Chapter 536
On the stage, five beautiful and lovely children appeared.

They seem to have appeared in "A Diao".

"Walk with me on the streets of Chengdu


Don't stop until all the lights go out

you will hold my sleeve
I'll put my hand in my trouser pocket
Go to the end of Yulin Road
Sitting at the door of the tavern"

The immature and clean singing voice of children is like a ray of light, illuminating the world, purifying the impurities in the hearts of adults and revealing their true hearts.

Only when the aura shines, can we see the original intention.

The arrival of life is originally moved by the instinct of the soul.

How many parents feel overwhelmed when they see their children born.

And at this moment, everyone has this feeling.

Why do adults like children, isn't it because they are clean and pure?
And he was already riddled with holes, devastated, and covered with cuts and bruises.

In the pure and cute singing voice, "Chengdu" came to an end.

The scene erupted into warm applause, and the audience stood up one after another.

Tens of thousands of people raised their arms high and gave thumbs up.

This scene also moved millions of viewers.

"Good song!"

I don't know what words to use to describe it, but these two words are the only words in everyone's mind at the moment.

The other seven singers and the singing guests shook their heads and sighed.

In this part, there is no one.

The combination with the highest number of votes must be Chen Ziang and Weiwei.

But that's okay, there's a solo, maybe even two.

Eight singers, each singing at least two songs.

One is a chorus, the other is a solo, and then the sum of the votes of the two games, the top three will enter the next round, continue to sing a solo, and compete for the king of singers.

Those who did not enter the top three in the first two games can only regret that they were out.

Guan Xinxin's house.

After watching Chen Ziang and Weiwei's performance, she picked up the phone, hesitated for a moment, and then put it down again.

She really liked this song better, and thought it was better than "The South of Colorful Clouds".

more popular.

The stage of "I Am a Singer" is able to bring many songs and singers to the fire.

But it is limited after all.

People who watch this program say that it is too fake to say that there are hundreds of millions.

Tens of millions will die.

There are 20 billion Chinese in the world, tens of millions is a huge number.

However, this is not enough.

If you want it to penetrate various groups, you need publicity.

Artists, superstars, and entertainment giants are more powerful than each other in terms of appeal and energy.

But compared with the government, it pales in comparison.

After the government issued a document, all ghosts and monsters gave way.

"That's right, I'll chat with your uncle when the video is uploaded on the Internet tomorrow." Guan Xinxin sent a message to Chen Ziang.

At this moment, Chen Ziang didn't have time to look at his phone, and all his personal belongings were with his assistant.

And his assistant wouldn't look at his phone unless he called, so he would write it down and tell Chen Ziang when the time came.

Backstage at the "I Am a Singer" Annual Ceremony, after getting down, Weiwei hugged Chen Ziang excitedly: "Thank you!"

Chen Ziang responded politely. When he was on the stage, after the performance, Weiwei wanted to hug him, but he didn't want to, so he kept avoiding it.

My girlfriend is watching from the audience.

Moreover, his girlfriend's family didn't like celebrities in the first place, so he managed to make a good impression on the Guan family, and it would be ruined if he didn't pay more attention in public.

"Come on now, go back to rest, and get ready." Chen Ziang pushed away Weiwei who was still reluctant to leave his embrace.

Weiwei didn't care, and returned to her rest room with a smile.

Guan Tongtong sent a message to Chen Ziang that she was going backstage.

Chen Ziang asked the staff to pick up Guan Tongtong.

Kuantandan will also follow.

Guan Tianyu was not to be outdone.

Naturally, Guan Nier didn't want to be alone at the scene, so she followed.

Guan Dandan wanted to ask Guan Tianyu what are you doing here, but seeing that his cousin Nier was also following, he didn't say anything.

"Why don't you want to watch it?" Seeing Guan Tongtong and the four of them, Chen Ziang asked with a smile. He had changed his clothes.

Dresses are worn on stage, not for real life.

"I'm just curious about what the backstage looks like." Guan Nier looked around and looked around.

Guan Tongtong glanced at Kuan Dandan, curled her lips and asked in displeasure, "Who is it for?"

Kuan Dandan pretended to be stupid and watched Chen Ziang's rest room with Guan Nier.

"I wrote it for you." Chen Ziang coaxed, he knew that Guan Tongtong was sensible, but sometimes he just acted like a baby on purpose, begging to be coaxed.

Guan Tianyu murmured in his heart, writing to my mother.

But he won't say it.

A group of people sat in Chen Ziang's lounge and watched TV.

Sometimes when you are on the scene, the atmosphere is different.

But sometimes, watching TV, you can see more angles and see more gratifying pictures.

Either way, it's hard to say which one is better.

All eight pairs of singers performed, and the voting channel opened.

In the end, not surprisingly, the combination of Weiwei and Chen Ziang got the highest score.

No matter from the point of view of songs or singing skills, this pair performed best.

A song that makes people like it can add points.

"I Am a Singer" program has long been separated from Chen Ziang, especially when it is broadcast live, he does not have to intervene at all, allowing Fang Xudong's team and Sanxiang Satellite TV to control it more professionally.

So he watched TV with Guan Tongtong and the others in the rest room, but it felt weird.

How many people came to the scene, just to sit in the background and watch the scene from the TV?
On TV, eight singers sang solo.

Finally, count the votes for the solo session, No.1 is Xu Ran, No.2 is Lan Yeqing, No.3 is Angela, No.4 is Weiwei, No.5 is Xiaodai, No.6 is Huang Xiqian, No.7 is Tong Dawei, and No.8 is Huang Yihong.

It's time for a tense score tally, as this will determine the top three.

But before that, there were three singers who were frustrated.

Because they don't need the host to announce, they know that they have been eliminated.

That was Huang Yihong, Tong Dawei, and Huang Xiqian, who were all relatively low in the first chorus.

The three of them scored in the first game and were the bottom three.

In the first ranking, Weiwei ranked first, Xu Ran second, Xiaodai third, Angela fourth, Lan Yeqing fifth, Huang Yihong sixth, Xiqian Huang seventh, and Dawei Tong eighth.

Now, without the host's announcement, the only one who is sure to be in the top three is Xu Ran.

Because he was second in the first round and first in the second round, there is no doubt that he must have entered.

And Wei Wei, who was No. 4 in the first round, fell to No.[-] in the second round, hanging.

Lan Yeqing, who was No.2 in the first match, fell to fifth place in the second match, and was also suspended.

Angela, who was No.4 in the first game, rose to third in the second game and has a chance.

Xiaodai, who was third in the first match, fell to fifth in the second match...

The four singers themselves were dumbfounded.

Up and down, the rankings are very close, the host only announces the rankings, not the number of votes, and they have no way of knowing their total votes.

The total number of votes in the two games decides whether to stay or not.

"Oh, it's so annoying, these two hosts didn't announce it earlier." Kuan Dandan looked a little impatient, she wanted to know who the top three were.

Guan Nier giggled and said, "Is it your brother-in-law who hates it any more? It is only hated when he announces the ranking, and he has been condemned by netizens for half a year."

(End of this chapter)

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