Chapter 496

Youzhou Satellite TV.

Lu Jingjing and Wu Xiaochun were anxious. They lost for the first time. After learning from the pain, they studied hard.

They felt that in the first episode of the second season of "The Masked Singer", fans of the first season may not have returned, so they lost to "I Am a Singer", which had already aired the first episode.

Now it's the second episode, and the fans of the first season should have come back more than the first episode.

Thinking of this, Lu Jingjing and Wu Xiaochun naturally had hope in their hearts.

I think they can beat Boyu Productions, Sanxiang Satellite TV, and "I Am a Singer".

On the other hand, Bo Yu made it here.

Fang Xudong and his team members were not as nervous and concerned as last time.

They have proven themselves.

At least, won.

Even after "I Am a Singer" lost to Youzhou Satellite TV's "The Masked Singer" in ratings every episode, they didn't have much regret.

Therefore, everyone today is relatively relaxed.

But easy is easy, they also hope to win again, defeating Lu Jingjing and Wu Xiaochun.

It was around eleven in the morning that Fang Xudong received a call from the person in charge of the Sanxiang Satellite TV team of "I Am a Singer".

Fang Xudong was a little dissatisfied, and Sanxiang Satellite TV began to neglect Boyu's production.

There are always people who think that they have learned something and can become a teacher, and the blue is better than the blue.

Youzhou Satellite TV's "Masked Singer" program group's official Weibo had announced last night's ratings half an hour ago, but did not mention the ranking.

Sanxiang Satellite TV has only now notified Boyu to produce the ratings here, so it's no wonder Fang Xudong is not annoyed.

The official Weibo of "I Am a Singer" program group is produced and operated by Boyu. Sanxiang Satellite TV does not give ratings.

Although this is not required, some fans and the public do not need this explanation.

"The ratings are out? How much? It's an increase from the previous issue. Well, I see." Fang Xudong answered the phone for a while, then hung up, looking at a group of brothers and sisters who were watching him, with a smile on his face.

"Boss, how is it?" Xiao Li asked quickly, although he probably guessed it, but he still couldn't wait to confirm it with Fang Xudong.

"Boss, has the ratings increased compared to last week? The other party has also increased, how much have we increased?" Sun Aiyue also looked at Fang Xudong eagerly.

Everyone looked forward to it.

Fang Xudong said with a smile: "The other party is 3.92 this week, which has increased, and we have also increased."

Speaking of this, Fang Xudong said loudly: "We have returned to the top this week and broke 4! 4.05!"



Everyone cheered, the hats were thrown up, the pillows flew up, and the office was boiling.

The second duel, also won!
After everyone finished celebrating, Fang Xudong said with a smile on his face: "Mr. Chen said that every time he wins an episode, he will treat him once. Then, let's continue to eat, drink and have fun tonight."

"Long live President Chen!"

Everyone worked harder.

Chen Ziang was very generous to everyone, including bonuses and benefits.

After Chen Ziang received Fang Xudong's report, he was also very happy.

The ratings are high, Fang Xudong is of great significance, it is also of great benefit to Bo Yu's production, and to Chen Ziang.

In the future, Boyu's production will be gold medal production. As long as the name of Boyu's production is hung, it will be a gold signboard, regardless of who is inside.

Just like a brand, no matter which factory is handed over for processing and manufacturing, as long as it is this brand, the value is different.

Lu Jingjing and Wu Xiaochun of Youzhou Satellite TV knew the ratings and ranking of "The Masked Singer" more than half an hour ago.

Nima, he still lost.

The ratings have increased, but the gap with the ratings of "I Am a Singer" has widened.

The difference was only 0.08 points in the previous period, and the difference in this period is 0.13 points.

The word of mouth is very good, and there are many topics, but I still lost.

"I don't believe in evil anymore!" Wu Xiaochun said in grief and indignation, "Come back next time!"

At this time, Wu Xiaochun is like a gambler, the more he loses, the more red-eyed he becomes.

Lu Jingjing was silent. According to her, it was time to switch gears.

Don't say whether you can win in the future, even if you can win, you can't do it like this.

Sponsor money doesn't come in the wind.

After this period, sponsorship should be scolded.

You fight your way, don't burn our money.

Burning is not like this.

Bo Yu is not afraid of production, their biggest sponsor is QQ Mall.

The relationship between QQ Mall and Bo Yu's production is unknown to everyone.

But there are rumors that the rise of Boyu Production is inseparable from QQ Mall, that is, Shizifeng Technology.

It can be said that Shi Zifeng Technology is the gold master father made by Bo Yu.

"Sponsors will put pressure on us. They spend so much money just because we have the potential to win the ratings." Lu Jingjing persuaded Wu Xiaochun: "I will give you another episode. If we lose again, we will have to switch gears. Even if the sponsors Don't give pressure, we also want to win the championship, this is an honor, if we can get it, we have to win it. We will be the champion when we shift the file to Saturday. The prime time of Saturday, Sanxiang Satellite TV's program will not be able to affect our "Masked Singer" Threats, no pressure at all."

Wu Xiaochun began to calm down, and it took a long time before he nodded: "Okay, I'm so pissed off, the more you chase, the bigger the gap becomes... It's not that big, just a little bit."

Not long after, the official Weibo of the "I Am a Singer" program group announced the ratings, indicating that it was the number one variety show in the same period.

The audience and netizens were in an uproar.

"Fuck, it's number one again!"

"The Masked Singer should be number two, right?"

"Haha, I compared the ratings of all variety shows last night, and "The Masked Singer" is indeed second."


Fans of "I Am a Singer" cheer.

Fans of "The Masked Singer" were depressed and angry, and not so much.

The variety show circle is convinced, "I Am a Singer" is gaining momentum, and Bo Yu produced "The Masked Singer" of Youzhou Satellite TV, winning both times.

If this continues, no surprises, the gap should only get bigger and bigger.

"Youzhou Satellite TV's face is green, haha."

"Short-sighted, okay, kick Boyu Productions away, Youzhou Satellite TV will definitely regret it now!"

"No wonder Youzhou Satellite TV has been in the second echelon before, and I can't live up to it, so I can't help it!"


Inside and outside the circle, people began to dislike Youzhou Satellite TV.

The winner is king!
King Lan Ling of Jiangsu Satellite TV was also in pain.

Both the leader and him are not optimistic about "I Am a Singer", so they are unwilling to start a war with Youzhou Satellite TV.

If I had known that "I Am a Singer" could surpass "The Masked Singer", Sujiang Satellite TV would definitely be willing to do it.

But who knows...

Hey, it's all tears.

Even if Sujiang Satellite TV's background is not as good as that of Sanxiang Satellite TV, it can make up for it with more publicity.

The guests of "The Masked Singer" were depressed. They were all optimistic about this show. At the beginning, they didn't think that "I Am a Singer" could do better than "The Masked Singer".

As a result, "The Masked Singer" was raped again and again.

Luo Bin vomits blood, and everyone in the circle knows that even if the ratings of "The Masked Singer" are better than "I Am a Singer", as long as it is within one point, but because it is a mask, the popularity of the singer will increase, and it will not be as good as "I Am a Singer". Singer" is strong.

(End of this chapter)

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