The superstar is here

Chapter 476 The ratings are coming

Chapter 476 The ratings are coming

To wash away this shame, Fang Xudong and his brothers and sisters gritted their teeth and overcame various difficulties no matter how tired they were physically or mentally when they produced "Supercar" and "I Am a Singer".

And tomorrow, shortly after dawn, they will be able to see whether their road to revenge for more than half a year has been successful.

No matter how long the night is, it will eventually pass.

After dawn, Fang Xudong washed his face with cold water, and then went out.

He didn't sleep all night, and he didn't dare to drive to Boyu Entertainment. Instead, he took the bus and subway to the company like an office worker.

Like him, those who stayed up all night, and Sun Aiyue, Xiao Li and others.

Everyone came to Boyu to make it early.

Although the ratings will be released at that time, and the data will be with Sanxiang Satellite TV, everyone will come to the company to wait together.

The nature of work determines the holidays of the industry. Some people go to work in Boyu production on Saturday, but there will never be so many people like today.

Today's Boyu Productions has more people than usual.

When I usually go to work, there are often people who go to the venue or go to other places, not in the company.

But today, almost everyone is here.

Even the employees who were not from Fang Xudong's original team, who didn't come to work today, rushed here on purpose.

Although it is only the ratings of the first episode, it is of great significance. Everyone is waiting for the result together.

Chen Ziang also came to the company, and went to the office of Boyu Productions.

Guan Tongtong and Kuantandan also followed.

They all know that the ratings of this issue are very, very important to Boyu Productions.

Knowing this, Guan Tongtong decided to wait for the results before going to his parents tomorrow.

Some employees were dumbfounded when they saw Guan Tongtong and Kuan Dandan for the first time.

The beauties in the entertainment industry are actually not that amazing when they walk off the camera.

On the contrary, there are some beauties on the street and in the campus, which is amazing.

Seeing Guan Tongtong and Kuan Dandan, everyone realized that the upside-down of all beings and the harm to the country and the people really exist, and it is not an exaggeration.

"That... the older girl, is the boss's girlfriend?" The employees were shocked and secretly whispered to their colleagues.

"It should be. I heard that the boss's girlfriend is ridiculously beautiful. I saw it for the first time today."

"My God, there is such a level of beauty!"

"It seems that there is no makeup, at most it is light makeup... Fuck, it feels like a dream, a little unreal."

"A beauty of this level, I'll go, who can handle it, I doubt whether the boss can handle it."

"It feels like the boss is a little bit worse."


Chen Ziang's bright capital, software and hardware made the employees feel that it wasn't too scary, at least it wasn't enough to attract a beauty like Guan Tongtong.

"I can't tell about the relationship, but he likes our boss, what can we do?"

"The boss is very good. He is young and promising. I have never seen anyone who is better than the boss. The boss does not rely on his family or others, but relies on himself to work hard to reach his current position."

"It's so beautiful! It feels like no one can match it."


The appearance of Guan Tongtong and Kuantandan caused a sensation in the whole company.

In the company, Li Qiuting is regarded as an actress in the entertainment circle, and the employees are very surprised when they see it.

But when he competed with Guan Tongtong and Kuantan Dan, he was overshadowed.

"Stay in my office, don't come out to wander around." Chen Ziang had a headache, so he took the two sisters to his office, let them play computer, read books and so on, don't go out with him.

However, the appearance of Guan Tongtong and Kuan Dandan calmed Fang Xudong and his team members' restless hearts a lot.

It's only nine o'clock in the morning. When the ratings come out, it should be after 10:30.

It depends on the efficiency of the people counting at the headquarters. If it is fast, it can be calculated at ten o'clock in the morning, and then sent to each satellite TV.If it is slow, it is not impossible to get data after eleven o'clock.

Youzhou Satellite TV, Lu Jingjing and Wu Xiaochun arrived at the TV station early, waiting for the ratings.

"We are the second season, even if it is the first season, it is better than the second season of their first season." Wu Xiaochun chatted with Lu Jingjing, seeking comfort in his heart.

"Theoretically, we should have an advantage. Sanxiang Satellite TV has a rich background, but it can't compare with the fan base of "The Masked Singer", which has been popular for a season." Lu Jingjing analyzed.

"QQ strongly supports "I'm a Singer", it's very painful, yesterday it popped up again." Wu Xiaochun now dislikes QQ very much, but he has to use it.

QQ has penetrated into people's social life, and basically there are not many middle-aged and young people who can leave QQ.

However, with the increasingly bloated functions of QQ, Chen Ziang has already planned the next step with Chen's father.

That is to make another online instant messaging software - WeChat.

Now that QQ Mall has begun to exert its strength, online shopping is becoming more and more popular. In the future, WeChat chatting, WeChat shopping, etc. will appear in people's daily life.

Chen Ziang was debating whether to use the Wechat bottle or not. In the end, that thing was completely poisonous. There were not many serious people who went there to play, regardless of gender.

If you want to see human nature, want to see how men and women explode their nature, go there to find it, and you will find it quickly.

"QQ has been very supportive of Boyu's production. I don't know why." Lu Jingjing wondered.

QQ is very real, it doesn’t necessarily pop up once every few days, and the pop-ups are also policies and regulations for the benefit of the people, and they rarely pop up for their own advertisements.

However, the programs produced by QQ for Boyu played several times in total, which made people very puzzled. It seemed that Boyu's production seemed to be QQ's own son.

Not only the insiders are jealous, but also the outsiders are jealous, QQ is too good for Bo Yu's production.

"The Stone Queen of Shizifeng Science and Technology is famous far and wide, so she must be looking for someone." Wu Xiaochun sneered at the corner of his mouth, with contempt in his eyes. He didn't know whether it was aimed at Chen Ziang or Shi Jia.


Today is Saturday, nine or ten o'clock in the morning, even if you sleep in, there are many, many people who wake up at this time.

Viewers who follow "I Am a Singer" and "The Masked Singer" are waiting for the announcement of the ratings of these two programs.

"Haha, the ratings are coming out soon."

"The two sides are fighting to the death, and finally we are going to see the real chapter!"

"Who is better, it will be revealed immediately."

"It's rare to see it in a hundred years. Boyu Productions is taking back its own things. I don't know if I can get it back."

"It's difficult. The most difficult thing for people is not to defeat others, but to conquer themselves."

"Yes, Boyu made it to beat himself."

"If you can't win, blame them for making "The Masked Singer" so well that they are at a loss."


Netizens who know the inside story are sympathetic to Boyu's production, but somewhat disdainful of Youzhou Satellite TV.

I feel that Youzhou Satellite TV is really not kind.

But that's how society is.

The music circle is also looking forward to the announcement of the ratings, and the singers are looking forward to it.


All David TVs, including Sanxiang Satellite TV and Youzhou Satellite TV, also received yesterday's ratings data sheet from the headquarters.

(End of this chapter)

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