The superstar is here

Chapter 700 Dirty Paws

Chapter 700 Dirty Paws

"Dirty Paws", a song sung by the Icelandic independent folk band Of-Monsters-And-Men in the previous life, is also the theme song of the movie "Daydreamer".

The song "Dirty Paws" isn't very popular in China, and it's not even particularly popular in the world.

The ultimate reason is still a problem of publicity.

Even so, it remains beloved by some of those who hear it.

On the QQ video live broadcast, the audience frantically swiped their screens.

"Who is the protagonist in the MV? Is it the same person? Where did he go on a skateboard? Tears welled up in my eyes."

"I feel that those are the people who live seriously, and those who are serious will own the whole world. May I always stay in the light and have a good mood every day."

“It’s so cool to ride a skateboard to the distance on the roads of Iceland. Walking on asphalt roads, muddy roads, cities, and mountains... There is a kind of boiling forward. I want to travel all over the mountains and rivers and swim all over the world. Dajiang, enjoy the freedom of the wind whistling past your ears."

"Moving, if you can carry it by yourself, don't make a fuss. It's not pretty to be hypocritical and resentful. Be a brave person and learn to bear every slap that fate gives you."

"If I like a moment, I don't like the camera distracting me, I just want to immerse myself in that moment. But now, I feel that happiness needs to be shared and passed on. Thank you for this MV, thank you for this song, thank you Chen Ziang, in the future When I travel again, I must take pictures of the passing scenery.”

"Ethereal music, the sound of nature, Wang Yu singing English songs is like a different person."

"It's time to venture out boldly. What's the matter with staying at home, young man?"

"If you have a dream, you must dare to chase it. When you hear this song, you will be infected by the voice of spirituality, thank you!"

"From today, this song is one of my favorite songs."

"Be fascinated by the melody, super emotional!"

"It sounds good, like a person running freely on the road, thinking of the road in Qinghai, and the days on the Sichuan-Tibet line."

"Those who only watch bullet screens but don't comment may be the truly lonely people. Stranger, may you be gluttonous and not fat, may you be lazy and not ugly, may your affection not be let down, and may your I will have someone to accompany you for the rest of your life, and I wish you happiness in the end.”

"Listening to this song is like reading a fairy commemorate the beauty we have lost."

"I should leave something behind. I hope that kind strangers will not be sad, and the enthusiasm of strangers is always so warm."

"A good song will never be buried...every moment will have a different mood. Although the momentum of this song is turbulent, the heart is very peaceful and comfortable after listening to it. Love."


The welcome party of Tsinghua University came to an end, and the audience was reluctant to leave.

There are not many songs that make people fall in love with it the first time they hear it!

However, in almost all of Chen Ziang's songs, people's ears are tightly grasped when they hear it for the first time.

Sometimes, music is more shocking than words, than film and television animation works, because everyone has different experiences and moods.

Once touched, music is more touching and shocking than intuitive words or pictures.

Many viewers immediately searched for "Dirty Paws" online after the show.

Chen Ziang did not disappoint them. The song was quietly put on the shelves during the party and met the audience.

Moreover, this song broke Chen Ziang's previous rules.

In the past, his songs never had MVs.

And this time, although he is not the lead singer, he also deeply participated in the singing.

It has MV!

The fans burst into tears as if they had found a treasure.

Without MV, people can still have room for imagination.

But with the MV, it is even more exciting.

For this MV, I don't know how many places I traveled to be able to shoot it.

Many people spend their entire lives in poverty and cannot travel to so many places.

No money!

But being able to see it already made them very satisfied.

The music circle is boiling!
"The Uncrowned King!"

"Zi Ang is a different kind of music circle."

"In the first year, major music festivals sent out invitations and nominated him, but he didn't go. The next year continued, but he still didn't go. Later, the major music festivals stopped nominating him. Thinking about it, he should feel that he doesn't need an official Admit it, the fans just admit it."

"Sounds good, I don't know what to say."

"Some people are excited when they hear it, while others are sad when they hear it. Genius makes people admire, and evildoer makes people despair."

"I have written English songs, and we are still half dead in China."

"Hey, when Zi Ang was still enthusiastic about the music industry, he thought he was noble and didn't ask for songs. Now that people don't get involved in the music industry much, it is even more impossible to ask for songs."

"Is Ziang going to enter the world?"

"Support! There are no world-class singers in China, but there are one or two in the film and television industry who are somewhat famous in the world."

"It's hard to be famous in the world."

"Well, foreign countries talk about human rights and the elimination of racial discrimination every day, but aren't white people superior?"

