The superstar is here

Chapter 624 Kneeling in front of the Buddha for 1 years

Chapter 624 I knelt in front of the Buddha for 3000 years, but I didn’t see the Buddha’s heart pity

It was already past one o'clock in the morning when we returned to the hotel from the party scene.

After Chen Ziang sent Wang Yin and Chen Shishi back to the room, he turned and left, walking towards the elevator.

Wang Yin and Chen Shishi live on the 25th floor of the hotel, while Chen Ziang lives on the 27th floor.

Looking at the elevator, it showed that it was on the first floor. Chen Ziang didn't bother to wait, so he pushed open the fire door and walked upstairs from the stairs.

When he walked out of the stairs and entered the 27th floor, he was a little stunned.

Wang Yu just walked out of the elevator next to him.

"Sister Yu, you just came back?" Chen Ziang laughed after being stunned for a while.

He knew that Wang Yu lived on the same floor as him.

Seeing Chen Ziang, Wang Yu was also taken aback, and said, "Well, how did you get out of the escape route?"

"Send the teacher and Sister Shishi back to the room. When I came back, I saw the elevator went to the first floor, so I slowly climbed up." Chen Ziang said: "It's supposed to be exercise, and I haven't exercised much these days."

"Yeah." Wang Yu knew that Wang Yin and Chen Shishi lived on the 25th floor: "Take me back to my room too."

Chen Ziang hesitated for a moment.

"Isn't it lack of exercise?" Wang Yu walked past Chen Ziang.

Chen Ziang had no choice but to follow behind Wang Yu.

Wang Yu opened the door, and after entering, she saw Chen Ziang still standing outside, holding the door and said openly, "Come in!"

Chen Ziang looked at Wang Yu.

Wang Yu glanced at him, let go of the hand on the door, turned and went back to the room.

Chen Ziang had no choice but to go in and close the door.

When he entered the living room, Wang Yu had already taken out a mineral water bottle and a disposable cup and poured water for him.

"I'll take a shower first." Wang Yu said to Chen Ziang after pouring water and turning on the TV.

Chen Ziang picked up the water glass, took a sip of water, then put it down, staring at the TV screen in a daze.

The sound of the TV was very low, and the sound of water splashing in the bathroom came.

Chen Ziang suddenly saw a book and a string of Buddhist beads on the corner of the sofa.

He leaned over and picked up the book casually.

It is Buddhist scriptures!
Chen Ziang wondered, when did Wang Yu start reading Buddhist scriptures?
After thinking about it, Chen Ziang was speechless. It really is the environment that affects people.

There are at least three people in the company who belong to the Buddhist family, namely: Xu Ran, Yi Chu, and Wang Yu.

Lan Yeqing seems to be more intelligent recently.

These few have all experienced emotional failure.

After turning around for a while, Wang Yu came out of the bathroom, wearing pajamas, with wet hair.

"Have you been influenced by Brother Xu recently?" Chen Ziang asked while holding up the book in his hand.

"He was influenced by me, I recommend him to read more books like this." Wang Yu said.

Chen Ziang was in a cold sweat: "Don't bring him into the pit, he still wants to start a family, and he doesn't have any children yet."

"Look, this doesn't affect marriage and childbirth, it's just for the sake of understanding." Wang Yu said indifferently.

"It's good to have a spiritual support." Chen Ziang didn't know what to say, and wanted to go back now, but it would definitely hurt Wang Yu, and he was very entangled.

Seeing Chen Ziang's situation, Wang Yu wiped his hair and asked, "Do you want to go back to your room?"

Chen Ziang didn't speak.

Wang Yu wiped her hair and looked at the coffee table: "His house is rarely home, and he would not take the initiative when I come back. Like this, after a long time, I will not take the initiative."

Chen Ziang didn't speak.

The law stipulates monogamy, and young male compatriots think it is to protect women, but in fact it is to protect men.

A beauty like Wang Yu would fall into this situation.

