The superstar is here

Chapter 684 Seeing and Not Seeing

Chapter 684 Seeing and Not Seeing
The Guanque Tower, also known as the Guanque Tower, was originally located in the southwest of Yongji, Jinzhou, at the middle of the Yellow River.There are six floors in total, facing Zhongtiao Mountain in front and facing the Yellow River below. It was a famous scenic spot in Hezhong Mansion in Tang Dynasty.It is as famous as the Yellow Crane Tower in Jiangcheng, Yueyang Tower by Dongting Lake, and Tengwang Pavilion, and is known as the four famous buildings in ancient China.

There are storks living on this tower from time to time, so it is called Crane Tower.

The place where Chen Ziang recorded the program this time was in the Crane Tower.

The "Super Run" program has the mission and color of promoting Chinese culture. The recording location of this episode of the program is chosen to be in the famous building that is almost forgotten by the world - Crane Tower.

Chen Ziang took a direct flight from Lin'an to Phoenix Guan Gong Airport, and then took a special car to continue to Yongji.

In the car, in addition to Chen Ziang's guest of this issue, there is another guest of this issue.

She is Zhao Ya.

As early as last year, Fang Xudong wanted Zhao Ya and Ning Ying to be the regular guests of the double heroines of "Super Run". Later, due to conflicts with Sanxiang Satellite TV, "Super Run" was delayed, and the dual heroines did not happen. .

Chen Ziang later felt that Zhao Ya was good at filming, but not very good on variety shows.

Before the filming of "Legend of the White Snake", Zhao Ya accepted the announcement of the variety show. Chen Ziang probably watched it, but found that she was not suitable for participating in the reality show, or she needed to do it a few more times.

"Is the land in the northwest much more desolate than the south of the Yangtze River?" In the car, Chen Ziang chatted with Zhao Ya.

"Well, most of the wars in ancient times were in the north, so poor people still fought." Zhao Ya was a little dissatisfied with the ancients.

Chen Ziang said: "Poverty makes troubles and wars. Look at the south of the Yangtze River. The land in the south is fertile, with beautiful mountains and rivers, and a land of fish and rice. Everyone lives and works in peace and contentment. There is food to eat, so there are fewer wars. People who are driven to death by poverty are nothing to talk about." dream."

Zhao Ya was taken aback, thinking about it.

"Are you a person with dreams now?" After a while, she asked Chen Ziang.

Zhao Ya has seen Chen Ziang's family history, it is all spread on the Internet.

According to rumors on the Internet, Chen Ziang seemed sober at first, writing fast food web novels with no nutritional value, just to make money.

When he was able to eat enough and wear warm clothes, he began to have some dreams, to write martial arts novels with some nutritional value, and to write music that can purify and sublimate people's souls.

"Dreams can definitely come true." Chen Ziang said with a smile: "Now I have a dream, I hope that the White Snake will become a classic character and live forever."

A smile appeared on Zhao Yaqiao's face. "Legend of the White Snake" has only been aired for two days, and the manager's phone number is already almost ringing.

All kinds of announcements came one after another.

In the past, brokers went everywhere to ask for announcements.

Now, Zhao Ya is popular, and the agent waits for people to come to the door, and can screen them one by one.

In the first half of this year, Zhao Ya still hasn't earned much of the money she paid for breaking the contract last year.

But looking at the way it is now, she will be able to earn it all back in the second half of the year, or even make money, as long as she is willing to run more notices.

"By the way." Zhao Ya suddenly changed the subject: "Zi'ang, I'm leaving from Youzhou today, and a caller called me before boarding the plane."

Chen Ziang was surprised, it must be a very special call.

Sure enough, Zhao Ya continued: "It was played by someone from Huanya, my former manager."

Chen Ziang smiled, this Zhao Ya was really innocent, and told him about this kind of phone call.

"Say what?" he asked.

Zhao Ya said without hesitation: "He said it was a misunderstanding before, and he hoped that I could go back. Not only would they return all the previous liquidated damages to me, but they were also willing to pay for the breach of contract between me and Bo Yu."

Chen Ziang sighed: "It's really amazing." He knew that Zhao Ya must have refused, and maybe even scolded the other party.

Zhao Ya was a little disappointed and said: "Zi Ang, how can you say that people are so thick-skinned and shameless?"

Chen Ziang said: "What's the matter? Money can make ghosts grind, which means that money is the first in the eyes of more than [-]% of people. Money is everything. You are now a cash cow. For money, I beat you There will be many people with ideas.”

At the same time, he became vigilant.

A few days ago, Xu Jiahui revealed to Wang Yu that Uniasia Entertainment wanted to poach her.

