was sniffing, as if she smelled something, but she was not sure, and then continued to smell.

Seeing her secret was discovered, Shi Jia immediately felt embarrassed.

As for Guan Xinxin, after seeing Shi Jia's small movements, her pretty face was covered with flying clouds.

The two women were silent for a long time, each doing their own things, some washing rice, some washing vegetables...

When busy, Shi Jia would sniff her nose from time to time.

Guan Xinxin didn't say a word.

"Sister, you should take a shower first." Finally, Shi Jia couldn't help but said.

"Well, good." Guan Xinxin quickly put down the knife, a little shy.

After Guan Xinxin went upstairs, Shi Jia also quickly dropped the work in hand and ran to the living room.

Chen Ziang had already come up from downstairs and was talking to Father Chen in the living room.

"Clap" sound.

Chen Feng was a little surprised. When he saw Shi Jia coming over, he slapped Chen Ziang on the shoulder unexpectedly, and the slap was quite heavy.

Chen Ziang was also a little surprised: "Mom, why did you hit me?"

"You'll be fine if you don't get killed." Shi Jia whispered.

Chen Feng was at a loss.

Chen Ziang was a little embarrassed.

"Say, is the she you mentioned last time...she?" Shi Jia asked in a low voice.

Chen Ziang was embarrassed and nodded.

Shi Jia immediately slapped Chen Ziang on the shoulder again: "Go back and settle the score with you!"

After finishing speaking, she ran to the kitchen to work again.

After Shi Jia left, Chen Feng asked suspiciously: "Zi Ang, what charades are you playing with your mother, why can't I understand it?"

Chen Ziang explained: "Sister Tongtong and I have left you here for a long time, my mother is not happy."

Chen Feng thinks about it, he thinks his wife's attitude towards Guan Tongtong is not very good, it's because of his wife's love affair.

It is normal for my wife to be angry when I come to someone's house as a guest, and my son ran away with someone else, leaving my mother alone.

"Dad, I'm going to cook with my mother. You can just sit down, so as not to embarrass Aunt Tongtong in terms of etiquette." After chatting with his father, Chen Ziang got up and went to the kitchen to cook with Shi Jia.

About 10 minutes later, Guan Xinxin came down from upstairs, wearing the same clothes as before, and her hair had not been washed.

But the blush on her face was still there and didn't fade much.

"Go to the third floor and accompany Tongtong and Tianyu. I'll ask you to come down when the meal is ready." Guan Xinxin said to Chen Ziang after entering the kitchen.

Chen Ziang ran away in a hurry, Guan Xinxin came down, he was too embarrassed to stay here.

During the meal, Guan Tongtong found that Shi Jia's attitude towards Guan Xinxin was extremely friendly, and she no longer felt flattered, more like a big sister treating a younger sister.

Of course, it's still far from the kind of feeling like a family, but it's not so alien anymore.

At the same time, Guan Tongtong also found that Shi Jia's attitude towards her had also improved.

"Zi'ang, it's your good fortune to be with Tongtong. You must let others do it, and don't bully Tongtong. Tongtong is so sensible and excellent." Shi Jia warned Chen Ziang at the dinner table.

"Yeah." Chen Ziang lowered his head to eat.

Then, Shi Jia turned to Guan Tongtong and said, "Tongtong, if Ziang bullies you in the future, just tell me and I will make the decision for you."

"En." Guan Tongtong also nodded, a little shy.

Shi Jia said to Guan Xinxin again: "Xinxin, if my family Zi'ang does something wrong or wrong, please be more considerate, beat or scold you as you like."

Chen Ziang continued to bury his head in his meal without saying a word.

Chen Feng didn't talk much in the first place, although he felt that his wife had become a bit of a philistine, he didn't dare to talk too much. He ate in silence and let his wife make trouble.

Guan Tianyu looked at the other people on the table while eating, and was about to talk, when Chen Ziang brought him food: "Eat more, talk less."

Guan Tianyu opened his mouth, "Oh, I haven't said anything yet, okay?"
But these words are effective, Shi Jia doesn't say more, at least not in the direction just now.

Halfway through the meal, Shi Jia suddenly became interested and wanted to drink some wine.

"Sister, what red wine do you want to drink?" Guan Xinxin got up and walked to the wine rack behind her.

"I just drink for pleasure, girl, you can just pick a bottle." Shi Jia laughed.

Guan Xinxin took out a bottle of unopened red wine and opened the lid.

"If you don't drive, you should drink some." Shi Jia said to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng felt that his wife was too out of touch.

"Such a good red wine, it's a waste to give it to someone like me who only drinks beer and white wine. I'd better not drink it." He quickly refused, he couldn't go too far like his wife.

Shi Jia didn't try to persuade her husband any more, and the two girls started drinking together.

After eating, drinking, and tidying up, Chen Ziang took his parents away.

Guan Xinxin and Guan Tianyu were sitting on the sofa in the living room.

Guan Tongtong didn't leave and stayed here, but she went upstairs to take a shower now.

"Tianyu." Guan Xinxin suddenly asked her son, "Do you want to have a younger brother or younger sister?"

(End of this chapter)

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