Chapter 639
Wu Renzhi and others came to Zhejiang Satellite TV this time with the confidence and air of sending pillows and benefits to Zhejiang Satellite TV.

But they have a condition, which is to ask Zhejiang Satellite TV to find a way to delay the broadcast time of "Dragon Babu" by Boyu Film and Television.

Drag it for a year and a half.

It would be best to be able to throw Curry and let it never see the light of day.

Within two hours after entering, Wu Renzhi and the other three came out with satisfied faces.

"Mr. Wu, is it all right?" On the way back to the hotel, the young man sitting in the passenger seat smiled and said.

Xiao Hong, who was sitting in the back row with Wu Renzhi, said firmly: "We conveyed our meaning very clearly. People from Zhejiang Satellite TV are not stupid, so they must know what we want to do."

Wu Renzhi leaned on the back of his chair and breathed a sigh of relief: "We handed over the rights to the premiere of this TV series to Zhejiang Satellite TV, and they will do us a good job. Otherwise, how could we sell it to them at a preferential price?"

All satellite TV stations have watched the sample of this new drama, and they think it is not bad, and it can handle the prime time from Monday to Thursday.

Thinking of the people from Zhejiang Satellite TV tacitly saying that they understood what Wu Renzhi meant, Wu Renzhi and the other three felt very happy.

There is no need for everyone to speak so clearly about things that are self-evident.

At this time, in the Zhejiang TV station.

Xiao Ming, the person in charge of the film and television center, is on the phone.

The TV station has a film and television center, and the work content is responsible for introducing TV dramas, or participating in TV drama shooting, investment, cooperation and other matters.

"Well, I understand, but they didn't make it clear. Hehe, I don't know anything, so I'll proceed according to the original plan. The quality of their TV dramas is really good, and if they come to your door, don't take advantage of the cheap bastards. Well, I know, they Why turn faces? They said things that people don’t understand, so we can’t blame us for being ignorant, right? Even if they turn faces, it’s not a problem, but they can only swallow the knocked out teeth. It’s just their eyes that don’t know Taishan. I don't know that Boyu Film and Television's "Dragon Babu" is handed over to Shi Zifeng Technology for distribution..." Xiao Ming chatted with the person on the phone, with a respectful tone.

He was talking to people from Shi Zifeng Technology.

Soon, Chen Ziang got the news from the people at Shizifeng Technology.

After Tianshui, Huanya really made a move, wanting to snipe Boyu Entertainment's "Dragon Ba Bu".

It's a pity that they came happily and returned happily, and they cried at the end of the month.

"Zi'ang, I found out that you are really bad." In Huairou Film and Television City, Chen Siyu came to find Chen Zi'ang in person.

More than two years ago, this beautiful woman who likes to wear professional clothes came to him on behalf of Tianshui Film and Television, and guarded him at the gate of Lin'an No. [-] Middle School for an afternoon and a night.

Chen Zi'ang still remembered that she stayed there for too long and was afraid of missing the target. She was thirsty and hungry, so she sat on the edge of the roadside flower garden and ate bread with a bottle of mineral water next to her, staring at the school gate from time to time.

Now, Chen Siyu has long since left Tianshui Film and Television and entered Shizifeng Technology's branch in Youzhou.

Recently, the person representing Shi Zifeng Technology and Boyu Entertainment is Chen Siyu.

"Big sister from my family, you called me bad when you came here, can you still chat happily?" Chen Ziang and Chen Siyu met in a coffee shop in the film and television city.

"Oh, men are not bad and women don't love, I praise you." Chen Siyu was very formal in winter business attire.

"Then you can't love anymore, you're already married." Chen Ziang didn't like this.

Chen Siyu snorted and said, "Aren't you married too? Men can love again when they get married, but women can't?"

Chen Ziang sighed: "Married women are amazing. Before I got married, I told my wife dirty jokes, and she blushed so badly. Now, when I want to tell dirty jokes, she can ask me or ask me back."

Chen Siyu was indeed worthy of being a married woman, and was very interested: "For example?"

Chen Ziang thought for a while, and said: "I told my wife this joke: Men in a poor mountainous area used urea pockets to make underwear. One day, when a man and a woman were bridal, when the man took off his trousers, the woman After taking a look, he yelled and passed out, only to see the printed on the front of the underwear: 'This item has a net weight of 25 kilograms'."

Chen Siyu covered her mouth and smiled, but she didn't blush, her expression was as usual: "What's your wife's reaction?"

Chen Ziang said: "My wife asked me: Husband, how many kilograms is yours?"

Chen Siyu let out a "puchi" and laughed: "Yes, how many kilograms is yours?"

Chen Ziang felt ashamed, it really doesn't matter to a man if a woman makes a fuss.

"Go, go, don't tease me!" In the end, he could only drink his coffee with his head down.

