Chapter 619
"Teacher, I may be able to help you in the future with the path I'm on now." Chen Ziang said seriously to Wang Yin: "You are taking the traditional and right path now, but I am taking a slanted sword and finding another path. With the influence of the future Come carry forward our folk songs and promote our music and culture to the world."

Wang Yin was startled, she probably knew that Chen Ziang had such an ideal, but he had never said it so seriously.

So much so that she didn't know exactly what he was thinking in his heart and what goals he had in the future.

"You have a heart." Wang Yin was very pleased, but her face was sad: "But it's not easy, one person's influence is limited."

"What if it's the influence of a world-class superstar?" Chen Ziang asked.

Wang Yin was taken aback, then smiled and said: "If you can become a world-class superstar, fans will like any song you sing. If it really suits their taste, it will be very effective to have fans from these countries promote it. But you also I know that this world is a world of white people, and it is extremely difficult for us yellow people, especially singers and actors in our country, to have a place in the world's music and film circles."

Indeed, on the world popularity rankings, almost all superstars are white, and there are some blacks, but not only are they rare, they are all from European and American countries.

Chen Ziang agrees very much, saying: "Because the western media blackmails our country, and rarely talks about our country's goodness and some things about our country, the western people are fooled. For example, there are a few foreign students from Europe and the United States in our school. I have never thought about how our country is, and I don’t even know what other cities there are in our country besides Youzhou and Songjiang Prefecture... It’s getting better now. There is a guy who really likes our country’s security and food, saying that in our China You don’t have to worry about safety when you go out. You don’t know how to die if you are not afraid. One of his classmates probably died like this. He was shot in the back at school and hanged. The foreign student is quite funny. At the beginning of this summer, He said he was going to Sichuan, and threatened to eat all the Sichuan delicacies in one summer vacation. The first stop was Chengdu, but after school started, he was still hanging around in a street in Chengdu... Generally speaking, those few international students are full of praise for our country , saying that the West reports too little news about our country, and when it reports it, it is unfriendly news..."

Wang Yin smiled. She also knew what Chen Ziang said, and she was very helpless: "So, it is a bit delusional to want to become a world superstar. This is not a matter of one person, it is related to the national economy and various levels. There is a long way to go. .In recent years, it has been difficult for our country to produce a world superstar."

Stars want to expand their influence in the world and have a close connection with their motherland.

With more than one billion people in China, can't we really find eleven people who can play football?

of course not!

It's just that the system of the Chinese Football Association and the operating methods of various clubs make it difficult for a few talents who dare to work hard for Chinese football.

"Teacher." Chen Ziang said confidently: "Don't worry, our media will invade all countries in the world in a short time. They won't be able to see the news of our country. When the time comes, they will be forcibly brainwashed and indoctrinated into our country. customs, culture, etc.”

Wang Yin was surprised: "How to say? There is no media platform in our country that can enter the world-class level."

"Yes!" Chen Ziang laughed, and explained amidst Wang Yin's doubts: "QQ has already entered the online instant messaging tool market in various countries around the world, and in time, it will occupy a large share of the overseas market."

Wang Yin was a little surprised: "Has QQ opened up overseas?"

As an authentic Chinese, Wang Yin is quite aware of the strength of QQ and the QQ media platform in China.

But after going abroad, she knew nothing.

"That's right. QQ is patriotic." Chen Ziang said.

Wang Yin hesitated and said, "Although I don't know much about shopping malls, it will be very difficult for QQ to develop overseas."

Chen Ziang nodded: "It's more difficult, but if you deal with government relations, there will be no problems. Besides, after QQ's listing, there are large overseas capital behind it, and Wall Street is supporting QQ."

Wang Yin exclaimed: "It should be much better after that."

Instead, she asked strangely: "I remember that your future plan has nothing to do with the Internet. How do you know so many things about the Internet?"

Chen Ziang laughed: "Because QQ's surname is not only Shi, but also Chen."

Wang Yin was stunned for a moment, and then said pleasantly, "You and your Boyu Entertainment were denounced by Huanya, and QQ Media has never been launched. Does it have a lot to do with you?"

Chen Ziang winked: "Queen Stone is my mother."

Wang Yin stared: "Queen Stone? Didn't you recognize her?"

"Mother!" Chen Ziang laughed.

Wang Yin almost dropped her eyes: "Queen Stone is your real mother?"

Queen Stone is definitely the most popular star in the business world. Her actions one after another in the business world can be called nuclear bombs, which can stir up the business world.

