Chapter 49

This number shows that it is from Songjiang Mansion.

Chen Ziang was surprised, he didn't have friends and classmates from Songjiang Mansion.

If it was from Youzhou, he might imagine that it was Guan Tongtong who called.

Although he was puzzled, Chen Ziang hesitated for a moment, but still accepted it.

"Hello, hello." Chen Ziang answered the phone.

"Hello, are you Jin Daxia?" A Zhengtai voice came from over there.

Chen Ziang was surprised, why did he feel like a kid in his teens called him and called him Jin Daxia.

Isn't that one of his pseudonyms?
"Hello, I seem to be Jin Daxia." Chen Ziang said not sure.

"Hello, I'm Luguang, the editor in charge of Jin Daxia." Xiaozheng said happily.

"Fuck, you're the green light?" Chen Ziang asked in surprise.

He had chatted with Lu Guang online, but not much, let alone a phone call.

"I'm the green light." Xiaozhengtai has black hair, he is very helpless, he is already a college graduate, 24 or [-] years old, but his voice is not very loud, every time he talks to strangers, he makes them laugh.

"Hi handsome guy, what's the matter with calling me?" Chen Ziang was a little worried, but there was nothing wrong with the novel.

He is now counting on this to make money.

The voice of the green light said happily: "That's it, Jin Daxia, don't you have the copyright of "Swordsman" with us, and now a publishing house has come to find the traditional and simplified physical versions of "Swordsman" .Let me inform you, you contact the publishing house and give them the manuscript on time, by the way, the speed of physical publication cannot be faster than the speed of electronic version..."

Chen Ziang's eyes lit up.

The physical version of "Swordsman" is now available!
However, after continuing to chat, Chen Ziang was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood.

When I first signed the contract, because I was a pure newcomer and didn't have any right to speak, all copyrights were owned by Qichuang

Now, the physical version of "Swordsman" has actually been sold, and the other party notified Chen Ziang only after the business negotiation was over.

What makes Chen Ziang even more depressed is that the website doesn't value "Swordsman" very much, and selling the physical version of "Swordsman" is almost free of bargaining. It is a windfall for them to sell it, so it is not according to the internationally accepted price. It is sold in the form of royalty payment, but bought out at the price of a thousand words.

Three hundred yuan for a thousand characters!
Chen Ziang vomited blood for Jin Daxia. If the old man knew that his novel was bought out for three hundred thousand characters, he would probably eat him raw.

Even if the old man's "Swordsman" is only concerned with the income of the physical edition, after so many years and so many volumes have been published, the royalties paid for the manuscripts are at least tens of millions.

And now here, it was sold by Chen Ziang, no, Qichuang directly sold it for three hundred thousand characters.

Chen Ziang's "Swordsman" version, the entire book is estimated to be a little over 100 million words.

As a result, it was sold for 30 yuan.

Tens of millions to 30, Chen Ziang wanted to cry.

But there is no way, the copyright is owned by Qichuang Chinese Network, even if Chen Ziang contacts the publishing house to publish it, he still has to ask the publishing house to talk to Qichuang Chinese Network, how to sell it, whether to sell it or not, it is all Qichuang Chinese Network said The final decision.

"Updates can be slowed down. You don't have to compare yourself to others. Keep the rhythm. After a long time, comic copyrights, game copyrights, and even film and television copyrights will come." Green Light told Chen Ziang, but did not encourage him to explode.

The longer a novel is written, the more fans it accumulates.

This is one of the reasons why many writers like water, and continue to use water after making money.

Even updates will become less and less, or even stop. In addition to the fatigue of creation, they also want to ferment the novel and sell more copyrights.

Once the novel is finished, let alone any copyright, it's gone.

Flooding, dragging, and hope.

Of course, this refers to novels that are subscribed by tens of thousands of people. If you subscribe to single-digit, two- to three-digit novels, don’t even think about selling any copyrights. End early and open new books early, and hope is born early.

"Okay." Chen Ziang promised to be the editor. In fact, he didn't have time to explode. As for the physical version of "Swordsman" being sold so cheaply, he couldn't be dissatisfied with Green Light.

That was the whole website's business, and Lu Guang was only an editor in charge, and from Lu Guang's point of view, Chen Ziang still made a profit.

Newcomer, it's good to be able to talk about this price, the website has done its best.

What Chen Ziang can do now is to save more drafts and keep updating.

Time flies, and in a few days, the year is here.

On New Year's Eve, Chen Ziang went out after eating the New Year's Eve dinner early in the afternoon, because he and Dai Shuai invited some students to sing K again.

The main purpose is to record video.

Chen Ziang could talk continuously for an hour, and then asked Liu Yuneng to cut the video into ten, but he knew he couldn't.

First of all, if I talk too much, I can't devote myself any more.

And students who listen to too much at one time will also experience aesthetic fatigue, and the effect is not good.

So each time he only speaks for ten, twenty or ten minutes, at least two videos can be produced.

Chen Ziang also wanted to update it every day so that Lin'an Da Neng could accumulate fans as soon as possible, but he knew that this, like writing a novel, could not be achieved overnight.

Many things can only be accumulated and proved by time.

The videos were in stock, and the novels were in stock. Chen Ziang came back before the Spring Festival Gala started, and went to take a shower.

Finally, I can watch the Spring Festival Gala with my parents to celebrate the new year with peace of mind.

After taking a shower, Chen Ziang saw his mother sitting on the sofa, holding his mobile phone and looking at him mysteriously.

"Did you check my phone again?" Chen Ziang walked over and asked for the phone.

Shi Jia didn't give it, and pulled him to sit beside her.

Chen Feng sat and watched TV, the Spring Festival Gala had already started.

The intimacy of mother and child made him helpless, so he couldn't be jealous of his son.

"Baby, tell Mom honestly, are you in a relationship?" Shi Jia tortured.

Chen Ziang shook his head resolutely to prove his innocence: "It's nothing, didn't we say that we don't fall in love before college?"

Shi Jia waved the phone in front of Chen Ziang: "Look who is this girl?"

Chen Ziang took a closer look.

Uh, in the photo, there is a boy and a girl, very intimate.

The boy is writing on the backpack behind the girl. The girl is slim and tall, her face is invisible, but her figure is very eye-catching. Some girls will feel excited when they see it.

The boy is naturally Chen Ziang, and the girl is Guan Tongtong.

Shi Jia swiped the phone screen, and another photo appeared, showing Chen Ziang and Guan Tongtong sitting on a boat.

In this photo, Guan Tongtong's true face appeared.

Chen Ziang explained: "Mom, didn't I tell you on New Year's Day that my classmates and I accompanied the daughter of a guest from Youzhou to swim in the West Lake. This girl was the heroine we accompanied at that time."

When Chen Ziang was playing with Guan Tongtong, he didn't take any photos. They were all taken by Dai Shuai. Today, when he went out to sing K and saw the photos on Dai Shuai's phone, he couldn't help but upload them to his phone.

Unexpectedly, as soon as it was passed on, my mother saw it.

(End of this chapter)

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