The superstar is here

Chapter 491 Romance, never out of date

Chapter 491 Romance, never out of date
"When you become famous in the future, you should lead by example and bring more forgotten people back into the public eye." Guan Xinxin said solemnly to Chen Ziang.

Chen Ziang nodded, the red family is such a positive energy.

As early as when he decided to be with Guan Tongtong, he was mentally prepared.

Now, almost everyone in the Guan family nodded to him, and he also came to see the parents. Not surprisingly, Chen Ziang and Guan Tongtong would get the certificate around the holiday next semester.

As for the wedding, he hasn't thought about it yet.

There are not no students who get married when they are old enough, but many of them are relatively low-key.

Only a few exceptions were reported in the news.

Chen Zi'ang had already considered, get the certificate in a low-key way, and wait for Guan Tongtong to have it, and then hold a banquet in a high-key way.

"Zi Ang, write me a poem." Kuan Dandan suddenly looked at Chen Zi Ang pitifully, and shook his arm.

Chen Ziang was speechless: "I already sent a piano piece, that's enough."

Guan Nier's eyes lit up, she knew that Chen Ziang made music.

"What piano piece?" She asked curiously.

Guan Tianyu also asked: "What piano music, is it nice?"

"Of course it sounds good, I can play it again." Kuan Dandan boasted, "It's called "For the Little Baby"."

"When did it happen?" Guan Tianyu was surprised: "I want to hear it too."

It's really for Kuantan, and Guan Nier really wants to hear it.

Guan Dandan is in Guan Tongtong's house, he is a little baby, uncles, uncles, aunts and aunts all know it.

"Come on, come downstairs with me, I'll play it for you, Zi Ang gave it to me last night." Kuan Dandan took Guan Nier and Guan Tianyu downstairs.

Only the first floor has a piano.

Chen Ziang didn't want to go down at first, but when he saw that only Guan Xinxin and Guan Tongtong were upstairs, he hurried down.

Guan Tongtong naturally followed suit.

But everyone didn't expect that Guan Xinxin also followed.

Kuantandan was sitting in front of the piano, and the score was on the piano stand. She read it for a while, and then began to play.

When the piano sounded, Guan Nier and Guan Tianyu were surprised.

There is such a simple, easy to play, but very beautiful piano piece.

During the 3-minute performance, Kuantandan played very smoothly.

Guan Nier and Guan Tianyu are eager to try. They have learned piano since they were young. Although learning piano is not a compulsory course for them, they still have a little foundation, at least better than Chen Ziang.

"When did you write it?" Guan Xinxin asked.

Chen Ziang said cheekily, "It was just last night."

Guan Nier and Guan Tianyu rushed to learn "For Alice", and Kuan Dandan came to ask Chen Ziang for a poem.

"This kind of thing can't be forced, besides, I should give it to your eldest sister, right?" Chen Ziang said distressedly.

Before Guan Dandan said anything, Guan Tongtong's eyes lit up: "Really? I want it!"

Chen Ziang was dumbfounded, so I said, how did he fall from one pit to another?

However, he wasn't afraid at all, and after thinking for a while, he said, "You can have this!"

A group of people were surprised.

Guan Nier and Guan Tianyu stopped grabbing the piano.

Seeing everyone staring at him eagerly made Chen Ziang a little embarrassed.

He looked at Guan Tongtong and dragged her upstairs.

Originally, Chen Ziang just wanted to show Guan Tongtong, but everyone followed suit.

According to their thinking, Chen Ziang and Guan Tongtong should go to the study on the second floor to study ink and pick up pens.

Chen Ziang didn't plan to write it with a brush, but seeing everyone's posture, he had no choice but to go into the study.

"Your hand is inconvenient to write, I'll help you write." Guan Tongtong was very happy, and she would feel happier if she wrote it for everyone to see.

"Okay, I'll send it to your phone." Chen Ziang took out his phone, logged into QQ, and sent the first line of the poem to Guan Tongtong's phone: "This is the first line."

Today's "Yellow Crane Tower" made the Guan family look forward to Chen Ziang's poems.

Guan Tongtong took out her phone, and her eyes lit up when she saw the first sentence.

Very fitting.

This villa is on the bank of the Yangtze River, and you can see the mighty Yangtze River from the rooftop.

Guan Tongtong picked up the brush, and the impatient Kuan Dandan had already prepared the paper.

"I live at the head of the Yangtze River."

Guan Tongtong's handwriting is still relatively delicate, but there is a hint of sword spirit, and she is still a little fierce inside. She is following the route of an empress. Although she is still relatively immature, she already has a trace of Guan Xinxin's demeanor.

Guan Xinxin took Guan Tongtong with her since she was a child, and had a profound influence on Guan Tongtong.

As soon as "I live at the head of the Yangtze River" came out, Guan Nier felt that, just like today's "Yellow Crane Tower", it was very suitable for the occasion and very colloquial.

Is this Chen Ziang's style?
Soon, Chen Ziang sent the second sentence, and Guan Tongtong also wrote it immediately: "You live at the end of the Yangtze River."

The third sentence came out soon: "I miss you every day and don't see you, and drink the water of the Yangtze River together."

Seeing this, Guan Nier and Kuan Dandan looked envious.

Love poetry!

It is enviable for Guan Tongtong to find a boyfriend like Chen Ziang.

Writing love poems and love letters to girlfriends is never out of date.

After arriving here, Chen Ziang's typing speed was a bit slow.

It's not that he is pretending to make people think that he is organizing the text.

It's that he can't remember the specific lines.

However, in the end, he still typed it out, seemingly in one go: "When will this water stop? When will this hatred end? I only hope that your heart is like mine, and you will definitely live up to your love."

Kuantandan stared at his eyes.

She began to like poetry.

This song "Bu Suanzi" by Li Zhiyi has the expression and flavor of folk songs.

The language is very ordinary, but the emotion is deep and sincere.The idea is very unique, good at love language.

Chen Ziang quietly looked at Guan Xinxin, and saw that she was staring at "Bu Suanzi" without blinking her eyes.

Those who can calm down have a literary heart in their hearts.

It could be seen that except for Guan Tianyu whose eyes were not shining, everyone present was a little moved.

They also feel...


Yes, it is romance.

The end of the word expresses eternal love, giving people the feeling that the river flows forever.The whole word takes the Yangtze River water as a lyrical clue.The long river water is not only a natural barrier between the two sides, but also a natural carrier for the connection and long-distance love; it is not only the trigger and symbol of long-term lovesickness and endless hatred, but also the witness of the eternal love and expectation of both parties.With the development of the Ci situation, its role is constantly changing, which can be described as infinitely wonderful.

If someone hadn't been there, Guan Tongtong would have hugged Chen Ziang to the point of crying.

Chen Ziang will return to Youzhou the day after tomorrow, she is reluctant.

Surviving a catastrophe, she felt extremely insecure in her heart, and needed Chen Ziang to accompany her more.

Guan Nier envied Guan Tongtong more and more.

The descendants of the Guan family all knew that Guan Tongtong would follow Guan Xinxin's path in the future.

Originally, Guan Nier sympathized with Guan Tongtong, because many officials actually didn't want their descendants to go into official careers.

This road is full of rugged thorns.

But now, Guan Nier envied Guan Tongtong.

(End of this chapter)

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