The superstar is here

Chapter 58 Commanding Army

Chapter 58
After dinner, Chen Ziang was speechless when he saw that the book review area was so lively, with thousands of people accusing and scolding him.

In the original memory, rookies with good grades have been criticized, and masters with unstable status have also received such treatment.

Now, he enjoys it too.

There are many reds.

The same goes for Shuhong.

An online literary world is like a small rivers and lakes.

Many book friends, including the author, don't care about the truth, they just come here out of loyalty.

Some authors even had a mentality, hoping that Chen Ziang would tear it up with them, so that they could gain some popularity and attract some readers.

After uploading three chapters, Chen Ziang issued a single chapter again and said, "Don't worry about it, I will definitely pay off the debt before going to bed tonight. One change will be added to each master, and one change will be added to the [-] monthly ticket. It is valid before school starts and during the holidays."

Although Chen Ziang said that he didn't need to pay attention to those trolls, but the book friends didn't listen, and kept tearing up with the people who came to him in the book review area.

Chen Ziang has experienced the real arena, and the arena is much more dangerous than what is described in the book, so he was unmoved and coded with peace of mind.

If it is an ordinary newcomer, it would have been impossible to write.

It seemed that the more noisy the book review area was, the more motivated Chen Ziang was, and his typing speed was very fast.

He didn't update "Swordsman", and now he just writes "Fights Break Sphere". Xiaobai essays are much, much better than martial arts essays.

He roughly did the math, and the speed had reached more than 6000 per hour.

faster than usual.

In his previous life, he didn't get involved in the online literary circle very much, but he didn't believe it at all when he heard that some writers had a speed of tens of thousands per hour.

I'm a little bit more convinced now.

I remember that when he started coding according to the plot in his mind, it was very difficult for him to go at a speed of [-] per hour.

All tripled now.

"It should be faster." Chen Ziang restarted the calculation.

The plot of the story flashed in my mind quickly, and the two hands on the keyboard flew rapidly, showing the story in my mind to my fingers.

An hour later, he found that the speed could reach more than 7000 per hour.

"Two brains are powerful." Chen Ziang was very excited.

As everyone knows, there are several writers with one brain at tens of thousands of speeds in this world.

"Continue." Chen Ziang was completely immersed in hard work, and it is good to have goals in life.

An hour later, he looked again.

Over eight thousand!

try harder.

Chen Ziang's eyes were a little dazed, but he was very excited.

Regardless of whether the plot is omitted or added, continue to tap on the keyboard.

Another hour later.

Nine thousand!
Chen Ziang's eyesight was dim.

He clenched his fist and said "yeah".

At this time, Shi Jia went into the study with a supper.

"You two, shut up in the room after eating, and don't take the toilet with you." Shi Jia complained as she put the supper on Chen Ziang's table.

"Thank you mom." Chen Ziang put his arms around Shi Jia's shoulders, very happy.

Then run to the bathroom.

I'm really in a hurry.

When he came back, Shi Jia was sitting next to his computer.

"This kind of novel is not nutritious. It is better to say that it is a martial arts novel. After all, it has a taste after reading it, which can make people aftertaste." Shi Jia knew that his son was writing two novels, but he did not object.

She also watched some "Swordsman", but she couldn't watch it anymore.

"Fights Break Sphere" she even lost after reading two chapters, even if it was written by a baby, she couldn't like it.

"It's good to make people happy, it's just for entertainment." Chen Ziang didn't care.

The more developed the web, the better.

As long as it does not involve pornography, crime, or politics, and develops healthily, Chen Ziang feels that it may not be impossible to become the Marvel of Hollywood in his previous life.

Because China's online literature continues to develop like this, there are more and more excellent works, and more and more adaptations can be made. The inventory is definitely stronger than Marvel.

Marvel has developed for decades, but in fact, not many people paint and tell stories.

And China's online writers are known as an army of one million.

Even if there is a lot of dross, there is still a lot of essence left.

Chen Ziang pushed Shi Jia away, sat on the chair in front of the computer, and opened the "Fights Break Sphere" book review section.

The book review section for this book is extremely hot right now.

"Swordsman" is quite satisfactory, there are not many posts and comments, and the monthly ticket is not enough to enter the top fifty.

Don't look at the top fifty, but the monthly ticket is thousands of votes worse than the top ten.

In such an afternoon of fighting, there was a huge gap between the top fifteen and the latter.

Because everyone wants to keep their position or break into the top ten.

But now the top eleven is in contention.

The latter can't compete at all.

It can be predicted that the further you go down, the more the top eleven will pull away from the back.

Chen Ziang looked at the monthly ticket list of "Fights Break Sphere", and it has already reached the top seven.

Damn, he was a little confused.

I don't know where the local tyrants came from, and they became popular again, and the Silver League appeared.

"Did I forget to say that before I went to bed tonight, I paid back the previous eleventh watch. Does the later Piaohong and monthly pass still count? If I count my manuscript, it will really be gone."

Chen Ziang issued a single chapter.

It's hard.

A silver alliance is enough for him to drink a pot.

Twenty more.

There are also a few scattered reds.

Plus a monthly ticket plus change.

Can't count.

"Please ask the deputy moderator to count how many updates to add. I can't pay back all of them tonight. I will return the previous eleventh update first." Chen Ziang finally summoned the deputy moderator in the book review area.

My own readers are easy to say, after all, all the saved manuscripts have been taken out and returned, the eleventh update, so I didn't say anything.

But other book friends stopped doing it when they saw it.

"What did you promise?"

"Is it all bullshit?"

"It's all bullshit to say how many monthly tickets plus how many changes."

"So much red, have you fed the dog?"


Some spoke even worse, greeting Chen Ziang's family.

Chen Ziang glanced at it and ignored it. The deputy moderator will delete these remarks.

No wonder the masters don't like to speak in the book review area, there are too many mad dogs.

Talking online is too irresponsible.

Therefore, many people are unscrupulous, lest the world will not be chaotic.

Anyway, no matter how much you scold him, no one can do anything to you.

After another hour of writing, it was twelve o'clock in the middle of the night.

Chen Ziang suddenly discovered that he squeezed his potential and almost reached [-] per hour.

Shi Jia came to urge him to sleep, he turned off the computer, washed up and went back to his room.

When there was no movement outside, Chen Ziang quietly went to the study, closed the door, and turned on the computer.

It's a little dizzy, but try harder during the holidays.

For the next hour, his speed was still not tens of thousands per hour.

He is so tired.

Continue for another hour, but the speed per hour drops, less than [-].

After another hour, the speed dropped below [-] per hour.

He was drowsy.

In the end, he couldn't hold on anymore, and hurriedly saved the document and went back to sleep.

During this sleep, my mind was full of storylines.

I dreamed that I was still coding.

After getting up the next morning, after breakfast, Chen Ziang went into the study again.

Open the "Fights Break Sphere" homepage.

He was speechless.

Monthly tickets have entered the top four.

What is even more exciting for book lovers is that a golden alliance has appeared.

"I don't need to add more, the author can just be himself, and give us the monthly ticket, saying that we don't have true fans, but they have it, right? Just say what the author said in the video, it's worth fighting for him." Golden Alliance Speak up, order thousands of troops, and make the morale of book friends like a rainbow.

(End of this chapter)

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