The superstar is here

Chapter 643 Brotherly Love

Chapter 643 Brotherly Love
Chen Ziang married Guan Tongtong, and he was the ultimate boss of Shi Zifeng Technology.

He thought over and over again, he didn't want Shi Zifeng Technology to get involved in the entertainment circle with such a big fanfare.

The entertainment industry often creates storms of public opinion, and netizens are easily incited.

What public knowledge, fifty cents, cents, do you think the country doesn't know about these cancers?

The country has always known it, but some of these people have even become well-known public figures, and they know all walks of life. They don't break the law, they just follow the rhythm and freedom of speech, and then black out their own country.

However, the country can't do anything about it, there are too many lice, even if they can kill people with their hands, they can't kill them all.

The public relations crisis faced by Uniasia and Tianshui made Chen Ziang more cautious.

Of course, it is impossible to bring down Uniasia and Tianshui in this crisis.

These two companies have only suffered some damage to their reputations, and they will not be affected at all.

Shangguan Yunfei, the person in charge of QQ Video Network, asked Chen Siyu, should he take the initiative to attack and bring a wave of rhythm?
QQ Video Network has become independent and is responsible for its own profits and losses, but the boss is the Chen family, and the Chen family is at the helm of several listed companies, such as Alipay.

These companies are collectively referred to as Shizifeng Technology both inside and outside the industry.

Shizifeng Technology currently has only one QQ legally, but this super aircraft carrier has been incubating aircraft carriers, and once hatched, it will be separated immediately.

The routine of breaking the whole into parts is very applicable.

"No, it's better to keep a low profile." Chen Siyu didn't agree with Shangguan Yunfei's suggestion, and the higher-ups didn't mean it either.

Shangguan Yunfei wanted to make a contribution, but he was only offering suggestions. Chen Siyu couldn't get through, so he didn't withdraw.


As the year approaches, the crew of "Legend of the White Snake" is on vacation.

This is simply weird in the world.

Once the crew starts work, even if there is no mouth to eat, venue rental, prop rental, etc. are still spent every day.

Taking a vacation like this is a huge loss.

Industries such as film crews are special types of work, and it is incomparable to compare them with ordinary industries.

As a result, once the crew starts work, it is normal to operate as usual during the holidays.

But the crew of "Legend of the White Snake" is on vacation!
In fact, Chen Ziang had no choice. Tian Xiaosheng, Hao Jian and Li Qiuting had to go back to prepare for CCTV's Spring Festival Gala and had to leave the crew.

And he alone can't stand so many things.

Wanting to find someone to help, looking around, no one can take the place of Hao Jian and Li Qiuting.

Boyu Entertainment is still seriously short of talents.

Vacation is out of the question.

So on the 28th of the new year, Chen Ziang led Guan Tongtong back to his hometown to celebrate the new year.

After half a day of traveling and traveling.

"Our family has moved!" The family's car took Chen Ziang and Guan Tongtong to the Linjiang villas. Outside the door of the Chen family's big house, Guan Tongtong looked up at the three-story villa with her bag in her hand.

Villas usually have a negative floor, which counts as four floors.

"I moved early. My parents live on the first floor, and we live on the second floor." Chen Ziang detected the fingerprint on the side of the door, and the door opened.

My parents haven't come back yet, I heard that my father is at the company, and my mother is probably still on the plane, on the way back from abroad.

Chen Zi'ang and Guan Tongtong came back a little early and arrived home at noon.

But returning early was not only because there was no need for him in Youzhou, but also because he wanted to go home early and get together with the Daishuai.

That guy came back from America a few days ago.

In the two and a half years since graduating from high school, the relationship between Chen Ziang and Dai Shuai has weakened a lot.

The circle of gangsters is different, and the Pacific Ocean is separated, so it is normal for the relationship to be weak.

Chen Ziang reckoned that if he was like Yu Wen, going to university honestly and doing some part-time jobs occasionally, his relationship with Dai Shuai would only get weaker.

Even faded to no contact.

As far as he knew, Yu Wenwen and the acting commander still had occasional contact in the first year, but they didn't contact each other for the whole year.

