The superstar is here

Chapter 654 Homecoming

Chapter 654 Homecoming
The little girl Chen Ziang saw in the car was Shi Linger, the little cousin of my uncle's family who didn't want to raise pigs.

My uncle's family went to Chen Ziang's school entrance banquet more than two years ago. At that time, his youngest cousin was only in the third grade after school started in September.

More than two years have passed, and the little girl is now in the fifth grade.

"Little Ling, come on, get in the car." Chen Zi'ang asked the driver to stop, then opened the door, and called to Shi Ling'er who was staring at Chen Zi'ang's car on the side of the road.

Seeing Chen Ziang in the car, Shi Linger was taken aback, it was really his cousin's car.

The little girl had two little companions by her side, and she left her companions without saying a word, and ran into the car excitedly.

"Big cousin!" Shi Ling'er was pleasantly surprised. Chen Ziang was one year older than Li Yangyang from his aunt's natal family. He was the big cousin, and Li Yangyang was the little cousin.

"It's a lot taller than last year." Chen Zi'ang took Shi Ling'er's hand and helped her into the car.

"Is there?" Shi Ling'er's eyes widened, she adored Chen Ziang now.

Not only her, her two little friends also admired Chen Ziang very much, looking at Chen Ziang eagerly.

They knew that Shi Linger's eldest cousin was going back to grandma's house today.

Who is the sister's first cousin?

That's a big star, and some little girls are crazy about star chasing.

Her cousin was Chen Ziang's affair, Shi Ling'er never concealed it, relying on Chen Ziang's fame, she had many girlfriends and friends.

Some female classmates wanted Shi Linger to introduce them to Chen Ziang at a young age, and wanted to be Chen Ziang's girlfriend.

"Happy New Year!" Chen Ziang was about to close the car door, when he saw Shi Linger's two little friends outside the car looking at him eagerly, with stars in his eyes, he took out two red envelopes from his pocket and distributed them to them.

The two little girls were so flattered that they didn't know how to speak at all. They just accepted the red envelope given by Chen Ziang in a daze, and they didn't scream until the car started to drive away.

"It's Ziang!"

"Zi Ang is so handsome! He's even more handsome than what he saw on TV!"

The two little girls blushed with excitement.

"Big cousin, I want a red envelope too." In the car, after saying hello to her uncle and aunt, Shi Ling'er reached out to Chen Ziang: "The three of us are your support team, give you likes on Weibo, help you quarrel, Saying good things about you everywhere..."

The little girl asked for credit, and she was no stranger to Chen Ziang.

Father Chen was very ashamed at the side, but relatives from his wife's family were more powerful.

Among his relatives, no matter adults or children, how could Shi Linger support Chen Ziang so strongly?

In the past when there was no money, the family relationship in the Chen family was relatively sweet and kind. We didn't get along very well, but there were few conflicts.

In the past two or three years, the ugliness of human nature has become more and more obvious.

No wonder it is often said that money is the root of all evil.

"Come on, I have a red envelope here too." Guan Tongtong, who was sitting next to Chen Ziang, turned her head and gave Shi Linger the red envelope.

It stands to reason that those who are still in school do not need to give red envelopes to children.

But Chen Ziang and Guan Tongtong are married and can earn money by themselves, so let's give it.

As long as the cousins ​​who are still in school have a share.

"Ah?" Shi Ling'er noticed Guan Tongtong only now.

Seeing Guan Tongtong's face, the little girl widened her eyes, and it took her a long time before she said, "Okay, okay..."

She wanted to say "so beautiful", but before she could say it, the red envelope arrived in her hand.

"She's your cousin." Chen Ziang introduced Guan Tongtong to Shi Linger.

Shi Linger's face was excited: "Big cousin, you are so beautiful!" Many fans of her and Chen Ziang knew that Chen Ziang was married.

"Thank you, you are beautiful too!" Guan Tongtong smiled, Shi Linger is also a beauty.

The genes of the Shi family are much stronger than those of the Chen family.

Of course, the Guan family is at the level of princes and generals, standing at the top of the pyramid of the genes of the times.

"How can I be beautiful?" Shi Ling'er was very embarrassed, in front of Guan Tongtong, she could only be considered average.

The eldest cousin, as if she came out of a painting, is too beautiful.

"Is the eldest cousin back home?" Chen Zi'ang asked Shi Ling'er.

"I'm back, it hasn't been long. I saw their car, but they didn't stop, so my cousin called me." There is no harm if there is no comparison, Shi Linger now finds that it is better to go to the cousin's house, It was not in vain that she and her friends stayed on guard all morning.

She was at the entrance of the village just to wait for Chen Zi'ang's family to come.

"Big cousin is back too." Chen Ziang said with a smile. Big cousin Li Yuqing has already graduated, and I heard that she has a boyfriend and is getting married soon.

A good girl waits for no one. It is normal to get married within one or two years of graduation.

