The superstar is here

Chapter 641 Heroes of the World

Chapter 641 Heroes of the World
Some people have boldly guessed that if Shizifeng Technology's QQ pops up a window for an ordinary artist, the artist can save at least ten years of struggle.

"Fortunately, Shi Zifeng Technology didn't enter the entertainment industry, and it means cultivating its own artist."

People in the entertainment industry both love and fear Shi Zifeng Technology.

What I love is that I hope that one day, QQ will pop up a window for one of their artists.

The ones who are afraid are those entertainment companies. If Shi Zifeng Technology comes to share the cake, they can eat half of it in one bite. It is scary to think about it.

"Zi Ang seems to be on fire again."

Li Kai and Wang Deng are filming on the set, and they are co-starring in a movie.

Seeing the QQ pop-up window, and the news that "Dragon Babu" was about to be broadcast in the QQ news headlines, the two chatted.

"We have all seen him act before, and his acting skills are very good. I was worried that the post-editing would be blind. I watched the trailer in the past two days, and according to the editing, Ziang is really going to be popular again." Wang Deng was amazed: "QQ is popping up, this kind of opportunity, QQ only gives it so few times a year."

Chen Ziang attaches great importance to the frequency of QQ pop-ups, like the second season of "I Am a Singer", even if it is not because of a rift with Sanxiang Satellite TV, he will not play it a second time.

He only gives it one chance.

Although the second season of "I Am a Singer" is still named by Shi Zifeng Technology.

"The post-editing was more powerful than I expected. With the background music, even I couldn't help but lose my eyes in the industry, and honestly enjoy the pictures and stories inside as an audience." Li Kai was a little annoyed, this drama seemed to be very powerful .

But he and his agent refused to play Duan Yu, one of the three leading roles.

Because they felt that this drama was Bo Yu Entertainment's first work, and the director had no qualifications, Li Kai didn't want to waste time playing so many roles.

Through the "Super Run" program, Li Kai is now a popular niche, with a lot of film appointments, and the protagonist's play is not without.

People choose wise rulers and ministers, birds choose good trees and live in them.

"Aren't you a bit regretful?" Wang Deng knew that Li Kai could have chosen to be the top one, but in the end Li Kai chose the number two of another TV series.

When Boyu Entertainment's "Dragon Babu" was filming, Li Kai went to support him and played an insignificant role in it.

Mainly when we recorded "Super Run" together, we had feelings and interests involved, so even if we rejected the role of Duan Yu, Li Kai also took the initiative to ask Chen Ziang for a small role, and made a cameo for free.

"Hey, you still have the nerve to talk about me?" Li Kai countered: "Back then, Zi Ang approached a few of us, and told him what important role he wanted, didn't everyone have the same idea as me?"

Now it was Wang Deng's turn to be embarrassed.

Indeed, at the beginning Chen Ziang said that the fat and water would not flow to outsiders, and that he wanted to give good roles to the brothers in "Super Run", no matter whether it was polite or something, in short, everyone didn't care, and in the end they all chose cameo roles that had no role in the show.

just now……

Everyone seems to see a different dawn.

Boyu Entertainment's "Dragon Babu" may become popular.

QQ has already popped up, the platform has been built, and the rest depends on the quality of the work itself.

And the quality of the work itself, the trailer, should be no worse.

Wang Lanlan and Lu Fei are also a little tangled these days.

The trailer of "Dragon Babu" is very hot, like watching a blockbuster movie.

"Hey, Teacher Ziang didn't disappoint." Liu Fei was surprised when he saw the trailer of Boyu Entertainment's "Dragon Ba Bu".

This long-legged man has been very worried about his old friend Chen Ziang recently. He and Bo Yu Entertainment's offense against Huanya has caused a lot of trouble in the city recently.

There are still many people outside the circle who don't know, but inside the circle, there are almost none.

"Qiu Ting, this work of your company is fine." Huang Xiqian came to the film and television city to visit Li Qiuting's class, and after finishing work in the afternoon, the two went to the restaurant for dinner.

"It's not bad." Li Qiuting said with a smile. She has watched every episode and is very confident in this work.


In the evening, before eight o'clock, all the gods and netizens were guarding the computer, waiting for Boyu Entertainment's "Dragon Babu" to be released on the QQ video network.

