The superstar is here

Chapter 594 2 Girls

Chapter 594 Two Girls
The next day, after Guan Tongtong learned the song, he liked it very much and was eager to try it.

But she couldn't make up her mind, so she asked her sister-in-law.

Guan Xinxin did not hesitate, saying that if there is anything wrong, it is best to pull Lin Siyan, the biggest competitor.

Guan Tongtong's eyes lit up, what a great idea.

Regardless of her career or her relationship, Guan Tongtong felt that Lin Siyan was her lifelong opponent.

People like Lin Siyan have great vision and a big picture.

Even if Chen Ziang got married, it was nothing to her.

If Chen Ziang was willing to divorce and marry her, she would be happy to ask for it.

What women want more is affection and a sense of security.

Men want more so-called cleanliness.

The two are different species with very different ways of thinking and ideas.

Therefore, even after getting married, Guan Tongtong didn't feel that Lin Siyan was not threatening.

If singing will add a "stain" to the official career, then it will drag Lin Siyan into the water, everyone is the same.

When Guan Tongtong went home and told Chen Ziang this idea, Chen Ziang was speechless.

"I've already chosen a stage name for you, so I'll call it 'a girl'. Join Lin Siyan, then..." Chen Ziang couldn't continue talking.

"I'm married, can I still be called a girl?" Guan Tongtong was a little embarrassed.

"You're still a girl even if you're married, and you're still in school." Chen Ziang laughed.

Guan Tongtong hesitated for a moment, then said: "Then Lin Siyan and I will sing together, let's call it 'Two Girls'."

"Will she agree?" Chen Ziang asked.

Guan Tongtong was very confident: "Sure, I understand her."

Chen Ziang was curious, is the relationship between Guan Tongtong and Lin Siyan so good?

He doesn't understand the world of women.

He only knew that Lin Siyan had a good impression of him and said he liked him, but he hadn't heard her say that, so he couldn't be 100% sure.

When Lin Siyan returned to China, what was certain was that she came here because of the projects and abilities possessed by Chen Ziang.

As for rushing to others, it is also possible, but it is also because of interests and benefits.

Chen Ziang is not sure if he has true feelings.

"Then you can figure it out, two girls are fine." Chen Ziang was decided by Guan Tongtong.

Guan Tongtong immediately called Lin Siyan.

Chen Ziang went to cook, and Guan Tongtong went to cook with him after calling.

"She agreed?" Chen Ziang asked.

"Not yet, I have to meet and chat with her." Guan Tongtong added two spoonfuls of rice to the rice cooker.

After the rice was cooked and the dishes were washed, Chen Ziang wanted to throw Guan Tongtong out, he didn't want her to stay in the kitchen: "Stay away from the kitchen, the oily smoke is not good for the skin."

"Then what do you do when you get old because of the oily smoke every day? Aren't you afraid that I won't want you?" Guan Tongtong refused to go out, and stood aside, sometimes hugging Chen Ziang from behind, watching him cook.

"If you just liked skin, then you definitely wouldn't have dated me...I was so ugly back then." Chen Ziang laughed. His reverse growth is simply a scientific miracle. In less than three years, it is not too much to say that he has completely reborn.

In the past, he and Shi Jia were only two points alike, but now, at least seven points alike.

And although Shi Jia was not as amazing as Guan Tongtong, she was also at Ning Xiaojia's level, even better than Guan Nier.

Guan Dandan said that Chen Ziang was more handsome than Dai Shuai.

Of course, Chen Ziang didn't believe it.

This little girl thinks he is the most handsome because she likes him.

Objectively speaking, if Chen Ziang is compared with the acting commander, the public will choose the acting commander more.

"That's not certain. You stay up all night and work overtime, which affects your health. You don't pay attention to maintenance. You don't supervise you and don't use the skin care products and masks bought for you." Guan Tongtong complained.

"Hey, I get so busy that I always forget." Chen Ziang explained.

But he thinks it's good to have a family and a wife. If he doesn't need to go out, it's normal for him to shave every few days.

The nails are even more so. Sometimes the makeup artist cuts them when she sees that they are too long.

Every time he goes home, what Chen Ziang enjoys the most is that Guan Tongtong sits beside him, manicures his nails and picks out his ears, and Guan Tongtong even helps him put on the mask.

Chen Ziang couldn't be more envious. Guan Tongtong's skin is naturally beautiful, as white as suet jade, very smooth and clean, with excellent elasticity. She doesn't use skin care products and masks very much, fearing that the skin will be damaged if the maintenance is not enough.

Before finishing cooking, Chen Ziang heard the doorbell ring.

"Who's here?" Chen Ziang wondered, Kuantandan probably wouldn't come today.

Living here is inconvenient for Xiao Nizi to go to school, so she hardly comes here during class, and only comes over on weekends.

"Lin Siyan, I asked her to come here." Guan Tongtong went to open the door.

No wonder he cooked two more spoonfuls of rice and made some more dishes, Chen Ziang shook his head.

Guan Tongtong was very independent, sometimes he would not discuss things like this with Chen Ziang.

"This is the feeling of home. I live there alone." After Lin Siyan entered, she looked at the living room. She also rented a house outside, so she ran out to live outside if she didn't want to live in a dormitory.

"Siyan, go wash your hands and serve dinner." Chen Ziang greeted Lin Siyan from the restaurant.

Lin Siyan was also polite, and went to the bathroom to wash her hands.

"Did Zi Ang cook?" Lin Siyan asked with a smile as she came out to look at the food on the dining table.

"Tongtong is helpful, let's see if my craftsmanship has improved compared to two years ago?" Chen Ziang gave the chopsticks to Guan Tongtong and Lin Siyan.

"I just yelled to cheer up and didn't do anything." Guan Tongtong said with a grin.

But then she asked again: "Has Siyan ever eaten Zi Ang's cooking before? Why don't I know?"

She is a little jealous.

"In the summer vacation of the year after the college entrance examination, you and Dandan traveled around the country, Siyan, Dai Shuai, and two classmates helped record the video of the Weibo account of 'Lin'an Da Neng'. It was recorded in my community at that time, and then I I cooked for them." Chen Ziang explained, afraid that his wife would be unhappy.

Lin Siyan was in a daze. At that time, Chen Ziang said that he had a girlfriend who was very beautiful, but she still didn't believe it.

"Well, when I saw Zi Ang for the first time, I thought Zi Ang... was very funny." Lin Siyan smiled, feeling a little bitter in her heart.

In fact, she wanted to say that she didn't have a good impression of Chen Ziang at that time.

I didn't get in touch after that.

As for Chen Ziang, he had actually contacted her - sending holiday greetings in groups.

But at that time, Lin Siyan didn't return and ignored him.

After Chen Ziang sent blessings in groups, he didn't pay attention to who didn't reply to him.

Guan Tongtong breathed a sigh of relief, the relationship between her and Chen Ziang at that time was not strong at all.

The relationship between her and Chen Ziang was stabilized only after Chen Ziang came to Youzhou and Tsinghua University.

Thinking about Guan Tongtong, he was a little scared. If Chen Ziang at that time hadn't been admitted to Youzhou, the two of them don't know what would happen now. Even if they didn't separate, they probably didn't deepen their relationship much.

Unlike now, she felt that she could no longer live without him.

The two are not only physically united, but their souls are also united as one, as if they had tied a knot.

If they really want to separate, they can only be cut off with a knife, but it also means that they will not be able to recover for a lifetime.

(End of this chapter)

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