The superstar is here

Chapter 637 The Supreme Being

Chapter 637 The Supreme Being
If Boyu Entertainment makes movies, Huanya and Tianshui will definitely refuse to show Boyu Entertainment’s movies in their theaters in order to block Boyu Entertainment, and even influence other theaters to ask them not to show Boyu Entertainment’s movies , or ask the other party to reduce the movie screening rate of Boyu Entertainment to an extremely low point.

"It's not a big problem, and it's not just a TV station of Jiangsu Satellite TV. Huanya can't cover the sky with one hand." Li Qiuting seemed unaffected, and spoke to Wang Deng in a relaxed tone.

Zhang Baoying also called Li Qiuting immediately when she learned that Boyu Entertainment was frustrated.

Li Qiuting and Zhang Baoying are both teachers and friends.

Li Qiuting seldom complained to Zhang Baoying about the grievances and setbacks she suffered outside, for fear that the teacher would worry.

After Zhang Baoying called Li Qiuting, she found that Li Qiuting was very calm.

Then, she called Chen Ziang to inquire.

"Mr. Zhang, don't worry, it's just a small loss. Huanya and Tianshui will only lose more." Chen Ziang seemed calmer than Li Qiuting.

However, Zhang Baoying didn't think so, and sighed: "You two, report good news and not bad news, don't think I can't see the situation. Don't hold on, I'll find someone to set up a line for you, let's reconcile, it will be bad for you if this continues No one benefits."

"Mr. Zhang, don't be so troublesome, we can solve it." Chen Ziang said with a smile: "You don't need to join in."

Those are Huanya and Tianshui, one is a giant and the other is a quasi-giant.

Although Zhang Baoying is full of peaches and plums, most of them are actors. Even if she has a big director, she still doesn't have enough capital to block her teeth.

It's almost the same for the whole Beiying united, but that's impossible.

Zhang Baoying is just a department head in Beijing Film Academy, and she doesn't have that much power and face.

In fact, Zhang Baoying is not sure that she will be able to connect, let alone make the peace talks between Huanya and Boyu a success.

After hanging up the phone with Chen Ziang, Zhang Baoying called Li Qiuting again, hating iron and steel: "You, why didn't you like Ziang and let him do this? He hasn't been in the film and television industry for long, so he can't afford to mess with a company like Huanya. .”

Chen Ziang is the most spiritual actor Zhang Baoying has ever seen. Chen Ziang can handle Linghu Chong and Qiao Feng, two characters with completely different personalities, which is impossible for an actor who just entered the film and television industry.

But Chen Ziang took over, and Zhang Baoying admired this junior very much.

When "Dragon Babu" was filming, she visited the set and watched Li Qiuting and Chen Ziang filming.

"Sister Zhang, you really don't have to worry, Ziang can take care of it." Li Qiuting comforted, "Although we have broken the contract with Jiangsu Satellite TV, the premiere rights of "Tian Long Ba Bu" have been sold to Zhejiang Satellite TV, and we have lost money. It’s not a loss at all when you’re back.”

"Really?" Zhang Baoying said in surprise.

"Sister Zhang, have I ever lied to you?" Li Qiuting smiled.

Zhang Baoying was still worried: "Zhejiang Satellite TV won't go back on its word again, have you checked the contract carefully? Don't let them catch any loopholes."

Li Qiuting said with a smile: "No, this time the signing is very clear, Zhejiang Satellite TV cannot afford the loss of breaking the contract. We will not have the possibility of breaking the contract again."

"So sure?" Zhang Baoying asked.

Li Qiuting said quietly: "Sister Zhang, Shi Zifeng Technology has come forward this time."

Zhang Baoying's eyes lit up: "Shi Zifeng Technology?"

"Yeah." Li Qiuting said with a smile: "Shi Zifeng's technology is connected, and Bo Yu's production is involved. There will be a lot of cooperation between the three parties in the future."

Zhang Baoying suddenly became enlightened, as if a big rock had been put down in her heart.

If Shi Zifeng's technology comes forward, that's all right.

Although Huanya is a giant in the entertainment industry, in front of Shi Zifeng Technology, Shi Zifeng Technology does not care about being a younger brother to Shi Zifeng Technology.

Shizifeng Technology is now the well-deserved No. [-] giant in the domestic business community. Its QQ mall, Alipay, QQ game platform and other companies have a combined market value of trillions, and are still growing rapidly. The appreciation rate is jaw-dropping.

Even if the business is no longer expanded and major restructuring is carried out, Shizifeng Technology will continue to develop steadily, and it may not reach the bottleneck within ten or eight years.

"Shizifeng Technology seems to be very supportive of your Boyu Entertainment? The shows they do are all sponsored by them." Zhang Baoying asked curiously.

