Chapter 66

"Please start your talent show." Resisting the shock, Li Qiuting said to Chen Ziang who had finished reciting the article. Her voice seemed calm on the surface, but the expression of appreciation on her face was obvious.

The other four examiners, whom Chen Ziang had never met before, also nodded secretly.

This candidate has a good foundation and is the best performer since their interview today. His recitation level has already surpassed most well-known actors and broadcast hosts.

Chen Ziang couldn't see what the examiners were thinking, and he didn't know whether they were satisfied or not.

On the contrary, Li Qiuting was more obvious, at least it could be seen that she was not disappointed.

Chen Ziang adjusted his state briefly, and then his body, which was still tense just now, suddenly relaxed.

"I drove the car up the Fifth Ring Road,
I drove the car up the Fifth Ring Road,
Hurry up and drive the car up the Fifth Ring Road,
don't care about anything,

I just want to go to the fifth ring. "

Rap songs?

The five examiners looked at Chen Ziang in surprise. He was a righteous and rigorous warrior just now, but now he became a little jovial and cynical, and his body movements were a little frivolous and exaggerated.

But soon, the five examiners all laughed.

"Ah~ fifth ring, you have one more ring than fourth ring.

Ah~ fifth ring~ you are one ring less than sixth ring. "

Quyi singing, the lyrics are so stupid that they can't be any more stupid.

"Finally one day,
You will repair to the seventh ring,

What should I do if I reach the seventh ring?
You have two rings more than the fifth ring. "

The examiner wanted to laugh, why are there such silly lyrics.

But it's still fun.

Soon, their faces changed slightly, because they knew what this song that combines rap, pop and rock wanted to express.

"The car has been stuck,

facial expression dementia,

I have long been used to driving aimlessly,

The five rings are still so comfortable,
it's been there,

rotting trumpets,

The suffering master has been alas.

Youzhou Style
on the commute,

The car keeps lining up,

for life,

For this dream,

For the holiday bill,
Maybe one day,

we have to go,

That eight rings. "

To complain about the traffic in Youzhou, the five examiners have been in Youzhou for many years, and they are deeply touched.

In general big cities, outside the third ring road is considered outside the city.

But in Youzhou, the Fourth Ring Road is now blocked, and the Fifth Ring Road is also in danger. I believe that with such development, it will be blocked in two years.

"Song of the Five Rings" was not finished yet, Li Qiuting called to stop.

Because 5 minutes is up.

The 5 minutes here is the sum of the recitation and talent show.

Chen Ziang has exceeded the standard.

It doesn't matter when he's acting.

But when he was called to stop, he felt a little regretful in his heart, and the performance was over soon.

For this interview, he spent some time on recitation and talent show, and usually he can finish it within 5 minutes.

But this interview, it seems that he performed supernormally?

Maybe it's overtime.

Chen Ziang felt that he was performing supernormally. In some places, he felt that he needed to stop or lengthen temporarily, so he just stopped.

Chen Ziang bowed slightly to the five examiners. After the performance, it was up to the examiners. He could not control the result.

"The next candidate." It was an examiner other than Li Qiuting who spoke this time.

Hearing this, Chen Ziang turned and left.

Li Qiuting looked at his back with a feeling of familiarity.

At this time, she suddenly heard an examiner teacher beside her hurriedly say to Chen Ziang: "Wait a minute!"

Chen Ziang was puzzled and stopped.

He was about to turn around, but the examiner behind him hurriedly said, "Don't turn around."

Chen Ziang was even more puzzled, but he was obedient and did not turn around.

The voice came again: "Can you read a few more lines? 'I am a mere mortal, but my heart goes to the sky. Those who work hard should be commendable', just this line."

Chen Zi'ang's heart moved, thinking of the scene in the classroom, he didn't feel like he was in the past, he was a little sad but not lacking in faith and said: "I am a mere mortal, but my heart is also towards the sky. Those who work hard should be commendable."

Li Qiuting's eyes lit up, and she finally understood why Chen Ziang's back looked familiar.

Wasn't he the one that no one had ever seen?
Although he cannot be seen, his back is remembered by tens of millions of netizens.

This is a master who has been imagined countless times by countless netizens about what his face looks like.

It turned out that he was like this.

Sunny, but stable, not frivolous.

"Okay, go back and prepare for the retest." The examiner's voice came from behind Chen Ziang, and then he heard the other examiner ask the examiner next to him: "Do you have any objections to this?"


"I do not have either."

"I gave them full marks, haha."

"I got full marks too."

The other four examiners were not as serious as before, talking and laughing.

Chen Ziang turned around, bowed again to express his thanks, and walked out of the examination room.

In the general preliminary examination, the examiner will not announce the result on the spot.

Basically, after all the preliminary examinations are over, the list of candidates entering the re-examination is announced through the Internet and on-site rankings a few days later.

"Director Zhang, why did you announce the results directly?" After Chen Ziang left, a teacher asked with a smile.

The other four teachers, except Li Qiuting, were also very puzzled.

"I finally saw his true face." Director Zhang said with a smile: "There is a very popular video of him on the Internet. No one knows who he is. I only found out today. I really hope to teach such a Student, he is a good seed."

The other three examiners were puzzled. They didn't know about Chen Ziang's class video.

Li Qiuting said excitedly: "I also accidentally saw his video. Teacher Zhang said it well, he will definitely not lose Yide. Our circle really needs such an artist."

Director Zhang smiled without saying a word, signaling to stop wasting time and let the next candidate come in.

Chen Ziang walked out of the room and scanned the hall.

Many candidates paid attention to him.

I don't know how he did in the exam.

Chen Ziang suddenly felt it was funny, and a smile appeared on his face.

Immediately, he found that some of the candidates for the Houkao subconsciously sank, probably wanting to cry, and my chances were slim again.

Walking out of the hall, Chen Ziang saw that there were almost no candidates outside the examination room.

Because lunch was coming soon, his group finished the exam, and the examiners and candidates had to rest at noon.

Now the candidates are all withdrawn, and those who should eat should go to eat, and those who should rest should go to rest.

Back at the hotel, Chen Ziang hurriedly packed his things, then packed his luggage and went downstairs to check out.

The cheating hotels all require check-out before [-]:[-] noon, and he has been there for more than a few minutes.

Fortunately, the hotel didn't care about these few minutes, and didn't count his half-day rent.

After coming out of the hotel, Chen Ziang was a little confused.

Unfamiliar with the place, he doesn't know where to go now.

The ticket is for the night.

It's a little early to go to the airport now.

If it wasn't for the fear that it would not be his turn to take the exam in the morning, he would have booked a ticket for the afternoon.

In fact, it will be more convenient to book the high-speed rail.

Suddenly, Chen Ziang slapped his head, the air ticket can be refunded, but it can't be refunded, and the ticket can be changed.

He took out his mobile phone and logged into the ticket sales website.

After looking at it, he was depressed.

The air ticket he bought was the cheapest one, and it cannot be refunded. It is possible to change the ticket, but it will cost more.

The extra money was enough for him to buy a high-speed rail ticket to Jinling.

Plans can't keep up with changes.

At this time, his mobile phone rang.

(End of this chapter)

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