Chen Siyu no longer molested Chen Ziang, and talked to him about business: "Zhejiang Satellite TV really stood in line honestly. We followed the lead and did not disclose the involvement of Shizifeng Technology. I said before that you are so calm, Why didn't you bring Shizifeng Technology out, so you were waiting for Huanya to jump in and cheat them."

Chen Ziang was noncommittal: "Know yourself and know your enemy, and you can win a hundred battles. I heard that Huanya has this new drama. The quality is good and there is a market for it. All parties are vying for it. Zhejiang Satellite TV has a heavy burden on ratings this year. Can you borrow some external help? Have fun instead of doing it.”

Chen Siyu was secretly startled, and was very afraid of Chen Ziang.

She was approached by headhunters at the beginning of last year and offered her an interview opportunity with Shizifeng Technology.

At that time, she didn't think much about it, and asked the headhunter to arrange an interview time, and then went over.

She didn't report any hope, but it turned out to be good. The salary, benefits and benefits were much better than Tianshui's, so she naturally chose to quit.

After entering the Youzhou branch of Shizifeng Technology, Chen Siyu met Zhang Xue and Zhong Lingyu, the right-hand men of Queen Stone, many times.

Zhang Xue seemed to have a good impression of her and took good care of her, allowing her to get to her current position step by step - the manager of the business department of Shizifeng Technology Youzhou Branch.

When she got to this position, she was assigned by Zhang Xue to be in charge of contacting Boyu Entertainment before she had a faint suspicion that it was Chen Ziang who asked Shi Zifeng Technology to dig her.

She didn't dare to ask Zhang Xue about the relationship between Chen Ziang and Shi Zifeng Technology.

In the past few years, Zhang Xue has traveled all over the world with Queen Stone, and she has even met and had dinner with the heads of state of many countries.

That aura, that identity... Chen Siyu felt that Zhang Xue was too far away from her.

She is not on the same level as Zhang Xue and Zhong Lingyu.

Recently, Chen Siyu had the honor to meet Shi Jia several times in real life, and then she was a little skeptical about life.

Chen Ziang and Shi Jia are so much alike.

Some old employees in the Lin'an headquarters knew that Shi Jia and Chen Ziang were mother and son.

But the Youzhou branch is a newly formed team, and no one knows about it.

Even the Lin'an headquarters has grown to a scale of several thousand people, and the No. [-] Scholar Banquet was almost three years ago. Many things have become legends, and the words passed by the employees are not believed.

Seeing Chen Ziang's methods recently, Chen Siyu firmly believed in his heart that the mother-child relationship between him and Shi Jia could be settled.

Shi Zifeng's technology has come to the present, and the development history has left the researchers dumbfounded.

Under Shi Jia's strategizing, Shi Zifeng's technology is in full swing.

What people talk about the most is that Shizifeng Technology seized the opportunity to cooperate with the Tinder plan, which gathers various part-time job opportunities for students, and the shared bicycle project that benefits university students, and then uses these two projects to bring China's electronic payment Opened to the whole world, even QQ quickly occupied the world's online instant messaging market.

When going public, Shizifeng Technology did not only focus on money, but chose to help relatively large Wall Street investment institutions.

Chen Siyu connected Tinder Project with bike-sharing founders Chen Ziang and Shi Jia, boldly guessing that they are mother-son relationship.

This is terrible.

Huanya and Tianshui Jieboyu Entertainment, before Shi Zifeng technology made a move, Chen Ziang had already started to cheat each other in various ways.

Chen Siyu already knew about the plan to support Zhejiang Satellite TV to become the first channel.

Next, Chen Ziang will also reveal the news that he will sell the premiere rights of "Legend of the White Snake" which is being filmed to Zhejiang Satellite TV.

Needless to say, when Huanya knows about it, it will definitely make a move. Either it will come up with a powerful TV series, or it will ask its allies to help, owe favors, and suppress Boyu Entertainment.

In this way, the No. [-] Satellite TV plan was realized with the strength of several giants.

Before, Chen Siyu felt that this plan was unrealistic and too difficult.

Now it seems……

It's not difficult, it's man-made.

"Zi Ang, how did Huanya know that the first broadcast of "Tian Long Ba Bu" was sold to Zhejiang Satellite TV? Not many people know about it. I can trust the people of Zhejiang Satellite TV. If you ask them to keep it secret, they will definitely keep it secret and will not disclose it in advance. Go out." Chen Siyu asked curiously.

Chen Ziang smiled and said, "The first one to know is not Huanya, but Tianshui."

Chen Siyu was taken aback for a moment, thinking about it, it seemed that this would also work.

Tianshui and Huanya are now allies, grasshoppers on the same rope.

Tianshui knew it, and Huanya must know it too.

"How did Tianshui know? No matter how powerful they are, it's impossible for them to pay attention to and inquire about everything, right? We have their internal support?" Chen Siyu asked.

