The superstar is here

Chapter 666 The Best Gift

Chapter 666 The Best Gift
On the second day of the wrap-up banquet, Chen Ziang, Tian Xiaosheng, and Li Qiuting left the film and television city by car and went back to the city.

"Mr. Chen, are you going to change the male number two?" Tian Xiaosheng asked.

He had heard what Chen Ziang and Li Kai said last night, but he had been socializing and had no time to ask.

After the banquet was over and everyone was drunk, he didn't even have a chance to ask Chen Ziang.

Until now, Tian Xiaosheng had no chance to confirm this matter.

The director of this movie is not only Boyu Entertainment's Tian Xiaosheng, but also Boyu Entertainment's participation in the investor.

Chen Ziang really wanted to change to the male number two, it wasn't difficult.

"Nothing, just talking nonsense with Li Kai." Chen Ziang comforted.

He knew that Tian Xiaosheng was quite satisfied with the current cast and didn't want to change anyone.

"You don't even believe the punctuation marks in what he said." Li Qiuting smiled from the side.

Tian Xiaosheng smiled awkwardly.

Chen Ziang didn't care either.

Li Qiuting spoke again and asked Chen Ziang: "In Xiaosheng's movie, if I don't play the lead actress, I don't need the lead actress either?"

Tian Xiaosheng's eyes lit up.

If it was Li Qiuting instead, he would definitely be willing.

In the case of Li Kai, Li Kai's current salary is relatively high.

When Li Kai was stationed in the crew, the funds had to be restricted even more strictly.

Li Qiuting's entry is different, with the halo of the boss, no matter how limited the funds are, it will not be affected by Li Qiuting's salary.

Although this film is a multi-party investment and cooperation, Chen Ziang and Li Qiuting still have the greatest say.

In addition to Bo Yu Entertainment's investment, Shi Zifeng Technology also participates in shares, and Guan Nier and Wang Deng also participate in companies or studios.

Why not personal participation?
Because of personal participation in shares, dividends will be distributed at that time, and the tax rate is very high.

The progressive tax rate for wages and remuneration of office workers is 3%-45%, and the progressive tax rate for individual industrial and commercial households is 5%-35%.

As a result, many people have legally avoided tax through various methods such as film and television studios and tax haven registration.

Guan Nier and Wang Deng have their own companies or studios, so it is naturally impossible to buy shares in their own names.

Chen Ziang mentioned to his cousin Li Yuqing about investing in the film, but the Li family was not interested, but they were willing to let Li Yuqing go to the film crew to watch it first.

"No, you're too busy with your own affairs. Let me tell you, do you still want to be a clone?" Chen Ziang disagreed with bringing in another actress like Li Qiuting for the sake of box office.

As an actor, Wang Deng has already put the movie on the verge of losing money.

Li Qiuting looked at Tian Xiaosheng: "Then you should work harder, Wang Deng joined the stock and played the leading role because of his loyalty."

"En." Tian Xiaosheng felt that the responsibility on his body was even greater.

If Wang Deng was paid purely for the film, the budget for this movie would not be enough to see him, and he couldn't afford tens of millions of film salary.

"To make a movie, invite you big guys, the money is really... It's not enough to describe it as rushing water." Tian Xiaosheng sighed.

Let’s not talk about movies, let’s look at TV series first. In the past year, the remuneration of first- and second-tier actors has increased by nearly 250%. For a TV series with a cost of 1 million yuan, the stars will take more than 6 million yuan in remuneration.

Many TV drama production cost disclosures show that the remuneration of some domestic actors has even reached 50% to 80% of the total cost of film and television dramas.

"This market is becoming more and more chaotic." Chen Ziang was also deeply touched.

When casting many TV dramas, even though the directors and producers know that the audience no longer pays attention to star benefits, they still choose big names in order to be able to broadcast.Fans are willing to pay for their favorite stars, and there are even endless ways to support them.

It is not difficult to understand why the market is more and more inclined to choose some "little flowers" and "little fresh meat" with a huge fan base, even if they may not have the most basic dedication.

As early as two years ago, the contrast between the increasing salary of stars and the shoddy production of film and television was too strong, and netizens called for the implementation of a salary limit order.

Then, the pay limit order came out.

Some people applaud this policy, thinking that strictly following this remuneration limit order, the sky-high remuneration of stars will no longer exist.

As a result, pay caps simply don't work.

The bloody facts tell netizens why the pay limit order does not work:
According to market conditions, Xiao Xianrou can get a salary of 5000 million yuan, but the salary restriction order stipulates that he can only get 5000 million yuan.what to do?In fact, it can be like this: Xiaoxianrou only gets 5000 million yuan in salary, and then let him be a producer or director, or come up with a planning plan, and get the remaining [-] million yuan in this name.

