The superstar is here

Chapter 681 I Don't Believe It

Chapter 681 I Don't Believe It (Thanks to Yiyu for the Reward)
A middle school in Youzhou.

Hao Jian is making pre-shooting preparations with the crew and the person in charge of the school.

At this time, a phone call came.

He took out his mobile phone, looked at the screen of the mobile phone, and his heart moved.

The caller was Xiao Ming, the head of the film and television center of Zhejiang Satellite TV.

Hao Jian checked the time. It was just after 10:30 in the morning, and the ratings of yesterday's TV dramas and programs should all be out.

Xiao Ming's call should be to inform him of the ratings results.

Hao Jian was not very nervous. Although he was the named director of "Legend of the White Snake", he knew that he had no hope of winning against "Snow Fox" directed by the famous Shang'an Lushan.

Without hope, there will naturally be no tension.

"Hello, Mr. Ming." Hao Jian answered the phone.

"Director Hao." Xiao Ming was over there very happy: "The ratings are out, congratulations to you."

"Congratulations?" Hao Jian said with a smile, "You didn't lose badly, did you?"

Xiao Ming was stunned: "Losing? Why do you think so?"

"What?" Hao Jian thought he heard it wrong: "Didn't lose?"

Xiao Ming thought for a while and said, "If you lose, you also win."

"What the hell?" Hao Jian was even more confused.


Not long after, Hao Jian laughed and called Chen Ziang.

"Mr. Chen, please accept my respect!" Hao Jian couldn't hide the excitement in his heart and yelled as soon as the phone was connected.

It was Father Chen who answered Hao Jian's call.

Father Chen was a little taken aback.

"Wait a minute, I'm Ziang's father. Ziang, call, hurry up." Father Chen urged Chen Ziang over there.

Hao Jian looked gloomy. He didn't know that Father Chen was used to thrift. He was afraid that Hao Jian's phone call would be long and Chen Ziang didn't answer it.

The caller ID didn't look like a woman was calling, so Dad Chen habitually helped Chen Ziang answer it first.

"Hello." Chen Ziang came over, took the mobile phone from Dad Chen and talked to Hao Jian.

"Mr. Chen, please accept my worship." Hao Jian repeated, but his momentum was lacking.

"Why so reluctant?" Chen Ziang was surprised.

Hao Jian said depressedly: "I paid my respects to your father just now."

"Haha, let him seal you a red envelope another day, he is very rich." Chen Ziang laughed.

Hao Jian didn't know what to say.

Chen Ziang asked: "The ratings are out?" He guessed it was this.

"Yeah." Hao Jian became excited again: "Mr. Chen, we won the sum of the ratings of the two episodes of "Legend of the White Snake"!"

"Really?" Chen Ziang smiled, not surprised at all.

Hao Jian was puzzled: "Mr. Chen, why don't you look happy?"

"I lost the ratings of the first episode, won the second episode, and won the total, right?" Chen Ziang was very indifferent.

"Hmm." Hao Jian asked curiously: "Mr. Chen, do you know? Who notified you? It hasn't been announced online yet, right?"

"Who informed you? You made it so obvious that I still can't guess it. Are you stupid?" Chen Ziang changed the subject: "How is the movie going? Let me tell you, if you play the leading role, you have to be cheap." One point, just follow the role in the sketch, don't be too honest. I will go to Jinzhou to watch the show after recording the show in a few days."

Hao Jian began to cry: "Mr. Chen, come and save me. It's okay that Li Hui is here. She's not here. Give the economic power to that girl and control my movie cost to death. How much do you think?" You have to ask your grandpa to tell your grandma to ask for a penny, which greatly affects the progress of the filming."

Chen Ziang was surprised, he knew who the girl Hao Jian was talking about was referring to.

She is Chen Ziang's cousin Li Yuqing.

Li Yuqing has been working with Li Hui since the beginning of this year as an intern producer. She has been on the crew of "Legend of the White Snake" and "Predecessor 3", and even the crew of Li Qiuting, who is about to wrap up.

Then, she started taking major roles.

When Li Hui is not around, the burden will be placed on her shoulders.

According to Li Hui's report, Li Yuqing has the demeanor of the Shi family in doing things.

Shi Jia is the most outstanding representative of the Shi family's demeanor.

Li Yuqing is the daughter of Shi Jia's older sister, Shi Hui. She probably has Shi Hui's style, and naturally has Shi Jia's style.

"Well, since the division of labor is clear, people have their own reasons for how they do it, and there are specializations in the arts, and there is no rule without rules. You should communicate well and reason." Chen Ziang was a little embarrassed.

He believes that Li Yuqing's intention is to save and control costs, and he has a good intention.

But he also believed that Hao Jian wanted to make a good movie, and wanted to finish the filming smoothly.