Huang Xiqian and Li Qiuting went back to the hotel early after dinner, and sat in the living room with the TV on.

The TV can also be connected to the Internet, and the two waited to watch the first episode of "Dragon Ba Bu" by Boyu Entertainment online at eight o'clock.

Li Qiuting has seen it, but Huang Xiqian has not.

Li Qiuting's room is next door.

Chen Ziang and Guan Tongtong came back from eating outside, washed their hands in the room, and sat in the living room to wait for eight o'clock.

He has watched Tianlong Babu many times. After all, he not only has to participate in some editing, but also almost dominates the soundtrack, so he can't watch it or not.

But Guan Tongtong hadn't seen it, she wanted to.

My wife wanted to see, how could Chen Ziang not accompany her.

During this period of time, the people waiting for Boyu Entertainment's "Dragon Babu" to be released are not only members of Boyu Entertainment and the crew of "Dragon Babu", but also competitors Li Longji, Tianshui Film and Television, and Huanya.

In addition, the most waiting people are netizens.

Among them, "Tian Long Ba Bu" has the most readers of the original work.

Li Longji always felt that it might not be a bad thing for Boyu Entertainment to let "Dragon Babu" premiere on the Internet before the TV station.

Huanya and Tianshui jumped up and down, didn't Boyu Entertainment finally let their "Dragon Ba Bu" be the first to meet the audience?

Why bother?
Li Longji felt that An Anxin was the best way to film, with less intrigue and a simpler life.

Arrived at eight o'clock in the evening.

Countless netizens logged into the QQ video network, or searched, or found the first episode of Boyu Entertainment's "Tian Long Ba Bu" on the home page.

Watching the video, readers of the original "Dragon and Babu" feel their hearts jumping out, so excited.

Finally, we can see the film and television version of "Tian Long Ba Bu"!
The protagonist is the author of the original work, and everyone has digested the impact of this news.

At the time of "Swordsman", the protagonist was the original work, and everyone's world view collapsed once, and this time it collapsed no matter how tragic it was for the first time, some antibodies were produced to some extent.

Countless netizens clicked on the first episode of "Dragon Babu" by Boyu Entertainment.

Immediately, the indomitable, epic hero Qiao Feng appeared, and the audience who were familiar with Chen Ziang suddenly saw that he was full of beards.

Mature, stable, but not untidy.

"Laughing at you I wasted my scheming

Love competing for the beauty of the mirror flower

The theme song plays.

The audience's eyes widened immediately.

Especially those who have read the original work are shocked.

This song……

The most outstanding thing about "Difficult to Recite" is that it vividly shows the main theme of Tianlong Babu, that is, the joy, anger, sorrow, greed, anger, and ignorance experienced by all living beings in the world.

Before the main drama begins, the lyrics of the theme song are breathtaking.

Some viewers who like to sing also found that the difficulty of singing this song can be called an unparalleled song among martial arts drama songs and even Cantonese songs.

In Chen Ziang's room.

Guan Tongtong listened to the theme song, looked at the TV screen in front of her, couldn't help but turned her head, and moved her small mouth towards Chen Ziang's.

This speed...

Her husband's lips are so sexy, she wants to kiss them.

The appearance of this theme song caused an earthquake in the industry.

It is tailor-made for "Tian Long Ba Bu".

This tailoring is like a design made in heaven, seamless.

Luo Bin wanted to listen to this song tonight, so he stayed at eight o'clock.

In the trailer, there are only a few short lines of this song, and this song has not yet been released online.

But just a few words, but let the musicians obsessed.

Even if you haven't read the original "Dragon Babu", it doesn't affect the classic of this song.

Combining the two, everyone felt even more earth-shattering.

After the theme song is over, enter the main drama.

The beginning of the plot is heart-warming.

Two masked men sneaked into the enemy's base camp, trying to assassinate the heavily guarded Marshal Xixia.

When the assassination failed and the three villains of Xixia Yipintang and Mancheng soldiers chased and killed the masked man, everyone felt that the two were about to die.

But the two of them rushed out of the city and came to Yingchou Gorge.

In Yingchou Gorge, two masked men were heavily surrounded.

Trapped in a desperate situation, the two took off their masks, and their identities were the deputy head and an elder of the beggar gang.

When the two resisted desperately, a scene that made the audience's blood boil appeared.