"Yes, black people have more status than us yellow people abroad."

"Although I admire Chen Ziang's creative ability, I am not optimistic that he can break out of China and Asia."


At the end of the party, Chen Ziang went home exhausted.

He wouldn't be so tired if he was just getting ready and busy for the show.

But he has other work, which wears him out physically and mentally.

Human energy and time are limited.

Seeing Chen Ziang falling asleep leaning against the back of the chair in the car, Guan Tongtong at the side moved his head to let him sleep on her shoulder.

Having been with Chen Ziang for so long, the baby was almost three months in the womb, Guan Tongtong was very moved by Chen Ziang's care.

Even if he was tired, he didn't want to burden her at this time.

For example, he was reluctant to sleep on her shoulders.

Especially during this period, he was afraid of tiring her.

The next day, just when "Dirty Paws" became popular all over the country and sparked a frenzy of topics about dreams and freedom across the country, Chen Ziang fell ill.

Early in the morning he felt wrong, light-headed and uncomfortable in his throat.

Guan Tongtong has always been lethargic, but still insists on going to class, saying that she will go to class until the eleventh.

After eleven, I started to practice.

Guan Tongtong went to school early, and Chen Ziang was alone at home. He drank the porridge made by the nanny, and he lost his appetite for the breakfast on the table.

While drinking, his face suddenly turned pale.

"Hope is just a dream!" Chen Ziang wiped his sweat with a tissue. He was sick and had nightmares.

After breakfast, Chen Zi'ang asked Yi Tong to come over and pick him up to the company.

"Boss, you don't look very well." Yitong said to the drowsy Chen Ziang while driving.

"It's okay." Chen Ziang leaned against the back of the chair and closed his eyes to rest.

After arriving at the company, Chen Ziang, who was busy in the office, was startled by a knock on the door.

Li Qiuting came to look for him.

"You look bad!" Li Qiuting was stunned when she saw Chen Ziang: "What's going on?"

Chen Ziang was about to speak when he realized his nose was running.

I had no choice but to find a tissue to wipe my nose, and said: "I have a cold, I am speechless, it is still hot."

"Have you taken your medicine?" Li Qiuting put down the folder and fetched hot water for Chen Ziang.

"If you take too much, you will become immune. Don't take it." Chen Ziang refused to take the medicine.

Li Qiuting came over mainly to talk about the broadcast of the TV series she directed.

This TV series was aired during the October [-] holiday on Zhejiang Satellite TV.

Seeing that Chen Ziang was disobedient, Li Qiuting had no choice but to ask tentatively, "Is it caused by overwork?"

"It should be." Chen Ziang felt that there was no other reason.

Li Qiuting asked: "Do you know what it means to work hard? Your wife is so beautiful and has such a great figure..."

Chen Ziang understood now, and rubbed his forehead: "I'm finally sure that you're not satisfied, and you don't have a boyfriend anymore."

"Tch, don't you know that some women are cheap, have boyfriends and husbands, and like to seek excitement?" Li Qiuting said in disbelief.

Chen Ziang shook his head: "I don't know, I just know that I'm not the one who got sick from overwork."

"I believe you." Li Qiuting threw a document in front of Chen Ziang: "Sanxiang Satellite TV and Tianshui are not giving up, and they seem to be targeting us again."

Chen Ziang looked at the document for a while, put it down, and said with a smile: "No matter what, we have nothing to do with it against us. We must let the film and television works they made rot in the library."

During the October [-] period, a court drama in Tianshui was also broadcast on Sanxiang Satellite TV, called "Gongxin".

Wang Deng still played the role of the emperor in it.

"Wang Deng is very powerful, and his charisma is terrifying." Li Qiuting was a little worried, and then became very angry: "This Tianshui is one way before others, but one knife behind. Wang Deng is also true."

Chen Ziang comforted: "Don't worry, Tianshui sold the rights to the broadcast, so it doesn't have much to do with it. When Wang Deng participated in the show, he didn't expect this to happen."

Even if Tian Shui did this on purpose, Boyu Entertainment really couldn't say anything.

On the bright side, Huanya and Tianshui had to keep quiet and not mess with Boyu's entertainment.

But now this kind of provocation, Uniasia and Tianshui will definitely dare and be willing to help Sanxiang Satellite TV.

"I'm worried about the ratings." Li Qiuting was worried. This was the first film and television work she directed.

If she succeeds, she will have the confidence to continue on.

If it fails, she doesn't know how long it will take to get up.