Sometimes there is no right or wrong in things, and from different angles and looking at issues differently, conflicts naturally arise.

At this time, it is necessary to communicate with each other and coordinate with each other.

Chen Ziang didn't think about helping anyone else.

There are several investors, Boyu Entertainment, Shizifeng Technology, Ning Xiaojia, Guan Nier... None of them got their money from the wind.

"Okay, she's actually a nice person, probably because she's afraid that we'll ask for money all the time, so every time we ask for money, it takes a lot of effort, which makes us reluctant to ask her for money as a last resort." Hao Jian was dejected.

Just when Hao Jian and Chen Ziang were complaining, the Internet exploded.

Because, the official websites of Sanxiang Satellite TV and Zhejiang Satellite TV announced the audience ratings of yesterday's programs.

Seeing the announcement of the ratings, there is a vast ocean on the Internet, all of which is water.


"Fuck, the data is correct?"

"The data in the first episode is correct, but the second episode is wrong?"

"The ratings of the first episode of "Snow Fox" are 5.06, the ratings of the second episode are 5.11, and the total ratings of the two episodes are 10.17."

"The ratings of the first episode of "The Legend of the White Snake" were 4.75, the ratings of the second episode were 5.52, and the total ratings of the two episodes were 10.27."

"Damn it, the total difference is only 0.1, or "The Legend of the White Snake" is 0.1 more."

"Why do I feel a little familiar."

"Haha, the last time Boyu produced "Dragon Babu", didn't the sum of the two episodes only surpass Tianshui Film and Television's "Dragon Babu" by 0.02 points?"

"Laughing, the history is always surprisingly similar. The last time Boyu produced "Dragon Babu", the first episode also lost, the second episode won, and then the sum of the two episodes also won."

"I seem to see a tragedy unfolding."

"I don't think it's scientific. Sanxiang Satellite TV has such a big platform, the number one satellite TV in the country. "Snow Fox" is not bad, and it lost."

"I want to say, mmp, what is the deal between QQ and Zhejiang Satellite TV? I was surfing the Internet last night, and suddenly a window popped up, saying something about the love between humans and snakes. I thought, how can people and snakes fall in love? The thing about female snakes is normal Can men use it? Later, I thought it might be a male snake falling in love with a woman. This was exciting, so I turned on the TV...and it has been out of control ever since."

"Zhejiang Satellite TV has no deal with QQ, right? Boyu Entertainment has a deal. I haven't found out that Boyu Entertainment's programs and works are released. Will QQ pop up?"

"Boyu Entertainment can't be the godson of QQ, it's too frankly partial."

"Haha, with the help of QQ, it's hard for "Legend of the White Snake" not to be popular."

"What are you talking about, "Legend of the White Snake" was good-looking, but the ratings of the first episode were a little low, mainly due to the lack of word-of-mouth. Watch the second episode, and it soared. This is the scary thing about word-of-mouth. Anyway, I am When I was browsing the forum, suddenly there was a post saying that "Legend of the White Snake" is awesome, so I watched the second episode."

"Not to mention, my mother's poker friend called my mother. I thought I was going to ask my mother to play poker again. In the end, I recommended watching Zhejiang Satellite TV's "The Legend of the White Snake."

"Can I say that my grandparents have been waiting for this TV series since they saw the preview of "The Legend of the White Snake" a few days ago? They said that they often watched "The Legend of the White Snake" when they were young. It was sung on the stage set up by the people. play."

"Huh? Is there a folk legend about "Legend of the White Snake"? Why don't I know?"

"I don't know, it's all from our generation. Even my parents' generation rarely watched "Legend of the White Snake", but many of them grew up listening to the stories of "Legend of the White Snake"."

"Damn it, it turns out that "Legend of the White Snake" was adapted from folklore."

"I just found out, I have learned a lot."

"My grandparents like to watch it very much, especially the songs sung in it. My parents also like it very much. I am very happy to watch it."

"Uh, am I getting old? I like watching it too."

"Don't mention it, I'm not yet twenty, I also like to watch it, sit with my grandparents, parents, watch it with relish, and cover my face."

"Cover your face together, we are all old, middle-aged and elderly people."


Zhejiang Satellite TV.

When the people in the film and television center first saw the ratings of the first episode of "Snow Fox", and then watched the ratings of the first episode of "Legend of the White Snake", they almost wanted to laugh and were full of happiness.

But after watching the second episode, they wanted to cry.

Damn, what a tragedy.

History repeats itself!

It was the same last time, I won the first episode, lost the second episode, and still lost overall.

But it went from losing 0.02 ratings to losing 0.1.

What the hell, Zhejiang Satellite TV, you are poisonous, and Boyu Film and Television, you are even more poisonous.

