Chapter 802
It was already ten o'clock in the evening when Chen Ziang came out of Wang Yu's house.

Wang Yu followed and went out to send Chen Ziang out of the community.

"I don't want such a good wife, hey." On the way, Chen Ziang couldn't help sighing.

Wang Yu was taken aback, and quickly smiled and said: "No matter how good a woman is, if she gets along day and night, she will be like that in a few years. Especially when she is old and pale, there are so many beautiful girls out there. Don't talk about men, women are like I saw you Such a little fresh meat, isn't it also very happy, doesn't it make you feel good when you look at it?"

As Chen Ziang was walking, he suddenly raised his head and asked, "Have you accepted your fate?"

Wang Yu shook her head: "If you accept your fate, you won't come this far. Sometimes I really want to hold your hand, hold your arm, from day to night, from north to south."

Chen Ziang kept a distance from Wang Yu and walked on the road.

"I'll give you a song in the future." Chen Ziang said when he was almost at the gate of the community.

"En." Wang Yu nodded.

Chen Ziang stopped, and finally muttered to himself: "I don't know if that's right or not, anyway, you should be very happy then."

After finishing speaking, Chen Ziang asked Wang Yu to stay and leave the community by himself.

Yitong had already parked the car outside and waited for him.

Before leaving Wang Yu's house, Chen Ziang called Yitong first.

After Chen Ziang got into the passenger seat, he started the car and left.

Before leaving, Yitong glanced at Wang Yu at the gate of the community.

Chen Ziang quickly explained: "Do you think I have an improper relationship with Sister Yu?"

One can not dare to respond indiscriminately.

Chen Ziang said seriously, "Sister Yu and I are pure."

Yitong nodded, looked ahead and drove: "Yes!"

Later, Chen Ziang added: "My relationship with Siyan is also pure."

Now the next conversation is more: "My girlfriend said that Boss Lin is coming to Youzhou. She said that Boss Lin often talks about you, saying that you have no conscience, and never go to see her. Every time she comes to you ..."

Chen Ziang had black lines all over his head.

Yitong's girlfriend is one of Lin Siyan's personal bodyguards.

"I think I might die a miserable death." Chen Ziang said sadly.

Yitong suddenly became nervous: "Boss, don't! If I die, I will die first, and I will be countless times worse than you."

"Then be honest and drive well." Chen Ziang drank some wine with Wang Yu, and now he wants to sleep and doesn't want to talk.

When he got back to the gate of the small courtyard in Yanjiao, Chen Ziang looked at his watch. It was 22:28, and he was driving fast at night.

Lights were on in the house.

Chen Ziang entered, and Kuan Dandan ran out of the living room barefoot.

Seeing that it was Chen Ziang, he shrank back.

After Chen Ziang changed her shoes, she ran out wearing slippers again.

"Xuanyi is here?" Chen Ziang saw unfamiliar yet familiar shoes on the shoe rack at the door, and thought it probably belonged to Wu Xuanyi.

Just as she was talking, Wu Xuanyi also came out of the living room, a little embarrassed.

"Cousin-in-law." Wu Xuanyi held the corner of her pajamas and greeted Chen Ziang.

Her pajamas are printed with the five children of the cartoon gourd dolls, and in the pattern, the water dolls are spraying water.

"You can also spray water?" Chen Ziang asked with a smile.

Wu Xuanyi was a little confused.

"I can breathe fire." Kuan Tandan shook her pajamas, which had a cartoon pattern on her pajamas, the four babies—the fire baby.

The fire baby inside is also breathing fire.

Wu Xuanyi suddenly realized, and looked down at her pajamas.

Chen Ziang carried the bag and walked towards the stairs: "I'll go up to take a shower, you play with yourself."

Kuan Dandan ignored Wu Xuanyi and followed Chen Ziang upstairs.

"I also want to spray water." After going up to the second floor, Xiao Nizi said inexplicably.

Chen Ziang opened the door and entered the bedroom: "Isn't there a complete set? Seven days a week, one change a day, enough to wear for a week, without heavy ones..."

Speaking of this, Chen Ziang turned his head abruptly.

Kuantandan was innocent, blinking his eyes, which were as clear as water.

