Chapter 563
After getting the certificate from Guan Tongtong, Chen Ziang, who returned to the crew of "Dragon Babu", felt that he was too busy.

On the side of "Super Run", he has to go to record a program every other week.

"Life is so tiring." Chen Ziang regretted following Xu Ran and Li Qiuting's advice and continued to participate in the second season of "Supercar".

The intensity of this work is really tiring.

In the crew of "Tian Long Ba Bu", he is not only an actor, but also a producer and take care of many things, and he is also learning.

For example, some veteran actors changed their lines on the spot, and he was very helpless.

The person was invited by Li Qiuting, and Chen Ziang's appearance was of little use, as he was not famous.

And the directors are Tian Xiaosheng and Hao Jian, who have no qualifications and are still newcomers in the industry.

Although veteran actors say they respect directors on the surface, they feel that they are not much inferior to such directors in their hearts, and even feel that they are more qualified than directors to decide how to act.

The new production crew, and some of the team hired are half-human, making Chen Ziang and Tian Xiaosheng very painful.

But they are more concerned about this TV series.

Explore, learn, and learn from experience every day... strive to have my own real team next time.

When work was over, Chen Ziang, Tian Xiaosheng, Hao Jian, and Li Qiuting ate together every day to make a summary.

Another day at the end of the day.

"Don't save money, hire a professional if you need to." At the dinner table, Chen Ziang made up his mind that all unstable factors in the crew should be eliminated.

Li Qiuting can find a lot of people through favors and save money, but things are not easy to handle.

TV dramas and movies are actually commodities, especially commercial blockbusters, which burn a lot of money.

With limited investment, clothing, make-up, props, etc. must not be in place. In the end, only a nondescript work can be produced.

Costume play is still very troublesome. It is necessary to choose materials suitable for that era, set the style, and find a factory to sew in batches.

In terms of makeup, there needs to be post-injury effects. These are all money, wasted money.

After half a month of filming, many things need to be thought, decided, and resolved by themselves. Chen Ziang and Tian Xiaosheng are very troubled.

For example, it is impossible to shoot all the shots in the studio, so we have to go out.

And once you go out, you need to engage in outreach to prevent the local villagers from making trouble.

Going out to film, without the support of the locals, it was difficult to start the film smoothly.

The price is that the cost has virtually increased.

These are still good, the producers sometimes stick to the budget, and after the money is greatly overrun, in order to save money, they have to find local people as extras.

But some extras, not everyone can afford it, lack the most basic acting skills, and the sense of the crowd's camera is very awkward.

"My fault, no matter how little the money is, I should find professional actors to play important roles in the future, instead of making do with it." Li Qiuting also supervised.

Tian Xiaosheng was also very ashamed and said afterwards: "To be honest, as a new director, I was always in a state of obsession before filming. Although I had a complete picture in my heart, this picture was coherent. I couldn't use my own The brain associates and combines the actual shots into a movie picture. A few days ago, I handed over a large number of lens designs to Hao Jian, the executive director, and the photographer, and spent more time and energy on speaking with the actors. And to ensure that the props do not wear the state, and the reasonableness of various tactical actions..."

Chen Ziang didn't blame him either, and said with a smile: "Did the facts prove that this is not acceptable?"

Tian Xiaosheng and Hao Jian were very guilty. They had failed the boss's expectations and hadn't done well enough.

Chen Ziang didn't care, and said: "The reason why a director is a director is because the talent and creativity of the person who can sit in this position should be much higher than others. Even if you have no experience, you must put your own Talent and aesthetics, fully expressed. Let the assistants implement it, and when you choose to wait and see and learn, the quality of the film has already seriously declined. Of course, if you have a lot of money, you can match it with an aesthetic and talent , not inferior to your executive director, and a very good camera boss, etc., will greatly make up for your shortcomings. I also made a mistake in keeping the budget too low. So from now on, the budget will not be capped. I am willing to spend more Some money, let you grow up, what you need, you can just ask Sister Qiuting!"

Tian Xiaosheng and Hao Jian were ashamed, but also moved.

It's such a blessing to meet such a boss.

"The high-intensity shooting plan that was made before, now relax a little bit. That's the workload of a mature director, and we haven't been able to achieve it." Chen Ziang continued, he had a little overestimated Tian Xiaosheng and Hao Jian at the beginning.

"Yes." Tian Xiaosheng and Hao Jian bowed their heads.

Chen Ziang looked at Li Qiuting: "Sister Qiuting, in order to save money, many people were half-human and half-working. This means that we cannot make demands on them with a serious attitude. When we don’t meet our requirements, we can only make do with it, which is not acceptable. This is a lesson. Can you see if you can terminate the cooperation of some personnel earlier and spend money to find professional ones?”

Li Qiuting nodded: "Okay, some people are not regular. Next time, I will hire a professional and not a close friend. It will be more businesslike to work like this."

Chen Ziang said: "The budget is overturned, this TV series must lose money. We will earn back in the future no matter how much we lose now."

Less money, less experience, and no first-class professional team to cooperate to make up for the shortcomings, this is a lesson.

Less money means that there are no good costumes, makeup, props, and this kind of costume drama must use clothing to increase the texture.

With less money, it is impossible to hire more professional actors, and it is impossible to ask them to listen, see, feel, and have touching performances.

With little money, it is impossible to provide photographers with enough lighting and equipment, and it is impossible to hire first-class photographers who are good at shooting action scenes.


Proficiency in the industry, and excellence.

A good film and television work requires a group of professional people to work together to complete it.

"Everyone, don't be discouraged. It's a good thing that we have encountered so many problems just now. Don't be discouraged. You must be full of energy, full of knowledge and desire to learn to face it. What we learned in the "Swordsman" crew, It is not ours, but this personal experience is ours. I believe that after this TV series is finished, we can all get a qualitative improvement. In the future, when we make TV series and movies, it will be several times smoother." Chen Ziang laughed, afraid of being hit To Tian Xiaosheng and Hao Jian.

Li Qiuting herself was also a little depressed, and only smiled when she heard Chen Ziang's words of encouragement.

"We will be reborn as a phoenix and reborn from the ashes." Tian Xiaosheng and Hao Jian's eyes were full of confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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