The superstar is here

Chapter 468 Don't ask why, blood!

Chapter 468 Don't ask why, blood!

When Huang Yihong was singing "If One Day", the singer from "The Masked Singer" was also singing, and it was still two masked singers singing duet.

In these two programs, it is impossible to say who is good and who is bad. Everyone is just loyal to their hearts and each has his own love.

The interactive sessions and talent show of "The Masked Singer" are indeed attractive, but the first season was too dazzling, and the second season did not make new breakthroughs, making the audience think that it is good-looking, but it is not fresh.

"Hu Ning said he didn't come? It's a lie, I think that [big hidden bird] is him."

"Hu Ning's singing skills are excellent, and he is especially good at imitating. The more he resembles, the less he is."

"The female singer is obviously Zhang Yahui. I don't need to guess the guests to choose, I can guess it."

"Yes, although Zhang Yahui is hiding it deliberately, she can't hide it."


In the first combination of the first issue of "The Masked Singer", netizens boldly guessed and guessed the singer under the mask.

But netizens found that the guests of the guessing group pretended to be confused, kept the "big hidden bird", and deliberately gave the wrong singer's name for the audience to vote.

"Fuck, isn't this deliberately sending Hu Ning to the last year's grand ceremony?"

"Ma De, guessing the judges' guests is no longer a question of incompetence, but a question of disgusting or not. Does this mean that our netizens are blind?"

"He deliberately said it was hard to guess, it's hard for your sister."

"The guests of the guessing group all grew up eating shit!"

"Half of the guests on the guessing team this season have changed, but they all turned out to be idiots."


The audience was very dissatisfied with the performance of the guests of the guessing group and had a lot of opinions.

Last season's guessing group guests really couldn't guess, because netizens couldn't guess the singer who was too hidden, so it's no wonder the guessing group guests, everyone just couldn't help complaining.

But this time, it was really scolding!
The second performer in "I Am a Singer" was Xu Jiahui, who sang a song commemorating a great man - "Ten Mile Long Street".

There is no doubt that the song "Ten Mile Long Street" sung by Xu Jiahui has adapted the tune and lyrics.

"During the founding ceremony, there were not enough planes, so you said to fly twice.

Now there is no need to fly twice, as much as you want.

This flourishing age, as you wish.

The ten miles of Chang'an Street that I gave you back then is now prosperous for ten miles, with mountains and rivers still there, and the country is peaceful and the people are safe.

I have no regrets about entering China in this life, and I wish to be in China in the next life.


Xu Jiahui sang very devotedly. Now that the country is strong and has entered the world's economic and military power, this song is very inspiring while remembering the great man.

Netizens and viewers started calling frantically for the singer again.

"When I heard the climax of this song, I immediately got up from the bed and pinched my balls without hesitation. Don't ask why. Hot blood!"

"Every time I listen to this song while riding a motorcycle, I feel like I'm flying a fighter jet!"

"If one day I die and the US, Japan, India, Korea and Australia come to attack China, I will put this song on my grave, and I will bless our great China in heaven."

"Xu Xu, the inspirational goddess who supports me, come on!"


The third singer to appear was Jiang Yifeng, who sang a love song - "The Most Beautiful Yesterday".

Before the fourth singer was about to appear on the stage, Angela said with a smile on the stage: "The next singer is a singer who has no labels, but can be said to have many labels. He sings rock and ballads, Sing pop songs..."

The audience cheered immediately.



The singer Angela mentioned, the audience guessed immediately, was Tong Dawei.

Angela smiled, held the line card and said, "The song this singer is going to sing should be the song that many audiences are most looking forward to tonight."

The audience below were excited and immediately shouted again.



Angela retracted her arms abruptly, and said neatly, "Yes!"

Then, she glanced at the line card and said, "This is Zi Ang's song, it hasn't been released yet, everyone is the first audience for this song."

The audience applauded like thunder and screamed loudly.

Angela continued: "This is a beautiful school ballad. We don't know when Teacher Zi Ang completed it and where he got the material from, but I believe that it really exists, just like "A Diao". I didn't have the honor to interview Teacher Zi'ang, but I can guess that this song commemorates a girl who is no longer alive."

Hearing this, the faces of the audience at the scene and in front of the screen froze.

One by one, the smiles on their faces were restrained.

The dead are the greatest, and every departed life should be respected.

Life is worthy of awe.

Angela said slowly: "In the romantic age, there are always many touching stories, and there are always many feelings in the ivory tower that people can't let go. This song is just a carrier, expressing the deep love for the dead. Nostalgia actually expresses the deep nostalgia for that fantastic era.”

The audience had to marvel that Angela had great potential to be a host.

She can tell stories, and she can stand on stage and tell stories.

Some people can usually tell stories and sing songs with acquaintances and friends, but they can't tell or sing at all in other strange or public places.

Angela said in a low voice: "Actually, what is the name of this song, until now, the program team hasn't revealed it to me, so I don't even know."

I'll go, no, the audience felt that the program group's secrecy work was really good.

It is indeed the original team of "The Masked Singer", who likes to engage in this kind of mysterious and mysterious things, which makes people anxious.

Angela continued on the stage: "When the singer was rehearsing the song, I heard some fragments outside. Before I heard enough, the singer ran out with red eyes."

The audience looked forward to it even more.

Songs that can touch and move people are extraordinary.

"The program team told me that this is a song full of campus folk flavor. The singer who sang this song heard that he was very moved every time he sang it. He said that he could feel the cruelty of loss in this song. , reminiscing about the innocence of the past. Then, let’s listen to this song that can move the singer, the band, and the program staff to a complete mess." Angela stopped talking, and pointed to the end of the stage behind her : "Yes, next singer."

Then, the stage lights dimmed, and a figure slowly walked out from the end of the stage.

Attention from inside and outside the circle.

Tonight, there are roughly four places where everyone looks forward to "I Am a Singer" the most.

One is, who will play the game.

Second, what new song did Chen Ziang release?

The third is, who is eliminated.

Fourth, when Chen Ziang announced the rankings, why did these famous singers panic and rage to death, among them there are queens and queens.

These four points are in no particular order. Some people look forward to the first one the most, and some people look forward to the third one the most...

(End of this chapter)

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