The superstar is here

Chapter 487 History Has No Truth

Chapter 487 History Has No Truth

After dinner, the whole family went to visit the Yellow Crane Tower, and Guan Fu brought a large group of people over halfway.

There are his colleagues, as well as friends and descendants of his colleagues.

The two teams together, like a tourist group, there are more than 20 people.

There are ten Guan family members, plus Chen Ziang's eleven.

Not counting the accompanying personnel, Guan Fu's colleagues also brought ten people.

There are more young people than adults, and there are seven juniors of the other party, both men and women.

For them, this kind of play is an opportunity to expand their network.

Some of us are in official career, and some are in business.

Some have graduated and some are still in school.

The other party came a junior high school girl, she was very cute, Guan Tianyu was very courageous, so he asked her to play with her.

There was also a male high school student over there, seeing Kuan Dandan's eyes light up, he talked to him from time to time.

There was also a graduated boy who took the initiative to chat with Guan Tongtong and asked for his QQ number.

Guan Tongtong made it clear that Chen Ziang beside her was her boyfriend, and the other party asked her for her contact information, QQ number and mobile phone number in front of Chen Ziang.

Chen Ziang was amazed, his skin was still too thin, looking at him, his face wouldn't blush even if he poached a corner in front of him.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Chen Ziang asked this man named Qiu Lei.

Qiu Lei raised his eyebrows, he must have a girlfriend.

But in front of Guan Tongtong, he said that he has a girlfriend, how can he chase after Guan Tongtong?
Qiu Lei felt that Chen Ziang was too ignorant of the world.

Some things should be seen through but not revealed.

Say yes or no?

Qiu Lei was confused.

In the end, he said without blushing, "Currently single."

Chen Ziang said with disgust: "Then wait until you have a girlfriend."

Qiu Lei felt tight in his chest, what logic is this.

Does it mean that I don't have a girlfriend, which means I'm bad, and the toad wants to eat swan meat?

Accompanied by the leaders of the Yellow Crane Tower scenic spot, a group of people entered through the main entrance.

After entering, there are pavilions and pavilions on both sides, and an open square in front of you.

At the end of the square is the main building of the Yellow Crane.

This Yellow Crane Tower is located on the top of Snake Mountain at an altitude of 61.7 meters, and the train of the longest railway from north to south roars past downstairs.The building is 5 stories high, with a total height of 51.4 meters and a construction area of ​​3219 square meters.

Outside the Yellow Crane Tower, a batch of auxiliary buildings such as cast copper yellow crane shapes, pagodas, archways, porches, pavilions, etc., make the main building more magnificent.There are also Baiyun Pavilion, Xiang Pagoda, stele corridor, mountain gate and other buildings around the main building.The whole building has a unique national style, exuding the spirit, temperament and charm of traditional Chinese culture.It complements the Jiangcheng Yangtze River Bridge at the foot of Snake Mountain; when you climb up the tower, you can have a panoramic view of the three towns of Jiangcheng.

Being in the square makes people feel back to ancient times.

Of course, if you look outside, there are pieces of modern buildings, which will make people play at once.

Chen Ziang felt a little familiar, but it was only familiar. The buildings here were all refurbished, and the materials were all modern technology.

But if it is too old-fashioned, it may be prone to decay, and tourists may be even less interested.

What kind of era creates what kind of state of mind.

Even if modern literati come to pay their respects, few of them can see through the ages and see the prosperity and prosperity of that year.

There are not many tourists today, and the Chinese New Year is approaching, and everyone is busy preparing to go home, so there are not many tourists.

Everyone entered the main building of the Yellow Crane, one floor after another, and slowly toured and visited. The leader of the scenic spot personally acted as a tour guide, explaining all the way.

Chen Ziang looked at the interior of the Yellow Crane Tower while listening. According to the tour guide, it is supported by 72 columns, and the exterior has 60 corners extending outward. The roof is covered with more than 10 yellow glazed tiles.

History is not all the same, or in other words, after the truth of history is distorted, what is handed down is completely different.

Thousands of years ago, the information recording and transmission of human beings was too lagging behind.

Even in modern times, all kinds of news are reversed and reversed.

And some people will not follow up all the time, they will only remember what they saw for the first time or the second time, and then confirm it as a fact and spread it.

It is normal for the facts to be distorted.

There are even people who deliberately spread wrong information.

After such a toss, after a few years, decades, and more distant years, how will future generations know what today's history has become.

After listening to the tour guide, Chen Zi'ang learned more about the current Yellow Crane Tower.

In this Yellow Crane Tower, many literati in the past dynasties have left poems, such as "Recalling the Yellow Crane on the Yellow Crane Tower", "The Crane Falling on the Snake Mountain", "Sitting on the South Tower and Looking at the North Tower" and other famous poems.

Chen Ziang thought those poems were really good, but he couldn't write them himself.

But compared with the Yellow Crane Tower written in the three hundred Tang poems and Song poems in the previous life, it is a bit inferior.

After going up to the upper floors of the Yellow Crane Tower, Chen Ziang and Guan Tongtong left the crowd and moved freely.

The two hung on the railing, looking at the Yangtze River and the bridge.

"A bridge flies from north to south, and the natural moat becomes a thoroughfare." Chen Ziang couldn't help but bowed his head and recited a poem to Guan Tongtong who was watching from a distance. This is a poem by a great man in the past.

Guan Tongtong was very happy, no matter whether the poem was good or not, what Chen Ziang sang to her was the best.

She didn't ask if it was written by Chen Ziang, anyway, as long as she hadn't heard of it, she thought it was Chen Ziang's writing.

"You guys came here. It took me a long time to find it. I went upstairs to look for you just now." At this time, Kuan Dandan ran over and complained.

Then, she was a little unhappy and said, "Zi'ang, aren't you being polite again?"

Chen Ziang looked at Qiu Lei who was following behind Kuantandan, and said with a smile: "Yes, it's just right for you to come, I'll come for a while." I just drank the water from the Yangtze River and ate Wuchang fish. Regardless of the wind and waves, it's better than walking in the garden '.How about it?"

Kuan Dandan frowned, she didn't feel much, if it wasn't for Chen Ziang's chanting, she would have been unable to bear it.

When she met Chen Ziang for the first time, she was scared away by Chen Ziang's poetry.

Before Guan Dandan could speak, Chen Ziang said to Qiu Lei, "Dandan is under 14 years old."

Qiu Lei's chest feels tight, what do you mean?
He has 1 reasons to refute Chen Ziang, for example, Kuan Dandan is not incapable of growing up, for example, he just wants to find Guan Tongtong through Kuantandan, for example, he just thinks that Kuantandan needs protection...

Chen Zi'ang really couldn't be hypocritical towards Qiu Lei, he was so blatant, yet he was still polite and friendly to him?

I'm sorry, it doesn't matter if you say he has no self-cultivation, or you say he has no courage, but he is determined to reject Qiu Lei.

What about fair competition, Guan Tongtong is already his girlfriend, right?
Disregarding the world's vision for true love?

Not to mention, I not only condemned, but also verbally attacked. If you can't bear it, at worst, you will take action. I have a reason to fight.

Chen Ziang was quite depressed, remembering that Guan Tongtong often came out like this with his family members, it must have been the case that he was being pursued now.

(End of this chapter)

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