Chapter 570
Li Longji felt that Chen Ziang played Ling Huchong well, and there was probably no more suitable actor than him.

Moreover, Li Longji also felt that the films he made were generally good, and the acting skills of the main actors were all online.

The sets, the soundtrack, whatever, are top-notch.

He has confidence in the "Swordsman" he made.

However, no one knows whether the audience will buy it or not before it is broadcast.

After thinking about it, Li Longji couldn't help calling Chen Ziang.

Chen Ziang didn't answer!
"Damn!" Li Longji's resentment grew heavier, pretending to be dead.


Li Longji continued to fight.

Unexpectedly, this dozen was more than a dozen times.

Chen Ziang was filming on the set, and the assistant who helped him carry his things, saw so many phone calls that he couldn't do anything, so he told Chen Ziang about it.

"Do you have a text message?" Chen Ziang asked.

"Not really." The assistant replied.

"That doesn't matter!" Chen Ziang waved his hand. He didn't know what Li Longji was doing on the phone. In short, it must be nothing serious.

This old guy is just getting more and more anxious, his stubborn temper Chen Ziang is very clear.

Li Longji is over there, so angry, his lungs are about to explode.

"Tian Shui, you bastards!" Li Longji took his anger out on his boss, who bought out the copyright back then, he was so mad at your uncle.

Chen Ziang called Li Longji back very late.

"Why haven't you answered the phone, kid?" After Li Longji answered the phone, he was furious.

Chen Ziang said innocently: "I'm filming on the set, hey, hanging on Wia today, my waist is almost broken."

He was complaining on the phone.

"It's not too bad." Li Longji felt better now.

Chen Ziang was speechless: "Old guy, can you not be so obvious? My waist is about to break, are you happy?"

Li Longji didn't hide it: "You know it and still ask?"

"Come on, why are you calling me?" Chen Ziang asked.

Li Longji opened his mouth, and after talking with Chen Ziang on the phone, he didn't know what to say.

Before, I was full of resentment and had nowhere to vent it, and wanted to take Chen Ziang out.

But you have to be famous to be a teacher.

It has been more than a year since Chen Ziang played the role of Linghu Chong.

Now that the filming is over, what's the point?

Chen Ziang revealed that he had also complained about his marriage.

How can you complain now?
Li Longji didn't know how to spread his anger for a while.

"It's okay, I just want to care about how your filming is doing?" Li Longji blushed.

Chen Ziang didn't believe it. How could he make more than a dozen phone calls in a row?

However, he didn't expose it, and asked: "I heard that the trailer is out, where can I see it, I'll go and see."

Li Longji said depressedly: "You can watch it on Sanxiang Satellite TV, and you can also watch it on QQ Video Network. You can take a look at it when you have time."

"Was it broadcast on Sanxiang Satellite TV?" Chen Ziang asked.

Li Longji finally had reason to be angry: "You don't know this, are you still the leading role? You don't pay attention to Weibo, and don't ask more?"

Chen Ziang was too lazy to quarrel with Li Longji, and sighed a little: "Sanxiang Satellite TV, yes, the rise of this TV station is quite natural."

Sanxiang Satellite TV is really courageous. The whole station not only has excellent hosts and production teams, but also has elite management.

Chen Ziang chatted with Li Longji for a long time.

From Li Longji, he learned that several satellite TVs were invited by Tianshui Film and Television to watch this TV series.

These satellite TVs include Zhejiang Satellite TV, Dragon TV, Jiangsu Satellite TV, and even Youzhou Satellite TV.

But in the end Sanxiang Satellite TV won the rights to the first broadcast.

According to Li Longji, Sanxiang Satellite TV was very straightforward in reviewing and negotiating with those satellite TVs who came to purchase the copyright. After seeing that the starring role was Chen Ziang, they did not hesitate at all.

People from several satellite TVs such as Zhejiang Satellite TV were indecisive, and they were reluctant to bid for a long time, and the price was very low.

With a big wave of hands, Sanxiang Satellite TV bought the premiere rights first.

"There is a lot of noise on the Internet, do you know how netizens evaluate you?" Li Longji asked.

"I don't have time to watch." Chen Ziang said indifferently: "Besides, I'm busy now, you don't know, how can I have the energy to pay attention to these. After the TV is filmed, I will leave the rest to professional people. I will pay attention to it." It's useless. When it's broadcast, everything will be determined."

Li Longji thought for a while and asked, "How is the filming of "Dragon Babu" going?"

"Let's be so-so." Chen Ziang said modestly. In fact, up to now, the crew has gone through the break-in period, and the most difficult period has passed.

The filming is getting smoother and smoother. The crew of Boyu Film and Television Department, everyone has something to gain every day, laying the foundation and gaining experience for the future.

Li Longji hesitated for a moment, and said to Chen Ziang: "For Tianshui Film and Television, the "Tianlong Babu" project should start soon."

Chen Ziang said with a smile: "Anyone can see that even if "Swordsman" is sunk, they will start this project. Otherwise, why did they buy the copyright in the first place?"

"Swordsman" is about to start, Li Longji was a little uneasy, and said in a bad mood: "What are you talking about, can you say something nice?"

Chen Ziang was silent for a while, and said, "Old guy, you must have been handsome when you were young."

Li Longji had goosebumps all over his body: "Don't disgust me."

It's okay for a man to be praised by a woman for being handsome, but it always feels wrong to be praised for being handsome by a man.

Chen Ziang said pertinently: "I did my best for "Swordsman", how to cut it out, how to post-production, my eyes are smeared, I hope it can have a good ratings."

Li Longji stopped talking about "Swordsman" and changed the subject: "If "Swordsman" has good ratings, and "Dragon Babu" is still my director, if... then it's a bit suspenseful. But it should probably be [-]% still me."

Chen Ziang smiled and said, "Then keep going!"

He has already starred in Boyu Entertainment's "Tian Long Ba Bu", and Tianshui Film and Television, he will definitely not participate.

Even if he wanted to participate, Tianshui Film and Television would not give him a role.

Extras?Lying dead body?Will not work.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that Tianshui Film and Television hated Chen Ziang deeply.

Li Longji has friendship with Chen Ziang, but friendship belongs to friendship, even if he is killed, he will not cooperate with Chen Ziang again.

"The script of "Dragon Babu" is in operation, and I have participated..." Li Longji said hesitantly.

Chen Ziang was suspicious: "Old guy, just say what you want, I'm not used to being coy."

Li Longji said with some embarrassment: "Well, the script may be very different from the original."

More than [-]% of the original authors of each novel do not like film and television parties to adapt their works beyond recognition.

"Did you make a big move?" Chen Ziang asked.

Li Longji was a little apprehensive, and said bravely, "Yes."

After buying the copyright of the adaptation of the original work, if there is no special contract restriction, how to change it is the buyer's business, and the original work has no right to interfere.

(End of this chapter)

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