The superstar is here

Chapter 661 Official Ban Order

Chapter 661 Official Ban Order

Lan Lingwang, who was still trapped in Sujiang Satellite TV and couldn't leave his job in a short period of time, was very angry now.

He started to go through the resignation procedures very early years ago and followed the process.

No matter how big the position is, private companies will release people within a week or two at most.

But with King Lan Ling, under his constant urging and unremitting efforts, it has been almost a month, and he can't push it.

After finally surviving the New Year, when the eighth day of the Lunar New Year came, there were not many people in the establishment of the TV station, and they were all laborers on duty.

Those who are in idle positions, such as personnel administration, are all old fritters in the establishment, and most of them are still at home for the New Year and have not come to work.

What should I do then, no one has followed the procedures for Lan Ling Wang.

A bright future awaits, and King Lanling doesn't care about the little money from the year-end bonus.

Going early can make Boyu make a fortune, and most importantly, he can realize his dream and do what he thinks is meaningful.

Lan Ling Wang is not very poor now, when he learned that Boyu Entertainment was going to do something big and rewrite the layout of satellite TV, he was extremely excited.

Creating and rewriting history is a temptation that many people cannot refuse.

Even if he spends one more day at Sujiang Satellite TV, King Lan Ling feels very tormented, and the days feel like years.

"Don't let him go, right?" King Lanling was furious and spoke on behalf of Sujiang Satellite TV.

This statement scared many people to death.

"From now on, the variety show department of Sujiang Satellite TV will refuse to accept artists from Uniasia and Tianshui to appear on the variety show of Sujiang Satellite TV for an unlimited period of time."

This statement was earth-shattering.

The first person to get the news was a person from the film and television center of Sujiang Satellite TV.

Sun Dabai, number two in the film and television center of Sujiang Satellite TV, was at home celebrating the New Year when he received a call from one of his subordinates.

"King Lan Ling launched revenge on Huanya and Tianshui!" His subordinates were shocked on the phone.

Sun Dabo chuckled: "I thought he was holding a grudge and playing tricks on us. I didn't expect him to really get on board and vent our anger on our behalf."

"'s on the bar, and it's a bit too much." The subordinates were in a complicated mood, Lan Lingwang was cheating.

"How to pass the law?" Sun Dabo asked.

"On behalf of Sujiang Satellite TV." The subordinate said in a low voice.

"What?" Sun Dabo was taken aback.

For this kind of thing, you can get ahead as soon as you come out, and you can do it in private, and you should stay a line in life.

If you talk about it on the Internet, it's a bit of a taste of immortality.

Then, Sun Dabai went online.

Seeing him almost vomit blood.

It really made a sound on the Internet, this feud has really grown.

Leaving aside the chaos within Sujiang Satellite TV, some people in Uniasia and Tianshui turned pale after seeing this statement.

Nima, so ruthless?

A third-rate TV station, Uniasia and Tianshui really don't pay much attention to it, since they don't have much ratings anyway.

But Sujiang Satellite TV is different. No matter how you say it, it is a popular column and the first echelon. Even if it hangs at the bottom, it is still a piece of fat.

Such a giant, backed by the country, is not afraid of any entertainment giant.

Unless the other party is also a TV station that is backed by the country.

"Sujiang Satellite TV is crazy, blocking us like this?" Wu Renzhi was furious.

In the past, TV stations like Sanxiang Satellite TV blocked entertainment companies, but that was done privately.

Even if there is a public ban statement, it is only for a certain artist, and it is only a statement made by a program.

But Sujiang Satellite TV, that is the variety show department of the entire satellite TV.

This statement is equivalent to the statement of the entire satellite TV.

"It was Tianshui who attacked Sujiang Satellite TV's film and television department, and Sujiang Satellite TV's variety show department shot for Mao, and even pointed the finger at us?" Nie Yunshan looked confused, did she make a mistake?

At the beginning, it was Tianshui Film and Television who took the copyright of the second broadcast of its own "Dragon Babu" to deceive the film and television department of Sujiang Satellite TV, and cheated Sujiang Satellite TV, and it was not Huanya.

How did you put the account on Huanya?

"This bunch of trash, they've done more than they've done, no wonder they're lagging behind other TV stations." Wu Ren was furious.

Zhejiang Satellite TV's statement is almost the same, Sujiang Satellite TV... Did I provoke you?


Ding Zhixiong and Yang Xiong from Tianshui were a little dumbfounded when they got the news of the statement from Sujiang Satellite TV.

"Tearing your face?" Yang Xiong was confused, why didn't he play his cards according to the routine?
Everyone is an adult, and the routine of adults should not be like this.

Everyone has grudges and grudges, and if you can't let it go, you won't let it go.

Be a man to stay on the line and meet each other in the future.

Sujiang Satellite TV is not going to see you!
There will be no cooperation in the future?
"A group of stubborn moths will disappear sooner or later." Ding Zhixiong was also depressed. Although he expected the two sides to form a big enmity, it was a bit surprising that Sujiang Satellite TV drew the line so neatly.