The total remuneration of actors shall not exceed 40% of the total production cost.In the same way, Xiao Xianrou can pass on part of the remuneration in the name of production fees.For example, signing two contracts, one is the salary, and the other is the production fee of his studio.Following this trend, a large number of artists began to choose to open studios and become their own bosses.

"Because of the remuneration restriction order, the remuneration is too low. Some small fresh meat and flowers have no choice for a while, so they just stop acting in TV dramas and participate in variety shows instead. TV stations don't pay high prices, so they go to online variety shows. Or simply go to Do other things, such as shooting commercials." Li Qiuting smiled, and the conversation was calm, she couldn't understand this market, and she couldn't change it, so she could only watch with a cold eye.

"They can't come to our variety show. If they come, they can only follow our reasonable market price." Chen Ziang said, he didn't say that he was trying to block the road of Xiaoxianrou Xiaohuamen, relying on Boyu Entertainment to make a living hold on.

Talking to people you don't know well, or people who are not close relatives, will be considered mentally ill.

Some people on the Internet pointed out that the higher the salary for a star, the more it shows that there is a rigid demand for the star.According to the trend of the market, the reduction of star remuneration cannot rely on bans, but on the free market!
Chen Ziang sneered, relying on the market?
Isn't the market stirred up by a group of capital?
Chen Ziang is the capital now, all he has to do is to formulate rules.

In the field of variety shows, because the programs produced by Boyu are big IPs, big stars are not necessarily required, so he can make most of the rules.

Some experts suggested that to increase the supply of stars, it is necessary to cultivate a star-making system like that of Japan and South Korea in order to mass produce fresh meat.

Isn't this insane?

There is enough fresh meat now, but dedication, acting skills, and real skills are getting worse and worse.

"It's also fortunate that our Boyu production has a good reputation, and we don't need to spend a lot of money to hire artists like others to do the show." Li Qiuting said.

"As long as we have the right to speak, the variety show market will not be as chaotic as the film and television industry." Chen Ziang said, he talked with Guan Xinxin about his wishes and was appreciated by the other party.

Sometimes, a person's relationship with another person has nothing to do with money or talent.

It has something to do with fate, luck, etc. You can't force it.

Li Qiuting chatted with Chen Ziang, and then said back to the film and television industry.

"The high remuneration of actors is related to the influx of a large amount of foreign funds into this industry. In order to attract the public's attention to film and television projects, a lot of funds will not hesitate to attract star actors to join at high prices, and at the same time carry out various malicious hype." Li Qiuting has a clear understanding of this industry.

"What do you think should be done to return the market to a slightly cleaner sky?" Chen Ziang asked casually as he chatted with Li Qiuting casually.

Li Qiuting thought for a while and said: "In order to reduce the adverse social impact of star actors' high salaries, promote correct values, eliminate adverse social impacts, do not promote or hype star salaries, and do not encourage the media to publish income rankings. Through window guidance, limit In the promotion of film and television dramas, only celebrities are used as excessive publicity. At the same time, it is encouraged to do more public welfare and charity, participate in learning more, and set a life example for the majority of young people."

Tian Xiaosheng listened silently at the side, and started to enter this market. He must understand and study carefully.

Hearing Li Qiuting's words, he nodded secretly.

The high salary of stars has always been a headache for the entire industry. Unlike foreign countries, in Hollywood, as long as a movie starring an actor hits the street, the actor's salary will drop directly.But in China, there is a "pathological" pursuit of actors in the country. Even if a certain starring movie hits the street several times in a row, some people will still pay a high price for the other party.

CCTV once made a strong criticism of the sky-high film remuneration of the entire film and television industry, and attributed it to the fact that due to the high film remuneration, the production budget was compressed, which in turn caused the industry chaos of poor quality of film and television works.

Many big directors and big producers are no longer just complaining about the heavy burden of film pay, but open criticism. Some senior filmmakers have publicly stated that most of the films have paid more than half of the production cost, reaching 50.00%, and some even 60.00%. , Seventy, then there will be fewer resources for production.

Tian Xiaosheng suddenly interjected and said, "I think the salary is too high now, just like real estate, this bubble can't be suppressed anymore. As a result, a lot of production costs have been occupied, and the production quality is difficult to guarantee!"

Li Qiuting nodded: "Yes, I heard from Director Lu that some time ago, the film he made cost more than 8000 million yuan, but the actors' remuneration accounted for half of the entire investment. If you really use all-stars, you can't afford it. They have the potential to take two-thirds of the production cost at once."

