Chapter 575

The first night when I came to Jinmenguan Xinxin Mansion.

After dinner, Chen Ziang and the other five sat in a row on the sofa in the living room, watching TV and chatting.

"Cousin Dandan, do you play "Battlefield of Kings"?" Seeing his mother chatting with cousin Tongtong and Da Da, Guan Tianyu asked Guan Dandan who was playing with his mobile phone.

During the holiday period, Guan Tianyu was very bored. He often stayed at home alone either doing homework or watching TV, and finally became obsessed with playing "Battlefield of Kings", which is also "Glory of Kings" in his previous life.

As long as the daily homework tasks are completed, Guan Xinxin does not object to her son playing games, as long as she does not become addicted.

""Battlefield of Kings"?" Kuan Dandan looked away from the phone: "I didn't play it when I was in school, I played a few games occasionally on weekends, and I played a little more this summer. Why, are you the legendary elementary school student?"

Guan Tianyu said unconvinced: "I am now a diamond rank."

"Really?" Kuan Dandan didn't believe it.

Guan Tianyu quickly logged into "Battlefield of Kings" with his mobile phone, proudly showing it to Guan Dandan.

"Oh, it's quite powerful, it's four drills." Kuan Dandan laughed.

"I played for three weeks during the summer vacation before going up." Guan Tianyu was very proud.

But Kuantandan's next sentence made him feel ashamed.

"I am Starlight III." Kuan Dandan lowered his head and continued to play with his phone.

Guan Tianyu blushed, and asked in silence for a moment: "Cousin Dandan, did you go black? I am a personal match."

"No, I just played black with my elder sister for a while during the summer vacation. She hasn't been playing for long, and she hasn't reached level 30, so she's already a star." It was Kuan Dandan's turn to turn pale.

The eldest sister is always better than her, and she is better than her in everything.

"Huh, you all play "Battlefield of Kings"?" Chen Ziang was curious. When he was with Guan Tongtong or Kuantandan, he had never seen them play this game.

He didn't know that Guan Tongtong and Kuantandan would spend that time playing when he was around.

Just like some people, in front of the person they like, the other person will never see their loneliness and sadness.

"Big Daddy, do you want to play too?" Guan Tianyu became interested.

"I seldom play." Chen Ziang said with a smile: "I don't have time to play, sometimes it takes half an hour to play. You also play less, wasting time and life."

"That's not a game made by your family. Tell us to waste time and life when it's over." Kuantandan was not happy.

She has been very unfriendly to Chen Ziang recently and bullies him from time to time.

Chen Ziang was very tolerant towards her, taking advantage of his sister-in-law, and if he didn't accept it, he was so unmanly.

"I mean play less." Chen Ziang explained.

Kuantandan also had no way to advance, and no longer ran on Chen Ziang.

Guan Tianyu asked curiously, "Daddy, what rank are you in?"

"Looks like a diamond, I can't remember." Chen Ziang said after thinking about it.

"Let me see." Guan Tianyu was even happier, probably much lower than his rank.

Chen Ziang took out his mobile phone and handed it to Guan Tianyu.

His mobile phone is very clean, there are no small videos, animations or the like.

He took some pictures with Guan Tongtong's phone, but he didn't know if Guan Tongtong deleted them afterwards.

Guan Tianyu found the "Battlefield of Kings" software, opened it and boarded it.

Seeing Chen Ziang's rank, he was very depressed: "It's not a diamond, it's Starlight Five."

"Xingyao?" Chen Ziang pointed his head over to look.

It's really Xingyao.

"I haven't played for a long time. I thought that after one or two seasons, I've already fallen to diamond." Chen Ziang added.

Guan Tianyu felt that he couldn't survive.

Wasn't Chen Ziang the king before that?

It hits people too much.

"Isn't it your family's game that you want to be the king?" Kuan Dandan curled his lips.

"How is it possible? At that time, I also fought hard with my mother to get in." Chen Ziang said.

Guan Tianyu was dumbfounded.

Big mom also plays this game?

Kuantandan also blinked.

Guan Xinxin and Guan Tongtong looked over and were attracted by Chen Ziang's words.

"You... What eyes?" Chen Ziang was a little embarrassed: "During the Chinese New Year, I spent a few days with my mother and some relatives and children to score points."

"I want to score points too!" Kuan Dandan shouted.

"I want it too!" Guan Tongtong was actually interested.

"Take me, take me to the top!" Guan Tianyu was the most active.

Chen Ziang was speechless: "I remember that there are only three or five rows, can four ranks be ranked in the black game?"

Kuantandan and the others immediately felt a little disappointed, it really didn't work.

Five platoons require five people.

"I'll play with you." At this time, Guan Xinxin said out loud.

Guan Tianyu's eyes lit up.

