The superstar is here

Chapter 531 There is a kind of love called letting go

Chapter 531 There is a kind of love called letting go
Girls take the initiative, especially girls who are too beautiful to take the initiative. How can a lower-body animal synonymous with "man" resist it?

At least Chen Ziang couldn't reach it anymore.

"Are you not angry?" Xiao Nizi put her arms around Chen Ziang's neck, very happy.

Chen Zi'ang looked at her, and felt that this little girl was actually quite shrewd. She cut her first and played later, but she didn't know if she ran here because she had a fight with Guan Tongtong on purpose.

But he thinks it shouldn't be, how can a little girl have so much scheming.

Guan Dandan's coming here really made Chen Ziang angry and distressed.

I thought she just ignored him, and the relationship would gradually return to normal in the future, and everything would be fine.

At least Chen Ziang didn't have to worry about making Guan Tongtong sad because of Kuantan in the future.

just now……

It seems to be back to square one, and even a step further.

Could it be that reverse growth and becoming handsome will also cause trouble for all beings?

In the past two years, Chen Ziang really felt that he was becoming more and more popular with girls.

For example, when he meets strange girls on the plane and train, it is easier to chat with them than before.

Although he didn't have a purpose, just looking for someone to chat with during the trip to relieve boredom, it was indeed easier than before to strike up a successful conversation.

Sometimes he thought the world had become a better place, people had become kinder.

It turns out that it's just looking at the face.

"How could it be possible not to be angry!" Chen Ziang was a little annoyed, he slapped Xiao Nizi's buttocks a few times.

It's just that this kind of beating is pain, and scolding is love.

Probably the so-called flirting.

"Big villain, spank his ass." She buried her head in Chen Ziang's chest, hugging and kissing did not make her so shy.

After Chen Ziang made the move, he didn't dare to make any more moves.

Xiao Nizi was very dishonest in Chen Ziang's arms, she was a little restless.

The more she moved, the more embarrassing Chen Ziang became. In the end, she was aware of it and held her breath, not daring to move any more.

Chen Ziang wanted to push her away, but she was unwilling.

In the end, he wanted her to move her position, and if she didn't go down, she wouldn't go down.

But Xiao Nizi thought that Chen Ziang wanted to push her away, and she would not let her go.

"You're going to crush me, lift your butt." Chen Ziang cried.

Kuan Dandan just moved his position, not shy or anything, and boldly asked: "You like me!"

"No!" Chen Ziang refused to admit it.

"Then what's the matter?" Xiao Nizi was reluctant and knocked.

Chen Ziang kept complaining, it hurts a lot, okay?

When Guan Tongtong grabbed it for the first time, she didn't know it was fragile. It was like grabbing something. It hurt Chen Ziang, and he yelled, telling her to be gentle.

It was only then that Guan Tongtong realized that this thing is so fragile.

"Go down." Chen Ziang couldn't help but push Guan Dandan, and lay down on the bed to recuperate.

Although the action is indecent, but the matter has come to this point, and he is no longer seen with Kuantandan.

"Ah?" Kuan Dandan realized that he seemed to have hurt Chen Ziang, panicked, and asked Chen Ziang if it hurt.

Chen Ziang didn't answer her, and said under breath, "Go back at noon tomorrow, don't be angry with your eldest sister, I will celebrate your birthday with you tonight."

Kuan Tandan said unhappily: "Tomorrow is Saturday, the day after tomorrow is Sunday, and I will go back the day after tomorrow."

"No!" Chen Ziang objected: "You have come here like this, and my plans for tomorrow have been disrupted. I was supposed to get up early to go to the scene to shoot. Oh, I will let them go by themselves tomorrow. I will accompany you after lunch and send you there Airport."

"I won't go back tomorrow!" Kuan Dandan was very firm.

Chen Ziang still wanted to persevere, thinking about the incident with the plane a few years ago, he was in a cold sweat.

Forget it, let her go.

Otherwise, if something happened, he and Guan Tongtong would not only be in trouble, but they might even be arrested and shot.

But if this continues, won't he be shot?

Chen Ziang buried his head in the quilt.

Kuan Dandan was embarrassed by the side, did he hit hard just now?
After a while, Chen Ziang said without raising his head: "There is a kind of love called letting go, and giving up for love lasts forever, do you know?"

"I don't know!" Kuantandan replied.

Chen Ziang was embarrassed, and continued: "The highest state of love is, if you can't give happiness to the other person, but the other person can have it after leaving, then let go."

"I can give it!" Xiao Nizi said firmly.

"I don't have happiness now, only pain." Chen Ziang said.

