519 Shocking
The shot is perfect once, and the only thing to pick is the supporting roles next to Linghu Chong—the Wang family and others.

"It was an accident!"

"It must be good luck!"

"In the next scene, he must be scared."

"It's just one time when a blind cat meets a dead mouse. It's just good luck."


Some viewers did not believe that Chen Ziang could act so well, and waited for the next scene for Chen Ziang to be embarrassed.

The protagonist of the second shot is Granny Luzhu, who is played by Li Qiuting as Ren Yingying.

Granny Luzhu explained to everyone that the so-called "Evil Resisting Sword Manual" is actually a musical score.

Everyone didn't believe it, Chen Ziang had nothing to do with his high-spirited appearance, it didn't matter.

But when this was filmed, Li Longji yelled.

"Finally something went wrong?"

Someone with a bad angle or insufficient skill sneered from the sidelines.

In the end, Li Longji frowned, and was very dissatisfied with the behavior of the Wang family: "What's the matter with you guys, your expressions are not in place, you are making a mess, start again!"

The spectators who were waiting for Chen Ziang's poor performance to be reprimanded by Li Longji were taken aback.

Isn't it Chen Ziang's problem?

"Linghu Chong's performance is good. Just like that, if it doesn't work, it's okay. You can cut the performance just now." Li Longji was very satisfied with Chen Ziang.

Just now Li Longji actually suspected that Chen Ziang was due to luck, so the performance was in place.

But the second shot was actually so perfect.

Others can't see it, but the director can't see it.

The director has observed it from every angle.

"It's really good, it's just right." Liu Dong, who played the role of Shi Niang Ning Zhongze, nodded.

"Young people are awesome!" Yue Buqun's actor Wei Zi also praised.

A group of seniors nodded one after another.

Those who questioned Chen Ziang were ashamed. Could it be that their skills were too poor, and they couldn't see Chen Ziang's acting skills?
Or is he biased, so he can't understand Chen Ziang?
In short, neither the director nor the seniors can pick on Chen Ziang's faults, that is, there is nothing wrong with it.

Otherwise, the director would be me, and the veteran actor would be me, not Li Longji, Wei Zi and others.

Today's second shot revisited.

Chen Ziang's performance shocked Li Longji and the seniors even more. He was even more indifferent to the judgment results. He found a place to sit down, found wine, and then poured himself a drink, acting even more decadent, as if everything in the world had nothing to do with him .

Everyone seemed to see the desolation and twilight of a lovelorn person, a person who betrayed all relatives.

He degenerates, he abandons himself, and makes people feel distressed and hated. This kind of depression is just right.

"it is good!"

Li Longji shouted, his voice trembling.

He was in a trance for a moment, thinking that he was making a movie.

Chen Ziang's acting skills can go to the big screen with higher requirements.

Some veteran actors felt that this was not acting, but that Linghu Chong and Chen Ziang were always like this.

"This is the soul character. Every move is the core of this drama." Li Longji trembled in his heart. Chen Ziang's usual "true color" is closer to Linghu Chong. I heard that for this role, Chen Ziang has long been involved in life everywhere. play.

Because of this, Li Longji gave Chen Ziang a chance.

Otherwise, with Li Longji's filming attitude, he would rather not direct this film than accept that a newcomer without any work qualifications directly chooses the leading male lead and the soul.

For those who have never acted before, the record created in history is to go directly to the third role.

Not only did Chen Ziang break the record, he was also directly capped, the first in history, and the latecomers would at most equal him, and would never be able to break the record.

This kind of risk, if it weren't for the aura of the original work, and Chen Ziang's shadow of Linghu Chong, it would be impossible for Li Longji to agree to direct a newcomer to star in Linghu Chong's "Swordsman".

"Being better and better!"

"The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and heroes come out of youth."

"It's amazing!"

The eyes of the seniors were bright, today's Chen Ziang gave them too many surprises.

It's not that they haven't seen acting better than Chen Ziang, but they have never seen an actor whose acting skills improve so quickly.

Chen Ziang just started filming, and his condition seems to be far from the peak.

But this has already compared more than [-]% of the actors.

Li Longji really wanted Chen Ziang to do it all over again, he wanted to see Chen Ziang at his best, and he wanted better shots, although Chen Ziang's performance could no longer be picky.

How will you know if you don't try, is this Chen Ziang's limit?
However, Li Longji didn't let Chen Ziang come again.

There are forty episodes of this TV series, and it takes two months to finish filming, not counting the pre-production, location shooting, and post-production time.

Therefore, the shooting progress cannot be delayed. Li Longji had already wasted two days.

It can only let Chen Ziang slowly enter his peak state in the back.

Soon, the third shot begins.

The Green Bamboo Lady played the score of "Swordsman", but there was no sound of the music, and Li Qiuting played it empty.

Her acting skills, there is no doubt that the empty bullets are just for show. For her, and for many actors, it is not too difficult.

So there is nothing wrong with Li Qiuting.

The most difficult thing was Linghu Chong, he had to be mesmerized by listening, as if rejuvenated from the previous decadence.

Everyone was a little dumbfounded, as if Chen Ziang was listening to the most beautiful song in the world and was intoxicated by it.

Paralyzed, this is too pretentious.

In fact, there was no Mao sound at the scene. The most terrifying thing was that Li Qiuting made a mistake and dialed out the sound of the piano, which was terrible to death.

Chen Ziang was not affected, and was still intoxicated by it.

Seeing Chen Ziang's state, Li Qiuting seemed to want to make her performance more realistic, and she really played.

Ouch, that messy piano sound is so ugly that it can kill people.

Although this sound will be cut out in the later stage, it will be replaced with soundtrack.

But now it sounds really ugly.

Li Qiuting is playing very seriously, but the more serious she is, the worse the sound will be.

People outside the camera covered their ears and fled.

Chen Ziang was obsessed with the scale, and the combination of these completely different pictures made Li Longji almost couldn't help laughing out loud.

Li Qiuting herself laughed outright in the end, and couldn't bear it anymore.

But it's okay, it's over.

"It's unbelievable, this is acting."

Even the old-timers sighed.

There are not many young people like this, young actors, dedicated actors.

Chen Ziang is one of them, he can play the role of Linghu Chong!
In the next scene, after the judgment of right and wrong, Linghu Chong and Lvzhupo hit it off immediately. Lvzhupo found out that Linghu Chong was suffering from an incurable disease, and played the "Pure Heart and Universal Kindness Mantra" to heal Linghu Chong with the sound of the piano.

Linghu Chong admired the green bamboo woman Gao Fengdawei, and he was terminally ill, so he resolutely presented the score of "Swordsman" as a gift.

The two talked very happily, talking and laughing happily, and spent the happiest time of their lives here.

(End of this chapter)

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