The superstar is here

Chapter 692 Roll me as far as your thoughts go

Chapter 692 Roll me as far as your thoughts go

Regardless of whether it was the public opinion coaxed and led by Boyu Entertainment, anyway, Huanya immediately thought of Boyu Entertainment and let Boyu Entertainment take the blame.

But even if Boyu Entertainment is to blame, Huanya can't do anything, there is no way.

QQ news media, Wangyi news media, and other big media all published entertainment news articles, unanimously denouncing Haoming, saying that he was ungrateful, and when Boyu Entertainment was confronting some entertainment giants, he turned his back on his old club Boyu Entertainment.

QQ News also pointed out that some entertainment giants do not want new forces to emerge, spend a lot of money to poach people, compete maliciously, and disrupt the order of the entertainment market.

This hat is buttoned...

Huanya was the first to lie down, and then Tianshui.

Tianshui also recruited a second-tier artist from Boyu Entertainment.

The direction of the wind seems to be out of anyone's control, and online discussions about entertainment stars' worth, appearance fees, etc. began.

In the end, the entire entertainment industry stars were involved, saying that the current status quo in China is an era when actors are in power.

No one asks about the general's lonely grave, but the world knows about the family affairs of the actor.

When an actor is in power, the country is in mourning.

Some netizens expressed their emotions.

"Hey, in the feudal hierarchy in ancient China, people were divided into 'three teachings and nine streams', and the 'nine streams' were further divided into 'upper nine streams', 'middle nine streams' and 'lower nine streams'. Opera singers were just divided into 'Naughty' kind of thing. Look now..."

"Yes, the status of actors in ancient times was the same as that of beggars and witches at that time. They were roles that ordinary people didn't take seriously. Of course, you can't kill everyone with a stick. Because in the group of actors, many of them belonged to the upper class. , and the latter were mostly favored by the ancient dignitaries or royal family members. But these are only a few, and more of them are entertainers living in the rivers and lakes. They are the mainstream of actors in ancient society. In order to beg for food, they drag their families Leading the mouth, going all over the world, always at the bottom of society, and always being the role of being bullied. These actors may never have dreamed that today, their status is even higher than that of officials!"

"The upstairs is talking about not long ago. A general passed away, but there were no candles, no memory, nothing on the Internet, as if the general had never appeared. Ironically, just a few days later, there was A celebrity posted a Weibo post about getting back together with his ex-wife in the early morning, and the Weibo was captured by netizens in an instant, with blessings and applause pouring over his face, those who didn’t know it thought they had won 500 million yuan.”

"Well, at that time, a group of actors rushed to give blessings, with more than 60 retweets, more than 50 comments, and more than 500 million likes. Take a look, this is the power of actors. Just one Weibo can set off a wave of the entire Internet. This It is the tragedy of our times."

"There are more rich people in China now. Those who got rich first did not drive the poor people, but 'slaved' the poor. Wherever they can make money, the money will flow there, making the entertainment industry a mess. Today, Capitalist A spends money to create a million-dollar star. Tomorrow, capitalist B spends money to create a million-dollar superstar. This will give the market the illusion that people are getting stupid money quickly, and will attract more capital. In other words In other words, such a market is deformed and unhealthy. If it is allowed to develop, it will not only be detrimental to China's economic construction, but will not help China's cultural construction at all. Such chaos must use the hands of the state, and the state will come forward Control and completely curb the unhealthy tendencies in today's society!"

"One performance of an actor may be the salary of scientific research and architectural researchers for several years. The academician who won the highest national science and technology award this year is awarded 500 million yuan, which is the hard work of her whole life. In this industry, it is quite There are many."

"The existence of this phenomenon makes it difficult for children to form a correct outlook on values ​​and life when they are growing up. The children have become very realistic and feel that it is useless to engage in scientific research and contribute to the world. Their life goals have become Get promoted and get rich, or become a star and gain both fame and fortune. The values ​​​​of young people are seriously distorted, and they don’t know who they should really admire.”

"Everyone works together, netizens take action, let the country hear our voice."

"Let the five ministries and commissions, including Radio and Television, the Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Commerce, and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, jointly issue a notice to establish and improve a scientific and reasonable TV drama investment and distribution mechanism, and it is strictly forbidden for broadcast organizations to use celebrities as the only bargaining standard."

"Let's end it before it gets out of hand. If this continues, the future will be miserable."


In the past, the media and netizens have talked about star-studded appearance fees, but never on such a large scale.

This topic is everywhere in major forums and social networking sites.