As for other artists, people from Uniasia or Tianshui must have contacted them, but they won't speak out.

Only Zhao Ya and Xu Jiahui who really regard Boyu as an existence second only to family would say this.

Huanya and Tianshui now hate Boyu Entertainment no less than Sanxiang Satellite TV.

But on the other hand, this kind of talent poaching is beneficial to the market.

The flow of talents can make the market active.

It's just that Chen Ziang doesn't agree with the entertainment industry doing this, the circle is already very expanded.

Simply put, labor and income are completely out of proportion.

Too many celebrities make too much money and are just making money with no work ethic.

Some celebrities can't do anything about it, and the market is already chaotic.

"Zi Ang, I think some of the artistes in our company should be in contact with Huanya." Zhao Ya said with some concern: "I see that my contract is relatively free, and the cost of breaking the contract is not too big. Will such a contract Will it be detrimental to the company?"

Chen Ziang's reticence is of course very disadvantageous.

Zhao Ya wants to break the contract, the price is very small.

Some people's hearts are indeed made of flesh.

Zhao Ya is very considerate of her boss, she is a rare clean stream in the circle.

It's not that everyone in the circle is dirty, selfish, and looks after Qian Quan.

Some celebrities seem to be looking at money when they do things, but they are actually forced to. There are too many things involved behind them, and it is not up to them to decide.

For example, if Chen Ziang is now intimidating, using both soft and hard methods, asking Zhao Ya to run more notices and take on more than a dozen plays a year, all of which are important roles, she will have to take it.

Yes, there must not be that much time.

Then what to do, using a substitute or something, naturally cannot be avoided.

"Forget it, if some people want to leave, they can't be stopped." Chen Ziang finally felt relieved, the price is small, but it doesn't mean there is no price.

In particular, some people need to revise the contract before taking over the filming of Boyu Film and Television.

If you disagree with the modification, forget it and choose someone else.

Arrived in Puzhou Town, Phoenix City with Zhao Ya, settled in the hotel contracted by the program team, Chen Ziang took her to go shopping and eat.

Wang Deng and the others haven't arrived in Phoenix City today, they will arrive tomorrow.

Chen Ziang came here ahead of time, as a leader, to inspect the preparation work of the program team, and to visit the ancient town by the way.

Reading thousands of books and traveling thousands of miles, the experience of life only stays at one point, one place, and it cannot be enriched.

While Chen Ziang and Zhao Ya were visiting the ancient town, Guan Tongtong and others who were far away in Tubo started their "treasure hunting" journey.

A few people rushed to the Jokhang Temple Square excitedly, and found the small shop that Chen Ziang mentioned.

After ordering tea, everyone started looking for notes on the west wall.

The walls are densely pasted with notes left by past tourists. The words on them make people feel complicated, but they also bring the joy of travel.

"The best state of mind in love is: all my giving is a willingness, and I will never say anything about it. If you reciprocate, I will be very grateful. If you are indifferent, I will not be discouraged. Until one day I If you don’t want to love you like this, then let’s make a difference and let each of us be happy.”

"People who are nostalgic are always the most vulnerable, and like to spend the rest of their lives waiting for one sentence: Don't come here without any problems."

"Only those who have seen fireworks and love know the beauty and desolation of the world."

"The routine of life is nothing more than making chicken feathers into a chicken blanket."

"As a guest, you are not forced to stay. You should not know each other when you meet strangers. You are indifferent and affectionate. Everything is silent and tears are tasteless."

"The world of adults is too complicated. Today is one thing, and tomorrow it will be another. It is always difficult for people to understand and guess. The only thing I can do is to prevent myself from becoming the person I hate now."

"Time is no better than people, it is fragile, and it can't bear to be disappointed back and forth."

"In this life, we will meet many people, and fate is as fragile as dew. Only with you, it is like an endless river."

"Life is not easy. You don't need to seek others' understanding and approval in everything, and live your own life quietly. If your heart is not moving, the wind will be fine. If you are not hurt, the years will be fine."

"If I didn't read, I wouldn't have expectations for life, and it would be easier to be satisfied; if I didn't read, I wouldn't understand how wonderful the world is, so I wouldn't yearn to travel alone; if I didn't read, my Those vigorous and jumping dreams will not be bred in my heart, so I will not be easily disappointed; if I don’t read books, I may never understand the sweetness of two people, so I won’t taste the bitterness of one person.”

"There are always gears that can't match, gaps that can't bite, and lovers who can't catch up."

"Cutting off a period of youth can heal wounds.

Cut a precious time of youth and hide it in my heart.

When I pack my bags and go to a distant place, and then recall this past, the corners of my mouth will rise.

When the thorns are full of roads and every step is hurt, and then recall this past, you will not be afraid of the wind and frost.

