Chapter 664

The time has entered March, and the filming of "Legend of the White Snake" has also come to an end, and it is almost finished in less than a week.

At this time, an unexpected visitor came to the film and television city.

Father Chen is here!

When Chen Feng told Chen Ziang that he was coming, Chen Ziang was very surprised.

Dad said he wanted to see what his job was like.

After coming, Dad Chen went to the set with Chen Ziang, watching everything silently.

Back at the hotel after work at night, Chen Ziang saw his father come back with a few bags of food.

Chen Feng, who was almost silent all day, finally spoke.

"Do you like this career?" he asked his son.

Chen Ziang nodded: "It's okay, people always have jobs or careers."

"That's right." In the living room of Father Chen's hotel room, he poured wine for himself, but he didn't let Chen Ziang drink more.

Chen Ziang felt that it was a little strange that his father came here by himself this time.

My mother never came to visit the class.

But it can't be helped, my mother is much busier than my father who only runs a technical department.

In the past, my mother only flew across the country, but now she has risen to fly all over the world.

"Dad, what's the matter with you?" Chen Ziang accompanied his father to have a drink.

The TV was on, but very low.

Chen Feng nodded: "I have something to do, don't worry."

Said, took another sip of wine.

There are peanuts on the coffee table, some chicken feet with pickled peppers, barbecue and the like.

Chen Ziang was a little apprehensive.

Dad's serious look made him flustered.

The two elders won't have emotional problems, right?
But from his mother, Chen Ziang didn't feel anything unusual.

He and his mother have been talking on the phone every two or three days recently, some talking about work, and some just talking.

As the company grows bigger, although Chen Feng is not very eloquent, he is more talkative than before.

He often socializes with Shi Jia, or has dinner and drinks with colleagues by himself. Chen Feng is not as dull as before when he was immersed in coding.

But sometimes without drinking, he can't speak.

Chen Ziang had no choice but to persuade his father to drink more.

When the wine was on the top, Dad naturally stated the purpose of the trip.

After drinking a cup, Father Chen really started to get to the point with a serious face.

Chen Ziang rubbed his face, feeling a little nervous.

After wiping his hands with a tissue, Chen Feng looked at Chen Ziang and said seriously: "Ziang, listen to you, at the latest this summer, you and Tongtong will hold a wedding ceremony and officially get married."

Chen Ziang nodded, wondering what kind of medicine his father sold in the gourd.

Chen Feng said seriously: "I'm ugly to say that, after you get married, we may be two families."

Chen Ziang's heart trembled.

At the same time, I feel a little uncomfortable, this is a fact, an important watershed in life.

Chen Feng lowered his head, took a sip from his wine glass, "Your mother and I don't need your care. The most important thing in your life is to take good care of the girl you married."

"Well, parents, you are still young." Chen Ziang said.

After taking a sip of wine, Chen Feng sighed: "Although I have not lived a clear life in my life, I have achieved a little. I have to say that the existence of you and your mother has made my life a huge leap forward. promote."

Chen Ziang quickly flattered him: "Dad, you have the ability yourself, and it has nothing to do with us."

Chen Feng didn't answer his son's words, and said solemnly: "Today, I would like to take this opportunity to share with you my understanding of marriage from the perspective of a man. I hope you can avoid detours."

Chen Ziang hurriedly toasted to his father: "I must learn from you, Dad, tell me."

Chen Feng took a sip of wine and said, "Don't be a relative with your wife."

Chen Ziang didn't understand. After getting married, isn't it a relative?
Chen Feng smiled and said: "What is the best marriage? The best marriage is one that has never been married. Some people say that two people become relatives when they get married, but I want to tell you that no matter how many years you have been married, you You must remember: parents and children are relatives, and wives are always girlfriends, and marriage is best built on the basis of love."

Chen Ziang discovered that his father turned out to be wise and foolish.

Chen Feng continued: "Your wife is not your relative. You can yell at me and your mother. No matter how angry we are, you are still our son. You can't be cut off and you can't be driven away." But the wife is not, the relationship between you and her needs to be managed, if you are sorry for her, in fact, she can leave you at any time. "

Chen Ziang toasted his father again: "Dad, you can drink whatever you want, I'll drink it up."

Ginger is still old and hot, and those who come here are those who come here.

"Those marriages that regard love as family affection are because they are lazy and unwilling to manage and contribute. After your mother and I got married, there was a rule that we must close the door when we go to the toilet, because we are lovers, and we still want to be the best of ourselves." Try to show the other party what you look like, this is management and dedication." Chen Feng hit the nail on the head, expressing the true meaning of keeping marriage fresh.

Chen Ziang poured wine for his father and himself.

"Don't think that once you get married, you can settle down and do whatever you want. One of my favorite directors said something that touched me very much. A reporter interviewed him: What is your greatest happiness at this stage? He said: My wife If you can smile at me, I will relax a little, and I will feel very happy." Chen Feng took a sip of his wine.

Chen Ziang nodded silently.

