The superstar is here

Chapter 578 The Happiest Thing

Chapter 578 The Happiest Thing
After the first episode of "Swordsman" was broadcast, people inside and outside the industry who were not optimistic about Chen Ziang were a little dumbfounded.

Nima, is this a newcomer?
I can't even believe it.

This kind of acting, flowing, hearty, like painting with splashed ink, is simply possessed by an old drama master.

"Is this a stand-in?" someone asked.

"For your sister, it's almost the same as acting as a double in the scene, who faces the camera as a double? No one can afford the cost. Movies can't afford this kind of scene, even if a big-name superstar comes." Someone immediately slapped her in the face.

"Oh, from now on I'm Linghu Chong, oh no, I'm Chen Ziang's fan."

"Harvest an idol!"

"Linghu Chong's personality is so pleasing, I just like men with such a personality."

"My old lady once complained about Zi Ang's premature marriage. Fans turned to passers-by. Now passers-by turn to fans, and fans turn to iron!"

"A good man Chen Ziang, big love!"


After the second episode was finished, Chen Ziang completely convinced the audience, and the industry had nothing to say.

When they learned that Li Longji had invited such a newcomer to play Linghu Chong, the industry almost laughed out loud.

Now, one by one blushes.

He was slapped in the face severely by Li Longji and Chen Ziang.

It hurts, it's hot!
How can this be a newcomer?

It is not an exaggeration to say that he regards the emperor.

The Linghu Chong played by Chen Ziang seems to be his true colors, without any trace of acting skills.

Regardless of whether it is Chen Ziang's superb acting skills or his true colors, anyway, there seems to be no actor more suitable for this role than him.

The comments on the Internet and the reactions in the industry brought tears to the eyes of Li Longji and Tianshui Film and Television.

God, the earth.

In the past two years, none of the people in charge of the "Swordsman" project has had a good time.

In the original contract, they didn't expect that Chen Ziang would lie to them, and they didn't pass the Beijing Film Academy's acting department, and they didn't expect Chen Ziang to take advantage of the loopholes in the end.

I thought that only adults like them had thick skins and were more treacherous.

Unexpectedly, Chen Ziang was not bad, even more sinister than them.

It made the entire Tianshui Film and Television people miserable.

Li Longji, who was originally an outsider, was dragged into the game, and he was not spared, and he was even the most angry.

Li Longji didn't know how many times he scolded the person who signed the contract with Chen Ziang.

What kind of stupid, what kind of idiot, how ugly he scolded.

Well now, at least the reviews are good.

As long as the reputation inside and outside the industry is good, don't worry even if tonight's ratings are poor, it will naturally rise steadily or usher in an explosion in the future.

"This old guy, is he about to start getting lucky?" Li Longji's rival, master director An Lushan smacked his lips.

He is on the same level as Li Longji, but the rule of the world is that the strong are respected. He has won many gold cups, grand slams, and is a veritable master director.

Li Longji is still a little short of the Grand Slam. He can't hold his head up in front of An Lushan, and he looks like a junior.

But how could Li Longji stand An Lushan's orders?

Every time he saw An Lushan, Li Longji wanted to make a detour, because he really didn't want the other party to point out Jiangshan's arrogance in front of him.

"Xiao Lizi seems to be on the right track!" Li Longji's other rival, Shi Siming, touched his nose and asked, as if he smelled something unusual.

Shi Siming and An Lushan are directors of the same level, even younger than Li Longji.

But his qualifications are there. Even if he called Li Longji a "little plum", Li Longji could only pinch his nose to recognize him, and he couldn't do anything about it.

Unless Li Longji doesn't want to mix in the rivers and lakes, doesn't want to be in groups.

The rules and seniority of Jianghu are just like that of relatives. Even if I get married and have children, I have to bow my head in front of my aunt who is younger than my children.

"Haha, good performance, all the old friends in the circle came to congratulate me." After the two episodes were broadcast, Li Longji called Chen Ziang.

"You just saw it." Chen Ziang was speechless.

Li Longji was in a good mood tonight, instead of quarreling with Chen Ziang, he said excitedly: "You two bastards, An Lushan and Shi Siming, wait and see, this time I'm going to stand up."

Chen Ziang had a black eye, and he only learned later that in the TV director circle, besides Li Longji, there were two more experienced directors, An Lushan and Shi Siming.

Thinking about it, Chen Ziang suspected that the enmity between Tang Xuanzong and the mastermind of the Anshi Rebellion in the previous life had come to this life?
Not long after speaking with Li Longji, Chen Ziang hung up the phone.

The old man is getting carried away at the moment, old boy.

"Tongtong, why do I feel that your husband is so... capable of acting?" Chen Ziang called back, Guan Nier said to Guan Tongtong with a smile.

She originally wanted to say "cute", but felt it was inappropriate, so she suddenly changed it to "able to act".

In the past, Guan Nier didn't have a good impression of actors. She watched TV, movies and shows, just for entertainment, watching plays.

But now, because there are people close to her who are actors, her impression of the field of actors has changed a little, and she thinks that actors are actually pretty good.

Look at Chen Ziang, he is very good.

Thinking about it, Guan Nier thinks she is very beautiful. Marrying a man like Chen Ziang feels like marrying several husbands, so he can change.

The Chen Ziang Guan Nier saw was not as free and easy as before, but felt that he was sometimes too steady and would not please women.

If such a man were placed in the general population, no one would know his background, experience, and achievements. Just relying on his appearance alone, he would not be able to attract a beautiful woman of Guan Nier's level.

Not to mention Guan Nier, even girls of Wang Jing's level in the past didn't like Chen Ziang.

Even in Chen Ziang's class, there were probably no girls who liked him.

If you like it, you also like Dai Shuai, a boy who is so handsome and loves sports.

Boys who exercise are mostly sunny and make girls feel safe.

Security is the most important thing.

For some girls, the sense of security comes from money.

For some girls, the sense of security comes from the height of the other half.

For some girls, the sense of security comes from loyalty.

"He is the best at coaxing people." Guan Tongtong said with some embarrassment, blushing, she remembered that every time she went to sleep, she was coaxed into various positions by Chen Ziang.

There are some poses that Guan Tongtong dare not even think about, she is very shy.

But she couldn't refuse.

On the contrary, sometimes she also finds it very fun and enjoys it.

Recently, Guan Tongtong has a deeper affection for Chen Ziang and is grateful to him.

If it was in the third year of high school, Chen Ziang would not be able to coax her if he played tricks, but as long as he seized so many opportunities and forced her, she would definitely be eaten.

Once being eaten, Guan Tongtong would feel a little scared just thinking about it.

Because she recently found that she was addicted, and it was difficult to concentrate on other things, and she couldn't concentrate for long.

At the third year of high school, if she was in the same state as she is now, she wouldn't even know if she would be able to get into Peking University, let alone the number one scholar.

Thinking about it this way, while Guan Tongtong broke into a cold sweat, she realized that she was getting deeper and deeper in her relationship with Chen Ziang.

But fortunately, the happiest thing is that she married him and got married.

(End of this chapter)

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