Chen Ziang smiled: "At the end of the day, it's because the overall quality of actors is not good. Good actors are always a scarce resource. There is no shortage of actors in our mainland, but there is a shortage of good actors. But we can't completely blame those actors who can only make money , They are just money-making tools for some capital. Capital does not care about the future of actors and the market. The competition is so fierce now, and there are so many young people who want to be actors and stars. Capital has no shortage of money-making tools, and the market is always changing. Capital will only seize the moment and work hard to make money, without a sense of social responsibility.”

"So I escaped early and took the initiative by myself." Li Qiuting smiled. She was also oppressed at the beginning, but after three years of messing around, she slowly got better.

Actors who have escaped can decide their own prices, but it is not entirely possible.

The price represents a supply and demand relationship, and the actor's salary is a reflection of the contradiction between supply and demand of an actor.Whether in Hollywood or China, the box office appeal of first-line stars or the ability to leverage ratings are what producers desire, but the number of first-line actors is limited, and their working hours throughout the year are also limited, so supply exceeds demand is a common phenomenon.Those with high prices are naturally because the demand is too strong.

"Behind the high salary is the problem of too few good domestic actors, and there is no sign of improvement in the next five or ten years. If there are more actors and actors who can act, the salary will naturally drop. Hollywood's The reason why the film industry can create an endless stream of good works is because there are an endless stream of good actors, but China has more stars than actors. With the size of the Chinese film market, directors, screenwriters The reserves of actors and actresses are far behind the market demand." Chen Ziang said.

The domestic film market is getting bigger and bigger, hundreds of films are made every year, and the supply of good actors is in short supply.

There are only so many good actors and famous actors, and every company comes to grab them, and the salary of actors will naturally rise.

Hollywood's salary mechanism is relatively reasonable, firstly because they have various industry associations and standards, and secondly because they have a large number of qualified actors, which match the number of films produced each year. They are not only "little fresh meat", but what There are actors of all types, and uncles and aunts can still make movies.

Some good actors have their own judgments, and they will not ask for exorbitant prices when they encounter projects they like and are willing to do.

Of course, there are also some sensational prices that are accidentally high, because actors sometimes don’t want to accept the play, so they call a particularly high price, trying to reject the play, but the other party offers, so they can only continue.

The effect of administrative or legislative intervention in the film and television industry market is not great. There are many "sighted people" who have been actively making suggestions for high film salaries. As early as two years ago, the China Radio and Television Association issued an initiative to resist blindly comparing film salaries. The unhealthy atmosphere, dozens of actors participated in this initiative.However, two years later, the result?

Many people in the industry believe that the high remuneration of star actors is a market behavior and should be regulated by the market itself.It is believed that the excessive salary is caused by the relationship between supply and demand in the market, and is the result of the adjustment of market leverage. Therefore, the final outcome also depends on the adjustment of the market economy.

Tian Xiaosheng was a little worried about the high proportion of film remuneration in the total budget. He was deeply afraid that the production budget would be compressed due to too high film remuneration, resulting in shoddy production.

Chen Ziang comforted: "It's okay, if you want to make a sitcom, the salary will take up a large proportion, because you don't spend money on anything else, there is nothing to spend money on, just a few people talking there, a studio A scene is set up inside, and then the actors talk and talk there; but if you make a sci-fi blockbuster, it must be that the production cost accounts for a large proportion, just be yourself, don’t worry too much about the market.”

Li Qiuting also said: "I think the issue of so-called film remuneration should be left to the market, because high film remuneration is actually a very market-oriented phenomenon, which is caused by a natural supply and demand relationship. The film studios will voluntarily be taken advantage of. The market is like this now, just like Chinese football, the system is so rotten that one size fits all can’t work.”

Wang Deng's joining Tian Xiaosheng's production team is a special case of stars dropping their pay. There are many such actors.

Some are because of friendship, and some are because actors are no longer pursuing money, and they feel that the script is so willing to lower their value.

Chen Ziang was a little sad, and even Li Qiuting resigned to his fate, which shows that this market has really reached the point where many capitals can't help themselves.

It seems that there is a long way to go to clear this market.

Back in Youzhou, Chen Ziang called Guan Xinxin in Jinmen: "Sister, the filming of "Legend of the White Snake" is finished, and we can see it in the summer file."

"That's good." Guan Xinxin was as steady and elegant as ever: "When the time comes, I'll give you a gift too."

"What gift?" Chen Ziang asked excitedly.

"Let's talk about it in the past." Guan Xinxin smiled.

"Don't." Chen Ziang took a step back and coaxed, "Tell me a little, just a little."

"I was transferred to Lin'an in the summer. I was a deputy with mixed seniority. I have more time this year." Guan Xinxin said.

Chen Ziang looked confused: "Is this revealed?"

"Well, when the time comes, we..." Guan Xinxin said.

What she said made Chen Ziang completely dumbfounded, as if struck by lightning, he stood there in a daze.

"This... is this okay?" Chen Ziang lost his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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