Dai Shuai returned to Lin'an a few days ago, and Yu Wen returned to Lin'an early after the winter vacation.

But the two haven't contacted each other in the past few days, let alone come out to meet each other.

Before returning to Lin'an, the acting commander hadn't contacted Chen Ziang for a long time.

Before returning a few days ago, he contacted Chen Ziang, saying that he was going back to China, to Lin'an.

Chen Ziang only contacted the marshal yesterday, saying that today he would take Guan Tongtong back to Lin'an for the New Year.

Dai Shuai said that when he came back, we would meet for dinner together, and he would bring his new girlfriend with him.

After Chen Ziang and Guan Tongtong entered the house, they put away their things and went to their bedroom on the second floor to have a look.

The house is kept clean, whether the owner is at home or not, the nanny comes to clean it every day, water the flowers and feed the fish.

If the owner goes home for dinner, he will make an agreement in advance, and the nanny will come to cook in advance.

Chen Ziang and Guan Tongtong were admiring the room furnished by their mother in the bedroom when the phone rang at the door.

Chen Ziang went over to pick it up.

It turned out that Dai Shuai and his girlfriend had arrived at the gate of the villa area, and the guard wanted to confirm the visitor with the head of the household.

After Chen Ziang confirmed, the guard let the Daishuai and his girlfriend through.

The four of them put the meeting place at Chen Ziang's house.

Dai Shuai also said that he bought food with his girlfriend and planned to cook lunch at Chen Ziang's house.

"Is your buddy a star?" In the car, Dai Shuai's girlfriend sat in the passenger seat and said, she was a bit petite, with delicate features, and wore a pair of glasses.

The acting handsome is more than 1.8 meters, while his girlfriend is only a little more than 1.5 meters.

"He's a big star. You're not in China, so you probably don't know much about it." Dai Shuai smiled, a little proud of having such a good buddy.

Who would have thought that Chen Ziang could be like this?
Quasi-super first-line artist!
One step away from the super line.

If "Dragon Babu" is over, it is inevitable that he will be promoted to the top line according to the popularity.

This is not the main thing.

The most important thing is that Chen Ziang is the son of Queen Stone.

The acting commander didn't know that Chen Ziang was the real helm of Shi Zifeng Technology, and Shi Zifeng Technology was born because of Chen Ziang.

But just being the son of Queen Stone, this status is already taller than Daishuai.

The Chen family has developed so fast that in less than three years, it has already become the richest man in the country.

The combined business empires of the surrogate father and surrogate mother may not necessarily be worth more than the Chen family.

Of course, the value of the Chen family is mostly market value, and in terms of real money, it is not as good as the Dai family.

But to cash out, the Dai family may not dare to say that they are richer.

Chen Jiazhen cashed out and reduced his shareholding, capital predators from all over the world would frantically flock to help.

"Why do you like making friends in the entertainment industry?" Dai Shuai's girlfriend Li Yun'er was a little reluctant to come with her boyfriend to find Chen Ziang.

"I said high school classmates, we used to have a good relationship." Dai Shuai frowned a little.

He could see that his girlfriend's understanding of Chen Ziang was very superficial, and he was afraid that his girlfriend's performance would affect his relationship with Chen Ziang. The acting commander said solemnly: "You will know when you graduate and go back to China. I just want to Let me tell you a little bit, Ziang's mother is Queen Stone."

"The Stone Queen?"

Li Yun'er didn't feel anything at first, but after a while, she was taken aback and asked, "Queen Stone? Shi Jia?"

Shi Zifeng's technology has gone abroad and entered the world. Queen Stone is not only famous in China, but also has a large number of fans abroad.

Although Li Yun'er grew up abroad and went to school abroad, she still has some understanding of Shi Jia who was born in the past two years.

"You still doubt me?" Dai Shuai was a little upset.

"He... your buddy's mother is Queen Stone?" Li Yun'er couldn't believe it. With such an identity, how could Chen Ziang go to the entertainment industry?

"Nonsense!" Dai Shuai was very dissatisfied, this girlfriend was not only too clingy, but also challenged him in various ways.

