The superstar is here

Chapter 529 A bloody case caused by a birthday

Chapter 529 A Bloody Case Caused by a Birthday
After celebrating his birthday, Chen Ziang continued on the road, heading towards his own life.

Shi Jia stared behind him.

A lot of life, never going back.

Can only look forward.

Chen Ziang is not a parent yet, nor is Shi Jia, so he doesn't know the feelings of the people behind him. He lives vigorously and strives to create his own life.

At the same time, he is also creating a world for many people.

A work is a world.

In the past, Chen Ziang thought that shooting locations was fun, like traveling around.

When I actually implemented it, I found that running around every day, there is no leisure to enjoy the scenery, it is all work.

Tired when not working.

Sometimes in order to take a panoramic view, you have to climb a mountain.

Drones don't replace everything.

"The development of green screen is indeed necessary." Chen Ziang sighed.

Many of the current film and television dramas are shot with green screens and then computerized in post-production.

With the development of science and technology, the cost of green screen shooting is much less than that of full live action shooting.

So there is a film and television city.

Otherwise, the crew would move from one place to another, and go to various locations in the southeast and northwest to shoot, and the cost on the road would be too high.

It's better to set up the scene directly in one place and create the scene.

However, the advantage of shooting on location is that it is not easy to have awkward backgrounds.

The background is all computer-generated, and the special effects are not well done, so it feels fake.

Trying to be real, we can only shoot more exterior scenes.

On the eve of Guan Dandan's birthday, Chen Ziang was still out of town, so she called Chen Ziang.

"Zi Ang, can you come back tomorrow?" Xiao Nizi was not in the right mood and was very upset.

Chen Ziang thought about it seriously, and decided not to go back to celebrate her birthday a long time ago, and apologized: "Dandan, I'm really sorry, I'm really too busy, I don't have time to go back..."

Before he finished speaking, Kuantandan hung up the phone.

Chen Ziang was in a daze, why is he so angry?

Recently, Xiao Nizi is very gentle.

Chen Ziang thought for a while and called Guan Tongtong.

After several rings, Guan Tongtong over there answered the phone, but what Chen Ziang heard on the phone was the sound of two sisters arguing.

"Why are you angry if Ziang doesn't come back? He's not your boyfriend, he's my boyfriend!" Guan Tongtong was furious there.

"It's your boyfriend, so he should treat me better. He doesn't count what he says. He lied to me, a big liar. He must have lied to you a lot." Kuan Dandan lost his temper there.

Chen Ziang was in a cold sweat.

"I just like him lying to me. If you don't like it, stay away from him." Guan Tongtong quarreled with his sister.

"Okay, I don't live here anymore, I want to go back." Kuan Dandan shouted.

"You go, who cares that you live here?" Guan Tongtong was not to be outdone.

Chen Ziang was very melancholy, it was right not to be too nice to Kuantantan.

This little girl is not as sensible and open-minded as Guan Xinxin.

"Zi'ang, don't come back to celebrate her birthday!" After arguing with Guan Dandan, Guan Tongtong spoke to Chen Zi'ang.

Chen Ziang was embarrassed, and coaxed: "Calm down, calm down, I can't go back tomorrow, I have to go to shoot."

Guan Tongtong was still angry, she probably couldn't bear her sister anymore, and complained: "This little girl is spoiled, I don't care if I get closer to you. But she is getting more and more blatant, and she will put you As a boyfriend, I still want you to treat him like a girlfriend..."

Chen Ziang nodded frequently in response, on the cusp of the storm, no matter what his girlfriend said, he had to express his approval and support.

At the same time, he was filled with emotions. When he narrowly escaped death and came back after missing that flight, Kuan Dandan was the treasure of the whole family. It is estimated that when she said she would marry Chen Ziang, there were Guan Fu, Guan Mu and Guan Tongtong when she was crying with joy. May nod.

Now, she asked Chen Ziang to treat her better, Guan Tongtong couldn't stand it anymore.

Time, life, can erase the edges and corners of people, and they can also erase people's feelings.

After Guan Tongtong finished complaining, Chen Ziang asked in a low voice, "Is she really gone?"

Guan Tongtong lost most of his anger, and said a little disappointed: "Let's go, carry a bag and go out."

She was still quite worried about Xiao Nizi running around, and wanted to go out to look for it, but she refused to put down her face.

Chen Ziang didn't know what to say, thinking about the jewel of the Guan family, it was almost impossible for him to be robbed of his wealth, so he didn't ask Guan Tongtong to go out and look for it.

Guan Tongtong and Kuan Dandan may not know it themselves. They seem to be independent and often go to the mall to buy things by themselves, but they are actually protected by someone.

But when there is no physical threat, those people will not appear and will not interfere with their private life.

on the street.

After going out, Kuantandan is very good at protecting herself, she wears a mask and a hat.

She herself knew that the night was alluring, even though she was still young, but her figure was starting to be a little curvy, her face was pretty, and she could easily attract men to commit crimes.

The body can't cover too much, so you can only wear a mask to prevent others from seeing your face.

A man only looks at a girl's figure and rarely thinks of committing a crime. He is afraid that if the face is a devil, it will be too scary.

On the contrary, if they have a pretty face and an average figure, or even not very good, it is easier for them to think of crimes or dare to act.

Kuantan took a taxi and went to a cake shop.

She had asked Chen Ziang, and it was at this cake shop that Chen Ziang ordered her a birthday cake.

After entering the store, Kuantandan talked to the clerk for a long time, and finally she paid and carried the wrapped birthday cake out of the store.

At this moment, on Chen Zi'ang's side, he managed to coax Guan Tongtong well.

After Guan Tongtong's anger dissipated, she also decided to go out to find her younger sister. She was probably waiting for her to pick her up in a small village in the community.

In the past, the two sisters lived at their parents' house, and Xiao Nizi was rebellious, so she often ran out like this, waiting for her parents to wait for her sister to pick her up.

After hanging up with Guan Tongtong, Chen Ziang waited for a while and then called Kuan Dandan, wanting to apologize, but he broke his promise, it was his fault.

But the phone didn't ring a few times before Kuan Dandan hung up, indicating that he was on the phone.

Chen Ziang called several times intermittently, but found that Nima himself seemed to be blocked, and every time it rang, it would indicate that the call was in progress.

"That's fine!" Chen Ziang smiled wryly, and ignored her, and it would be best for her to ignore him in the future.

Not long after, Guan Tongtong called and said worriedly: "Dandan was not found, and the call blocked me."

Chen Zi'ang had black lines all over her head. This little girl was a pain in the ass before, but when he came into contact with her, she felt fine.

It's only now that I realize it's really a pain in the ass.

"Don't worry, I'll call my sister." Chen Ziang comforted Guan Tongtong who was a little anxious.

"En." Guan Tongtong felt a little relieved.

One is the man behind her, and the other is the elder behind her, both are supporting her future. Guan Tongtong knew that Guan Xinxin had contacted Chen Ziang a long time ago, and became his golden ally without Chen Ziang's knowledge.

Chen Ziang called Guan Xinxin, and after learning about the situation, Guan Xinxin said, "Okay, I'll hang up first, and ask about Dandan's whereabouts."

Not long after hanging up the phone, Guan Xinxin called: "It's okay, don't worry, I'm fine. I'll tell Tongtong after I hang up with you, don't worry."

That night, Chen Ziang slept until midnight when he was awakened by the rapid ringing of his mobile phone.

 I'm very motivated today, it's three o'clock, give me some encouragement

(End of this chapter)

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