The superstar is here

Chapter 651 Love My China

Chapter 651 Love My China
As soon as the skit "Follow It Like It" came out, the internet went viral.

"I'll go, no wonder the Spring Festival Gala program group that had a feud with Zi Ang still held his nose to accept his sketch, and had to accept it."

"Yes, it's the anti-corruption year. The anti-corruption theme of "Follow It" keeps pace with the times, and leaders will applaud it when they see it."

"It's very risky, but it must be loved by the leaders. The Spring Festival Gala program team also wants to make money. So they have to accept Chen Ziang's skit."

"My brother is amazing, you know that Chen Ziang has many ways."


Tonight, the leaders watching the Spring Festival Gala, whether they are honest or corrupt officials, have to give a thumbs up to this skit.

The main theme, positive energy, no matter how filthy an official is, he must like it when he sees it, and use it to educate the people below.

Netizens quickly picked out the classic lines in it.

"'I'll sleep for a while, don't delay', Li Qiuting is so funny. Zi Ang used to be funny, but recently he has calmed down a bit. Li Qiuting has been with him for a long time, can she not be infected? Haha."

"I just thought of the phrase 'This is a good opportunity for your ancestors to cheat their corpses', it's so funny."

"This is the ladder of your life! Haha."

"'This one likes fishing, so I dive into the water and hang fish one by one on his hook; I used my relics to wear strings for him! This one likes me...' This sentence is too funny!"

"I really told you, there is no shortage of people who can play table tennis in our country!"

"Hao Jian is so cheap, haha, listen to Jun's words, subvert the outlook on life!"

"Your flattering skills are all in your blood!"

"Don't always think about what the leaders like, but think about what the people need! This is very positive energy."

"Tian Xiaosheng has always presented a positive image. The phrase 'If you want to make achievements at work, there is no shortcut, you can only work hard and be down-to-earth' is suitable for all positions. Ninety-nine percent of people in this world have no shortcuts, they can only do this Dry."


Netizens commented enthusiastically, and they did not hesitate to praise "Follow It".

""Follow What You Like" is a good work that satirizes officialdom culture! Actors Li Qiuting and Hao Jian are definitely comparable to the best sketch actors at present, although they are almost all performing sketches for the first time."

"So far, "Follow It Like It" is the skit that I think has the most laughs and is the most realistic, but I feel that the sketch is a little short, and it makes people feel like it's over after watching half of it. I want to say that the time is very fast Is it? It's like eating Xuanmai!"

""Follow It Like It" will definitely be popular. The scale of the lines is very large, but it is extremely enjoyable to listen to. It is an excellent work with strong satire. It can be said that it makes the audience laugh from beginning to end, but it is very meaningful. It can be spicy to the bones of some cadres! Like it! It's spicy enough!"


Netizens were amazed, and people in the circle were also shaking their heads and sighing. There have been three language programs before, but compared with "Follow Your Favorite", the laughs and positive energy are far behind.

Those who think that "Follow One" will be at the bottom of all language programs in the Spring Festival Gala tonight, shut up now.

There are eight language programs tonight, and even if the next four language programs are better than "Find It Like It", it will not be at the bottom.

What's more, who dares to say that "Follow It" will be worse than the next four language programs?
Although "Follow It Like It" is a bit more positive, and the second half is more serious, but looking at the audience, there are still plenty of laughs.

In the past Spring Festival Gala, it is difficult to have a language program that can surpass it. At most, it is evenly matched.

If there is transcendence, it is just that radish and green vegetables have their own preferences.

"Tian Xiaosheng and Hao Jian are not bad!"

"The people at Boyu Entertainment are crazy, and the director can also play sketches in person."

"What the hell is Boyu Entertainment, a concentration camp for perverts."

"Paralysis, I just found out now that one Tian Xiaosheng and Hao Jian graduated from Tsinghua University, and the other graduated from Peking University."

"What the hell, even a top student can do this, how can we live!"

"Haha, hang out with Ziang and have meat to eat."

"It's awesome, Ziang has the protagonist's radiance, and the people around him are so outstanding."

"Weeping and fainting in the toilet."


The insiders collapsed, and the more they understood the network behind Zi Ang, the more desperate they became.