Not long after, Dai Shuai followed the instructions, drove the car to the door of Chen Ziang's house, and then found an open-air parking space to park.

"You guys are so weird that you actually go to the entertainment industry." Li Yun'er got out of the car, and said while fetching fruits, meat and vegetables from the trunk with Dai Shuai.

"Their family is all evildoers, what my mother said...don't embarrass me by talking nonsense today." Dai Shuai warned.

Li Yun'er immediately pursed her lips, she was quite sensible.

At this time, Chen Ziang received a call in the house.

The place of belonging is an unfamiliar number in Lin'an.

Chen Ziang answered the phone suspiciously, and a strange but familiar female voice came from the other side: "Hello, is this Chen Ziang?"

"I am, are you?" Chen Ziang tried hard to recall, but he couldn't remember the identity of the woman over there.

Her voice was a very mature woman's voice, but to Chen Ziang's ears, it was a bit too mature and not his favorite type.

"I'm Dai Shuai's mother." Ning Xiaojia over there explained her identity.

Chen Ziang was taken aback, he didn't have time to think about why Ning Xiaojia made this call, he quickly said hello: "It's Auntie, hello Auntie!"

"Hello." Ning Xiaojia's tone was very gentle, even a little humble.

This made Chen Ziang a little confused.

I remember that the last time I saw Ning Xiaojia was in the champion room.

At that time, Ning Xiaojia changed his friendly attitude towards him in the past.At that time, Ning Xiaojia was very powerful, looking down at Chen Ziang with a domineering attitude.

Chen Ziang recalled that Ning Xiaojia still had a great influence on him. If it wasn't for Ning Xiaojia, he might have gone to Beiying.

Going to Beiying, the Tinder plan can be implemented, and the shared bicycle project will not be affected.

However, his status as a student of Beijing Film Academy may be a major obstacle to his combination with Guan Tongtong.

It was precisely because of going to Tsinghua University that Guan Tongtong's affection for him was further improved.

At that time, Guan Tongtong was so moved by Chen Ziang that she was [-]% willing to sacrifice herself immediately when Chen Ziang asked her.

And precisely because of his Tsinghua student status, the Guan family welcomed him very much.

Think about it, if he went to Beiying, the road between him and Guan Tongtong would not be so smooth.

"Auntie, is there anything I can do?" Ning Xiaojia was a little silent after saying "Hello", and Chen Ziang felt that the atmosphere was a little awkward, so he couldn't help asking.

Ning Xiaojia was silent for a moment before saying: "Have Shuai Shuai and his girlfriend come to your house?"

Chen Ziang stood in the living room on the first floor, looked at the door, and said, "Not yet, I guess we'll be there soon."

The surrogate mother knew that Dai Shuai and his girlfriend were coming, Chen Ziang was not surprised.

It's just that he didn't know why Ning Xiaojia made this call and asked this.

"It's not easy for Shuai Shuai to seriously talk about a girlfriend. I don't really want him to bring Yun'er to play with you." Ning Xiaojia said over there.

Chen Ziang was surprised: "Auntie, what's the matter? Are you afraid that you won't be good looking? Well, when he and his girlfriend come over, I'll help him see his girlfriend."

Ning Xiaojia over there was a little panicked, and hurriedly said: "Don't... it's not because you have a bad eye for handsomeness, you... don't look at it."

Chen Ziang was at a loss: "Auntie, what's wrong with you?"

Ning Xiaojia struggled and said: "I'm actually not satisfied with this handsome girlfriend. No, I am very satisfied. I very much hope that they can succeed."

Dai Shuai's girlfriend, Chen Zi'ang probably got to know something from Dai Shuai.

Li Yun'er's ancestral home is Lin'an, and her parents and grandparents were also in Lin'an, and they even went on official careers.

But she went abroad and received education abroad since she was a child. Until now, she is in the same university as Dai Shuai.

But she is only a freshman, not much younger than Daishuai who goes to school earlier than ordinary people.

"That's good." Chen Ziang said with a smile, "I don't believe in handsome eyes, but I also believe in yours, Auntie."

