The superstar is here

Chapter 56 Full Stack Engineer

Chapter 56 Full Stack Engineer
"Wife, wife..." In the study, Chen Feng called Shi Jia outside.

After reading Chen Zi'ang's document, he was so excited that he couldn't wait for a moment. He wanted to start as soon as possible and set up the QQ development framework first.

Shi Jia was cooking, when he heard Chen Feng's call, he came to find him after a while.

"What do you want me to do?" Shi Jia stood at the door of the study, wiping his apron with his hands.

Chen Ziang didn't know what his father asked his mother to do, so he was a little confused.

Chen Feng was gearing up and said excitedly: "We won't be going back to our hometown for a few days, and we will find time to go back and visit the old man's house after the Chinese New Year, okay?"

"Why didn't you go back?" Shi Jia wondered.

Chen Feng's face was full of red light: "I want to code these days, develop the software that Zi Ang gave as soon as possible, go to work and resign after the next year, and then register the company."

Shi Jia was a little unhappy: "What's the matter? It's not troublesome to go home. Instead of taking the train and bus, rent a car and drive on the high speed for three hours."

Chen Feng insisted: "It's just that it's not troublesome to go home, so there's no need to be crowded during the New Year's Eve."

Shi Jia disagreed: "There's nothing to say, I'll go home tomorrow."

Chen Feng's face collapsed.

But Shi Jia looked at his son again and asked, "Honey, do you want to come back?"

Chen Ziang looked at his father, who turned his back on his mother, trying to wink at him.

The wife listens to the son.

Chen Ziang was also a little anxious. According to the development of the Internet in this world, software similar to QQ will appear soon. If we don't seize the market now, it will be too late.

"Mom, this time waits for no one. We are short of money. If we don't go a few steps earlier, those capitals can destroy us. I think these few months are very critical. My dad is right to prepare early." Chen Ziang said honestly, the elders and juniors in his hometown, he has no feelings, he really doesn't care if he goes back or not, he can work harder if he doesn't go back to his hometown for a few days.

According to my father and mother's intention, this project must be looking for financing, otherwise the project will not go ahead, and Chen Ziang is not willing.

In the future, a company with QQ as its core will be a trillion-dollar supercarrier. How can it be short-sighted to sell some shares now?
At least if you are in a hurry to find financing in the early stage, you will definitely suffer a big loss in share allocation, no.

The old horse back then had no choice but to sell QQ without seeking financing.

Now that Chen Ziang has seen the future, he will never allow this kind of thing to happen again.

So now he has to work hard to earn more money, and when his family's savings are burned out, it's time for him to play.

His current way of making money can only be to try to update novels and write more.

The Lin'an Daneng Weibo account can convert some fans to spend money to download songs, but the copyright of those two songs has not yet been applied for, and they have not yet been stored in the music box.

"Why are you just like him, you don't want to die when you work, are you in such a hurry?" Shi Jia let go and complained.

Chen Feng's face turned happy, and there was something going on.

Chen Ziang laughed and said, "Mom, this is not a job, it's a career. The so-called career means that you want to do it tomorrow after doing it today; the so-called career means you have to do it tomorrow after doing it today."

Shi Jia rolled his eyes at him, turned around and went back to cook: "I don't care about you, I'll call my hometown."

Chen Feng was full of joy, he was still his son.

"Send the document to my email, and I'll go back to my room to make a detailed design." He turned to open the browser and log in to the email.

"Dad, our QQ will also incorporate the mailbox function in the future." Chen Ziang said.

Chen Feng was surprised, what a good idea.

"That's right, new features are added every version, and you will be the product manager of QQ in the future." Chen Feng felt that his son, as a pure user, understood user needs better than he, an old IT guy.

"Dad, can you make this software by yourself now?" Chen Ziang asked.

Chen Feng said confidently: "Give me time, almost, I'm a full-stack engineer."

Full stack engineer?
What the hell?

Chen Ziang was dumbfounded.

Speaking of his field of expertise, Chen Feng became interested, regardless of whether his son understood it or not, he said, "Do you know what a full-stack engineer is? It means someone who can master multiple skills and use them to complete a product independently. People, this kind of people are also called full-stack engineers, who have both front-end and back-end capabilities. For start-up companies, full-stack engineers are of great value. Start-up companies cannot be like large companies, with talents in all aspects. Therefore, a generalist is needed, who can handle all kinds of tasks on one shoulder, and stand alone. For start-up companies, it is impossible to say that all kinds of talents in the front-end and back-end clients are ready. It is not cost-effective to hire people for many jobs. There is no way to do it, and outsourcing does not worry about quality, so a full-stack engineer is a coup to save money. Although the salary of a full-stack engineer will be much higher than that of an ordinary engineer, the overall cost will be much lower.”

Chen Ziang was in a fog, how could he understand these things.

However, my dad usually doesn’t talk much, but this time it is surprising: “The larger the project, the higher the communication cost. Anyone who has done project management knows that the manpower in the project is 1+1 less than 2. The more people, the more efficient it is.” Low. Because of the cost of communication, people with different skills talk differently, and the front end and the back end will definitely fight. Everyone will fight for their own interests, and there is no one who is not for himself. And the whole The communication cost of a stack engineer is almost zero, because he knows all kinds of technologies and has a well-thought-out plan, so he can do it all by himself. Even in teamwork, it will be much easier to communicate with different technical personnel, so that one backend and one frontend To communicate, it is completely a chicken and a duck talk, not to mention the designer and the back end. But if there is one person who understands the product, design, front end and back end, the result of the communication is obviously different, because what they talk about is similar to each other. Can understand."

Chen Ziang didn't know if his father was bragging or telling the truth, anyway, he didn't understand and he didn't want to spoil his father's interest, so he could only listen to him continue.

"A modern project is a very complex composition. We need one person to control the overall situation. He does not need to be a senior expert in various technologies, but he needs to be familiar with various technologies. For a team, especially Internet companies , It is very important to have a person with global thinking. I am happy to tell you that I am that person. In the past, because many companies did not understand the value of full-stack engineers, your father and I were in an embarrassing position. To put it bluntly, a full-stack engineer can do everything and nothing. After I failed to start a business, I didn’t meet a company that understands the value of a full-stack engineer during the job interview. Those who drill deeply get paid more." Chen Feng sighed.

It's all right now, come out and do it alone, and understand your own value.

Chen Ziang was in a daze, brother, I don't understand technology, I only know what QQ does, what functions it has, and how it came to be.

After finally waiting for his mother to call for dinner, Chen Ziang ran out as if he had received an amnesty.

 If you like this book, please thank Hua Qiannuo.

  Of course, I have to thank Hua Qiannuo, the first alliance leader in my life.

(End of this chapter)

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