Guan Xinxin played with him for a while. At first, because Guan Xinxin's account was a new one and she didn't have anything, she couldn't play with him. He used to help Guan Xinxin play accounts for several days in a row.

Guan Tianyu said that after playing for three weeks during the summer vacation, he was able to get into Diamond Four, but in fact, he was able to get into it only after having sex with Guan Xinxin in the past few days.

However, he soon became a little frustrated.

"My mother's number is only diamond five, is Dandan's cousin the highest rank? The difference between Xingyao San and Diamond Five is more than a big rank, so they can't play black together." Guan Tianyu said depressed.

Guan Dandan didn't care and said, "What are you afraid of? I'll lose points, and let my eldest sister and Zi Ang help Sankai lead my sister-in-law a few times, and it will soon be reduced to a big rank."

Kuan Dandan just did what he said, logged into "Battlefield of Kings", and went to cheat people by personal matching.

"Don't hang up, you will be suspended if you deduct too many points, and be an actor." Guan Tianyu was afraid that Guan Dandan would hang up or be reported to deduct points, so he would be blind tonight.

Chen Zi'ang is now Star Five, the same rank as Guan Tongtong, one star less than her.

Seeing Guan Xinxin playing seriously, Chen Ziang doubted life.

He really didn't expect Guan Xinxin to play this game.

Chen Ziang thought for a while, took Guan Xinxin's phone, and helped her see the configuration of heroes and inscriptions.

While watching, she taught Guan Xinxin the strategy. She played more with support: "Let me introduce to you the tasks and functions of support, and the main support's build and play style. From Diamond to Xingyao, this strategy is very good for black and white. Helpful. The support environment below the diamond is relatively harsh, and it is not recommended to play the main support if you are not playing black."

Guan Tianyu felt that the happiest moment was this time.

"Auxiliary inscriptions can be used to harmonize the fate of the void, blue can be exchanged for hunting, green can be exchanged for compassion, eagle eyes, and red nightmares can be changed to red moon or whatever." Chen Ziang helped match the inscriptions, but suitable inscriptions are pitifully few, and they can't afford them. , she doesn't play often.

After the blackout, Chen Ziang had no choice but to use Guan Xinxin's name to call.

Guan Xinxin used his number to call, while Guan Tongtong used her own number.

"The support position can also be called the roaming position. The main tasks are vision control, field protection/invasion, support gank/squat protection, and team battle cut-in/protection." Chen Ziang said while playing: "Let's talk about general support first. The process in the early stage of the situation. 1. Going out with gems, unless you are sure that the level 1 group is much stronger than the opponent, and the jungler has the intention of invading, otherwise it will be difficult to get a little experience if you play shoes. Level 1. 4. Determine the strengths and weaknesses of your own lineup and the enemy's level 2 regiment, and decide whether to focus on defense or roaming and harassment."

Guan Tianyu was curious: "Big Daddy, Cousin Tongtong is playing wild, why didn't you help?"

Chen Ziang said with a smile: "Tongtong uses Liu Bei, so I won't help. Remember, when the jungler is Liu Bei Yuanfang and other heroes with fast clearing speed, don't help him. It will affect the rhythm of the jungler's punishment. For example, Nako Lulu, Lulu Na waits for a hero and needs you to help him fight. The first buff waits for him to blame you to throw a skill to level a and then go away, then drive the next wild, stop at half blood and wait for him to come, and continue the cycle. Pay attention to teammates taking over wild When you blame the monster, you stop and don’t cause damage to the wild monster. Wait for the hatred of the wild monster to transfer to you before leaving. The premise is that the teammate on the side will give the buff vision to the other half area. If not, you can help the first buff and then go to guard the other .”

Kuan Dandan also leaned over to listen, playing a role from time to time.

Chen Ziang said while playing: "One more thing, don't take any experience from the jungler and mid laner before level 4. Try not to rub the middle lane after level 4, unless you are about to reach 4. Try to protect the jungler to 4 in the early stage. The advanced level is to do a good job of vision in the wild area and the middle lane, and the advanced level is to detect and harass the enemy jungler. Generally speaking, the jungler will go to 1 and you will go to 4 in 2 and a half minutes. Kill or disable is fine, and then use dragon. If it is really difficult to catch in the lane, or the lineup is very disadvantaged, you can choose to squat. After 2 minutes, the side lanes and wild monsters will rub off to 4 as soon as possible. Try to keep up with the rhythm of the jungler , to see where he swipes and stand in advance to take the next step, have the opportunity to gank the vision, and provide information to help him decide how to act. Try not to expose your own vision to the opponent."

Guan Tianyu was surprised, the calculation was too terrifying.

Play a game and study so deeply?

Guan Xinxin took it very seriously, and said a word to silence Chen Ziang.

(End of this chapter)

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