Artists from Tianshui and Huanya all had bitter faces.

How could it be blocked by Sujiang Satellite TV?
Artists who are currently on Jiangsu Satellite TV's program are even harder.

The cooperation is coming to an end!

Even if the previously recorded program has not been broadcast, it will be coded or deleted after it is broadcast.

In the private groups of some artists of the two companies.

"What kind of fight did those bosses fight so hard?"

"Inexplicably, we are also involved."

"It's hard work. I just made my debut, and I'm going to be on the program of Jiangsu Satellite TV. Now it's dirty."

"The future is slim and our company has had a bad reputation lately."

"When gods fight, mortals suffer."

"Who knows why the fight started? It was too ruthless. It's almost like killing one's father and taking one's wife."

"I don't know, we are just a small artist."


Some artistes in Uniasia and Tianshui who need exposure feel very distressed.

The cake is only that big, and Sujiang Satellite TV is the first echelon, and the loss of a Sujiang Satellite TV stage is a great loss.

It doesn't matter to the audience, anyway, there are many artists, and there are also many programs, who is not?

Artists from other companies didn't know whether to be happy or sad when they saw Sujiang Satellite TV's statement.

I am happy that there are fewer competitors, but I am sad because I am afraid that I or my employer will have friction with a TV station like Sujiang Satellite TV.

Recently, the Internet has not been peaceful, and all kinds of things have emerged one after another. Now it has become so serious that the TV station has banned two entertainment companies.

As for these two entertainment companies, one is a quasi-giant, and the other is a veritable old-fashioned giant.

Such an entertainment company will be banned as soon as it is said to be blocked. Everyone feels that the storm is about to come and the building is full of wind, and people are panicked.

Netizens cried out in shock after seeing Sujiang Satellite TV's statement.

"Big news!"

"Sujiang Satellite TV is actually so powerful."

"Haha, Sujiang Satellite TV, no matter right or wrong, I give you a thumbs up for your courage."

"Sujiang Satellite TV is too fierce, unprecedented."

"I must like it, I, bring my wife, and the child in my wife's womb, and like it together."

"What happened, why did Sujiang Satellite TV block Tianshui and Huanya?"

"Not sure, a little confused."

"The reason for banning Tianshui can probably be seen."

"Well, Tianshui made Sujiang Satellite TV miserable, so it's reasonable for Sujiang Satellite TV to retaliate."

"Yeah, everyone would be jumping, Boyu Entertainment's "Dragon Babu" has a rating of 10, leaving Tianshui Film and Television's "Dragon Babu" far behind, Sujiang Satellite TV can't feel uncomfortable watching it? "

"Haha, what happened to Huanya?"

"The devil knows, anyway, there are many stories behind the scenes, and it's normal for us to not know."

"Wait for the almighty gossip reporter to dig it out."


After Fang Xudong saw this statement, he was also taken aback. What is Sujiang Satellite TV doing? Do you want to show favor to Boyu Entertainment?

If not, there's really no other reason for them to do it.

It is reckless to do so.

Fang Xudong was a little puzzled, so he called King Lanling to ask.

"I figured it out by myself. In fact, it has nothing to do with Sujiang Satellite TV, but they will still blame me for it." Lan Lingwang said calmly.

Fang Xudong opened his mouth wide and gave a thumbs up for a long time, but King Lan Ling couldn't see it.

"Brother, you are powerful and courageous. I thought only our boss could do this kind of thing. You... admire me!" Fang Xudong admired.

"I was anxious to let them release people quickly. What the hell, a process takes several days. If someone is not there, it will take time. One word: wait. And these people are often not in the stage, who knows Why did you go, is it a business or a private matter? If you don't let me go, I will cause trouble, cause trouble, anyway, I still have the power." Lan Lingwang said depressed.

"Haha, when you come, we all welcome you. The boss should appreciate you. He is very busy now, and he is not thinking about variety shows." Fang Xudong laughed.

"Let's not chat for now, light the fire, now the leader is going to hold a meeting, I'll go and light it up." King Lan Ling said.

"Okay, let's go." Fang Xudong hung up the phone, happily there.

It turned out that this was the nomination certificate of King Lan Ling.

Sujiang Satellite TV really held a meeting.

At the meeting, high-level executives from various departments participated.

For example, the high-level executives of the film and television department and the variety show department all went.

"Ling Ling Wang, what's going on?" the leader asked.

King Lan Ling glanced at Sun Dabai in the film and television department: "Tian Shui has killed our "Super Run" program, and also wiped out Boyu Entertainment's "Tian Long Ba Bu" in the film and television department. Neither of our departments can swallow it. In this tone, the statement I issued after discussing it is a bit impulsive, do you want to withdraw it?"

Sun Dabo just wanted to hit someone, your sister, why did you drag us into the water too?

