The superstar is here

Chapter 551 Double-edged Sword

Chapter 551 The Double-Edged Sword (Third)
No matter which country's capital giants can affect a country.

The combination of several capital giants and big chaebols can even influence and control the economy of a country.

This is especially evident in capitalist countries.

In fact, in a capitalist country, the big plutocrats control the president and the government. Their interests and will dominate the country.

For example, in South Korea in the previous life, the chaebols were powerful.

Many Koreans in China even jokingly call themselves from the "Republic of Samsung", because the business of the Samsung Group is all-encompassing, and ordinary people will not lack anything even if they only use Samsung products for food, clothing, housing and transportation throughout their lives.

Samsung's annual turnover accounts for about 20% of South Korea's GDP. Together with the other three or four top chaebols, it can account for 60% of South Korea's GDP.

If a few more companies are added, the turnover of the top ten chaebols will reach 80% of South Korea’s GDP. Even if all companies not under the chaebols collapse in an instant, the Korean economy will not be greatly affected.

Looking closely at the history, these South Korean companies have been inextricably linked with the government since their establishment.The assets of the first batch of chaebols came from mines and factories during the Japanese occupation. The government at that time sold these assets cheaply and provided preferential policies to the chaebols in exchange for their support.

In the 60s and 70s, Korean dictators encouraged chaebols to develop export-oriented industries, provided huge subsidies and cheap loans for industrial upgrading and export trade, and even directly designated a chaebol to develop specific industries.When the military government stepped down and South Korea implemented constitutional government, the chaebols had become the unshakable main body of the South Korean economy.

With such a powerful chaebol and such close political and business relations, the chaebol will certainly not relax its ties with the government. In the 60s, the military government came forward to organize the National Federation of Economics, and appointed the presidents of Samsung and Hyundai Group as the presidents.At the same time, the plutocrats also followed the wishes of the dictators and organized special political donation agencies.

The political crisis encountered by President Park Mimi was mainly caused by the fact that her girlfriends were too involved in organizations such as the MIR Cultural Foundation, and raised tens of billions of won from chaebols.Prosecutors asked the presidents of the nine chaebols to appear in court to answer questions. They all admitted that the chaebols should consider the impact on government decision-making when making capital contributions.

However, several presidents have been determined to change the fact that the plutocrats actually control the economy.But the power of the chaebols is strong enough to kidnap the national economy, and a little carelessness will capsize the South Korean economy.

For Koreans, what is even more terrible is that after the 1997 economic crisis, a considerable part of the shares of the Korean chaebols have been acquired by Western capital, and half of the shares of Samsung Group belong to Wall Street, which means that the Korean chaebols are largely American assets.

However, there is also competition and strife among the chaebols.It is generally difficult for the private team drawn up by the president to leave no trace of political and business transactions.Once there are political struggles or conflicts between chaebols, these cronies who collect money for the president will definitely be pulled out to show the public. This is the time for previous presidents to stumble.

In fact, South Korea's "constitutional government" has been in place for more than 20 years. Every president has been corrupt, and they have all been proved to be puppets of chaebols.

Shizifeng Technology can't be said to be a big chaebol in China yet, but in the past two years, its rapid development and rising strength have made countless people in the industry frightened.

While focusing on the Internet field, Queen Stone has quietly expanded to the physical field, such as the field of smart phones, such as the field of automobiles...

Alipay is equivalent to a bank. Tens of millions of users deposit money in, and it pays users interest. The current interest rate is higher than the short-term regular interest rate of traditional banks.

As long as the money is within the legal scope, Shi Zifeng Technology can use it as it wants.

In addition to lending to large, medium and small enterprises, it can also "borrow" itself for investment and shareholding.

Indeed, Shizifeng Technology is not only building a closed loop of Internet ecology, but also marching strongly into the real industry.

Some people on the Internet don't understand Queen Stone's intentions, but how can someone like Grandpa Guan Tongtong not understand?
Shizifeng Technology can only be regarded as "Shizifeng Virtual Technology" now, and it will be worthy of the name in the future, both virtual and physical, and it is well-deserved to be called "Shizifeng Technology".

Backed by Alipay, Shizifeng Technology has developed more and more terrifying after Alipay has penetrated more and more into people's lives.

Guan Tongtong's grandfather couldn't sit still, worried that if the helmsman was not careful, he would hand over the results to others.

He didn't think that under normal circumstances, Chen Ziang and Shi Jia would be so stupid, but the market is changing rapidly, and people's hearts are terrifying.

Coupled with ambitious people, sometimes ordinary people can't see clearly.

For example, a gambler has won enough, but because of greed, he refuses to stop, and even wants to get a big sum of money, not only throwing in the winning money, but also suppressing the principal.

No one else knows that after winning so much, at least keep the principal.

But the people in the gambling game still remember these things, and it is not uncommon in ancient times for generals to be dazzled by victory on the battlefield.

The old man is just worried that Shi Zifeng's technology is going too fast and he didn't pay attention to his feet.

"Grandpa, don't worry, my mother is awake. Even if she is not sober, there is still me. I am not blinded by her current grades, and my eyes are quite clear. In fact, I am also confused. No, there is Tongtong, there is grandpa Please help me watch." Chen Ziang said modestly, with the intention of treating himself as the son-in-law of the Guan family.

The old man and the old lady are very relieved, this child really treats Tongtong as his wife and as his own.

Guan Tongtong was a little embarrassed and said: "I don't understand what you usually tell me, so how can I help you read it."

The old man and the old lady laughed heartily.

Guan Tongtong is very honest, and she is far inferior to Chen Ziang and Shi Jia in terms of business vision. She also does not take this path and does not research.

"Remember, going public is a trend, and foreign capital can help endorse the platform, but you must never hand over your shares and right to speak. You would rather lose a little profit and spend more time and money. Even if you miss market opportunities, you can't let go. "The old man exhorted.

"Yeah." Chen Ziang became even more concerned, and after returning home, he also told his mother that Shi Zifeng's technology has already entered the eyes of the country's high-level officials, so he must be more careful in his actions in the future.

Entering the eyes of the state is a double-edged sword.

Use it well, and it will flourish.

If it is not used well, not to mention catastrophe is imminent, but rising will be very difficult, and many good opportunities will even be missed.

The old man raised his head and looked out of the pavilion. The sun didn't come out much today, and it wasn't very hot.

Then, he suddenly said to Guan Tongtong: "Tongtong, take your grandma out for a walk, I have something to talk to Ziang."

Guan Tongtong was a little nervous, Grandpa wanted to have a private chat with Chen Ziang, could something bad happen.

She knows people like grandpa best. Outsiders don't know whether they like a person or not unless they tell them.

(End of this chapter)

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