Li Qiuting was also puzzled, and said: "Yes, Ziang has a good relationship with the person in charge of Shizifeng Technology's connection with our Boyu. That is a girl, very smart and capable. I tested that guy, and he is not serious, saying that the relationship is so good Well, it must have been seduced by him."

Li Qiuting still doesn't know the relationship between Chen Ziang and Shi Zifeng Technology.

If the person at the helm of Shizifeng Technology was Chen Feng, surnamed Chen, Li Qiuting would still be suspicious.

But it was Queen Stone, surnamed Shi.

Li Qiuting didn't know where to suspect it.

At most, they suspected that Chen Ziang was related to the major shareholder of Shi Zifeng Technology, and never dared to guess that Chen Ziang and Queen Shi were mother and son.

From a normal person's point of view, with a mother like Queen Stone, she is a ghost in the entertainment industry.

Chen Ziang didn't dare to reveal his identity to Xu Ran and Li Qiuting, and there was also a reason for this. What the hell, his first reaction must be crazy.

My mother is so powerful, and the family is so rich, running to the backcountry in the backcountry, facing the loess and back to the sky, is it not crazy or what?
Chen Ziang didn't want to reveal his identity. The most important thing was that he married Guan Tongtong.

The Guan family is engaged in politics and business, but they have never exposed their business affairs.

Even Guan Xinxin and Guan Tongtong's father and other brothers and sisters were involved in politics, but they never revealed their relationship with the old man.

The mouth of defending the people is better than that of defending the river.

Only an idiot would shout "My father is Li Gang", which is a typical cheating father.

The bigger Shi Zifeng's technology was, the less Chen Ziang could reveal his relationship with Guan Tongtong. Even to be on the safe side, he couldn't reveal that he was Shi Jia's son.

Shi Jia wasn't worried about anything, and she didn't go astray, she wanted to reveal her relationship with Chen Ziang to the media, so that her son would avoid detours and setbacks.

But Chen Ziang stopped him.

If his identity is exposed, there will be more gossip reporters peeking at him, and it is not certain that Guan Tongtong's identity will be discovered someday.

Even though it was dug up, those reporters dared not report it if they took ten courages, but they definitely dared to say that Chen Ziang had a background.

Just like writing online novels now, the writers have learned to be smart. No matter how courageous they are, when writing pornography, they only dare to say that the male lead slowly or suddenly advances into the indescribable body of the female lead or female supporting role. The two sides immediately became happy...

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

In fact, the world is far less miserable than the officialdom.

People who don't understand this world will only shout "My dad is Li Gang" if they are stupid.

The ancient princes competed for the throne, and few of those who failed ended well.

Hyundai...Let's not talk about the country, look at the ending of the South Korean presidents-how tragic it is.

Guan Xinxin's journey has not yet come to an end, and Guan Tongtong has not yet started. The Tinder Project and shared bicycles are just paving the way.

For the sake of his own smooth road, leaving hidden dangers for the Guan family, the Chen family, and himself, Chen Ziang would not allow it.

Shi Jia once asked Chen Ziang, when can she tell the world that her son is Chen Ziang, is it possible in this life?

She was full of hope, and she was proud of having a son like Chen Ziang, but when she had the opportunity to announce it to the world, she couldn't say it, she felt that it would be a lifetime of regret.

Chen Ziang comforted her that there would be such a day.

Shi Jia asked what day it was?

Chen Ziang said that when he enters the whole world.

At that time, people in China knew his ambition and would support him across the country.

Alipay and QQ have opened overseas markets, and QQ Mall is also trying to find ways to open the door to overseas...

The road is being paved.

After Weiwei and Angela received the bad news from Boyu Entertainment, they hurriedly finished the commercial performance, and then met at the film and television base to visit Chen Ziang's class.

"Is the company all right?" Weiwei asked when visiting the class for dinner, "It's all been exposed on the Internet."

Angela also stared at Chen Ziang with wide eyes.

Her eyes are really big, she is small, her face is small, but her eyes are big.

Said she was very beautiful, but not so beautiful.

To say she is not good-looking is absolutely not the case.

It can only be said that she is very kawaii and looks very cute.

"Don't you go on the show if you want to be on the show, and go to the commercial show if you want to go to the commercial show? It's unimpeded, what can you do?" Chen Ziang laughed.

Weiwei asked in a low voice, "I'm talking about the film and television department. Our singers will not be affected. Actors and film and television works will be affected."

Chen Ziang did not deny it, and said: "The actors do have some influence, but it's not that big, and I don't want them to keep taking on plays. "Legend of the White Snake" and the next TV series directed by Sister Qiu Ting all have their share. They don’t have a lot of free time. Even if there are no plays from our company, they can go outside to pick up some plays. Huanya wants to retaliate against us, so it has limited reach. You don’t have to worry.”

"The internet said about our film and television department..." Angela hesitated to speak.