"What educational film are you watching again?" Chen Ziang knew her a long time ago, and she was the most deceptive.

Kuan Dandan became interested: "Zi'ang, let me tell you quietly, Cousin Xuanyi has..."

Chen Ziang had a headache: "I don't want to know, you are a ruined generation."

Kuan Dandan sniffed, and after a while, suddenly got a little angry: "Zi'ang, you're finished! Honestly, coming back so late is not working overtime at all, but looking for another woman?"

"Is there a lot of female colleagues in my company? You..." Chen Ziang put the bag on the table, and when he turned around, he saw that Kuantandan's nose was almost rubbing against his body and sucking it, so he pushed her head away depressed : "Annoying!"

Kuan Dandan was not angry either, he smiled and raised his head, pouted, as cute as he could be.

Chen Ziang turned his face away.

"Don't stop looking at me!" Kuan Dandan was a little annoyed.

Knowing that she might be really angry, Chen Ziang could only turn his head away.

"Does it look good?" Kuan Dandan blinked.

"It looks good!" Chen Ziang replied truthfully.

Kuan Dandan glanced down at a certain place in Chen Ziang, then raised his head with angry eyes: "What are you sure about?"

She is so angry!

Chen Ziang cried and said, "Where did you learn the verification method? It's not accurate. I..."

In the middle of speaking, he pushed away the head of Kuantandan who was approaching again, hurriedly went to find a change of clothes, and prepared to take a bath again.

"Be honest, there are people below." Chen Ziang felt that his time was really running out.

None of them are fuel-efficient lights.

"I know it well." Kuan Dandan didn't care.

"How many farts do you have?" Chen Ziang was very rude to her.

"I'm as tall as my eldest sister." Kuan Dandan was a little unconvinced.

"That's only 17 years old, go away, I have to take off my clothes." Chen Ziang kicked her out.

Kuan Dandan's pretty face was a bit sad: "Zi Ang, you treat me badly, you will regret it."

Chen Ziang's heart skipped a beat, this little girl is very evil.

Not to mention, some time ago I went on a trip with my classmates, she got up late, and after getting up, she was still dawdling, and couldn't catch the bus with her classmates, and the bus had an accident as a result.

Usually, she buys drinks with her eldest sister, Chen Ziang, and her classmates. If there are two people, as long as there is a drink that has "one more bottle", there is almost no need to buy two bottles, one bottle will do.

What kind of lottery is held in the mall, her luck is against the sky, there are a lot of prizes from small to big.

Fortunately, she is not the kind of person who loves petty gains, even if she encounters such activities when shopping in the mall, she doesn't often touch them.

Chen Ziang really didn't know what to do when he encountered such a willful mascot.

"Okay, okay, how can I treat you badly." Chen Ziang pinched Xiao Nizi's face.

Wu Xuanyi was watching TV downstairs, and after waiting for about seven or eight minutes, Kuantandan, who went upstairs with Chen Ziang, came bouncing downstairs.

"Tell you, Ziang is a big pervert." Guan Dandan took off his slippers, jumped onto the sofa in the living room, and whispered to Wu Xuanyi.

"Ah?" Wu Xuanyi looked puzzled.

"He touched my butt just now." Kuan Dandan said.

Wu Xuanyi breathed a sigh of relief, only ghosts would believe your words.

This cousin has been with her for a long time, and Wu Xuanyi doesn't believe half of what she says.

"Do you not believe me?" Kuan Dandan was a little annoyed: "If he wasn't a pervert, my eldest sister is not at home on weekends, would I take you home?"

Wu Xuanyi is speechless, you are really afraid of your cousin, you can live on campus on weekends, you can go back to your parents' home in Youzhou, if you are in trouble, go to your grandparents' place.

And let me live here with you, I believe your evil!

In fact, it was Wu Xuanyi who took the initiative to tell Kuan Dandan about staying at Chen Ziang's house.

The "Rocket Girl" program is already in the national competition.

Although Wu Xuanyi went in, she still wanted to give Chen Ziang some advice. Her goal was to make her debut in the group.

In the national competition, there were only eleven places to join the group, but there were thirty people competing.

If the top eleven were judged based on their external image and temperament, Wu Xuanyi would not dare to say that she would be in the top eleven.