When I get old and my temples are like frost, and then I recall this past, my eyes will still be bright. "


Guan Tongtong felt that this world was beautiful and wonderful.

Coming and going, I don’t know how many passers-by, stop here, and leave here the feelings that I don’t know whether it belongs to them or others.

In short, some of these passers-by are free and easy, and some come here with spiritual pain, hoping to seek healing.

The person who read the words does not know the past of the person who wrote the words, nor does he know where the person who wrote the words is now, and what is going on.

Those who read the words can only imagine, and hope that the people who wrote the words are living well, happy, and happy.

Everyone was a little moved, moved by these ordinary people.

They are working hard to live, even though they have been injured and shed tears, they are still walking in this colorful world.

Ordinary people also yearn for the extraordinary, and even more for the beautiful.

Guan Tongtong wanted to cry when he thought that Chen Ziang was also a member of this crowd and left his handwriting here.

No matter how close two people are, they can't fully enter each other's world, and they will always be two independent individuals.

His past, she can't participate.

In fact, she can't accompany him in all of his future.

Each has its own mission and life.

"Do you recognize Zi Ang's handwriting?" Shi Jia asked anxiously after searching for a long time but couldn't find it.

When she thought of her son once appearing here, sitting at a desk in a corner of the shop and writing, she felt very distressed.

"I know, Ziang said he signed it, so he called it 'Duo Duo'." Kuan Dandan said.

"Why is it called 'Duoduo'?" Guan Tianyu asked curiously.

"You ask me, who should I ask?" Kuan Dandan didn't know why he signed it.

The five searched for nearly an hour, when Kuan Dandan suddenly took off a note.

The main thing is that everyone sometimes likes to read notes with connotations, so it takes a lot of time.

After Kuan Dandan took off the note, he quietly looked at the elder sister.

The eldest sister was still looking, so she didn't notice her.

She just wanted to put it away.

At this moment, Guan Xinxin was standing in front of Guan Dandan.

Kuantandan puffed his cheeks and spread his palms, revealing the note inside.

It was only at this time that Guan Tongtong noticed Kuan Dandan's side, his face was happy, and he ran over quickly.

"I found it." Kuan Dandan had no choice but to say honestly, "I'll read it to you."

I can't express how everyone feels about finding the treasure. I don't know what Chen Ziang wrote, and I look forward to it.

Kuantandan spread out the note, looked at everyone, then bowed his head and read:
"You see, or you don't see me
I'm there

Neither sad nor happy. "

Guan Tongtong was taken aback. When he came to the Buddhist holy place, Chen Ziang's poems contained Buddha nature.

Guan Xinxin also frowned slightly.

Kuantandan continued to read: "You read, or don't read me
love is there

not coming or going
you love or don't love me
love is there

no increase or decrease
you follow or not follow me
my hand is in yours

never give up
come to my arms


let me live in your heart
love silently
Silent Joy"

After reading, Kuantandan put away the note.

Guan Tongtong was a little lost in thought, his eyes flushed red.

This kind of love has no vigorous vows, it is full of wisdom and indifference, but full of deep love.

Where she couldn't see him, he was still so tender and affectionate towards her.

Few women in the world can remain indifferent in front of this kind of romance and love, Guan Tongtong cried.

She wanted to see him now, go back and have a wedding with him, and really marry him.

Guan Xinxin stretched out her hand towards Kuan Dandan, and with a bitter face, Kuan Dandan handed the put away note to her sister-in-law.

This poem was misrepresented as Tsangyang Gyatso in the previous life, but it is actually called "The Silence of Banza Guru Baima". The author Tashiram Duoduo is a Cantonese girl who followed the seventeenth Karmapa Karmapa practiced in Bodh Gaya, India.

It comes from the middle episode of "Suspected Fengyue Ji" created by him.Although this poem is not the work of Tsangyang Gyatso, the hundred love poems of Tsangyang Gyatso are all classics.

Cangyang Gyatso, born in the 22nd year of Kangxi, was ordained at the age of 14 and entered the Potala Palace as the leader of the Yellow Sect. Later, he was affected by political and religious struggles and was deposed by the Qing court. Fleeing away without knowing where to end, he was 24 years old at the time.

He glimpsed in the sky of history, but the legends and poems he wrote with his life have been passed down from generation to generation.

For example, "The world is peaceful and full of dharma, and it is worthy of the Tathagata and worthy of your honor." For example, "It is best not to meet each other, so that you will not fall in love. It is best not to know each other, so that you will not miss each other." For example, "That night, I went around every day. A prayer wheel, not for extension, just for touching your fingertips" and other verses are written by him.

(End of this chapter)

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