Recently, her itinerary has been captured by the media. Wherever she went, media reporters, government officials and dignitaries appeared one after another.

In the previous life, Ali and Tencent were not as prosperous as Shi Jia.

Because in the previous life, China's electronic payment has not been able to go abroad, and it has only been raging in the country.

In the previous life, QQ also failed to spread overseas, and could only dominate domestically.

Shi Zifeng's technology is different. Wherever the Tinder Project goes, electronic payment and QQ must follow.

In addition, after the listing of Alipay and QQ, there are capital giants on the platform, and they have developed at a rocket-like speed.

"Teacher, take a closer look, do we look alike?" Chen Ziang held up his mobile phone, pulled out the recent photo of him and Shi Jia, and showed it to Wang Yin.

Wang Yin was dubious, took Chen Ziang's cell phone, and looked at it carefully.

After a while, she returned the phone to Chen Ziang with a strange look on her face: "Okay!"

No wonder QQ didn't go into the water, and the Uniasia PR media was allowed to buy the water army.

Before this, Wang Yin was also worried that Chen Ziang and Bo Yu Entertainment would stink.

But Chen Ziang didn't feel at ease at all, obviously he was confident and everything was under control.

At Wang Yin's level, although she doesn't pay much attention to useless information from the outside world, she understands a truth, that is, capitalists can be kind and can betray any person or company, but they can never betray their own class.

At the level of QQ, it is one of the representatives of a class. In a word, it represents the will of this class.

After QQ chose to stand in line, how could big media such as Wangyi and Xinlan stand on the opposite side?

They are at best neutral, and it is impossible to stand on the opposite side of QQ.

"If this news is revealed, it will be shocking!" Wang Yin said with a smile, no wonder this student wants to start a business everywhere.

He only engages in music and has no money, so he will definitely have to go back and inherit the family property of unknown billions.

"It's not that exaggerated." Chen Ziang said with a smile, if people knew the identity of his wife, it would be more shocking than knowing that he was Shi Jia's son.

However, it is impossible for Chen Ziang to disclose these two identities.

The higher the level of people, the better they know how to keep a low profile.

Temporary vanity and showing off may destroy yourself or your family.

Gaining power now does not mean that the dynasty is immortal and will not decline.

The wall is falling and everyone is pushing, making too many enemies, and if there is a slight mistake, it may be a disaster.

His wife and mother have helped Chen Ziang a lot, but he is a public figure, and there are many gossip in the entertainment industry.

If the identity of his wife and mother could not be revealed, Chen Ziang would not.

Especially the identity of the wife is more sensitive.

Maybe if it is revealed, outsiders are not just envious.

It is estimated that most of them are jealous and jealous.

Then gossip, saying that he and the Chen family must have developed so rapidly because of his wife's family.

There are many poor people and many people who hate the rich.

Knowing the identity of Chen Ziang's wife, if the public opinion is not well guided, not only the Chen family, but also the Guan family will be under great pressure.

Especially after the old man stepped back, although there were not many people who dared to move the Guan family, there must have been some.

"With a mother like Queen Stone, I feel more at ease when you hang around outside." Wang Yin smiled.

Huanya Group is very good, but it depends on who it is compared with.

QQ media is only a small platform of Shizifeng Technology, but it can completely avoid companies like Huanya.


This time at the opening night of the Yongcheng International Folk Song Art Festival, Chen Shishi, Wang Yu, and Lan Yeqing also came, not as spectators, but on stage.

Not only they came, but Xu Ran and Weiwei also came.

The inheritance of folk songs is very difficult. Whether it is for commercial purposes or to promote folk songs, the organizers have made great efforts, and many well-known pop singers have been invited.

The Folk Song Festival is not a public welfare event, and the organizers have spent money to invite it.

Time flies, the Folk Song Festival entered the final stage of preparation, and the rehearsal began to simulate the live broadcast.

This cultural evening will be broadcast live at that time.

In the last two days, the Internet has become lively, the fight between Boyu Entertainment and Huanya has been put aside, and everyone has been bombarded by the news of the Yongcheng International Folk Song Art Festival.

Although it has a commercial nature, it has more or less political significance in it. Not only the major media are taking care of it, but even the entertainment sections of CCTV and various satellite TVs are also competing to pursue it.

Netizens began to turn their attention to Yongcheng, and to the folk song festival there.

"An artist and a pop star are on the same stage!"