Ning Xiaojia gritted her teeth, and opened the skylight to speak brightly to Chen Ziang: "Ziang, auntie was wrong before, it was auntie's fault. You have such a good relationship with Shuaishuai. Be nicer to Shuaishuai. The daughter-in-law that auntie likes, you just Don't mess it up."

Chen Ziang was stunned, and said, "Auntie, have you misunderstood something?"

Ning Xiaojia complained: "Auntie, what misunderstanding can there be? Guan Tongtong is the daughter-in-law that Auntie has a crush on, but Shuai Shuai took you to see Guan Tongtong, and Guan Tongtong was abducted by you. Lin Siyan, Auntie also fell in love with her, Shuai Shuai, a child who is a fool, took Lin Siyan to see you again, and finally Lin Siyan left Shuai Shuai for you, and ran back from abroad to find you..."

Chen Ziang opened his mouth, he had never thought about this question before.

Ning Xiao's good stories were full of resentment. If Chen Ziang hadn't been a person with an ID card and married Guan Tongtong, she really wanted to beat him to death.

But Chen Ziang felt something was wrong, he couldn't say what Ning Xiaojia said.

He can't carry this blame.

"Auntie, this...isn't that what you said." Chen Ziang argued: "Tongtong and Shuaishuai are just the meaning of your parents. Tongtong has never had feelings for Shuaishuai, and Shuaishuai treats Tongtong as ordinary friends. As for Lin Siyan, I don’t know what’s going on, I got along with Tongtong a long time ago. Lin Siyan ran back to China, how could it be because of me?”

Chen Ziang didn't do anything to Lin Siyan, even if he knew the other party's wishful thinking, he couldn't admit what he knew even if he killed him.

Ning Xiaojia said softly over there: "The past, the past is the past, please forgive me for saying something wrong. Now this handsome girlfriend, auntie please show your respect. I asked Shuai Shuai, he and this girlfriend He slept with his girlfriend before, it was the first time for his girlfriend, they traveled together some time ago, ate and slept together..."

Chen Ziang was a little angry: "Auntie, you have imagined me too badly! A friend's wife should not be bullied, I understand this truth. Stop talking about snatching handsome girlfriends, if you attack handsome girlfriends, am I still human? ?”

Ning Xiaojia quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Auntie is a little impatient, Ziang, don't be angry. Shuaishuai is serious about dating now, more down-to-earth than before, and he is looking for our Chinese girls, not those with blonde hair or dark skin. Auntie I'm afraid of getting dirty, so I'm a little impatient. Don't be angry, Auntie will treat you to dinner another day, and apologize for what happened before and today. Don't take it to heart..."

Chen Ziang was a little at a loss now, but also a little sad.

What a strong and domineering woman Ning Xiaojia is, for the sake of her son, she is so humble with him, she pities the hearts of parents all over the world.

"Auntie, don't be like this, just eat. Shuai Shuai is my good friend...I'm married, how could I kidnap Shuai Shuai's girlfriend, don't you think so?" Chen Ziang quickly comforted Ning Xiaojia.

"That can't be done. If you don't agree to Auntie's invitation to dinner, you still have a misunderstanding of Auntie." Ning Xiaojia's insight and the world that Chen Ziang can't see.

What a shit!
How can the actions of some circles be seen and understood by those who have always accepted the mainstream values ​​and moral baptism?

"Auntie, there's no need, you're too..." Chen Ziang was talking when the doorbell rang.

Then, he walked to the door, and when he opened the door, he saw Dai Shuai and a petite and beautiful girl outside the gate on the other side of the yard.

"Shuaishai is here. I'll open the door for him. Auntie, I'll hang up first." Chen Ziang said to Ning Xiaojia in a low voice while waving at Daishuai.

"Okay, Auntie, when you agree, Auntie will treat you to dinner before you leave." Ning Xiaojia said over there.

Chen Ziang didn't care about Ning Xiaojia, he hung up the phone while answering "Hmm", and went down the steps to open the door for Dai Shuai and the others.

After Chen Ziang opened the door, Dai Shuai came in carrying bags of various sizes, with a happy expression on his face.