Chen Feng continued: "Being someone's husband doesn't mean that I can naturally gain her respect. I still have to earn her respect every day. I have to reach a certain standard, because this That's one reason I'm not slacking off. I want my son to earn the respect of his wife as well."

Chen Ziang was thoughtful.

At this time, Chen Feng smiled and said to Chen Ziang: "Secretly tell you, marriage is actually really troublesome, and marriage is not as beautiful as we imagined. What is the meaning of marriage? It doesn't make you happy every day, nor does it make you happy every day. It allows you to experience passion and love all the time. Many times, marriage is even the opposite. It binds your hands and feet with red silk, and binds a lot of irrelevant three aunts and six wives together. It makes you tired and doubts all this. has no meaning."

"Well, Dad, I've been taught." Chen Ziang cut the fruit for his father.

Chen Feng sighed in a low voice: "The true value of marriage is actually reflected in the dark side of life: when you are lonely, there is someone next to you who listens to your words and stays with you doing nothing; The look in your eyes makes you feel that you need to change something; and when you are knocked down and stepped on a foot, there is a door still open for you. Not only are the people inside not so harsh on you, they will even try Heal your wounds and grieve your grief. Parents can do that too, but it’s a pity—we don’t understand you so well, and we can’t stay with you for so long.”

Chen Ziang listened attentively.

"One day, we will all leave you. Only your wife and the small family you formed are by your side. This is why you want to get married and why you have to maintain and manage a marriage with your heart. This is what I I want to tell you the main point: Treating your wife well is the most important thing in a man's life." Chen Feng said solemnly.

Chen Ziang nodded seriously: "Dad, I understand."

Chen Feng suddenly smiled and said: "Wife is the most difficult job in the world. Let me tell you, when you were young, because I was very busy with work and worked overtime, I seldom took care of you and the family. So everything at home, whether it is your grandparents Your health, your studies, the payment of utilities and gas bills necessary to maintain the family, the relationship between relatives and friends, and housework are all taken care of by your mother. Do you think it’s easy to take care of the children? One summer vacation, your grandmother was sick, and your mother had to go back to her mother’s house for a while. I had to rush home every day to cook for you. I have to tidy up and watch you study. It happened to be when you were the most naughty, just thinking about playing, and watching you do your homework made me feel so angry that I almost had a heart attack. After those two weeks, I felt extremely Tired. There are piles of dirty clothes in the house, dust is everywhere on the table and floor. I am almost exhausted after serving you every day. There are several mornings when you don’t get up at all, which makes you hungry several times. Do you remember that time, we How miserable are the two of you? It was only after that that I realized how difficult it was for your mother. "

Speaking of this, Chen Feng's eyes were a little moist, maybe it was because he thought of that hard but nostalgic time, or maybe it was because he thought of his wife's difficulty and sadness.

Someone once said, how much love does a woman need before she is willing to stand by the kitchen and wash the pile of dishes?

The thing that most affects people's energy is not what they actually do, but their thoughts.

As long as a woman gets married, her mind will be on the family.

Whether the decoration of the home is good or not, the hygiene is not in place, whether the education of the children can be successful, and whether the elderly can spend their old age in peace.

"When you get home in the future, ask your wife if she needs any help. The girl married you is not here to be a nanny. You fall in love and get married in order to cherish each other's encounter, appreciate each other's hard work, and appreciate each other Only in this way can we finish this life hand in hand. Let me say one more thing, don’t reason with your wife at home. Home is not a place for reasoning. Look at me every time, as long as what your mother says is right, you Mom is the boss." Chen Feng said with some pride.

Chen Ziang nodded with a smile, and added more wine to his father: "Well, only a man who treats his wife well can be successful."

Chen Feng recalled the past and sighed: "Our family had a particularly big crisis, as you know, I resigned to start a business at that time, but I had no experience, not only lost money, but also owed debts. Our house was almost sold, and our living standards plummeted. I also have to worry about debt collectors coming to my door from time to time. Relatives and friends have gradually alienated us. At that time, I was like an isolated island, very helpless. I told your mother that we should divorce, so that at least you mother and son will not I was implicated. But she said: We are a family, how can we separate? So she did one thing, went to the customers who owed us money to ask for accounts. Everyone let her shut the door, I advised her to give up, But she was unwilling. Later, she really wanted a sum of money back, and later, we really made a comeback. "

Chen Ziang was in a daze. He knew that his father had failed in starting a business, but he didn't know the specifics and how hard and persistent his mother was.

"So in our family, your mother is the biggest. We owe her too much. When a man encounters setbacks, the only one who can accompany you, help you, and support you is your wife. Do you still remember you, Chen Chong, from your hometown? Your second uncle? You always say that you don’t like him very much because he always drinks and complains. In fact, your second uncle has a high starting point in the village. He went to high school and almost went to college. He is warm-hearted, has many brothers and friends, and treats his parents well. Filial piety. The only point is that he is very indifferent to his wife. He always feels that she is uneducated and ignorant. Every time I go to his house for dinner, your second aunt is too busy to eat, and your second uncle thinks that his wife is slow and embarrassing him .” Chen Feng said.