"Who said that someone from them is stationed at Zhejiang Satellite TV or you or me?" Chen Ziang said contemptuously, "We won't reveal it ourselves?"

"Tianshui has our ghost, spy?" Chen Siyu was surprised.

Chen Ziang rolled his eyes: "It's so ugly, it's just an old friend, he doesn't even know that he's... an inner ghost, he's just helping me spread the news."

In two days.

Hao Jian told the media that "Legend of the White Snake" is cooperating with Zhejiang Satellite TV Film and Television Center and is currently filming intensely. It is expected to meet you this summer.

Huanya and Tianshui reacted quickly, and as expected, they shot again.

This time, they not only presented their excellent film and television works, but also owed favors to their peers, and selected their works for Zhejiang Satellite TV.

As long as Zhejiang Satellite TV is on the road, these works can be chosen by Zhejiang Satellite TV.

Zhejiang Satellite TV was also polite, and finally picked three TV dramas, some of which were premiered and some of which were reruns, almost all of which were sold out at high prices.

"In this market, it's not good for one family to dominate. The more intense the competition, the happier the people will be." Xiao Ming was elated.

Zhejiang Satellite TV made a fortune this year.

At the beginning, when Boyu Entertainment and Shi Zifeng Technology approached Zhejiang Satellite TV Film and Television Center, Xiao Ming was still a little reluctant to cooperate.

That kind of cooperation is a bit unrealistic, and the pictures are all cakes.

But there is no way, Zhejiang TV Station can ignore Shi Zifeng Technology two years ago, but now, it cannot.

Their status is too detached, every step it takes to expand a business is like a big earthquake.

As soon as they heard that Shizifeng Technology invested in the film industry, Xiao Ming and Taili realized that Shizifeng Technology might enter the field of film and television.


Hurry up and hug your thighs?
When the car starts to drive, it will be too late, and it will be impossible to get on again.

However, Xiao Ming didn't quite understand why Shizifeng Technology helped Zhejiang Satellite TV so badly, cheating a large number of giants and small heads in the film and television industry?
Why is this happening?

He couldn't figure it out.

In the end, Xiao Ming could only think that if he could figure it out, he would not be told to get out by the teacher when he was a child, and now he is the one who created Shi Zifeng Technology.

Time has entered the new year in mid-January, and major primary and secondary schools have begun to take the lead in holidays.

Chen Ziang worked day and night in the crew.

One day when I came back from work, I saw a girl with a backpack and a small suitcase standing beside her at the entrance of the hotel as soon as she got out of the car.

Seeing Chen Ziang, the girl immediately stood up.

"You go back first." Chen Ziang said to Li Qiuting, Hao Jian and others beside him.

Li Qiuting and the others followed Chen Ziang's gaze, glanced at the girl wearing a mask, nodded, and entered the hotel.

After Li Qiuting and the others entered the hotel, Chen Ziang walked to the steps next to the girl and sat down.

"Why did you come here? Does your sister know?" Chen Ziang was speechless. This girl was none other than Kuan Dandan.

"You know, she hasn't had a holiday yet. She was afraid that you would mess with women outside, so she sent me to keep an eye on you. Hmph, I caught you. She is so close to that Li Qiuting." Kuan Dandan also walked on the steps. Ass sit down.

Li Qiuting is a big star.

Although Kuantandan doesn't chase stars, he still recognizes them.

"Nonsense again. Let me tell you, even if she doesn't wear clothes in front of me, I won't be tempted." Chen Ziang retorted.

Kuan Dandan's eyes widened: "Has she ever been naked in front of you?"

Chen Ziang was choked, what kind of brain circuit did this little girl have.

"Let me ask your eldest sister, you must be lying to me, right? Your eldest sister will not worry about me." Chen Ziang changed the subject and launched a counterattack.

Kuan Dandan felt a little guilty, and said coyly: "The eldest sister has such a meaning. She thinks I won't know if she doesn't tell me? We are sisters, we have a good understanding, and we think the same."

Chen Ziang didn't care, and called his wife.

Kuan Dandan was a little nervous, held his breath, and listened to the conversation between Chen Ziang and her sister.

Finally, Chen Ziang handed her the phone.

When answering my sister's phone call, Kuan Dandan was honest, the eldest sister called her very sweetly, she was acting coquettish and trying to please her.

Chen Ziang couldn't help but look at it.

After hanging up the phone, Kuan Dandan immediately complained: "Ziang, you are too bad, tell my elder sister everything, I don't want to play with you anymore."

"Then go back, I'll let Yitong or Jiutiao take you back to the city." Chen Ziang said.

"You're so annoying!" Kuan Dandan shook his body, and the backpack behind him hit Chen Ziang a few times.