Not to mention there are more professional trainee opponents.

Chen Ziang didn't seem to participate in "Rocket Girl Project", but Wu Xuanyi knew that he could influence the result.

Taking a step back, at least the outside world knows that Chen Ziang will create a tailor-made album for "Rocket Girl".

And for this tailor-made, it is necessary to know what members to join in the team to be suitable for him to play.

For the outside world, Chen Ziang would be embarrassed if he plugged in anyone casually.

Everyone knows that it is best to maximize strengths and avoid weaknesses, saving a lot of energy.

Chen Ziang didn't make any clear promises to Wu Xuanyi, but she just entered the national competition.

She had to give the credit to Chen Ziang.

Of course, she is not inferior.

In the national competition area, there is another counterattack.

She is Yang Chaoyue.

Yang Chaoyue was born in a peasant family in a small village in Jiangsu Province. Because her parents divorced, she entered the society after finishing junior high school, working as a sewing factory worker and restaurant waiter.

Such a girl actually entered the national competition, and her popularity is still very high.

Wu Xuanyi was a little jealous.

The program team allowed such an existence to enter the national competition, and Wu Xuanyi felt that she was not bad.

But she also knew that for the sake of the show's effect and keeping the topic on topic, joining a girl like Yang Chaoyue was mutually beneficial for both parties.

There is no topic, and it is plain. Where does the program get high attention, high ratings, and high demand?
"I came to live here without saying hello, will my cousin-in-law be unhappy?" Wu Xuanyi was a little scared of Chen Ziang.

In this line of work, Chen Ziang controls many powers of life and death, so she has to be afraid of this cousin-in-law.

Gold zang stirred up the international entertainment industry. To outsiders, Chen Ziang is a legendary figure.

For Wu Xuanyi, why not.

It's just that she had the opportunity to get close to this legendary figure, and he was not as mysterious as outsiders imagined him to be.

In the past, Wu Xuanyi felt that it was because of her cousin's family that Chen Ziang was able to dominate the country and be unstoppable.

Without the support of my cousin's family, my cousin's husband could not have done so well.

Now, Wu Xuanyi completely believes that her cousin-in-law Chen Ziang got there by herself.

Without that kind of strength, how could a girl as good as Tongtong's cousin be able to see him, right?
"Why are you unhappy? At worst, you don't sleep in the guest room, you sleep with me, not with him." Kuan Dandan didn't care.

Wu Xuanyi's pretty face flushed slightly, why was she sleeping with her cousin-in-law?

Shouldn't he be happy to sleep with his cousin-in-law?

Seeming to know what Wu Xuanyi was thinking, Kuan Dandan said seriously: "Don't believe me, if you really sleep with him, he will definitely be unhappy. Not only unhappy, but also very angry."

Wu Xuanyi is very depressed, am I that bad?
"Cut!" She was a little dissatisfied.

Kuan Dandan rolled his eyes: "If you don't believe me, try drilling into his room in the middle of the night. Don't you want to join the group? After drilling, there must be a place for you in the group."

Wu Xuanyi's face was flushed, "Dandan, you're too nonsense."

Kuan Dandan ate the fruit, humming and chirping: "Anyway, our family Ziang is not at a disadvantage, why am I messing around? My eldest sister said the same."

Wu Xuanyi also wanted to say, I am not at a disadvantage, my cousin-in-law is so handsome and talented.

But she definitely dare not say it.

Guan Tongtong has been taken by Wu Xuanyi's family as a role model for Wu Xuanyi's generation since she was a child: it doesn't matter if she is too beautiful, she is also proficient in all aspects of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and she is a top student.

So as long as it is a man that cousin Tongtong likes, Wu Xuanyi and the others think it is a treasure.

Kuantantan is no exception.

Why did she like to steal things from her sister when she was young?
It is because I think that what my sister likes must be treasures.

While the two cousins ​​were watching TV and gossiping, Chen Ziang came downstairs after taking a shower.

In the living room on the first floor, Kuan Dandan and Wu Xuanyi were looking at their mobile phones.

Wu Xuanyi's mobile phone.

