The superstar is here

Chapter 630 Pig Teammates

Chapter 630 Pig Teammates

Jiangsu Satellite TV.

Lan Lingwang sat in the office.

The person under his hand had just opened the door and left. He rubbed his stiff face, and there was a trace of helplessness deep in his eyes.

He always knew that Boyu Productions and Sanxiang Satellite TV had a disagreement.

Boyu made a big move to block Uniasia, and Sujiang Satellite TV's "Supercar" program gave full support.

Even on other variety shows, King Lan Ling is very loyal, and he doesn't need the artists of Huanya if he can.

According to him, if other variety shows were not involved in other relations, such as sponsors, such as favors in the station, he would have ordered a complete ban on Uniasia.

It's a pity that he doesn't have that much courage, nor does he have that much ability.

"This is an excellent opportunity to win over Boyu's production." King Lanling gritted his teeth.

Sanxiang Satellite TV has been carried away with complacency, and with their usual style of doing things, they don't allow and are not afraid of Boyu's production.

It's a big deal.

Sanxiang Satellite TV is also full of talents. Without one Boyu producer, their ace programs and phenomenal programs are enough for them to be firmly established as the number one satellite TV in the country.

The reason why Sanxiang Satellite TV's Variety Department dared to let go of Bo Yu's production was related to Chen Zi'ang's shift of focus.

The outside world may not know how high Chen Ziang's status and ability are in the variety show industry, but Wang Dan, Lan Lingwang and other people at the top of the food chain in this field, how can they not know.

In addition, many phenomenal programs, after the third season, have begun to show weak successors.

The second season of "I Am a Singer" is still broadcast on Sanxiang Satellite TV. As for the third season...

The role of Sanxiang Wei's visual production of Boyu has basically come to an end.

In this way, Sanxiang Satellite TV began to look out for others, and no longer had to worry about Boyu's production.

"Sanxiang Satellite TV is angry with Chen Ziang and Boyu's production. With the nature of Chen Ziang and Boyu's production, it must be shot, otherwise there will be no new program!" Lan Ling Wang's face was filled with frustration.

As for the Variety Department, he still controls the stage and has most of the right to speak.

But in other departments, he can't intervene.

Yesterday he heard that the TV series of Boyu Film and Television had been suppressed and would only be broadcast in the second half of next year.

This is not a small blow to Boyu Entertainment.

Boyu Entertainment is seeking to develop in the direction of film and television, and urgently needs to make achievements.

For better or worse, early results are important.

As a result, his teammates didn't know what was going on, and blocked the way for Boyu Entertainment to make great strides.

As such...

Today Lan Ling Wang received a big news about Bo Yu's new program.

Boyu Productions got in touch with the Variety Show Department of Zhejiang Satellite TV, and the contact person was Niu Wanli, the boss of the variety show department of Zhejiang Satellite TV.

There is no doubt that Boyu Productions has given up on Sujiang Satellite TV.

Even if he did not negotiate with Zhejiang Satellite TV, Boyu Production would not choose Jiangsu Satellite TV again.

"A group of pig teammates!" Lan Lingwang had evil spirits in his eyes.

Teammates are so good at Boyu Film and Television, how can Boyu continue to cooperate with Sujiang Satellite TV in the new program produced by Boyu?

Even Lanling Wang was worried that Boyu Productions would take "Supercar" away.

In the first two seasons of "Supercar", each season became more and more popular, and even each episode was more powerful than the last.

As long as the game design is good, the third season can't be said to surpass the first two seasons, at least it won't be worse than the first season.

For such a program, Lanling Wang is not worried about flying away.

Although the preparations for the third season have already started, it is still far away from recording.

It is not impossible for something to happen in the middle.

The worst case is that Bo Yu's production breaks the contract, and the second worst case is that Bo Yu's production fails to work hard and the program is abandoned.

The second possibility is very likely.

It is said that Boyu is not short of money for production, and Chen Ziang doesn't care about money.