Chen Ziang nodded, Chen Chong's family life is not good, people's mood will become worse, and work will definitely be affected, so Chen Chong's life is getting worse.Now when he drinks, he complains that he is underappreciated, and always feels that his wife has delayed his life.

In fact, he had screwed up his life.

The second aunt is a very virtuous woman. Her parents are old, one is paralyzed and the other is demented. She was the one who took care of it, and even led everyone to have a good impression of Chen Chong.But Chen Chong couldn't see these, and felt it was worthless.

Chen Feng said: "There is a saying: the wife is the best feng shui at home. Because if a man goes home and faces a messy and depressing environment, it will definitely affect his mentality, which is actually a kind of feng shui. I once read a study about the relationship between family and men’s career. Through the analysis of people around them and many successful people, they came to the conclusion that men who love their wives are more likely to succeed in their careers.”

Chen Ziang listened carefully to the instruction.

Father Chen said: "There are three reasons: first, one of the criteria for a man's true success is to feel happy in his heart. A man who loves his wife will make the family more harmonious and more likely to have a sense of happiness; second, give his wife more love, It means that wives will be more willing to run the family with men, and a happy family can give men the power to conquer the world; third, men who love their wives usually have higher emotional intelligence, which is also the basic element of career success."

Chen Ziang toasted his father.

"Remember one sentence: family and everything prosper." Chen Feng said holding a wine glass.

"Well, I'll do my best." Chen Ziang replied.

Father Chen blamed himself, and said in a low voice: "If you decide to have a child, I have to tell you that the influence of the father on the life of the child may even be more than that of the mother. You must be a good example for the child. When you grow up, I am actually doing very badly and often travel on business. I hoped to eat more than three meals a week at home and play ball with you at least twice a month. Even if I am not at home, I will call you every day and ask you The situation here. But I didn’t do well, since I have you, I even smoke and drink, even if I want to run and read a book every morning, I can’t do it a few times.”

Chen Ziang said quickly, "Dad, you did a good job."

Chen Feng shook his head: "Only by leading by example can we have a healthy body and a regular life. A man who plays games on the sofa all day cannot teach a child who loves to read. The child will learn from you and imitate you. Your Values ​​are his values."

"En." Chen Ziang remembered it in his heart.

Father Chen seriously warned: "If you want your child to be upright and kind in the future, then you must also be upright; if you want your child to be knowledgeable and talented in the future, then you must not give up learning; If you have a strong body, then you should exercise more..."

Chen Ziang nodded: "Dad, I won't do well in the future, please educate me more. Living with you and my mother for so many years, sometimes it is really not easy when I think about it. Marriage management is the most difficult thing in the world .”


The next day, Chen Ziang continued to work on the set.

And Dad Chen drank too much last night, got up very late, and then left early by himself, and went back to Lin'an.

After returning home and seeing Father Chen leaving, Chen Ziang was a little silent.

The love of a father is like a mountain, and Father Chen deliberately came to tell his son these words before he got married.

Chen Feng is actually not idle, he is very busy.

"Mom, are you still busy?" Chen Ziang called his mother.

"What are you busy with? It's time to wake up in foreign countries." Shi Jia, who was abroad, was very happy to get on the phone.

"Mom, you've worked hard!" Chen Ziang said sincerely.

"No, no one else wants my hard work." Shi Jia laughed.

"Haha, yes, you still have a good husband that no one else can have." Chen Ziang said.

"There is also a good son." Shi Jia added.

After talking to his mother for a while, Chen Ziang hung up the phone.

Then, he called Guan Tongtong again: "Honey, I'll be home in a few days, work is over."

"Really, that's great." Guan Tongtong jumped up over there.

Although she could come over on weekends, Chen Ziang was busy, and Chen Ziang couldn't relax completely when she came, he only had time to spend with her at night.

"Honey, are you afraid of having a wedding? We'll really be together in the future." Chen Ziang asked suddenly.

"Why are you afraid? I'm looking forward to it!" Guan Tongtong didn't know about the conversation between Chen Ziang and Father Chen last night.

"I'm really married, and after staying together for a long time, don't you get tired of it?" Chen Ziang asked.

"Don't be afraid, I won't get bored with you anyway." Guan Tongtong affirmed.

After finishing speaking, she asked cautiously: "Husband, will you be bored with me? From now on, you will see me every day and be bored by me every day."

"It's the same after marriage as it is now." Chen Ziang comforted.

"That's right. Anyway, I'm not afraid of being together every day. I believe you can make me happy every day." Guan Tongtong said happily, thinking that Chen Ziang is actually very mature and will surprise her, create romance and manage relationships.

"Keeping your wife happy is the most important thing, not one of them." Chen Ziang coaxed.

"Honey, I miss you." Guan Tongtong said affectionately and coquettishly.

"I'll go back to love my wife in a few days. You can take care of your own business this weekend, so you don't need to come over." Chen Ziang endured his longing, and wanted to save that enthusiasm for his wife when "Legend of the White Snake" was finished.

While he was on the phone, a call came in that broke the current situation in the entertainment industry.

(End of this chapter)

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