The leader of the beggar gang, a man with his own BGM came rushing from the horizon.

The rapid and exciting background music almost brought tears to Wang Deng's eyes when he was at the scene.

Editing, soundtrack...

Too slippery!
Qiao Feng was extremely brave as soon as he appeared on the stage. He fought against the third of the four villains without losing the slightest advantage, and even outsmarted him.

Everyone was so excited to see it!

After seeing thousands of arrows being fired and Qiao Feng being hit by several arrows, the eyes of many spectators were slightly warm.

Especially the audience who hadn't read the original novel and didn't know that Qiao Feng was the protagonist, almost cried, because they thought that this unrivaled hero was going to die.

Among the thousands of troops, he was covered in blood.

There is his own blood, and the blood of the enemy.

In the tragic soundtrack, he took off his wine bag and drank heavily, making some audience's eyes moist.

It's like a hero's end.

The brothers were all sent away by him, and he died alone.

The insiders were shocked, and Chen Ziang vividly demonstrated Qiao Feng's unique heroic temperament.

In just ten minutes of the opening, the image of this character has left a deep imprint on the hearts of the audience.

This is how Qiao Feng should be in the minds of readers of the original book.

Everyone's chest was agitated, this TV series did not shoot the original work.

Even if there is a little change, it is a change to a higher level.

Looking at the screen, Li Longji was silent.

Chen Ziang's understanding of Qiao Feng's role, no one can compare to him.

Some time ago, after the shooting, Li Longji discussed the characters and the plot with Chen Ziang, because before that, he was afraid that talking with Chen Ziang would affect his thinking of shooting, and he didn't want to be restricted by Chen Ziang.

He remembered that Chen Zi'ang said to him: "The understanding of Qiao Feng should not be superficial. It is true that Qiao Feng has the blood of a barbarian in his body, but if we simply use this point to determine that he should have the behavior and style of a barbarian, then It’s a vulgar lineage theory. Although Qiao Feng is a barbarian, all he has experienced since he was a child is the influence of Han culture. His adoptive parents, Qiao Sanhuai and his wife, are Han. Including the people he has been dealing with all the time are all from the Central Plains martial arts, so it is not surprising that Qiao Feng has the elegant demeanor of the Central Plains."

In just one episode, Li Longji saw that Chen Ziang showed Qiao Feng's heroic side and Zhongyuan's well-dressed side. This is the most terrifying thing!

Inside Li Qiuting's room.

Huang Xiqian opened her mouth wide, fascinated.

While waiting for the advertisement, she came back to her senses.

"It's amazing!" She was convinced by Chen Ziang, and she no longer worried too much about this drama: "I haven't read the original, but I think this version will definitely not be worse than the original."

Li Qiuting agrees very much: "He is an evildoer, Qiao Feng played by him, his performance in terms of character layering is excellent. I have seen the following plots, the most touching and the most unbearable to revisit. The part of burying Ah Zhu too much. That part really vividly expresses the pain of a desperate hero who is pierced by thousands of arrows, and the sadness that the world is so big that there is no place for him after the person he loves the most is beaten to death by mistake. And the even better sense of layering is that he not only showed Qiao Feng's suffering from the pain of losing his beloved, the grief of having nowhere to go, and the feeling of impulsive regret, but also showed his feelings in the Under such circumstances, the rational side that has not completely lost its sanity is well displayed..."

After Li Qiuting finished speaking, Huang Xiqian said anxiously: "Don't spoil the spoilers, I still want to watch it, you bloody goblin, spoilers are the most hateful, curse you can only grab the bed sheet with one hand when you climax!"

"You're going too far." Li Qiuting said angrily, "Don't think men are the only ones who can get as much as you want when you take off your pants, and I can get as much as you want when you take off your pants. It's easier than you."


After the first episode was played, Li Longji felt that his version might be in trouble.

In the first episode of Boyu Entertainment's "Dragon Babu", almost every frame is the essence, which is not like the work of a new director at all.

They know how to cut in, how to hold the shot.

The soul character, Qiao Feng, was performed vividly by Chen Ziang again, and the fighting was extremely exciting, which was even better than in "Swordsman".

I heard that Chen Ziang participated in part of the action design.

In "Swordsman", Chen Ziang is not qualified to participate.