Not long after sitting there, King Lanling made a phone call and called for his assistant.

"Book a ticket and get ready. I'll take a trip to Youzhou tomorrow." Lan Lingwang said to his assistant. The new program still needs to be fought for. If it doesn't work, "Super Run" must be preserved.


Chen Ziang has been working in the recording studio for the past two days, and the soundtrack of "Dragon Babu" has been completed, except for the theme song.

Cantonese songs once had a glorious time and were popular for 30 to [-] years.

Back then, entertainment in Hong Kong and Taiwan was extremely developed, comparable to Hollywood.

It's a pity that in any field, if you want to be famous in the world, it always has something to do with the backing of the country.

Cantonese songs flourished and then declined, and nowadays popular songs are almost all Mandarin songs.

As the mainland developed, people's living standards improved.

"Why do you want to sing the Cantonese version of the song?" Xu Ran was very surprised that what Chen Ziang recorded was "The Sutra of Difficult to Read".

"Isn't Cantonese pretty good?" Chen Ziang said with a smile.

When the Republic of China was founded, someone in the first Congress proposed that Cantonese be the national language.At that time, there were just over half of the members of Congress from Guangdong Province, and it seemed that there would be no problem in passing this bill.However, the interim president, who is from Guangdong Province, persuaded Cantonese congressmen to give up using Cantonese as the national language in order to take into account the overall situation of the revolution.

As a result, the national language has always been the current one.

"Cantonese is quite good, do you want to do something good again?" Xu Ran smiled.

Cantonese, also commonly known as vernacular, or Tanghua overseas, is a tonal language of the Chinese family of the Sino-Tibetan language family, one of the seven major dialects in China, and the mother tongue of the Guangfu ethnic group of the Han nationality.

Cantonese originated from the ancient Central Plains dialect, which has a complete set of nine tones and six tones, and perfectly retains the characteristics of ancient Chinese.In China's Guangdong and Guangxi provinces, Cantonese is the mother tongue of many people.

"No, I just think that singing in Cantonese is better. Those who want to understand, naturally understand, and those who don't want to understand, just pass it by." Chen Ziang said Xu Ran's puzzled words.

"I heard from Qiu Ting that the lyrics of this song are very suitable for the story of "Tian Long Ba Bu". I want to read the original work." Xu Ran said.

"Then let's see." Chen Ziang said.

Xu Ran was a little embarrassed: "If someone I don't know writes it, I can read it, but if you write it, an acquaintance who is always dangling in front of me, it is easy for me to read it, and I can't read it."

Xu Ran had really watched "Dragon Babu", but he felt weird and couldn't watch it.

"You have a mental problem. It's a disease that needs to be cured." Chen Ziang said seriously.

Xu Ran was a little melancholy: "Why can't I watch your performance of "Swordsman"?"

"I told you that you have mental problems." Chen Ziang stood up, patted his ass and left.

Xu Ran hung up his earphones and continued to listen to Chen Ziang's recorded "Difficult to Read".

"Laughing at you I wasted my scheming

Love competing for the beauty of the mirror flower
Afraid that luck will fade away

obsessed with greed


Really good!
Xu Ran couldn't help humming softly.

"It's strange that all beings on the earth are too beautiful
Repent of the old days too true to the oath
fascinated by joys and sorrows

Ah, I can't bear to resplendent the earthly world


Swallow the wind, kiss the rain, bury the sunset, never hesitate

Bullying the mountains and chasing the sea and practicing the snow trails are not in despair

Nianhua deflects wine to make the world crazy

With these two eyes and a hundred arms or a thousand hands, it is impossible to guard against

The sky is wide and the snow is long, who will sail together

The lyrics are really good, Xu Ran secretly turned on the Qichuang Chinese website app on his phone, and couldn't help but want to read the original work.

In the past, he occasionally read online novels, but he was too lazy to register and recharge and read pirated copies.

Later, he saw that the authors were selling badly one by one, so he started to read the original version.

(End of this chapter)

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