The more it drags on, the more worthless it will feel. Without strong capital, if you pick three and four, you will be the one who cheats you in the end.

"Your cousin didn't plan to come back, but when she heard that you would come back, she did." Shi Jia said.

"Is she looking for something with me?" Chen Ziang asked.

Guan Tongtong pricked up his ears.

Shi Jia nodded: "Your aunt is afraid of being scolded by me, and dare not mention many things to me. This time when your cousin comes back, she probably wants to find a breakthrough from you."

Chen Ziang had a headache: "The upstarts are troublesome, not like Tongtong's family."

Guan Tongtong didn't know whether to laugh or cry, how did it involve her.

"I also want to take my time. They are too anxious." Shi Jia also had no choice. The relatives around, the Chen family, can be said to have faced the loess and turned their backs to the sky for generations, and they were very poor.

There was also Chen Feng, a college student who was lucky enough to be spotted by Shi Jia.

Thinking of his relatives in his hometown, Chen Feng was miserable.

There are many brothers and sisters in the family, and each of them dropped out of school without money. They said that they asked their parents to support his education, but in fact they didn't give much money. They either got married early or got married early.

Then needless to say, there is no money for him to go to school.

In the end, it was the parents who gritted their teeth and saved money for him to go to school.

After he went to college, most of the tuition and living expenses were paid by himself from part-time jobs.

To earn money after graduation, Chen Feng roughly calculated that after he repaid the money given by his brothers and sisters back then, he would have at least [-] to [-] more.That was before Shi Zifeng technology.

After Shi Zifeng's technology developed, Chen Feng gave no less than [-] yuan to each family for free if the brothers and sisters in his hometown built a house, and if the younger generation got married.

The hearts of the people are not enough, and several brothers and sisters compare with each other, and they have opinions on which one gets less favors.

The Guan family has experienced three or four generations, and the foundation is extremely stable. There are no poor people, no illiterates in the four generations of direct lineage, and all of them are upper class.

"Mom, your approach is the most correct. Just hold it down and save a lot of trouble. If you don't wake up, you won't be saved. Don't worry about it. Fortunately, the people on your side are more reasonable." Chen Ziang laughed. The biggest problem in the past two years is internal troubles, not external troubles.

Chen Ziang also asked Guan Xinxin for advice. Guan Xinxin's grandparents came here like that. Chen Ziang felt that Guan Xinxin should be able to ask for some experience.

But Guan Xinxin said don't worry about it, Shi Jia's wrist is very powerful.


Shi Hui's family got up very early today and drove back to her mother's house early.

She dared not let her sister's family arrive before theirs.

When the two cars of Chen Ziang's family parked in the courtyard of the uncle's house, people in the house had already rushed out to wait.

Today is not what it used to be.

Back then, when Chen Zi'ang's family went back to their natal home, they would either take a tricycle from the town, or pick them up from their aunt or uncle's house by car. What made Chen Feng feel ashamed the most was that the family rented a car and drove back.

Now, going back to his wife's house, Chen Feng will have more face.

Not to mention his son's career, he was successful in his studies and even married a princess.

He also recognized that a father is more expensive than a son, and a husband is more valuable than a wife. It's better than the old coward.

My uncle's family has a house in the city, and they usually live in the city, but they also have a house in their hometown, which still has a lot of space.

My uncle's house is outside the village, in a field, where the pig farm is.

Shi Ling'er was chubby when she was a child, but when my uncle was angry, he always called her like a pig. She hated raising pigs, and she became more and more knowledgeable about dieting and not eating random snacks.

If you don't study hard, you will raise pigs in the future.

This sentence became Shi Ling's childhood nightmare.

In order not to raise pigs when she grows up, Shi Linger's academic performance is really good.

The uncle's family also ran to the uncle's house early in the morning to wait for the arrival of the two sisters and their families.

Every year during the Chinese New Year, brothers and sisters visit relatives, and kill chickens and pigs at the uncle's house.

Grandpa and grandma are still alive, the two elders live together with one son, and they get together today, without the quarrels of the past.

Grandma is old and a little demented.

Grandpa's temper was more violent, but the old lady was like this, and after the two elders lived separately, he missed the old lady's kindness instead.

Before the Chinese New Year, my grandfather came back from the city some time ago and lived with the old lady in my uncle's house in the country.

Shi Jia mentioned this a few days ago and even cried.

When people are old, grandpa finally remembers grandma's kindness.

When I was young, my grandfather often beat my grandmother.

The current grandma, her ears are not good, her brain is not very flexible, she is like a quiet and well-behaved child.

After Guan Tongtong heard about her grandpa and grandma, she asked Chen Ziang if she would hit her in the future.

Chen Ziang said yes.

She puffed out her cheeks.

When Chen Ziang said spanking, she was smiling, very sweet.