Netizens began to dislike celebrities a little bit.

Huanya and Tianshui were confused.

That's what they do. Their job is to make stars, and they rely on stars to make money. Even if they are making film and television works, they still need stars, right?

But there is such a fuss on the Internet.

Both companies are in a hurry.

The Internet is so chaotic, the blame is not directly aimed at Huanya and Tianshui, but this is their fault.

Capital can have no conscience, but it can always betray its own class.

Huanya and Tianshui were suspected of betrayal this time, dragging the entertainment companies in the entire entertainment industry into the water.

What the hell, this is more troublesome than offending ten Boyu Entertainment.

"Hurry up and do a good job in public relations!"

Huanya and Tianshui were impatient.

"What about PR?"

The people in the public relations department are confused, who should do the public relations.

This is the entire industry, so every entertainment company and every media outlet can't send money to send beautiful women to send handsome guys.

if that's the case……

Ten Huanya and ten Tianshui bankrupts are not enough.

"You are engaged in public relations. Do you need us outsiders to guide you on how to do it?"

The executives of Uniasia and Tianshui threw their cups and scolded MMP in their hearts.

The people in the public relations department also have MMPs in their hearts, and it's not your fault, let us wipe our asses.

But the people in the public relations department can't help it. When they join the public relations department, their job is to wipe their ass.

No ass to wipe, and they're out of a job.

inside a hospital.

Hao Ming wore gauze on his head and a hospital gown, sitting by the window of the ward and looking outside in a daze.

Although he was in a daze, the frequency of MMP in his heart definitely did not exceed 1 minute.

In the past few days, he no longer knows how many times he has beaten the sky and the air and everything, like the stars in the sky, there are countless times.

To sum it up, it's just bad luck recently, a lot of troubles.

First of all, the murderer who beat him has not yet been found by the police.

In fact, Hao Ming gave up looking for the murderer after asking about it.

Because the scene was chaotic that day, many people shot.

Fist like rain, stick like forest, he saw these, no one can remember how many there were.

Now he can only seek justice from the merchant and discuss compensation matters.

The merchant frankly wanted to kill someone, so he paid so much for the appearance, and he had to pay for damages, mental damage, etc.

Celebrities are delicate, not ordinary people. According to Hao Ming's team's request, Hao Ming earned all the money the merchant earned last year.

That won't work, the merchants are not willing to suffer this loss, they are talking about it.

Ma De, this entertainer has a problem, no wonder he is ungrateful.

When the merchant was still arguing with Haoming's team, he couldn't help complaining to the media. Although he didn't scold, he made it clear that he would go bankrupt after hiring the wrong person.

I rub!

The other merchants are afraid, if they ask Haoming to play once, they will go bankrupt?

"Let's cancel the announcement. If the other party asks for compensation, we will pay some liquidated damages. Don't invite me over. We don't want to go bankrupt yet."

"Fuck, I still want to invite him. The crowd is so angry, what should I do if I get beaten again? Then I won't invite him, and invite someone else to go."

Many merchants almost unanimously boycotted Haoming and stayed away from this disaster star.

Then, Hao Ming was shocked to find that he had almost no more announcements to answer.

Brokers looked for notices everywhere, but couldn't find many.

What I found was to suppress the price to death.

come or not?
Don't come down!
If there is an accident, it is none of our business to sign a good agreement. We are a small business, and there is no money to pay you, so we cannot go bankrupt.

After experiencing such a painful thing, Hao Ming recalled the source of the matter.

Job-hopping is not a problem at all. Isn’t job-hopping a common thing in the circle or in the workplace?

Water flows to lower place, man goes to higher position.

The more you jump, the more money you get.

Why did I go wrong when I jumped?
After wondering, Hao Ming continued to think.

Then think about the second source.

"Legend of the White Snake" finale!

The reason why he was condemned was not because of his job-hopping at first, but because of the finale of "Legend of the White Snake".

"Uncle Cao." Hao Ming was aggrieved.

When he was filming the finale of "Legend of the White Snake", he probably knew that there would be two endings.

One is seemingly complete, and the other is half sad and half bright.

But the real ending is up to the editor.

When an actor is filming, the supporting role does not know what the film is about, but only knows what he is going to do.

Most of the protagonists don't know what the process is like and what it will be like in the end.

It's all about scissors!
An ordinary variety show, after a few hours of recording, the editor can cut a normal goddess into a psychopath.

The editor is like a so-called sound engineer, turning decay into magic.