However, this ability to drag water made it difficult for the leader to concentrate firepower on King Lanling.

"Just send it out, there is no need to withdraw it. Are we still afraid that they will fail?" The leader originally wanted to reprimand his subordinates, but now it has become a maintenance.

Although King Lanling was about to leave, he had done a lot of hard work.

Leaders don't want to chill people's hearts either.

However, he made up his mind to let him go quickly.

This Lanling King couldn't stay any longer.

Although I don't know what King Lanling's next move is, but in short, it's better not to stay, and it's better to drive away as soon as possible, so as not to cause trouble again.

The year is not over yet, and the entertainment industry can be described as turbulent and turbulent.

On the second day after Sujiang Satellite TV made a statement, another big news exploded.

The Variety Show Department of Zhejiang Satellite TV also spoke out.

"From now on, the Variety Show Department of Zhejiang Satellite TV will refuse to accept artists from Uniasia and Tianshui to appear on Zhejiang Satellite TV's variety shows indefinitely."

This news, like a hurricane, swept through the entire entertainment circle.

Inside and outside the circle were dumbfounded.

Zhejiang Satellite TV is also in the water!

"What the hell is going on?" Wu Renzhi was going crazy.

There was Jiangsu Satellite TV before, and there was Zhejiang Satellite TV later.

It was also said before that Sujiang Satellite TV banned them and Uniasia banned them for no reason. If they want to ban them, Uniasia should also be banned by Zhejiang Satellite TV.

As a result, the next day, Zhejiang Satellite TV really banned them from Uniasia.

There are only four or five TV stations in the first echelon, and now both of them have banned their artists from Universal Asia, what a loss.

"Didn't we cooperate with Zhejiang Satellite TV? Why are you still blocking us?" Nie Yunshan was stunned.

Then, she asked Xiao Ming, a classmate from the film and television department of Zhejiang Satellite TV.

"That's a matter of the variety show department. My film and television department has nothing to do with it. Don't worry, the matter of the variety show department will not affect the cooperation between our film and television department and you." Xiao Ming said innocently.

Mad, don't worry, it won't affect you.

Nie Yunshan wanted to tickle someone!

Tianshui Entertainment was also impatient.

Mahler Gobi, the fleeting time is not going well.

It’s okay for Jiangsu Satellite TV to ban us from Tianshui, but why does Zhejiang Satellite TV also ban us?

This is not scientific!
"Boyu Productions has entered Zhejiang Satellite TV!" At this time, someone from Tianshui Entertainment reminded.

Tianshui Entertainment was dumbfounded.

Many netizens know that "Super Run" will be established on Zhejiang Satellite TV.

The artists of Tianshui Entertainment naturally knew earlier that they have been watching many variety shows, let alone phenomenal shows like "Supercar".

Netizens eat melons to watch the excitement, and feel that this year is really festive.

The messy things in the entertainment industry, with their turbidity in the scenery, are the stuff of chatter and laughter for many people after dinner.

"Haha, if it is said that Zhejiang Satellite TV banned Huanya and Tianshui, I would not believe it without the participation of Boyu Entertainment."

"Sure, "Supercar" produced by Boyu has been blasted to be broadcast on Zhejiang Satellite TV. I heard that Boyu will have two or three new programs on Zhejiang Satellite TV this year. How can Zhejiang Satellite TV not show some sincerity?"

"This is too scary. The two or three shows are all phenomenal, right?"

"Who knows, anyway, Bo Yu Productions is now a gold-lettered signboard, and there is no shortage of funds, sponsors, or talents."

"It's sad for Uniasia and Tianshui. Variety show cakes are the big ones. Now the artists of these two companies have lost a lot of resources and exposure opportunities."

"Amazing my brother, Bo Yu Entertainment is so strong!"

"I thought that Boyu Entertainment was suppressed by the giants and has since declined. I didn't expect that the more they fought, the more courageous they became. Now they are almost choking the giants by the throat."


Inside Tianshui, Pang Juanmeng, the person in charge of the artist department, approached Yang Xiong from the film and television department.

"What nonsense did your film and television department do, why did you provoke Bo Yu to produce it?" Pang Juanmeng was trembling with anger: "It's okay for Jiangsu Satellite TV, Zhejiang Satellite TV, the ratings of programs produced by Bo Yu are obvious to all."

Once the Variety Show Department of Zhejiang Satellite TV made such a statement, none of her managers could get jobs there, and the artists also cut off that way.

"We didn't provoke Bo Yu's production, we just had a little festival with Bo Yu Film and Television." Yang Xiong said.

"Isn't that a family? Do you have any brains?" Pang Juanmeng was in a hurry, Mad, her side was the real disaster.

Yang Xiong is not happy anymore.

Everyone is in different departments. The affairs of your artist department are none of my business. I don't care whether you live or die.

The next moment, he spoke, and the two almost fought.

(End of this chapter)

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