In a person's life, at least 20 years, it is impossible to avoid the physiological needs.

Just like hunger and thirst cannot be avoided.

"Don't talk about the mundane world, let's discuss Buddhism." Chen Ziang said.

Wang Yu said with a smile: "I don't really like Buddhists, they are more ostentatious. But knowing that many of them are deceitful, they are still willing to be deceived. This is the saddest thing."

It's sad, but Wang Yu doesn't necessarily feel sad.

She's probably used to it.

Chen Ziang had no choice but to say, "I have knelt in front of the Buddha for 3000 years, but I have not seen my Buddha's heart feel pity. It is because the dust covered the Buddha's eyes, so it was because the incense money was not offered. If the Buddha is not greedy, why should the world worship it? The Buddha does not love vanity, Why do people kneel down to worship? I have a Buddha in my heart, but the Buddha has no self. After suffering all the suffering in the world, I asked the Buddha, and the Buddha said: Everything has a definite number. I didn't see anyone in the transition."

Wang Yu looked at Chen Ziang with scorching eyes: "It's still you who can say what's on my mind."

Chen Ziang shook his head: "Actually, I'm also bluffing and deceiving. There is still a solution to these words."

Wang Yu nodded: "Many people understand the truth, it depends on whether they are willing to be deceived... explain it to me."

Chen Ziang said: "'Kneeling in front of the Buddha for 3000 years', I have never seen you recite the name of the Buddha; 'I have not seen my Buddha's heart pity', my heart is a Buddha, and I don't even pity myself, who is waiting for pity?" Mo It’s dust that covers the Buddha’s eyes’, in fact, your heart is covered; ‘You didn’t offer incense money’, you don’t know your heart, so what’s the use of giving?…”

Wang Yu handed the towel to Chen Ziang, with her back to him, her long hair hanging down on the sofa.

Chen Ziang understood what she meant, and rubbed her hair with a towel.

It is very troublesome for women to have long hair, and it takes time to wash their hair every time.

And the hair falls out easily.

Don't look at the beautiful hair of Guan Tongtong and Kuan Dandan at home, once washed, the hair falls all over the floor.

If Chen Ziang had dropped that much every time he took a bath, he would have been bald long ago.

One hair they lost was worth all the hair he lost in one bath.

"Don't you have any faith?" Wang Yu asked with her back to Chen Ziang. Actually, she could use a hair dryer, but she didn't want to use it. She wanted to find someone, like Chen Ziang, to talk to.

She felt like she had nothing but her children, and if she had anything to say about her wealth, it was only time.

"Yes, my wife!" Chen Ziang said.

Wang Yu froze slightly, and said for a while: "I used to have such beliefs, but the time is terrible, my beliefs have not been wiped out much, and the other party left... Life is as plain as plain water, and people will seek changes. , not reconciled."

"Love develops to the end, and the best ending is to become a responsibility, relatives. Many families are like this." Chen Ziang said.

"Most of them are families with relatively poor economic conditions and running around all day for their livelihood. When they are rich, they don't have the pressure to survive, so they have the conditions and energy to do other things, such as messing around with men and women." Wang Yu said, seeing it very thoroughly. .

Chen Ziang didn't know what to say, Wang Yu asked with a smile: "You don't like Buddha, so do you like Taoism?"

Chen Ziang thought for a while, nodded and said: "Looking at history, in troubled times, the Buddha closed the mountain gate and did not care about world affairs. Taoism led the people to go out of the mountain and hang pots to help the world. But in peaceful and prosperous times, the Buddha said to save all living beings and save the world. Taoism retreated to the mountains and forests to understand Taoism. Now I don’t see Buddha crossing people, only Buddha plated with gold. I don’t see monks eating fast and reciting scriptures, but bald donkeys wearing gold and silver.”

Wang Yu was thoughtful, but he saw the monks descending to Huazhai, but no Taoist priests.

Why can Taoist priests support themselves but monks cannot?

(End of this chapter)

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