The famous director An Lushan went out in person, but he still lost.

When Wang Dan saw the ratings report, he also smiled and cried.

At the time of "Dragon Babu", the film and television department of Sanxiang Satellite TV failed.

At the time of "Super Girl", the variety show of Sanxiang Satellite TV also failed.

Sanxiang Satellite TV originally wanted to save face with this "Snow Fox", and wanted to get it all back.

The result was defeated again!
Just beep the dog.

At the same time, Sanxiang Satellite TV also began to panic at this time.

Halfway through this year, they actually lost to Zhejiang Satellite TV in the three most important battles for ratings.

"This Zhejiang Satellite TV, no, this Boyu Entertainment, is too hateful!"

"Boyu Entertainment, helped Zhejiang Satellite TV steal our ratings? Made."

"Central TV is not happy, we have been robbed of so many ratings, and this year's total ratings are the first... It's difficult."

"By the way, how did we offend Boyu Entertainment?"

"That's right, didn't Boyu Entertainment cooperate well with our Sanxiang Satellite TV before?"

"It seems that he had a conflict with the Variety Department and then left."



Sanxiang Satellite TV executives are in pain.

They haven't realized that Zhejiang Satellite TV's goal this year is not only to snipe Sanxiang Satellite TV, but also to win the ratings champion.

Before, classmate Xiao Ming from Zhejiang Satellite TV and others had the goal of attacking Sanxiang Satellite TV. The first was incidental.
Although this dream is a bit far away, it is still there.

Now, they found that the dream was getting closer.

I couldn't see it before, but now I can see it.

The success of "Tian Long Ba Bu" did not give Zhejiang Satellite TV any hope, after all, it was just a TV series.

The success of "The Voice of China" did not make them feel hopeful.

Now that "Legend of the White Snake" has such a good reputation and ratings, they have begun to raise their ambitions.

As if it could be done!

Let's introduce more good TV dramas, there are still five months left in this year.

Well, it is said that Boyu Film and Television will have another TV series in two or three months time, and we must watch it first.

Now, the copyright for the second broadcast and third broadcast of "Legend of the White Snake" can also start preparations.

Although the two parties are cooperating very happily now, some things still have to be done in a formal manner and follow the process.

On a beautiful morning, An Lushan was having morning tea.

When he is on vacation, he likes to have morning tea and then have lunch later at noon.

This habit was developed when he was on vacation in Guangdong Province.

Now that "Snow Fox" has been filmed, the post-production has been completed, and it has been aired, he will rest for a few months and pick up the script slowly.

A director of his renown has a lot of scripts in hand.

When he chooses, it's time to end the vacation and start the project.

On the teahouse, looking at the beach not far away, and tourists in white or yellow swimsuits, An Lushan felt very comfortable.

Suddenly, a phone call came.

An Lushan put down his morning tea and connected the phone.

His phone is old, not a smartphone.

He feels that when he is filming, he often does not live in reality, so when he is resting, he does not want to still live in the virtual world.

"Hello." An Lushan answered the phone with a smile on his face.

He knew that this call was to report the ratings.

He has been waiting for this good news.

Although he never felt that there was any surprise, he was somewhat looking forward to it.

After confirming the ratings, he will make a phone call to Li Longji in person and teach him: humility makes people progress, pride makes people lag behind, after success, don't be too arrogant.

An Lushan had already thought about what to say when calling Li Longji.

An Lushan, who was answering the phone with a smile, the smile on his face disappeared instantly after hearing the voice over there: "What did you say, say it again!"

After the other party repeated it again, An Lushan calmed down and nodded: "Okay, I know, thank you, goodbye!"

After hanging up the phone, An Lushan put the phone on the table, stood up, faced the window, looked towards the direction of the sea, and did not speak for a long time.

I don't know how long it took, he turned around and roared: "I don't believe it, I want a smartphone, I want to go online..."

The second sword of the Three Musketeers, that is, Shi Siming, was a little dazed after seeing the ratings results.

No, read that right?
Look carefully, yes.

He went online again.

This is a big event, and there should be various legends on the Internet.

The result is true.

"Lao An lost!" For a long time, Shi Siming was speechless.

What the hell is this?
No matter how much Lao An spent, he was actually no match for a brat.

Li Longji's home.

"Haha." Li Longji was laughing.

After a while, he looked at a photo frame on the table, which contained a photo.

In the photo, there are two people, one big and one small.

The older one is Li Longji, and the younger one is a little boy with a bright smile.

"Father, you are going out to work again, why don't you take me? It's okay, you can go, I will wait for my father to come back at home. I want to see my father become a great director and the eldest brother of the Three Musketeers." The immature child voice , as if resounding in Li Longji's ears again.

(End of this chapter)

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