The superstar is here

Chapter 75 The Struggle of a Little Man

Chapter 75

Seeing Chen Ziang coming in, all the students in the classroom stood up and applauded one by one, and those who had a good relationship with him applauded desperately.

Everyone smiled and looked at Chen Ziang.





The students shouted with excitement.

In the past few days when Chen Ziang was taking the art exam in the north, "The Story of Time" and "The Middle School Times" first became popular on campus.

Then it spread to the streets outside.

The first place to catch fire was Lin'an No. [-] Middle School, because a classmate in the class was an announcer in the school's broadcasting room.

The school's broadcasting room is usually handed over to the students, who read the news, play music and so on.

The announcer in the class was handled by Dai Shuai and asked him to play these two songs more often.

Within a day, the whole school went crazy.

Not only that, Liu Yu can wait for a few people to stay idle on weekends, go to various shops in the streets and alleys, and look for opportunities to let the shop owners who play music replace these two songs.

Playing songs in school radio rooms and street stores is like an advertisement, which is hard to guard against.

The effect is surprisingly good, much more effective than ads that you have to sit in front of the TV or computer to watch the screen.

Of course, the range is not as wide as that on the screen.

These two songs became popular in Lin'an No. [-] Middle School. Some students in No. [-] Middle School had cousins ​​and cousins ​​in other schools. After such a spread, these two songs were played in every school.

Not to mention that they have become popular all over the country, at least they have truly appeared in the world, and they are not just sold on the shelves.

Give it some more time, and it won't be a problem to become popular all over the country.

Wang Jing looked at Chen Ziang in a daze.

The distance between them is really getting farther and farther.

When Chen Ziang got good grades, she thought it was nothing.

She didn't think it was a big deal when the video became popular.

But now.

Two of his songs became popular, one of which was sung last year.

It's a cappella, and there's only one guitar. Everyone thinks it sounds good, but they don't really care about it.

Seemingly overnight, the song changed drastically and it was recorded.

The arrangement and singing voice are not at the same level as before.

Music, it turns out, can be so shocking.

It is the person who created such a popular song, the person he once ruthlessly rejected.

After two years of silence, he broke out.

Unbelievable power erupted.

In the past few days when he was away, Dai Shuai and the others kept boasting that Chen Ziang's novels had earned money, and the manuscript fee was still more than 30 yuan.


More than 30 million.

It feels like a dream, is there any?
We all have such great power around us!
At the beginning, those who ignored or even laughed at Chen Ziang's writing novels in private, now either shut up or are dumbfounded.

"Thank you everyone. I will invite the whole class to have a barbecue on the weekend. I hope everyone will appreciate it." In front of the classroom podium, Chen Ziang put his hands together.

Back then, there were only a few people in the class who really helped him.

Later, some spontaneously willing to help promote his songs.

When recording the video, everyone also helped a lot. Although it is okay to change to another class, it is also a help.

Just as everyone was about to cheer and applaud, Chen Zi'ang added, "This time I'll tell you some nasty jokes."



"Speak, Ziang, if you dare to speak, we dare to listen."

The students cheered.

Chen Ziang seems to have become the spiritual leader of Class [-] and [-] of Senior High School.

It is also because of students like Chen Ziang and Dai Shuai that Class [-] is united like never before, and the atmosphere is very good.

Chen Ziang is a popular singer, and everyone admires him.The acting commander relied on money to get to the second leader position. He spent a lot of money to bribe everyone. For example, when he helped record a video for Chen Ziang at the party, he almost paid for it.


After the art exam was over, Chen Ziang began to turn his attention back.

Mock exams are coming soon.

But in the middle of March, when it was about to enter the end of March, Chen Ziang, who received a message, almost went crazy.

The game copyright of "Fights Break Sphere" has not been sold yet, but the film and television copyright of "Swordsman" has been sold!
And it was the result that worried Chen Ziang the most.

Bought out!

When the editor happily told him, he really wanted to kill someone!

It's not that I want to kill the editor, but I want to kill those who sold the film and television copyright of "Swordsman".

Nima, 100 million buyout!

In the eyes of any novice online writer, this price is enough to make them stunned, so excited that they can't sleep for a few days.

Chen Ziang indeed couldn't sleep for several days.

But this is so angry!

Nima, the film and television copyright of "Swordsman" was bought out for 100 million yuan.

This kind of price is no different from sending someone away?
Later, Mr. Jin sold the copyright to CCTV for one yuan, so that CCTV could make the TV series "Swordsman", but that was because he had sold enough, and he was not short of money.

And this yuan has a lot of affection and feelings in it.

Some favors can be exchanged for resources, for ways that money cannot buy.

Chen Ziang was worried about the film and television copyright of "Swordsman" being bought out before, but he was not worried about being bought out recently, because "Swordsman" is not popular on the Internet, and the physical book has only just come out.

Which bastard's eyes are so vicious, or cast a wide net, now see the potential of "Swordsman"?

Chen Ziang was really going to die of anger now.

He mentioned to the editor at the beginning, if he wanted to buy the film and television copyright of "Swordsman", who would he contact.

The editor told him to contact the copyright department.

He asked the editor to ask him about how much it would cost to buy back the film and television copyright.

The editor really asked, and later told him 50.

Chen Ziang had no choice but to afford it.

Although it is said that if you buy 50 yuan, half of it will be returned to him, and more than 20 yuan will be returned to him after deducting taxes, but the process is that he has to pay 50 yuan first.

No way, he gave up the idea of ​​buying back the film and television copyright of "Swordsman".

At least for now, I have no idea and no money to buy it back.

It's annoying that it was sold out so quickly, and it was still bought out.

"Fights Break Sphere" was completely popular, but apart from the physical version, nothing was sold. However, the tepid "Swordsman" stunned readers, and the film and television rights were sold out first.

"It's killing me." Chen Ziang sighed for several days in a row, he couldn't eat well and couldn't sleep well.

This is the case with the weak, he published a new book as a newcomer, and signed the Overlord Clause.

I heard that the master's contract, the copyright can't be the master.

Only platinum authors can independently dispose of their own copyrights.

The person who founded the copyright department of the Chinese website sold the copyright of "Swordsman", but still publicized it everywhere, secretly having fun.

I thought that the price for a newcomer was like pie falling from the sky.

Chen Ziang thought about it, thinking about how to deal with it.

Who am I, how can I be cheated like this again?

That can't!
After thinking for a long time, a light flashed in his mind!

"This is an opportunity! Although it's a bit of a slant, but it's done, it's no problem to give away the film and television copyright of "Swordsman", the absolute value! It even exceeds expectations. After all, if you want to enter the film and television industry from such a high starting point, the second generation of stars You may not even have this chance!" After Chen Ziang figured it out, he stopped writing "Swordsman" and stopped updating.



Readers are anxious, Qichuang Chinese website is even more anxious, and the film company that bought the film and television copyright of "Swordsman" is even more anxious.

"your sister."

The film company directly approached, what the hell is going on?

What I value is the story of this book, which is good, but fans and word of mouth are the foundation.

What a eunuch's book, I adapted it for film and television, and I can't be sprayed to death by those readers who were eunuched by the author.

(ps: There are too many complaints here, let me explain, the other party will be tricked to death by the protagonist later, this is not abusive text, please rest assured to read.)
(End of this chapter)

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