"Isn't it good to go abroad, why did it make you thin?" Chen Ziang patted the shoulder of Dai Shuai and smiled.

The Daishuai doesn't look as strong as before, and gets thinner every year.

"What a fart, the water is in dire straits. If my mother didn't stop me, I would have returned to China long ago." Dai Shuai resented his parents very much.

Li Yun'er next to him adjusted his glasses and secretly looked at Chen Ziang.

This guy is also quite handsome, and he has two different styles from Daishuai.

Dai Shuai is a bit feminine and handsome.

Chen Ziang is a bit masculine and handsome, even a bit fierce and sharp.

"Are these siblings?" Chen Ziang turned around and took the bag from Li Yun'er with a smile.

At the same time, Chen Ziang was shocked in his heart, Dai Shuai's habit was a bit abnormal.

To put it bluntly, Li Yun'er is relatively petite.

To put it bluntly, Li Yun'er is the height of a primary school student.

Visually, it was just over 1.5 meters.

And Dai Shuai is more than 1.8 meters.

Chen Ziang really wanted to beat up the Daishuai, but he was tired of playing with the fucking blond beauties, he played with the Black Pearl Beauty, he was tired of the Black Pearl Beauty, so he turned to a loli!

Although Li Yun'er's face already looks like an adult girl, her figure...

It's not that Chen Ziang discriminates against petite girls, it's that the contrast with Dai Shuai is too great.

"Hello!" Li Yun'er smiled at Chen Ziang, it was like this in reality, she had no objection to Chen Ziang calling her "brother and sister".

When primary and middle school students fall in love, it is normal for boyfriends to call their girlfriends "wife", and girlfriends to call their boyfriends "husband".

What's the matter with calling younger siblings, shouldn't it be normal?

"Well, my girlfriend, Li Yuner." The acting commander introduced Li Yuner to Chen Ziang, and then introduced Chen Ziang to Li Yuner: "This is my best buddy in high school, Chen Ziang."

Not much introduction, just a formality.

Anyway, the identity is self-evident.

At this time, Guan Tongtong came down from the downstairs after changing clothes, and greeted the Marshal at the door of the house: "The Marshal is here."

Dai Shuai called out: "Sister-in-law."

"Go, go into the house." Chen Ziang led Dai Shuai and Li Yun'er into the house.

Seeing Guan Tongtong, Li Yuner's eyes widened.

She has seen countless beauties, both at home and abroad, but Guan Tongtong is the one who amazes her the most.

Before, when she saw a doll abroad, she was astonished. She thought the most beautiful woman was probably a white woman from Europe and America.

But after seeing Guan Tongtong, Li Yun'er realized that the most beautiful oriental beauties are.

Guan Tongtong dresses up at home, but he loses his mind.

"It's almost time for lunch, let's chat while cooking." Chen Ziang carried the vegetables bought by Dai Shuai and the others into the kitchen.

The rice has been cooked before.

Li Yun'er was a little embarrassed. Although she was a girl, she couldn't cook.

But Guan Tongtong and Chen Ziang were skillfully busy in the kitchen.

This guy on behalf of the handsome didn't feel any embarrassment, anyway, he knew that Chen Ziang knew that he opened his mouth and stretched out his hands when he was eating, and he didn't know how to cook.

Washing vegetables and cutting meat, everyone chatted.

Most of the time, it was Chen Ziang and Dai Shuai who chatted in low voices, while Guan Tongtong and Li Yuner talked in low voices without interfering with each other.

It didn't take long for everyone to get acquainted and talk more and more freely.

Dai Shuai began to pick on Li Yun'er's faults: "She's too squeamish, and she always wants to break up. Before returning to China, we went on a trip, and when we came back, she yelled to break up."

Chen Zi'ang really wanted to ask Dai Shuai: Did you know Li Yun'er deeply, and Li Yun'er knew everything about you, and then became dissatisfied with you?

But he didn't ask, Li Yun'er and Guan Tongtong were on the sidelines, how could they say things that only men say in front of girls.

