The superstar is here

Chapter 7 The gregarious are destroyed, the lonely are accomplished

Chapter 7 The gregarious are destroyed, the lonely are accomplished

When Shi Jia was cooking, Chen Ziang was always helping, washing the vegetables, serving the dishes, delivering oil, salt, sauce and vinegar...

At the moment Shi Jia loves and loves her son very much, and she doesn't want him to be busy, but she also doesn't want to give up such a good opportunity to deepen their relationship with her son while the iron is hot, so she doesn't drive him out of the kitchen.

"Mom, I'll learn how to cook from you in the future." Chen Zi'ang said to his mother seriously while holding hands.

Shi Jia was unwilling, and said: "The kitchen is full of smog, which is not good for the skin. What kind of food should I learn? You cook the rice, so what will Mom do in the future, Mom will be useless."

Chen Ziang nodded: "The cooking fumes in the kitchen are really not good for the skin. Our mother is a daughter of gold. I'd better not let my mother cook when I'm at home. I'll do it."

While cooking, Shi Jia smiled and said, "My baby is so talkative, but my mother is already a yellow-faced woman, so she won't be afraid of oily smoke. Just stay here, otherwise, study hard and get into a good school."

Speaking of this, Shi Jia quietly glanced at Chen Ziang, fearing that his son would be disgusted and unhappy.

Chen Ziang nodded seriously, without the slightest displeasure on his face, and said, "Mom, you have always been the youngest and most beautiful in my eyes. Well, I used to be rebellious, and deliberately failed the exam. In fact, I am very good."

Shi Jia was very happy. After two years, the old son came back again, and he was even more talkative than before.

The meal was cooked to the satisfaction of both mother and son.

Tomorrow is New Year's Day, and companies that are a little more humane will at least get off work normally, even two hours earlier. The company that Chen's father works for is not ahead of time, and it is half an hour later than the scheduled time, so it is not until Chen Zi'ang and Shi Jia have a meal ready , he hurried back.

As soon as he entered the house, he was slightly surprised to see that Chen Ziang and Shi Jia were already fighting fiercely, shoulder to shoulder.

In the past, the relationship between wife and son was very close, like siblings, but they were not so invisible.

"Your company doesn't treat its employees as human beings, and they work overtime every day." Shi Jia was very dissatisfied with Chen's father's work, and spent his youth and years on overtime.

"I'm not the boss, I just work part-time. I don't have enough manpower, and the boss doesn't want to recruit more people. What can I do?" Chen's father is used to it. He doesn't get overtime pay for overtime work. Taxi fare will be reimbursed at 20:22.

Chen Zi'ang was thinking about the meal while opening his mouth.

There are online instant messaging tools in this world, but they are all in the nature of the local area networks of various communication operators.

For example, China Mobile has its own online instant messaging tool. After logging in, you can send messages to mobile users for free. There are two ways to send such messages. One is to send online for free, which means that the mobile user of the other party needs to log in to this tool to receive When receiving information, one is to pay for sending offline. The mobile user receiver can receive the information without logging in to the tool, but the sending user needs to pay the information fee.

Of course, there is also cooperation between several major operators, and users of other parties besides your own can also add friends, but all sending messages are paid offline, which is the same as sending text messages.

Chen Ziang was surprised that there was no online instant messaging tool like QQ in this world.

Seeing Chen's father's occupation, Chen Ziang felt itchy in his heart, IT, software development.

QQ is definitely one of the aircraft carriers in the Internet in the previous life, and it is also the top one.

But in this world, this super aircraft carrier does not exist.

Chen's father was engaged in software development, which made Chen Ziang anxious, but he found out from his mother that his family's savings were only more than 20 yuan.

What can more than 20 people do? QQ started with 50 yuan, and still had a team of five people.

Father Chen is alone and only has more than 20 yuan, so he can't do it.

Tencent had no funds at the beginning, and its development was slow. Two years later, it received US$220 million in financing before it developed rapidly. The US$220 million at that time was equivalent to more than 800 million yuan.

The road to QQ is temporarily impassable. There is no start-up capital, and Chen Ziang's way to make a fortune is blocked.

He didn't eat or sleep, and at the dinner table, Chen Ziang became very silent, even often in a daze.

He is thinking about how to make money.

Write songs?

He has countless classics, which can be written for others or sung by himself.

But if you sing it yourself, or submit it to a record company, who will buy it, just like countless good novels on the Internet, no one cares about them after they are published, and they are buried.

However, thinking of online novels, Chen Ziang's eyes lit up. This is indeed a way, and it is relatively fair.

Although the smell of wine is also afraid of deep alleys, as long as the book is good and there are recommendations for testing the waters, there is no fear of not being able to get up.

The premise is that the signing criteria must be met first.

Only after signing a contract with the website will there be recommendations for testing the waters.

"Honey, you're eating, what are you thinking about?" Chen Ziang held his chopsticks in a daze for too long, Shi Jia couldn't bear it any longer, and took his chopsticks to hit the chopsticks he was holding in mid-air, reminding him.

Father Chen on the side had long been used to his wife calling his son that way, so he didn't respond much, just caring about himself.

Chen Ziang raised his head, looked outside, it was not completely dark, and said, "I'm daydreaming."

Chen's father was honest and honest, and he didn't like his son's glib tongue very much, so he reprimanded him: "I can't even eat well, so what can I do in the future."

Shi Jia stared at Father Chen, and was about to say something, but Chen Ziang said bitterly, "Dad, if you weren't so ugly, I wouldn't need to rely on talent in the future, but rely on my face to make a living and be successful."

Father Chen was taken aback for a moment, and became angry.

Dad, am I that unbearable?
A son is more important than a husband. Shi Jia stood by Chen Ziang's side and echoed, "Yes, yes, yes, if my son follows me, even if I have no money in the future, I won't have to worry about finding a girlfriend or a wife. It's all your fault."

Father Chen did not withdraw from his wife. It was a blessing for him to catch up with his wife in the third generation. When his wife married him, it was definitely a flower planted in cow dung. How many people feel sorry for his wife.

This made Father Chen proud all his life.

Seeing Chen's father being besieged and unable to fight back, Chen Ziang felt that his father was pitiful, and said, "Dad, you are actually very handsome, and you look good."

Chen's father was about to knock on the bowl and talk about eating, so don't talk, Shi Jia nodded and said in agreement: "Yes, yes, baby, your father looks ordinary at first glance, but he is really cute, otherwise Mom would not marry him."

Father Chen was distressed. Ever since he had a son, his position in the family would always be second.

The wife is eccentric, and everything is towards her son.

After a meal, Chen Zi'ang felt that his mother had completely invested in his camp, and it would be easy to handle. In the future, it would be easier to win his mother's support for anything that the two elders would think were whimsical.

Just after dinner, Chen Ziang received a call from Dai Shuai, saying that when the New Year is approaching, everyone is going out to celebrate, and we should go out together.

Chen Ziang said to him: People who are in groups are destroyed, and people who are lonely are achieved.

The celebration plan fell through, and Dai Shuai went to study hard.

Chen Ziang was not idle either, he went into the study to read and do the questions.

The house with three bedrooms and two living rooms was bought by his parents for a lifetime, and Chen Ziang was very satisfied.

There is a computer in the study. Chen Ziang sits in front of the computer, reading books and doing quizzes for a while, and surfing the Internet for a while.

It's time to start earning money!

(End of this chapter)

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