The superstar is here

Chapter 601 Fa Hai, You Don't Know Love

Chapter 601 Fa Hai, You Don't Know Love

"Is Bai Suzhen missing?" Zhao Ya asked Chen Ziang.

Chen Ziang nodded: "Yes, there will be candidates for other roles, and you can basically be selected after the audition. But for the role of Bai Suzhen, there are very few suitable candidates. Before I met you, I thought you were just one of the forced candidates, but see After you, I believe you are the best candidate."

"Okay, I'll read the script when I get back." Zhao Ya didn't immediately agree, it was unrealistic.

She is not in a hurry to become famous in the film and television circles and film, so she will be selective in filming, and she doesn't take all the films.

The contract she signed with the company back then was not an ordinary rookie contract, she had her own freedom.

It's just that during the contract period, there can be no love affairs, let alone be caught by the media.

After being hidden by the company, Zhao Ya was very calm.

The people in the company felt that this girl had an independent personality, and her family background seemed to be not bad, or she didn't care much about money.

After dinner and chatting for a while, Chen Ziang went back and emailed the script to Zhao Ya.

Zhao Ya sat in the room, watching the script of "Legend of the White Snake" on the computer.

At the beginning of the script, it is the story of the little shepherd boy saving the white snake.

"Please let it go, it's so pitiful."

One thousand and eight hundred years ago, a kind little shepherd boy rescued a little white snake from a snake catcher in Qingcheng Mountain.

800 years later, on the top of Mount Emei, a giant white python broke out of the mountain.

Enlightened by the Bodhisattva, the little white snake came to the world—she was Bai Suzhen.

A poignant and romantic love story kicks off in a shocking way.

Before I knew it, it was late at night, but Zhao Ya was still reading the script in front of the computer.

When I saw Xu Xian said: "My lady, are you leaving?"
Bai Suzhen said, "Master, stand firm and don't cry."Fa Hai thought he had won, but no!We won.What we have, he will never understand in his life.I wanted to be a fairy, but I became a man.He wanted to become a Buddha, but became a demon.We met for the first time in your life 800 years ago. I am a snake and you are a shepherd boy.You saved my life, and I will pay you back in this life.

Zhao Ya's mood fluctuated violently.

Fahai you do not know love.

In fact, at this time, Bai Suzhen has already got the eighth tear, and she can become a fairy.But she gave up and voluntarily walked into Leifeng Pagoda.

Tears flooded the sight, turned into flames, and burned the sky red.

This central version of the farewell scene between Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian makes people cry, and at the same time it is touching and reminds the audience that the love between the two has already transcended the world, and it cannot be hindered by a mere Leifeng Pagoda.

The love between Xu Xian and Bai Suzhen was completely sublimated at this moment.

After Bai Suzhen entered Leifeng Pagoda, Xu Xian went to Jinshan Temple without hesitation.

He chose to sweep the pagoda for Bai Suzhen every day.

Choose to grow old with you.

So, she held an umbrella for him inside the tower, and he looked around outside the tower, gradually getting old.

The Leifeng Pagoda collapsed completely in the end, but it did not describe the ending of the two people, but gave people room for imagination.

Maybe in the end, they don't need to meet again, Bai Suzhen doesn't need to become a fairy, Xu Xian can also age naturally.Their hearts have long since broken free from physical barriers and completely merged into each other.

The existence of Leifeng Pagoda is just to prove Fahai's ignorance and ridiculousness.

He can block their marriage and cut off their communication, but he can't stop the most fearless love.

True love at the end is not that I can be with you, but that as long as I think of you in my heart, I can feel that you are by my side and know that you are always protecting me.

Fa Hai was finally disturbed by the demons and aged rapidly, which also confirmed from the side that the love between Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian finally won the victory.

The CCTV version of The Legend of the White Snake most successfully shaped the role of Xu Xian and corrected the public impression of the scumbag in the new white.

Xu Xian said: Life is only seventy, except for ten years of ignorance and ten years of old and weak, only fifty is left.The fifty will remove half of the night, leaving only twenty-five.How much time did it take to eat and drink tea, bathe and change clothes, work and get sick, and run around?The days that you can really stay and be with the one you love, if you count them, they are actually pitifully few.I have nothing but love for you.

But is it?In an ordinary world, Xu Xian is a good doctor who is proficient in medicine and heals wounds and saves the world.But in this world with gods, demons and immortals, in the face of divine punishment, etiquette, and even Fahai, Xu Xian's sense of powerlessness is really hysterical.Bai Suzhen replied dotingly, no, you are the kindest and most infatuated man I have ever seen in this world.

Infatuation is a man's greatest skill.

Isn't the most important thing that you are infatuated, infatuated with me, and only infatuated with me?
If not, even if you have the ability, what does it matter to me, why should I accept your kindness, your ability?
Bai Suzhen once said: Xu Xian is just a poor scholar, very timid, most afraid of knives and swords, but he has a good heart, is very kind, is very considerate of others, speaks with love, and he also told me that if One day I can go to this West Lake, sit together on a melon skin boat, boil a pot of small wine, cook a few small dishes, and watch the sky full of stars.I told him that I had never seen the stars, so he showed me, and it turned out that there really are stars, exactly as he said.

Zhao Ya was greatly moved to see Bai Suzhen flooding Jinshan in order to save Xu Xian.

Her fearless determination is completely different from the original her.

If the water is affectionate, it will overflow the golden mountain.

As for Xu Xian, he was the craziest, dumbest and most stupid.From the moment he met Bai Suzhen, his affection was everywhere.

Xu Xian once said to Bai Suzhen: "My lady, sometimes I feel that I am such a useless man who can do nothing but love you."

He is indeed a useless man, but at the beginning, he couldn't even love Bai Suzhen.

Zhao Ya is a candidate for the starring role, and I am very fortunate that I can see the entire script.

Some actors can't get the whole script, only their own part.

After reading the whole script, it was almost dawn, but Zhao Ya was still not sleepy.

She played back the plot in her mind and was thinking.

In the play, Xu Xian was frightened and fainted by the appearance of the snake demon for the first time, but he said that it would be fine the second time, and turned a blind eye to it the third time.

He said that whether the tears are long or short, more or less, they are all crystal clear drops.

Remembering that Bai Suzhen was inside the pagoda and Xu Xian was outside the pagoda, sweeping the pagoda for the lady every day, Zhao Ya was a little dazed.

The Broken Bridge is beautiful, full of stars and sparkling.I miss the side of the West Lake, the willows fly, and the snow piles up with smoke.

Thinking of how Bai Suzhen used to flood Jinshan, she said to Fa Hai arrogantly, "Xu Xian is mine, you don't deserve to keep him."

Zhao Ya was deeply involved.

There are fireworks in the world, but there are no fairy tales.

It is no longer necessary whether the two are together in the end.

At this moment, Zhao Ya felt that her mind had been sublimated, and all the previous troubles disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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