After listening to Dai Shuai's words, Li Yun'er refused to agree. She rolled her eyes at Dai Shuai and said to Guan Tongtong, "Sister Tongtong, let me tell you that before going on a trip with Dai Shuai, I bought six or seven I got a new set of clothes and learned a hundred and eight new poses. As a result, I couldn’t even read the photos he took for me. With such poor photography skills, he shouldn’t be qualified to fall in love.”

Chen Ziang agreed with what Dai Shuai said.

This Li Yun'er is quite delicate, she broke up with her because of such a small matter, she is really a girl now, and she doesn't cherish a partner.

But he was curious about how poor Dai Shuai's photography skills were, so Li Yun'er broke up.

Guan Tongtong was also curious.

Li Yun'er wiped her hands, then took out her phone, opened the photo album, and clicked on a photo for Guan Tongtong to see.

Chen Ziang also leaned over to look.

In the photo, there is a building in the distance, and a girl with her back to the camera is wearing a sun hat, short skirt and long hair. Although she is petite, her back is still very impressive, but her legs look a bit thick.

Li Yun'er was wearing velvet trousers today, Chen Ziang glanced at it, and suddenly realized.

Li Yun'er's legs are very thin, but in the photo they are at least twice thicker, and I don't know how Dai Shuai took them.

Guan Tongtong was also speechless.

"This photography technique is really good, the legs can be photographed like this." Chen Ziang couldn't help complaining.

Li Yun'er hesitated for a moment, and said, "This girl is not me, you all look forward, look further away."

Chen Ziang and Guan Tongtong observed for a full 100 seconds before they suddenly discovered that there was indeed a person in the distant building, vaguely opening his hands to the camera.

Fuck, how many hundred meters away was this shot?
Even when Chen Ziang enlarged the photo, he couldn't see Li Yun'er clearly.

Li Yun'er found another photo: "I asked him to take this photo for me too, but the ground was slippery at the time, I couldn't stand still and I was about to fall, so he didn't help me, so he took this photo."

Chen Ziang poked his head over.

Seeing this, he mourned Li Yun'er in silence.

In the photo, Li Yun'er almost slipped and rubbed against each other, while Dai Shuai was probably laughing and laughing behind the camera, making his girlfriend look like a vulture.

In the photo, the scenery is clear, but the images of the characters are blurred, and there is no human appearance at all.

At first glance, I thought it was a big eagle with long legs spreading its wings and about to take off.

Chen Zi'ang felt that if Li Yun'er didn't beat the acting commander out, the acting commander should have a good time, and he still hates this and that, bitch.

After continuing to read two pictures, Chen Ziang couldn't take it any longer, so he cooked in silence.

"Sister Tongtong, do you think he is my boyfriend? He is so perfunctory to me. I don't dare to show my parents and girlfriends any photos I took." Li Yun'er was very disgusted with Dai Shuai.


After dinner, Guan Tongtong and Li Yuner sat in the living room watching TV and chatting.

Chen Ziang and Dai Shuai went to the rooftop.

"Is there a bathroom in this room?" When he went up to the rooftop, Dai Shuai asked, pointing to one of the rooms.

Chen Ziang was about to open the door and go in, he was in a hurry to urinate, and he replied, "Yes."

As soon as the door opened, Dai Shuai hurried in first.

By the time Chen Ziang entered the bathroom, Dai Shuai was already standing in front of the toilet for convenience.

"Are you going too?" Dai Shuai asked in a panic.

"That's right." Chen Ziang held back a bit, and squeezed over.

"Wait a minute." Dai Shuai said quickly, but it was too late.

After Chen Ziang finished rumbling, the acting commander-in-chief hadn't finished releasing the water yet.

The commander-in-chief was very inferior, but he still said angrily: "You feel like a different person in the past two or three years, and you have become more handsome."

Chen Ziang was puzzled, and said without raising his head while washing his hands at the sink.

After draining the water, Dai Shuai said as if he discovered some big secret while flushing the water: "Zi Ang, you really can't find a petite girl like Li Yun'er like me..."

Before Dai Shuai could speak, Chen Zi'ang's face suddenly became extremely gloomy, he raised his foot without warning, and kicked Chao Dai Shuai violently.

(End of this chapter)

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