A top student can be trained by Bo Yu Entertainment to look like a scumbag, which is not so difficult.

You can foresee that after tonight, "Dragon and Babu" by Boyu Film and Television will become even more popular.

The trio of Li Qiuting garnered a wave of popularity on the stage of the national Spring Festival Gala. How could their popular film and television works be unknown?
The quality of "Follow It Like It" made Chen Ziang's fans feel it's a pity, why didn't he go up there himself?

"Big Daddy, why don't you play in person?"

"Is the CCTV Spring Festival Gala program group still crowded out?"

"I really want to see Da Da perform on the Spring Festival Gala. I used to want to see Da Da sing on the Spring Festival Gala stage, but now I have changed my mind. I want to see Da Da perform a sketch on the Spring Festival Gala stage."

"Haha, Da Da is so funny... Thinking of Da Da's previous jokes and videos, I think Da Da's sketches will definitely be able to play more vividly."

"Oh, I want to watch Da Da play a sketch, I have to laugh to death."

"Let's come together and urge you to go to the Spring Festival Gala next year. If the Spring Festival Gala program group doesn't let you do it, we will make a fuss and spray the CCTV Spring Festival Gala program group to death."


Chen Ziang's fans yelled, very unwilling.

They didn't believe that even newcomers like Tian Xiaosheng and Hao Jian could go to the Spring Festival Gala, but he couldn't.

Chen Ziang made his debut as a joke video. At that time, his acting skills were so good that people thought he was an actor, otherwise how could he act so naturally.

Of course, Chen Ziang was unaware of the fan's appeal.

There are tens of millions of netizens, and there are at least tens of thousands of fans who discuss him every day. There is too much information, and he can't read it 24 hours a day.

At this time, Chen Ziang called Li Qiuting to congratulate Li Qiuting after a long time after the performance of "Follow Your Likes".

When I called, Li Qiuting was on the phone.

It is estimated that there are many friends who congratulate her.

Chen Ziang was about to hang up and call back later when Li Qiuting was free.

But before he hung up, Li Qiuting switched the phone to him.

"Scared me, I want to wait until you finish your work." Chen Ziang laughed.

"I can't finish my work. Many friends are on the phone. I'm a little happy but also a little annoying." Li Qiuting complained.

"How does it feel to be the leading role in the Spring Festival Gala for the first time?" Chen Ziang asked.

"It's similar to the usual rehearsal, and it doesn't feel too much. You underestimate me too much. Don't think that only you singers have been on the concert stage and faced thousands of audiences. You are not nervous about going to the Spring Festival Gala... Although I am not a professional Singers, but they have also been concert guests and sang in front of tens of thousands of people. How many people are there at the Spring Festival Gala?" Li Qiuting smiled and said, "Well, Tian Xiaosheng and Hao Jian took off their coats immediately after stepping off the stage. Wet. They were more nervous than each other, lol."

"Haha, it's normal, it happens to me when I'm nervous." Chen Ziang laughed heartily. He was very pleased that the performance was a success.

"Are the pants all wet?" Li Qiuting snickered.

"Eh." Chen Ziang said with disgust, "Don't be a hooligan, I'm a man, my pants won't get wet."

Li Qiuting wanted to roll her eyes at Chen Ziang, thinking that he couldn't see it, so she said pitifully, "I'm taking off my makeup, but I don't have much makeup. You are happy to spend the New Year with your parents and wife at home. I will go home later and eat supper by myself." New Year's Eve by myself."

"My mother said, don't compare yourself with others. In fact, every day is the same. It's just that when you see what happens to others, you will think about it. As for you, it's the same as usual." Chen Ziang comforted.

Li Qiuting didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said "my mother said", and then she asked curiously: "It seems that you or your mother have had the experience of celebrating the New Year alone, and know so much."

Chen Ziang nodded and said: "My mother, I don't know. I used to celebrate the New Year by myself a few times. At that time, life was hard, and I worked hard outside for a better life. I also went to the city where my ex-girlfriend was stupidly. At that time Although we are still in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship, I couldn’t get into her house, and she didn’t choose to come out to accompany me to celebrate the New Year, so I watched the Spring Festival Gala in a strange city by myself, and celebrated the New Year alone.”

