The superstar is here

Chapter 52 Please enter the urn

Chapter 52 Please enter the urn
Chen Ziang suddenly became interested, and said: "Dad, you don't realize this now, how important it is to accumulate users. Think about it, as long as you have users, what can you do? On TV, in the streets and alleys, advertisements There are so many, isn’t it just to attract users and convert users? We only need to make this software and accumulate millions or even hundreds of millions of users. In the future, the products derived from this software will be seen by these users as soon as they come up. It's better than any advertisement, just think about it..."

"Stop, stop, stop..." Chen Feng interrupted Chen Ziang with a strange expression on his face: "What do you mean, you want me to make this software?"

Before Chen Ziang could speak, Shi Jia echoed, "I think what our baby said makes sense."

Chen Ziang immediately cooperated and looked at Chen Feng eagerly.

When Chen Feng saw this situation, his lungs were about to explode.

It doesn't matter if the son is messing around, the wife will follow suit.

"What do you laymen know? You beat my head and instigated me to do this and that, trying to destroy me." Chen Feng felt very aggrieved, but he didn't dare to yell loudly. In his opinion, the pressure imposed on him by his wife and son The idea is simply unreasonable.

Chen Ziang said sincerely: "Dad, I am a user, and I know what I want. But you are an IT person. You have been working in IT for so many years, and you know the importance of accumulating users."

Chen Feng said angrily: "I know the importance of accumulating users, but do you know what the online instant messaging tools of mobile operators are like? It is very simple and has a single function. If you help me think about it, I will make such a Software, a tool, how can I make money and develop it?"

Shi Jia looked at his son, what his son said was right, and what her husband said was also right.

Chen Ziang said calmly: "This tool has a single function in the early stage, which does not mean that it will be single in the future. It is actually very simple to make a profit. It cooperates with mobile operators to develop SP value-added service income mainly such as mobile phone picture and ringtone downloads. The number registered through the network Binding with a mobile phone number, making the mobile phone a mobile IM, which can receive information from online friends at any time, and can also develop from the "PC to PC" chat mode to the "PC to mobile phone" and "mobile phone to PC" interactive modes, so that The volume of SMS traffic has increased significantly.”

This is QQ's initial profit model, and even later, it is inseparable from this model.

Chen Ziang studied the world. All major mobile operators have their own arrogance, and even because they are not Internet people, they will not cooperate with each other on the Internet at all. Get the most lucrative benefits.

Chen Feng was dumbfounded. He didn't fully understand what his son said, but he understood most of it. He saw an unprecedented path.

At least Chen Ziang thought of the most difficult profit model.

This is the biggest driving force.

Just like in the desert, no matter how much gold and silver you have, if you don’t open up external channels and turn the gold and silver into liquid goods, it’s useless.

Chen Ziang continued to explain, like a high-level decision-maker: "We initially grasped a huge amount of user resources with free instant messaging tools, but the free strategy also made it impossible for us to obtain direct benefits from this instant messaging tool. How to use this market share advantage Turning it into profit has become an important issue for us to solve. I think our approach is to continue to provide customers with free basic communication services, but also provide paid value-added business services. Use free strategies to occupy and cultivate the market, and resist Competitors. Gain profits through value-added business services such as membership, clothing, props and accessories. This part can become the main source of income for our company.”

Chen Feng was dumbfounded.

The first reason is why the son can speak so well, and the second reason is that the son speaks clearly and logically, like an Internet genius.

Although he is like a big fool, he drew a blueprint.

But this blueprint is not whimsical, but really hopeful, and very promising.

This kind of hope is enough to make entrepreneurs keep going.

For a movie, the investment is tens of millions or even hundreds of millions. Before it comes out, no one dares to say how the box office will be, whether it will be a big hit, but there are still countless investors who invest in the company and persevere.

Chen Zi'ang has already talked about this, and at this stage of planning, there are still a few investors who are not tempted.

At least Chen Feng felt that it would be very easy to get money with this idea.

"Dad, don't miss this opportunity. Don't miss it. Come out early and do it alone. We will do this. You should know that it is amazing to have a huge number of users and then do other projects. Drain and convert users. For example, we To open a website, all you need is a link entry somewhere on the software..." Chen Ziang lit another fire for his father.

Chen Feng's face changed slightly, turning red a little.

The son is an excellent lobbyist, commonly known as a big fool, he is too good at cheating his father, an IT guy.

An IT person of Chen Feng's age is no longer like a young man. He has his own ideas and ambitions.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have resigned and started a business before, and had to go back to work when I failed.

Although there is a bit of prejudice against children between adults and children, what the son said hit the nail on the head. Chen Feng thought about it carefully, and the more he thought about it, the more feasible it became.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t have enough start-up funds. If you use this blueprint to fool around, you will have a great chance of getting financing.

Now that the Internet is developing rapidly, there are several angel investor organizations similar to Chen Ziang's previous life. Chen Feng feels that if he goes to them with this idea, one of them will agree to invest.

The principle of these investment institutions is to cast a wide net, catch more fish, and follow the best.

As long as there is a little hope of return, they will take it easy and invest some money. If they make a lot of money in the future, it doesn't matter even if it's all in vain.

This is how their investments are made here and lost there.

"I'll think about it, I'll think about it." Chen Feng had long thought of going it alone, but because he didn't have a project, he didn't think that was his ambition when he came out to take on a project.

Now, the son gave such a good project, the pie that fell from the sky, it would be too stupid not to think about it.

Seeing that his father had lost all his thoughts, skipped watching the Spring Festival Gala, and even got up to go back to the house, Chen Zi'ang's nervous heart eased a little.

Tonight was really exciting. Before I had any preparation, I made a mistake and made an impromptu attack to pull my father into the pit. This battle was extremely thrilling.

As soon as the father returned to the house and closed the door, Shi Jia caught off guard and hugged Chen Ziang's head, gnawing on it.

Chen Ziang didn't resist at first, but then he yelled and pushed Shi Jia away.

"Mom, you can kiss on the face, don't go anywhere else." Chen Ziang was embarrassed and kept wiping his hands.

"Baby, when did you become so powerful? Mom was taken aback for a while, and your dad was also dizzy." Shi Jia was so happy that she forgot to be dissatisfied with Chen Ziang's dislike of her.

(End of this chapter)

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