The superstar is here

Chapter 565 Happiness is Here

Chapter 565 Happiness is Here (Third)
"Leave before I lose interest!" Chen Ziang lay panting on the floor of the room.

On the floor not far away, Li Qiuting was also lying panting slightly.

"It's inhumane, I'm so tired, I don't even want to move my fingers now, so why don't you drive me away?" Li Qiuting remained motionless, her eyes staring at the ceiling.

"You asked for it yourself." Chen Ziang said, his breath gradually calming down.

"Slow down the speed in the future, I can't keep don't know how to be sympathetic at all!" Li Qiuting complained.

Chen Ziang almost made the treadmill run at full speed the whole time. Of course, Li Qiuting couldn't keep up, and it was very difficult.

"It's enough to take pity on my wife, forget about it." Chen Ziang laughed.

No matter how hooligan Li Qiuting is, Chen Ziang will take it steadily, without being surprised by favor or humiliation.

If he hadn't come into contact with Guan Tongtong's circle, Chen Zi'ang felt that if he entered the entertainment circle as a capitalist, he would definitely not be able to resist the temptation inside.

There are too many stars in the entertainment circle, and there are much more beautiful girls than other circles.

And each of these girls wants to climb up.

Before entering the entertainment circle, Chen Ziang felt that girls were angels.

Once inside, the dream is shattered.

Some dedicate their lives to art, some to fame, wealth and money, and some to their youth and prosperity...

Otherwise, why did Mr. Chen have so many "artistic photos" and "blockbuster movies" leaked in his previous life?
Hollywood is even worse, more has flowed out, and no one can estimate what has not flowed out, only knowing that there will only be more.

Behind Chen Ziang, Guan Tongtong, Guan Xinxin, and even Guan Dandan, let him always keep in mind that he cannot be in the same boat.

No matter how tempting it is, going home is enough.

Not to mention that there are no beautiful and temperamental beauties like Guan Tongtong, Guan Xinxin, and Kuan Dandan in the entertainment industry, even if there are, Chen Ziang doesn't dare to mess around.

"You can't do it, can you?" Li Qiuting asked.

Chen Ziang rubbed his forehead. He didn't dare to say that he understood Li Qiuting's private life very well, but at least there was absolutely no confusion. That's why he was willing to get close to her and pull her into his gang.

As she said, you will become what you are with whoever you are with.

This is the eternal law, although there are exceptions, but people think so.

Li Qiuting has been with Chen Ziang for a long time, they are too familiar, and they have become like buddies.

If it wasn't for this kind of relationship, she wouldn't be so "bold and unrestrained" with Chen Ziang, telling nasty jokes without blushing and making jokes that only adults are immune to.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just a child." Chen Ziang said.

"Heh, you're all married, and you're still just a child?" Li Qiuting despised her, and she didn't want to be here anymore, she got up and went back to her room.

After continuing filming for a few days, Chen Ziang simply packed his luggage.

"Sure enough, it's a newlywed. How long has it been? I can't wait to go back." Li Qiuting came to see Chen Ziang off, and he wanted to go back to Youzhou.

Chen Ziang didn't care whether Li Qiuting believed it or not, and said, "My wife has packed up the new house, and I'm officially moving in today, so I have to go back."

"So you were married naked before?" Li Qiuting said with a smile, "I admire you!"

She met Guan Tongtong, but never spoke to him.

It was precisely because of seeing Guan Tongtong that Li Qiuting had such a good impression of Chen Ziang.

She felt that Chen Ziang was favored by girls like Guan Tongtong, which meant that Chen Ziang must have excellence that she didn't know about.

Otherwise, why did she think Guan Tongtong fell in love with Chen Ziang?

No matter how well written Chen Ziang's novel is, how good the song is, can he fool a girl like Guan Tongtong?

Just kidding, these things can fool ordinary or higher-level beauties, Li Qiuting still believes it.

Li Qiuting has only seen one girl like Guan Tongtong in her life.

This kind of girl is born to be open.

This hang is still invincible.

Li Qiuting felt ashamed in front of Guan Tongtong. She felt that, in terms of appearance, if there were perfect beauties in the East, it would be a girl like Guan Tongtong.

"That's right, there are still good girls in the world who don't ask for a house or a car, but only for a heart." Chen Ziang said.

Li Qiuting has black hair, it's okay to deceive a girl in her teens, is it possible to deceive her?
Although Li Qiuting herself has a car, a house and savings, she is not willing to find a grassroots.

It wasn't that she was snobbish, but that the circles and levels that the two of them came into contact with must be different.

Besides, she just doesn't like such a person who has no ambition, no ambition, and no ability.

Money is not everything, money is not everything.

But money can represent a person's ability and ability.

Even if they were born with a golden key in their mouth, they still have good genes.

There are also cowards, but people are more willing to believe in probability.


It was still afternoon when Chen Ziang returned to Youzhou.

He took a taxi to the small courtyard in Yanjiao, and he couldn't wait on the way.

During the days when he left Youzhou after obtaining the certificate, he went back and forth between the "Super Run" program group and the "Dragon Babu" crew, but never came back.

Guan Tongtong has been on vacation for three days, and he and Kuantantan, who has not yet had summer vacation, moved together on weekends and cleaned up the new house for two days.Official occupancy today.

In fact, Shi Jia was in Youzhou two days ago and helped a little.

Everything in the family is perfect, and people start to live.

Back in the small courtyard in Yanjiao, Chen Ziang walked to his house on foot.

The community is very large, occupying part of the hill.

It takes a long time to go in from the gate of the community.

It doesn't matter, the road is going up, not much easier than climbing an ordinary mountain.

Where rich people live, travel is basically by car.

Not many people hike.

However, the community is very user-friendly, and there are free battery cars.

If the head of the household is really too lazy to walk, he can call the property management of the community, or ask the property management to drive the person to his house for free at the battery parking lot near the gate.

Chen Ziang originally planned to walk over, thinking of it as exercise.

But in the middle of the walk, he saw a battery car passing by, and he hurried to catch up.

The battery car in the community is similar to the battery car for sightseeing, and the young lady happily sent him to the door of the house.

At the door of the house, a peerless beauty stood there. There was a small pot beside her, with charcoal burning in it, and there were green branches on the charcoal.

It is a custom to cross the brazier when entering a new house.

It means dehumidification and evil.

Seeing Guan Tongtong, Chen Ziang was in a daze.

There are beautiful people in the north, peerless and independent.

Two and a half years ago, when he saw her for the first time, he felt that the world could be so beautiful.

Something can add brilliance to a poor family, and one person can also make another person feel that the world is so beautiful.

Chen Ziang didn't know how long Guan Tongtong could keep his heart pounding. He only knew that every time he saw her again after a few days apart, his heart would be pounding.

This is love!

Countless people yearn for a lifetime, but can not get the true love.

It was originally without animality.

Human love evolved from animal nature.

Human love is pure emotion, which in turn inspires animal nature.

Lust and desire cannot be separated, but they can be sequenced.

Love that begins with desire is not pure.

It's just that there are many couples or couples who fall in love just by doing it.

Love is happiness.

Chen Ziang only needs to look at Guan Tongtong to be intoxicated, happiness is here!

(End of this chapter)

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