Li Qiuting was taken aback, Chen Ziang was so young, how could he have so many rich experiences?
These words seemed to be made up, but judging from Chen Ziang's tone, it was too realistic and devoted.

This guy, forget it, whether it is true or not, he would rather believe what he has or not.

After calling Li Qiuting, Chen Ziang called Tian Xiaosheng and Hao Jian again.

These two people were not as busy as Li Qiuting, at least when he called them, they were not on the phone.

Whether Boyu Films' "Dragon Babu" can win Tianshui Film and Television's "Dragon Babu" is also very important tonight's "Follow It Like It" skit.

This is a chip.

Looking at it now, it was obvious that Tian Xiaosheng and the others had succeeded.

Then, the following days will be much easier.

Chen family.

After Chen Ziang made the phone call and returned to the living room, Shi Jia asked, "Is there another song?"

"Yeah." Chen Ziang looked at the time: "It's almost here, my teacher sang it."

Both Shi Jia and Chen Feng knew that Chen Ziang worshiped Wang Yin as his teacher more than two years ago.

But the two elders never met Wang Yin.

Both parties are busy, and this kind of master-student relationship is not as solemn as in ancient times.

CCTV Spring Festival Gala backstage.

Wang Yin waited in the same room with several old artists.

Among these old artists, there are Liu Lanfang, Li Yuan, Chen Shishi and so on.

Liu Lanfang is 65 years old this year, and she has attended the Spring Festival Gala more times than Wang Yin.

She is a Chinese soprano singer and a national first-class actress. She has been teaching at the Central Conservatory of Music from time to time in the past two years.

The first person Chen Ziang wanted to learn as a teacher was Liu Lanfang, a highly respected female singer in the art world.

When she was young, Liu Lanfang was sweet and affectionate, charming, hot-tempered, and outspoken.Created a precedent for the integration of national singing and popular singing in the Chinese music scene. His singing style and skills have made great contributions to the development of national vocal music and popular music, and created a generation of singing style.

At the beginning, it was because Liu Lanfang was willing to teach that Chen Ziang went there with hope.

In the end, Liu Lanfang treated him as a liar or something, and refused to sing the song given by Chen Ziang. Of course, the matter of apprenticeship was over.

Li Yuan, a famous Chinese national vocal singer, is currently the head of a certain song and dance troupe of the People's Liberation Army, a national first-class actor, a civilian cadre, a military-level treatment, a part-time professor of BJ University, and a government subsidy issued by the State Council.

Li Yuan was Chen Ziang's second target for apprenticeship, but he couldn't even enter the community.

No one saw him, no one made a call, let alone the matter of apprenticeship.

His third target was Chen Shishi, his own family, but unfortunately he was able to enter the community where Chen Shishi lived, but he couldn't enter the residential building.

Chen Shishi is also super powerful, a Chinese female singer, a national first-class actor, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, a representative of a certain National People's Congress, and the current deputy head of a certain cultural troupe of the People's Liberation Army. She is treated as a teacher and enjoys special government allowances from the State Council.

She is relatively young, not to mention very beautiful, but she has a clerical job and has an extraordinary temperament, which is very popular among young and middle-aged audiences.

"This young man is not bad. He found my home at that time, and he is full of enthusiasm..." Liu Lanfang's eyes were full of memories, and there was a trace of regret.

But there is no way, the society is too complicated, Chen Ziang went to find Liu Lanfang like that, it was very abrupt.

His chances of succeeding in apprenticeship like this are too slim.

"I heard that he also looked for me at the beginning, but unfortunately when I found out later, he was already Yinyin's student." Li Yuan smiled, and she was also a little regretful.

"Sister Yuan knew about it earlier, so she wouldn't have accepted him, would she?" Chen Shishi was the youngest and said with a grin.

"That may be, I don't judge people by their cover, as long as they are serious and sincere." Li Yuan laughed.

Chen Shishi said regretfully: "I really wanted to accept him at the time, but it's a pity that Sister Yin cherishes her talents and wanted to accept him too. Then we discussed it. If he doesn't want to learn from Sister Yin, I will accept him."

Li Yuan teased: "Sister Yin is in front, you are still fantasizing! Who wouldn't choose Sister Yin first?"

At the beginning, old artists such as Liu Lanfang and Li Yuan didn't pay much attention to Chen Ziang, a student.