Moreover, this time there is Li Longji's assistance, Zhang Baoying's participation, and many old friends' full support.

In the past, she was not the named director, and her old friends did not support the two TV series "Dragon Ba Bu" and "The Legend of the White Snake".

Because it was not directed by Li Qiuting, old friends could not help much.

As for the TV series she directed, the old friends did their best to help.

"Don't worry too much, the ratings may surprise you." Chen Ziang laughed.

"I also thought about it. The actress I was looking for at the beginning, she gave up my side because of the schedule, and I always felt it was a pity. She is very suitable to play the lead actress." Li Qiuting was very worried.

Forming a crew is a one-sentence matter, but outsiders don't know how many stories happened in the middle process.

Li Qiuting set up this crew, but also went through untold hardships.

"Haha, I guarantee she will regret it." Chen Ziang said firmly.

The two chatted.

Finally, Li Qiuting left satisfied.

She came to Chen Ziang, it was nothing serious, she was just looking for comfort in her heart.

As soon as Li Qiuting left with her back foot, Xu Ran came in with her front foot.

"Qiu Ting, let's sit and chat together, we'll leave later." Before closing the door, Xu Ran said to Li Qiuting's back.

"No, I have to go first." Li Qiuting refused.

Xu Ran didn't force it, closed the door and turned around.

Chen Ziang just straightened his pants.

Xu Ran was a little dumbfounded.

He looked at Chen Ziang, and then at the tissues in the trash can.

"I'll wipe it, don't think about it." Seeing Xu Ran's shocked expression, Chen Ziang reminded quickly.

Xu Ran was a little skeptical. He knew how good Chen Ziang and Li Qiuting were.

It can't be so good, can it?
"Rabbits don't eat grass by the side of the nest, so we won't be so blatant if we are tricky, okay?" Seeing Xu Ran's unbelieving expression, Chen Ziang explained: "I have a cold."

As he spoke, Chen Ziang took a tissue and wanted to wipe his nose.

As a result, there was no more snot for a while.

Xu Ran felt hopeless: "You know what, I feel like I've been living under your shadow all my life."

He actually wanted to say that he could tell that Li Qiuting, Wang Yu, Xu Jiahui, and even Lan Yeqing were all interested in Chen Ziang.

But he didn't say it. There are some things that are meaningless to say.

"What's the shadow? I heard from Sister Yu that you dated a sophomore girl, and she still wants to get a certificate from you?" Chen Ziang asked.

Xu Ran was a little embarrassed: "Yes, but I don't think she is reliable."

Chen Ziang poured tea for Xu Ran and asked, "There is indeed a gap, you can figure it out yourself, I can't say anything about it."

Xu Ran sighed: "I didn't have a girlfriend before, and I felt very troubled. Now that I have a girlfriend, I still feel troubled. Why do you think life is so difficult?"

"Who told you to find such a small one?" Chen Ziang was speechless.

"How can fate come up, I don't even want to." Xu Ran was at a loss.

"A fan?" Chen Ziang asked.

"No, when we started talking, she actually didn't know my identity, but only knew my age, and she liked my age quite a bit. Then we chatted, and now, it's okay." Xu Ran's old face smiled slightly. red.

"That's better." Chen Ziang didn't know what to say.

If the other party is willing, it shouldn't be a big hurdle.

"It's not good, will the little girls now live? I don't expect them to take care of their families and be virtuous, just don't play around." Xu Ran was melancholy, he was no longer young.

Although for the entertainment industry, his age is not very old.

In the entertainment industry, there are not many unmarried people of his age, although not everywhere.

Of course, for ordinary office workers, if they have no money and are not married at this age, they are already finished, and there is nothing to look forward to in this life.

Chatting with Xu Ran about work, chatting inside and outside the circle, after he left, Chen Ziang couldn't help lying down on the sofa to rest.

Not long after, he was sweating profusely and woke up from his dream.

"Why is it this dream again!" Chen Ziang drank water, wiped his sweat, and his face was very ugly: "It's September, not May."

Chen Ziang felt dizzy.

In the evening, after going home to eat and sleep, Guan Tongtong found that Chen Ziang had a cold and a fever, so he blamed him and told him not to work too hard.

"I have a cold, don't infect you, I'll go next door tonight and sleep by myself." Chen Ziang and Guan Tongtong slept in separate rooms.

In the middle of the night, Chen Ziang woke up sweating profusely again.

This time, he didn't hesitate anymore, took out his mobile phone and called Guan Xinxin: "Sister..."

(End of this chapter)

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