In "The Legend of the White Snake", Xu Xian was cut as ungrateful, treacherous, and abandoned his wife and son. Hao Ming is not surprised that Boyu Entertainment can do it.

He wondered why netizens reacted so strongly.

Damn, it's too dramatic.

a bunch of idiots!
But it was such a group of idiots who sent him to the hospital.

His injury was neither mild nor serious.

Anyway, he lost a lot of blood and is still in the hospital.

Originally, I wanted to stay for a few more days to win some sympathy from fans and netizens.

But the Internet is still denouncing that he doesn't live now, and he doesn't live there.

Life sucks.

During the few days in the hospital, Hao Ming wanted to die when he saw the organizer who ran the notice crying to the media.

It is because of this beginning that the notice is either missing or cannot be found.

He had to seek help from his new owner, Huanya.

Huanya directly said: Get out!

Eleven words: Roll as far as your thoughts go!
Hao Ming almost went crazy.

MMP, what do you mean?
But he was not impulsive, knowing that Huanya might be in trouble, so he inquired about the news in private.

After inquiring, he broke out in a cold sweat.

Fuck, Huanya and Tianshui are more impatient than him now.

QQ Media, New Blue Media, Wangyi Media and other major platforms have all posted articles saying that Uniasia and Tianshui have poked a hole in the sky and pushed the entire entertainment circle to the stove.

If there is such a mess on the Internet, the relevant state departments will definitely notice.

Every time public opinion erupts on the Internet, the relevant state departments will take action.

This time, the entire entertainment industry may be targeted again.

And all of this was done by Huanya and Tianshui.

It's a big disaster.

Now Tianshui and Huanya are very anxious and can't take care of themselves.

Hao Ming also wanted to go to Huanya to move rescuers for a dime.

The king city is about to be breached, and the frontier town still wants to ask the king city to send troops for reinforcements?

"What's the situation?" Hao Ming was dumbfounded.

Why are Huanya and Tianshui both in trouble?

In the past few days, the corporate thresholds of large platforms such as QQ Media, Xinlan Media, and Wangyi Media have been stepped down by the public relations personnel of Uniasia and Tianshui.

The public relations personnel of these two companies are crying and begging to be promoted, and if they continue to make such a fuss on the Internet, the relevant departments such as the Industry and Commerce Bureau, the Taxation Bureau, etc. may first attack their companies, and then swing their axes at the entire entertainment industry.

It is also possible that the relevant departments have not yet made a move, and the circle will unite to kick Tianshui and Huanya out of the circle.

It is not uncommon for giants in history to be dragged down and forced to go bankrupt.

On the contrary, there are many more.

No matter which giant, how to block its own artists, how to provoke competitors, the peers will only watch the fun.

But once this giant wants to challenge the entire industry and betray this industry, all the peers will unanimously unite to kick this giant out.

It can be as short as a few months, or as long as a year or two. In short, this giant cannot escape sanctions.

"I'm sorry, someone came one step ahead of you. You must pay attention to credit when doing business."

Media platforms such as QQ, Xinlan and Wangyi rejected the public relations of Uniasia and Tianshui.

"who is it?"

People from Huanya and Tianshui asked, and they smiled wryly after asking.

Asking is also a waste of time, big media such as QQ will not talk about it.

However, the QQ media platform actually said one more sentence: "You should know who it is, so we won't say more."

Huanya and Tianshui howled, it must be Boyu's entertainment.

Apart from this mortal enemy, other competitors would not be so deliberate to engage them.

This is to kill them.

Although not 100% will die, but the probability is very high.

When you start a company, do a project, or invest in something, it all depends on the chance.

The risk is too great, no one wants to take it easily, right?
Looking at the situation now, Uniasia and Tianshui are very likely to be kicked out.

Even if the circle wants to calm down the situation earlier, they will speed up the pace of joining forces. Maybe in the next moment, entertainment giants will jump out and criticize themselves, and they will be the first to stand up.

As long as there is a leader, the next thing is to wait for bankruptcy or decline to no one cares.

"Let's talk to Boyu Entertainment."

The executives of Uniasia and Tianshui were very frustrated. This matter is now very clear, and it has something to do with Boyu Entertainment.

As long as Boyu Entertainment is willing to stop and stand up, it is easy to say that big things can be turned into small ones.

As for whether trivial matters can be resolved, it depends on God's will.

Huanya and Tianshui were really afraid that there would be a day when they had nowhere to go, so now they had to bow their heads to Boyu Entertainment as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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