Chen Ziang said with a smile: "Does it mean that our film and television department is going to be finished?"

Angela nodded embarrassedly.

Chen Ziang smiled coldly: "That's not a navy, or an ignorant keyboard man. These people are everywhere, when will they not use the Internet to feel their presence?"

Weiwei nodded: "I saw your fans speak up for you, and they were slapped hard."

Chen Ziang smiled and said, "I've seen it too. Those lovely people are forced to argue with the bullies every day, and they are so worried that their heads are going bald."

Seeing that Chen Ziang was in a good mood, Weiwei and Angela also felt much better.

Chen Ziang said enthusiastically: "Gangjing is a mutant after Keyboard Man. They may be late, but they will never be absent. The only purpose of replying to you is to oppose you! Oppose you with great interest! What are you talking about?" They are all against you!"

Angela suddenly realized: "No wonder you seldom post on Weibo, let alone interact with each other. You never pay attention to what others say about you."

Chen Ziang said embarrassingly: "Actually, it's not true. When I was writing novels, I fought with trolls, keyboard warriors, and gangsters. Later, I found that every time I fought with gangsters, I was one step closer to death. My hair grew bigger. Drop a lot."

The dark clouds in Weiwei and Angela's hearts were blown away by Chen Ziang, and they all laughed.

Chen Ziang's condition is fine.

I'm afraid that the boss will go wrong first, and the people below will also have a hard time.

While eating, Chen Ziang said to the two women: "Actually, over the years, I have created a move to deal with keyboard warriors and barbers."

"Whatever moves, we also learn." Weiwei laughed.

Chen Ziang took a sip of the soup and said: "The characteristic of this trick is to follow the opponent, keep the three-character formula in mind: yes, great, you are right! You have to praise the opponent desperately: you are excellent, you are amazing, You are amazing! Praise the three combos! Praise the other party to the sky and stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun, make the other party proud, very proud, proud to break through the sky, proud to rush out of the earth, and be arrogant... But there is only one purpose for doing this, to disrupt The rhythm of the bar fine!"

Angela became interested: "Give me an example."

Chen Ziang nodded, and began to chatter: "Let's give an example of the entry-level version first. You said: Thailand is so hot~ Gang Jing: It seems that parents are used to growing up. They just play by themselves and don't take them out. You say : Yes, my parents have spoiled me since I was a child, and I am also very distressed."

Vivi and Angela couldn't help laughing.

"After the entry version?" Weiwei laughed.

Chen Ziang continued: "After the entry-level version, there is the tenth-level skill version. For example, if you say: The newly bought bag looks good! Gang Jing: Am I the only one who thinks this bag is ugly? You reply: Yes! Only You! You are the unique beauty of all things in the world, you are the limited edition, you are the only out-of-print seedling, you are the pride of heaven, you are the honor of the ninety-five, you are electricity, you are light, you are the only myth."

Weiwei and Angela were eye-opening, they thought Chen Ziang wouldn't gossip on the Internet.

It turned out that he just thought it was a waste of time and dismissed it at all.

Chen Ziang explained: "The birth skills of the gangster are: use the particularity to fight the universality, and use the generality to fight the particularity. You open the mouth and choose the topic, but he just wants to have a different point of view from you. Switching 3 topics in 5 minutes makes you feel dizzy. Let’s do it like this. If he lacks muscle, you will lack zinc. When a chicken talks to a duck, if he is a chicken, you should be a duck. Anyway, everyone is talking nonsense. "

Then Chen Ziang gave an example: "For example, Zai Jing said: I am so angry, just now a fool confronted me, saying that Angela's surname is not An. You can say: You are so beautiful, you are right. You can also say: No What's the surname An, nonsense. If someone honestly says the surname is Zhang, you can still say: nonsense, Zhang Qila is a man."

There is a male artist in the entertainment industry named Zhang Qila.

Vivi and Angela laughed from ear to ear.

This meal was a joy to eat.

They felt that the company must have no major problems.

Chen Ziang finally let Weiwei and Angela rest assured, and said: "The Legend of the White Snake is invested by Shi Zifeng Technology, and "The Eight Parts of the Dragon" is also handed over to Shi Zifeng Technology to deal with Zhejiang Satellite TV. The contract went smoothly. It's all signed."

Vivi and Angela stared wide-eyed.

Shizifeng technology!

For younger teenagers, Shi Zifeng Technology may not be as well-known as the first-line stars.

But to put it another way, say QQ.

That would be horrible.

For everyone in China, the recognition of QQ is a supreme existence that all superstars combined are far inferior to.

"Haha, although Shi Zifeng Technology didn't help us to speak or make a sound, as long as it is something related to them, Huanya and Tianshui will probably be scared to death and trembling when they see it." Weiwei couldn't help laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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