In the end, Chen Ziang didn't send Guan Dandan back, and his wife agreed that his sister-in-law came to play with him, so how could he drive away his sister-in-law?

It is estimated that his wife is not worried about him.

No matter how beautiful she is, if she doesn't stay by her husband's side, the husband will easily make mistakes.

After that, Chen Ziang helped drag the suitcase, took his sister-in-law into the hotel, and went to the front desk in the lobby.

"I don't want to live by myself!" Guan Dandan pulled Chen Ziang, not wanting to open another room.

"Are there any rooms?" Chen Ziang ignored her and asked the waiter at the front desk.

"There are still rooms on the fourth floor of the top floor, but not on the third floor." The waiter said.

"Is there a suite?" Chen Ziang asked.

"I'm sorry sir, we're out of reservations, only deluxe double bed rooms." The waiter was very polite.

"Then open a deluxe double room." Chen Ziang said.

Kuan Dandan was in a hurry: "Zi'ang, I live on the fourth floor, what should I do if something happens, I'm so beautiful."

What the hell!

Chen Ziang hesitated for a while, then got scared.

This little girl is very evil, not only about the plane, but since she was a child, she has come here in this evil way.

"It won't open!" Chen Ziang dragged his suitcase to the elevator, very depressed.

Kuantandan immediately followed behind happily.

Her feelings for Chen Ziang were very pure, with almost no desire. Looking at him, no matter what he did, she felt that she enjoyed it and was very happy.

"Zi Ang, go and cut your hair and shave off your beard." As soon as Kuan Dandan came, he exercised Guan Tongtong's power.

Chen Ziang is slovenly when he is busy and doesn't like to dress up.

During this time he was tired and his beard was unshaven, which made him look sloppy.

"You don't mind me, don't go!" Chen Ziang refused.

This little girl is from the Appearance Association.

"Let's go out to get a haircut, shall we?" Xiao Nizi acted like a baby, and started to move as soon as she entered the room.

"Okay, okay, don't make a fuss, just go." Chen Ziang knew that he would not be able to resist, so he agreed.

Then help her take out the things in the suitcase first, the clothes will smell after being put in the suitcase for a long time.

After tidying up, Chen Ziang borrowed Hao Jian's scooter worth tens of thousands of dollars to take Xiao Nizi to dinner, tidy himself up and cut her hair.

"The car smells, open the window." Sitting in the passenger seat, Xiao Nizi frowned while drinking the milk tea she just bought.

"It's very cold." Chen Ziang didn't feel any smell, but he still opened the car window.

While waiting at a red light.

Xiao Nizi handed her milk tea to Chen Ziang's mouth, rubbing the straw against his lips: "It's delicious, drink it."

"Don't drink it, it's your saliva." Chen Ziang refused and turned his head away.

"Take a sip, I can't finish it." Xiao Nizi shook the cup.

"Don't drink...what the hell!" Chen Ziang lowered his head, Xiao Nizi shook the cup, and the milk tea in the cup accidentally spilled all over his pants.

"You're so annoying, let me drink it." Kuan Dandan complained, and took a big sip of the milk tea by himself.

Then she put down the teacup, got down on the knees angrily and wiped Chen Ziang's pants with a tissue.

At this time, a convertible supercar drove up from the left side of the car, with two young rich second-generation people sitting on it.

Chen Ziang turned his head and looked over, I'll go, awesome, it's such a cold day, and the hood is still open.

The two pretentious rich second generations looked at Chen Ziang's broken car, then at Chen Ziang's slovenly look, and found that he was also looking at their two super sports cars. The rich second generation sitting in the co-pilot reached out and took a picture The door of the sports car, smiled at Chen Ziang: "Is this car exciting?"

"Do you like supercars?" The driver also looked at Chen Ziang and shouted triumphantly.

"Haha, it's useless if he likes it, he can't afford it." The rich second generation in the passenger seat laughed.

"It's a sharp tool for picking up girls, it's always good for you!" The rich second generation who was driving said loudly.

"Brother, why don't you sit in the back of the car and cover it, and we'll take you to pick up girls. With our car, you can pick up any girl you want." The rich second generation in the passenger seat laughed.

At this time, Kuan Dandan who was lying on his stomach got up, glanced at the two rich second generations, turned around and sat down.

Seeing Kuantan Dan's shocking face, which is still half a loli girl, the smiles on the faces of the two rich and second generations froze instantly.

When she saw Kuantandan's bulging cheeks again, she swallowed "difficultly" what was in her mouth, and wiped the corners of her mouth...

The two rich and second generations opened their mouths even more.

Red light go, green light come.

Chen Ziang let go of the brake, and the car drove away slowly.

The two rich and second generations stared blankly at Chen Ziang's car going away, and forgot to drive.

They have a sense of hopelessness.

"I... want that car."

"I want to change cars with him..."

(End of this chapter)

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