But in his "Dragon Babu", he has the right to speak that many outsiders don't know.

Li Longji compared the leading actors in "Dragon Babu" directed by himself, and found that Chen Ziang's Qiao Feng was really hard to match.

He fits perfectly with the temperament of the screen, showing extremely superb acting skills and a thorough understanding of the role itself.

Qiao Feng is the most attractive image in the original novel. To play him well, especially the essence of the performance, is a test of the actor's skill.

Ding Zhixiong watched the first episode of "Dragon Babu" by Boyu Entertainment, and his first reaction was that it was not good.

It is precisely because of being an enemy that he watched Bo Yu Entertainment's "Dragon Babu" more seriously and deeply.

Ding Zhixiong has watched his own "Dragon Babu" many times.

When he went to sell the rights to the first broadcast, he watched it with people from various satellite TV film and television centers.

Without comparison, there is no harm.

But the damage is a bit big.

Ding Zhixiong was very worried.

Let's not talk about the whole drama, just the first episode, Bo Yu Entertainment's version, and it's not too much to say that Tianshui Film and Television's version is a few blocks away.

What an embarrassing thing this is!

At the beginning, Ding Zhixiong took the rights to the second broadcast of his own "Dragon Babu" in exchange for Sujiang Satellite TV's Xue Zang's premiere of "Dragon Babu" by Boyu Entertainment.

Now think about his face is hot.

He didn't know that after seeing the first episode of Boyu Entertainment's "Dragon and Babu" on Sujiang Satellite TV, he didn't know how many grass mud horses would be galloping and roaring.

He made a mess of Sujiang Satellite TV!

Ding Zhixiong has always known that Bo Yu Entertainment signed a premiere contract with Sujiang Satellite TV before the filming started because of its own "Supercar" aura.

The contract is relatively rough, but it is still a contract after all.

The contract is beneficial to Sujiang Satellite TV, at least it will not cause any losses.

As a result, Sujiang Satellite TV Film and Television Center boldly signed a contract with Boyu Entertainment for the sake of "Supercar".

Once tempted, they feel that there is a better choice, and of course they will give up Boyu Film and Television.

After all, Boyu Film and Television has no qualifications, and Sujiang Satellite TV Film and Television Center is more willing to believe in Tianshui Film and Television and what they have seen with their own eyes.

"This Boyu Entertainment is really not a human being." Ding Zhixiong felt that the bad thing was that Tianshui and Sujiang Satellite TV might... end their friendship.

"At the beginning, it was clear that we could give the sample to Sujiang Satellite TV, but Boyu Entertainment didn't give it to us for a long time. We dug a hole and waited for us to jump!" Ding Zhixiong's face was livid. Beat the sky, beat the air, day after day, otherwise it would be difficult to vent the resentment in his heart.

In fact, it was exactly as Ding Zhixiong thought.

After seeing the first episode of Boyu Entertainment's "Dragon Babu" premiered on the Internet, the people in the Sujiang Satellite TV Film and Television Center were all dumbfounded!

"This is "Tian Long Ba Bu" by Boyu Entertainment, isn't it from Tianshui Film and Television?"

A large group of people doubted their eyes.

"We take the first broadcast right of this TV series in exchange for Tianshui Film and Television's so-called second broadcast right?"

"Compared to the first episode, Tianshui Film and Television's version is simply scum."

"Tianshui Film and Television is really nothing!"

"Damn, I didn't even watch Boyu Entertainment's "Dragon Babu" sample, I thought Tianshui Film and Television's version was heaven and earth, electricity and light..."


The people at Sujiang Satellite TV's film and television center were going crazy. They just looked at Boyu Entertainment's "Dragon Babu" tonight with a relaxed mood, wanting to see how scumbag Boyu Entertainment's first work is.

As a result, a group of people stared out their eyes.

This is the "Dragon Babu" that they abandoned like walking on?
"How could the first work be shot like this?"

"The laws of nature have misled me!"

"What the hell law is not suitable for this monster, Boyu Entertainment!"


The people from Sujiang Satellite TV's film and television center also want to hate the air tonight, and the pheasants are so hot every day, otherwise it will be difficult to vent their resentment towards Tianshui Film and Television.

Since tonight, Tianshui Film and Television and Jiangsu Satellite TV will be friends!