"Nonsense, I felt it just now, you love me very much." Xiao Nizi lay down and turned to Chen Ziang.

"That's the elder's pain for the younger, not love." Chen Ziang explained.

Xiao Nizi calmly said: "I may not understand anything, but I feel in my heart that since I love you, I will do everything possible to stay by my side."

Chen Ziang looked at her with a stunning face, making it hard to go against his conscience and say that he didn't like her, but he still said: "Time has passed, and you will gradually understand in the future. There are many kinds of love. You don't have to stay by your side, you have to stand far away." Looking at it silently is actually a kind of love."

"Then can you break up now, can you give up love?" Kuan Dandan asked.

Chen Ziang was at a loss for words, very painful.

Maybe there is no vigor and vitality, so you can't be content with being plain.

She doesn't understand yet.

"I'm 14 years old!" Xiao Nizi moved her body, moved closer to Chen Ziang, and crawled into his arms.

Chen Ziang said depressedly: "Let me tell you, you are already 14 years old, if you sleep with me like this again, I will..."

After a pause, Chen Ziang threatened her and said, "I will put you to sleep. Do you understand what it means to sleep? It's just... just going to bed..."

"I'm 14 today anyway, and you're not considered a crime." Xiao Nizi was not afraid at all, and knew the law very well.


the next day.

Chen Ziang got up early, sent his colleagues out to gather folk songs, and then hid to call Guan Xinxin.

"Sister, why didn't you stop Dandan from coming?" Chen Ziang complained as soon as Guan Xinxin answered the phone.

Guan Xinxin must know the whereabouts of Guan Dandan.

"Did she go to your place?" Guan Xinxin asked in surprise.

"You don't know?" Chen Ziang was also surprised.

"I don't interfere with their private life, and the people below won't report everything to me immediately. Even if I know, do you think I will stop it?" Guan Xinxin's tone was a little cold.

Chen Ziang was silent.

What Guan Xinxin has always been brooding about in her life is that she was determined by the Guan family to decide her fate, but she had little determination to resist and finally obeyed.

People who have experienced this kind of life will face life in the future, and there will be two possibilities.

One is that in the future, you will impose your own suffering on others and control the fate of others.

One is that I am particularly disgusted with controlling the fate of others, and of course I would not do such a thing myself.

Guan Xinxin is obviously the second type.

Perhaps realizing that her tone was wrong, Guan Xinxin said softly, "Is Dandan where you are now?"

"Well, she's still sleeping, and she's in my room." Chen Ziang was a little disappointed, maybe it was the first time Guan Xinxin spoke so harshly and coldly to him, and he felt hurt.

Guan Xinxin's voice became more gentle: "Have you coaxed her well?"

Chen Ziang said lightly: "Coax it well, last night we talked by candlelight, and the topic we talked about most was the topic of 'literati respecting each other'."

"What did you say, tell me." Guan Xinxin knew that Chen Ziang was in a bad mood, so she followed him.

Chen Ziang said hehe: "literati generally refer to literati who write literary works of prose, poetry, and novels. There are three reasons for saying that they are inferior to each other: first, it is difficult to have a clear measurement standard for these works, such as literary spirit and appeal. Second, what they describe is the author's unique personal experience, and immersion in it will amplify personal feelings, while rejecting and denying the feelings of others; third, this is a kind of individual labor, which does not pay attention to cooperation and cooperation. To compare in cooperation, when magnifying personal feelings, you will think of yourself as tall, only see the trees, not the forest, and look down on others. As for why others are not good, let the underestimated to say, apart from contempt, it may not be able to talk about much reason."

"Yeah." Guan Xinxin was understanding and listened quietly.

Chen Ziang talked eloquently: "As for theoretical works, historical classics, etc., it is easier to judge whether the established theory is valid, whether it is comprehensive, and whether it is comprehensive. Textual research and citations. There will be many disputes and even attacks among such authors, but Most of them are not in the light category."

"Yeah." Guan Xinxin noticed that Chen Ziang was in a much better mood, but she didn't say anything, just being a listener.

Finally, Chen Ziang said: "Actually, I think that in China, there is no literati's sympathy, but everyone's sympathy, but ordinary people's sympathy is manifested in short-term words or expressions, and literati's sympathy is manifested in words and media. , it is easier to be disseminated and understood by people more widely, and then form the illusion that literati are less important."

"Did you just talk about this last night?" Guan Xinxin asked after Chen Ziang finished speaking.

Chen Ziang was silent for a moment, then said, "There was a murder last night."

(End of this chapter)

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