"The momentum is so strong! There is Wang Yin in the rehearsal scene!"

"Haha, Xu Ran has gone too!"

"Weiwei is here too, huh? Wang Yu is also on stage?"

"I heard that Lan Yeqing, the king of singers, will also go."

"The King of Singers must go, Lan Yeqing was born in singing folk songs."

"That guy Zi Ang also showed up at the rehearsal, I'll go!"

"Big news, Zi Ang participated in a commercial performance for the first time?"

"Isn't this purely a commercial performance?"

"It's so awesome, Ziang actually went to the Yongcheng International Folk Song Art Festival, which shows that there is something special there!"

"When does the Folk Song Festival open?"

"The night after tomorrow, I don't know if that guy will release a new song!"

"Don't think about it, Ziang attaches great importance to folk songs. This time is the folk song festival, and he will definitely sing folk songs."

"I think so. Pop songs are probably sung by pop singers, but Zi Ang can't sing."


Netizens talked a lot.

Chen Ziang's fans know better. He said on Weibo that he wrote the theme song for the Yongcheng International Folk Song Art Festival, and it was accepted.

"What theme song?"

"Don't ask, I'll definitely know when the time comes."

"Haha, I'm looking forward to Ziang's new song every day, no matter what type it is, I look forward to it!"

"The theme song was adopted, did Zi Ang sing it?"

"No, it was his teacher who sang it."

"That's not bad, Wang Yin's performance is great."

"Zi Ang is no match for his teacher, haha."


Fans are happy and looking forward to it.

Before, the Internet was somewhat dissatisfied with Chen Ziang and Boyu Entertainment's silence, thinking that Boyu Entertainment was too petty and held grudges, and blocked everyone at every turn.

Huanya became the weak and the victim, and won a lot of sympathy and a good reputation, and even the artists under it benefited a lot.

But now, after the news of Chen Ziang's participation in the Yongcheng International Folk Song Art Festival was revealed, the netizens were not all idiots, and began to be a little silent.

Chen Ziang's resistance to commercial performances shows that he is not a money-seeking person.

He participated in the Yongcheng International Folk Song Art Festival, and everyone could see that he was rushing to make a contribution.

Folk songs carry national culture, not to say that popular songs must not have a trace of national culture in them.

But obviously, folk songs are more representative of national culture.

"Silence doesn't mean wrong."

"It turned out that Ziang didn't have time to pay attention to Huanya. He was busy preparing for the Yongcheng International Folk Song Art Festival, writing the theme song, and rehearsing..."

"Suddenly feel very guilty. This is the real musician. They can persist in pursuing their dreams when they can't eat enough."

"Huanya, stop jumping up and down."


Some neutral netizens began to speak for Chen Ziang and Boyu Entertainment.

Even so, Chen Ziang didn't make a sound.

Huanya will use the media, and he will too, but it is not yet time.

Now as long as he does his own thing well, it is the best counterattack.

What's more, Chen Ziang was very happy to let Huanya do this.

How much netizens hate him and Boyu Entertainment now, and how much they love him and Boyu Entertainment in the end.

"Sister Shishi, if you don't use my song, you will regret it sometimes." When Chen Ziang met Chen Shishi in the rehearsal, Chen Ziang went up to talk to her.

"I'll get angry when I see you!" Chen Shishi counterattacked unceremoniously.

"My wife will get angry if she doesn't see me for a few days now." Chen Ziang laughed.

Chen Shishi complained to Wang Yin who was beside Chen Ziang: "Sister Yin, you can see that he is becoming more and more lawless."

Wang Yin couldn't react for a while.

Chen Ziang looked even more innocent: "What's the matter, what I said is the truth?"

Wang Yin finally came to her senses, and said angrily, "Stop molesting your sister Shishi, it's too much, you."

Chen Shishi's face turned red from holding back, Wang Yin's appearance certainly couldn't see the second meaning.

And she saw it.

As for whether Chen Ziang meant that, Chen Shishi wouldn't believe it even if he was beaten to death.

This little guy is full of sperm.

Young men are all so virtuous, there is no salvation, they can only rely on the years to soften the bananas.

"Sister Shishi, I can't help you getting angry, you are not my wife." Chen Ziang said, he really wanted to annoy Chen Shishi a little bit, when he wanted to give Chen Shishi a song, the other party didn't appreciate it.

What she meant was, you see, not everyone cares about your songs, but I don't.

(End of this chapter)

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