Hengdian Film and Television City.

Li Kai was in Wang Deng's luxury suite, and the two of them watched the first episode of "Dragon Ba Bu" by Bo Yu Entertainment together.

"How do you feel?"

After reading it, the two asked each other almost in unison.

After asking, the two were silent.

After a while, they all laughed again, but they were all wry smiles.

"Do you regret it?" Wang Deng asked Li Kai.

Although it's only the first episode and Duan Yu hasn't come out yet, but the first episode was filmed like this, and the plot after that, you can know what it will be like if you think about it.

"What about you?" Li Kai asked Wang Deng with a bitter face.

Wang Deng laughed loudly: "I'm a little bit, fortunately I don't get involved in the TV industry much. Can you compare with me? At the beginning, your role was Duan Yu, one of the three main protagonists, and the limelight was only under Qiao Feng."

Li Kai was very distressed: "Brother, can you still have a pleasant chat? You don't hit people in the face, and you don't expose them."

Li Kai's manager is even more dickish than Li Kai at this time, even though she has no dick.

Li Kai became popular through "Super Run", but his acting career did not make greater progress and encountered a bottleneck.

After all, he has participated in many film and television works in the past two years, including leading roles and supporting roles, but he is just not popular, and he has nothing to represent, and he has no face to call him popular when he is pulled out.

Li Kai's manager is a little melancholy, Boyu Entertainment's "Dragon Babu" seems to be popular!
The first episode was really great!
Qiao Feng was radiant, and his unrivaled heroic temperament convinced countless girls and young women in front of the screen.

Even men sincerely admire this kind of man.

Many times, an actor doesn't need to perform well to be popular.

Teammates are strong, and they can also drive themselves to fire.

Li Kai's agent watched Boyu Entertainment's "Dragon Babu" TV series with her professional eyes, and it is not far from the fire.

Although it is only an online drama now, judging from the current quality, it will definitely be broadcast on TV stations in the future.

Although the Internet is developed, TV is still the mainstream.

The TV audience is larger than the Internet user base.

The majority of netizens are young people, but TV viewers include people of all ages.

People in their seventies and eighties, down to children of a few years old, are all TV viewers.

Once Boyu Entertainment's "Dragon Babu" was broadcast on TV, it became a complete hit.

Wang Deng, Li Kai, Huang Xiqian, Liu Fei and others even felt that Boyu Entertainment's "Tian Long Ba Bu" TV series will be more popular and popular than "Swordsman".

Missing this train, Li Kai and his manager wanted to cry.


Wu Renzhi of Uniasia Entertainment sat on the sofa blankly.

He had finished watching the first episode of "Dragon Ba Bu" by Bo Yu Entertainment on QQ Video Online.

Although Wu Renzhi had never watched "Dragon Babu" by Tianshui Film and Television, after watching the first episode of "Dragon Babu" by Bo Yu Entertainment, he also felt that it was not good.

He has some understanding of Li Longji's imaginative director style in Tianshui Film and Television, especially after a successful film, this Li Longji began to let go of himself. .

The screenwriter is disobedient, get out!

The actor can't meet the requirements, get out!

The stylist is not good, get out!
Roll one after another until he is satisfied.

But in many cases, only he is satisfied with the result, and the audience is not satisfied.

"Tianshui and Sujiang Satellite TV are now turning against each other." Wu Renzhi felt a kind of sadness that he was going to die.

Sujiang Satellite TV seems to have earned more than 20 yuan from Boyu Entertainment, but this amount of money is nothing.

Compared with Boyu Entertainment's "Dragon Babu" which has huge potential and may explode the ratings of Sujiang Satellite TV, Sujiang Satellite TV is willing to give 200 million yuan to Boyu Entertainment, as long as it can get back the premiere rights.

Nie Yunshan was a little dazed after watching the first episode of Boyu Entertainment's "Dragon Ba Bu".

This is not the life she wants at all.

"Tianshui Film and Television and Sujiang Satellite TV...there is a big feud!"

She wiped away sweat for Tianshui Film and Television, and also mourned for Sujiang Satellite TV.

Then, she seemed to think of something, and her face changed drastically.


 There are more than 6000 characters in the chapter, so I won't break it up.

  Send it out together, is it a surprise or a surprise?

(End of this chapter)

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