The superstar is here

Chapter 603 Wish

Chapter 603 Wish
After bidding farewell to Zhao Ya, Chen Zi'ang and others happily boarded the car and rushed away.

That mobile house, as if carrying a dream of Zhao Ya, disappeared at the end of the mountain road.

Having friends, lovers, family members... so nice!
With a slight blow, Zhao Ya stood still.

For a long time, she didn't know why her nose suddenly became sour, and tears almost fell down.

"The gentle wind

blown across my chest
You and I stand at this parting intersection


It seemed that the songs that Chen Ziang sang to everyone with his guitar in his arms for the past two days sounded in her ears. What he sang was something that everyone had never heard before.

In addition, he also told many stories that everyone has never heard, such as the story of Liaozhai, the story of Nie Xiaoqian and Ning Caichen...

He may be preparing to shoot "Legend of the White Snake". He talks about magic and ghost stories most of the time.

One flower, one grass, one world, Zhao Ya thought it was too exaggerated before.

In contact with Chen Ziang these few days, she felt that, without exaggeration, he was a world.

In fact, it's not just her, the closer Guan Tongtong is to Chen Ziang, the more mysterious and vast Chen Ziang feels.

This kind of mystery does not disappear when they live together, but it is even more mysterious.

If Guan Tongtong only saw the tip of the iceberg before, he has seen more now.

But it was precisely because the more she saw, the more frightened she became, and at the same time she was pleasantly surprised. She didn't know how big this iceberg was, and she couldn't guess it.

When two people get married and live together for a long time, they will definitely get bored and dislike each other?
Guan Tongtong didn't think so at all, she had actually been living with Chen Ziang for two years, these few months were even more intimate, and sometimes they were tired of being together for twenty hours a day for several days in a row.

This kind of life made her more dependent on Chen Ziang. Once Chen Ziang was away, she felt empty and insecure.

When they were together, even if they didn't speak, even if they were in the same house, even if they couldn't see Chen Ziang, she felt safe.

And Chen Ziang also discovered that Guan Tongtong's love is sometimes as hot as a volcano, and it comes from the bottom of his heart.

It may be because of this that she is particularly prone to defeat and beg for mercy when making out.

The mingling of spirit and flesh is not at all a beauty that can only be imagined by a couple who are only entangled in flesh.

As a result, Chen Ziang was a little worried about Guan Tongtong every time he was done, and asked her to drink more water.

At the same time, Chen Ziang also fully understood.

Women are made of water.

On the way back.

Chen Zi'ang, Guan Tongtong, and Guan Nier still took turns driving, basically changing after two hours of driving alone, and no one was allowed to be aggressive.

After becoming a driver, many people know that the fate of a car is in their own hands.

Many schools recruit school bus drivers, most of them require the other party to have children, and instill in the driver the idea that these children are their own children, and the children's lives are in your hands.

"Wow, big sister, look at our songs, the online music reviews are much better." Guan Tongtong swiped his phone to surf the Internet in the living room.

It has been three days since the song of the three girls came out, and Chen Ziang still tweeted it on Weibo.

"When the National Day holiday is closed, more people will hear about it." Chen Ziang was also in the living room, and now Guan Nier was driving.

"Will our songs be played in the holiday school?" Kuan Dandan asked excitedly.

"Of course." Chen Ziang said to himself, he has an official support group, and there are many students in it.

Most importantly, many campuses and students like to play or listen to his songs.

Even if it wasn't sung by him, as long as the songwriter is Zi Ang, or a campus song, it will be popular on campus soon after it comes out.

In the living room, except for Guan Nier who was driving, the other four people started to check their phones to read netizens' comments on the song.

"The years have lasted, the vicissitudes of the soul, the journey without saying goodbye, and the longing for all the way."

"This is the most touching song I've heard this year. I've been working for ten years. I miss my teacher and my classmates."

"It's really touching, inexplicably sad, tears are already in my eyes."

"At that time, ignorant...

At that time, it was great!

Hello youth.

Youth, goodbye. "

"This song evokes my memories. At this time, there are many things I want to say, but I can't say them. I heard this song suddenly in the third year of high school. The possession of the vicissitudes of life, those who love me, those precipitated tears, those forever The vows we made over and over again, we all had a sad and innocent face... Graduation next year, going our separate ways, what should come, will always come. What should go, can't be kept. There is not much time left for us. "

"The more I listen to it, the more sad it becomes. I hope that time can stop, and I hope that I can go back to the past."

"This song brings back so many memories of my school days."

"Even if you are still in school, you will feel sad. People in college miss middle school, and people in middle school miss elementary school..."

"Some high school seniors have already taken leave. Today in the mountains and fields, I heard this song playing on the school radio at the bottom of the mountain. I envy the people on campus. The sadness at that moment will never be forgotten in my life."

"When you're fine, don't listen to this song, it's too poisonous. Every time I listen to it, my heart hurts and my heart hurts..."


Some people were recalling, some were lamenting, and some people began to pay attention to the singer: three girls.

In the song, there seem to be three female voices.

Many people began to wonder who the three girls were and searched everywhere.

Unfortunately, there is nothing online.

"It's very lively on Weibo." Kuan Dandan switched to Weibo again.

Many netizens have long been ranting on Chen Ziang's Weibo.

"What the hell, tricked us into crying again."

"Tell me, who are those three girls?"

"Cheater, when they pushed the song, they said that they were not insiders, and they probably only released such a song in their entire life."

"Is there such an operation?"

"The voice is too nice to hear, but the lyrics are too heart-wrenching."

"These heartaches... say they are mostly tears, but they are poisonous."

"I finally know what it is to laugh and cry, that is, you are laughing and we are crying, but you like it."

"Lake water, your eyes, dreams, sky full of stars, mood, legend, eternal waiting, growth, a door of leaves, childhood dear, spring, journey, vicissitudes of life, the one I love, the one who loves me People, tears, passing wind, vows... oh~"

"Ordinary words and sentences are simple, but full of unspeakable emotions."

"I'm so afraid to listen to it after a few years, I don't know how I will cry."

"Not many years later, I'm crying like an idiot now."


Netizens criticized Chen Ziang because they didn't know the singer's information, and because the song was so poisonous that some people couldn't live without it.

The musicians in the circle almost cried when they saw Chen Ziang's Weibo.

What the hell, such a good song, to be sung to someone who has never debuted?
It's really a wealthy family's wine and meat stinks, and the road is frozen to death.

This damn Chen Ziang.

Some newcomers fainted from crying in the toilet, especially the female singers who wanted to debut and become famous, this song would keep them popular for at least a few years.

But such a song, Chen Ziang didn't give it to anyone, but gave it to three girls who planned not to debut from the beginning.

(End of this chapter)

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