Young and frivolous, most of the vows and promises made when you were young are blown away by the wind and annihilated in the years. How many of them can be fulfilled in the end?
Time does not heal the wounds in people's hearts, it just makes people get used to the pain.

"It's very cold outside, everyone go in." Shi Jia got out of the car, saw that the yard was full of people, both adults and children, and quickly ordered.

Everyone's first gaze was on Shi Jia, but when they saw Guan Tongtong, they were all stunned.

There are beautiful people in the north, peerless and independent.

Although Guan Tongtong is wearing winter clothes today and the down jacket is also extra long, she still can't hide her tall body and long legs.

On the scarf, her flourishing appearance stunned everyone.

If there is a saying that there is the most popular artwork in the world, it must be beautiful women.

No matter young or old, everyone has the same sense of scrutiny towards beauty.

"Zi'ang!" Like the adults, Li Yuqing recovered the fastest and walked up to Chen Zi'ang.

This cousin is better at dressing up than two years ago, so she looks even more beautiful.

But that was relative, in front of Guan Tongtong, she felt ashamed of herself.

"Cousin!" Chen Ziang greeted Li Yuqing.

The cousins ​​at the side, Li Yangyang, Shi Haoran, Shi Haoyun, Shi Haibo, etc. also surrounded him.

Li Yangyang also passed the college entrance examination in the second year of Chen Ziang's college entrance examination.

At that time, his father Li Tianwu also said that if he won the first place in the college entrance examination in Songjiang Prefecture, he would buy him a sports car.

He has no sports car so far, the end is obvious.

Dad only uses an off-road vehicle worth more than 100 million yuan. He didn't get the top score in the college entrance examination, so why should he have a sports car worth several million yuan.

Not to mention the millions of sports cars, he has only driven more than 30 cars so far.

It's not that Shi Hui wants to spoil him, but that she has the foresight. How can she attract more girls if her son doesn't reveal his wealth?
The more you attract, the more options your son has.

Shi Haoran, the cousin of Chen Ziang's family who didn't think much of him at the beginning, was a little reluctant to attend the banquet for Chen Ziang's promotion.

Even though he knew that Chen Ziang was the number one student in the Zhejiang Provincial College Entrance Examination, he didn't take it too seriously. He thought that Chen Ziang could do anything, and he could do it in the future.

After seeing Guan Tongtong, Shi Haoran felt that he had little hope in this life.

Not to mention that the eldest cousin Chen Ziang has good parents, and the family has become so rich.

Just looking at his eldest cousin's wife, Shi Haoran knew that no matter how hard he tried, he would never be able to find such a beautiful wife.

I went into the house to meet my grandparents and chatted for a while, adults looking for adults, and children looking for children.

Li Yuqing asked Chen Ziang to go out for a walk and talk.

Guan Tongtong followed, and seeing Guan Tongtong's bodyguards not far behind, Li Yuqing asked suspiciously, "That's..."

"Don't worry about it, that young lady is in charge of watching Tongtong. She is so beautiful that Tongtong's family is not at ease, but luckily I tricked her in advance." Chen Ziang didn't say much.

Guan Tongtong held Chen Ziang's arm affectionately, immune to his words.

Li Yuqing was thoughtful.

Presumably Guan Tongtong's family is also very rich.

No matter how beautiful it is, it is impossible for ordinary people to arrange for bodyguards to follow it like this.

"Zi'ang, I want to leave Songjiang Mansion and come out to develop." Li Yuqing cut to the point.

Chen Ziang wasn't surprised. The Li family was rich, but they were only worth hundreds of millions of dollars, so they couldn't develop.

The Li family also has Li Yangyang, and it will be Li Yangyang who will inherit the Li family in the future.

Li Yuqing always wanted to get married, so she couldn't get much.

She and her family want her to be independent now.

The Li family didn't think about this before, but after seeing the behemoth of the Chen family, Shi Hui had to think about it.

One person attained the Tao and ascended to heaven, so Shi Hui definitely wanted to be honored by her younger sister.

The market value of my sister's house is in the trillions, and it is still expanding.

[-] million, what is it in front of the Chen family?
"Yes." Chen Ziang agreed.

Li Yuqing's eyes lit up, and she asked a little bit awkwardly, "Do you understand what I mean?"

Chen Ziang smiled and said, "Understood, I'm not stupid."

Li Yuqing was not a very reserved person, so she asked more directly: "I don't have a project, your family should have one."

"Yes, do you want to enter the capital field of the entertainment industry?" Chen Ziang asked.

Li Yuqing was taken aback.

Li Yuqing felt that Chen Zi'ang's career was a small matter, and that was not the result she wanted.

"Excuse me." Chen Ziang could see Li Yuqing's thoughts: "Don't be too ambitious, I told my mother that there are some levels that you still can't touch, it's not that I look down on you, but that your vision is really not enough. It’s too low-end, and you can’t get to that level, so you just want to go to the sky, is it possible?”

(End of this chapter)

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