Now, although they are not too upset, they are somewhat regretful.

It is also their blessing to receive such a good student.

Although they have money, fame and fortune, not to mention money, but the more fame and fortune, the better.

Accepting Chen Ziang would only do them good, not bad.

For example, the song Wang Yin is going to sing tonight has an absolute main theme and will definitely become a classic.

And this song was given by Chen Ziang.

Several people were chatting, Wang Yin's moment was coming, and the staff came to invite someone.

Wang Yin stood up and smiled, "You guys talk, I'll go out and get ready to play."

Before the live broadcast.

The audience was taken aback when they heard the host's announcement.

Because the host actually called the roll call!

It was Zi Ang's name.

Speaking of the next song, the songwriter is Zi Ang.

Although Chen Ziang never really appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, Ziang's name has gradually gained a great reputation in the Spring Festival Gala in the past three years.

Because all the songs he performed on the Spring Festival Gala have the main theme, although he did not sing them, but which one is not the main theme of the main theme?
The first year is "My Motherland", the second year is "My Chinese Heart", and the third year, which is this year, is called "Love My China".

When Wang Yin came to the stage, she was wearing a fiery red dress with a long skirt dragging the floor.

The stage is very lively, most of the stage is full of dancers, and there are several big drums and drummers.

"Love me China

Love me china
Love me china
Cyro Cyro Cyro Cyro Cyro

It was a majestic chorus at the beginning.

The audience couldn't help being shocked by this power.

Then, Wang Yin's crisp, resonant but smooth singing voice sounded.

"56 constellations and 56 flowers
56 brothers and sisters are a family

56 languages ​​combined into one sentence
Love me china love me china love me china

"Love My China" was an anthem composed for the [-]th China Minority Games held in Guangxi Province in its previous life.

The tones of ethnic minorities in Guangxi Province, Nanzhao and other places are widely used in composing music.

The whole section of the song has a lively tune, a jumping rhythm, and a narrow range.It is in 4/4 time, in the key of b.

The musical structure is a three-segment body, that is, a+b+a+c.Among them, paragraph a is the theme paragraph of the whole song, and paragraphs b and c are paragraphs in contrast to paragraph a.

The whole piece of music is both swaying and steady, showing a joy of singing and dancing. Section b is a contrasting section with episodic nature. This section composed of only three tones basically repeats a sound pattern. This rhythm pattern with the characteristics of group dance style is the first time to easily integrate the song Send orgasm.

Section c is a music section with a strong contrast. The rhythm of this section of music not only shows the momentum of "calling slogans", but also shows the joy and enthusiasm of group dancing.

The whole work is full of tension and relaxation, and it is full of patriotism and expresses a strong sense of national pride.

Sigh inside and outside the circle.

"I know that Ziang has never disappointed me in music."

"The main theme song can make rebellious people not feel disgusted, it is too classic."

"Yeah, I used to dislike the main theme song, but when I listen to Zi Ang's main theme song, I don't feel disgusted. I think it sounds good."

"Songs with such a main theme, I feel that Ziang is on the right path, and has been moving closer to the organization."

"Zi Ang seems to be from a red family. He wrote songs, including folk songs and love songs, but the main theme song seems to be the one he cares about the most."


Liu Lanfang looked at the live broadcast screen in the background, and said to Li Yuan, Chen Shishi and others beside him, "I really envy Yinyin! Why did I miss it at the beginning?"

Chen Shishi smiled and said: "Sister Liu, don't talk about it, he found me in Qingniwa at that time, but because I had a conversation with Sister Yin first, I didn't cut off the beard. Now that I think about it, I should cut off the beard and not take him there See Sister Yin. It will be perfect after accepting him and taking him there."

Li Yuan also said at this time: "Jiang is still old and hot, Xiao Shishi, you are still young. If I were you, I would cut off my beard a long time ago."

Chen Shishi had a bitter face, she wanted to take Chen Ziang in, but her main thought now was that if Chen Ziang was her student, why would she always be angry with Chen Ziang.


The Spring Festival Gala is still in full swing, but a public relations crisis against Boyu Entertainment's Chen Ziang and others is quietly brewing and is about to come.

(End of this chapter)

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