"This girl is okay, what's her name? Yang Chaoyue? Zi Ang must like it." Guan Dandan pointed to the phone screen and talked to Wu Xuanyi.

Chen Ziang slapped her ass in the past: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Kuan Dandan held his buttocks: "Hit me again!"

Her face was normal, but Wu Xuanyi was blushing. Dandan is 17 years old, okay, her cousin-in-law even spanked her like a child.

Although a little shy, she still gave Chen Ziang fruit to eat.

I have to please my cousin-in-law.

"Keep working hard in the national competition, play well, don't run around with Dandan in your free time, and concentrate on practicing." Chen Ziang told Wu Xuanyi while eating the fruit.

"Yeah." Wu Xuanyi nodded again and again, and she didn't have the nerve to tell Chen Ziang that she wanted to join the group.

After chatting with Wu Xuanyi and Kuan Dandan, Chen Ziang went upstairs.

"Go to bed early. Xuanyi, I remember you girls have to go to training tomorrow morning and record the program the day after tomorrow, right?" Before leaving, Chen Ziang said to Wu Xuanyi.

"Well, go to training tomorrow and record the program the day after tomorrow." Wu Xuanyi became very shy, much more reserved than last time.

Chen Ziang didn't care either, and went back to sleep.

Not long after, Kuan Dandan and Wu Xuanyi also went upstairs.

Wu Xuanyi didn't sleep in the guest room and went to Kuantantan's room. The two cousins ​​still had a lot to say.

Not long after falling asleep, the two cousins' voices became softer and their pauses longer and longer as they chatted.

Suddenly, Kuan Dandan pushed Wu Xuanyi who was sleeping beside her: "It's time, why don't you come over?"

"Ah?" Wu Xuanyi was startled, she knew what Kuan Dandan meant.

"Drilling the room." Kuan Dandan said again.

Wu Xuanyi got under the quilt: "Dandan, don't mess around."

Wu Xuanyi had seen incidents of fire prevention, theft and boudoir protection, but she had only heard of such things now.

"No, there must be no place for you in the regiment." Kuan Dandan said firmly.

"My cousin will kill me!" Wu Xuanyi blushed.

"Fat and water won't flow to outsiders' fields, and Ziang won't suffer, my eldest sister said." Kuan Dandan reassured Wu Xuanyi.

"Is this really okay?" Wu Xuanyi crawled out of the bed, revealing her head.

"Okay." Kuan Dandan said in a low voice.

Wu Xuanyi hesitated.

"After passing this village, there is no such store, but you will definitely be eliminated in the recording the day after tomorrow. You had high hopes. Once you are eliminated, there will be more topics, and it will be beneficial to the program group without any harm." Kuan Dandan said again .

a long time.

"Shall I knock on the door?" Wu Xuanyi asked Kuan Dandan.

"The door is waiting for you if it's not locked. Just lock it." Kuan Dandan whispered. In the darkness, Wu Xuanyi couldn't see her sly smile.


After an unknown amount of time, the door of Kuantandan's room was quietly opened.

Wu Xuanyi walked out lightly in her pajamas.

When she reached the door of Chen Ziang's room, she looked back.

Kuantandan was hiding in the room, poking his head out of the door.

Seeing Wu Xuanyi turning her head, she waved her hand to let Wu Xuanyi continue.

Emboldened, Wu Xuanyi stretched out her hand to grab the handle of Chen Ziang's room door.

She pressed lightly, and the door opened.

At this moment, her heart seemed to miss half a beat, and after recovering, her heartbeat was pounding.

A blush quickly crept up her cheeks.

She turned her head again, looking at Kuantandan as if asking for help.

The door over there is closed, and Kuantandan is gone.

Wu Xuanyi turned her head, hesitated for a while, gritted her teeth and pushed the door open.

In Kuantandan's room, she was rolling around on the bed, looking overjoyed.

By the time she started to calm down, it had been a while.

Wu Xuanyi hasn't come back yet!
Can't really happen?
Kuantan got up.

The sound insulation is so good, even if you put your ear against the door, you may not be able to hear the sound inside, let alone in your own room.

She quietly walked to the door of her room, not daring to turn on the light, and quietly opened the door again.

She leaned over the door and looked at Chen Ziang's room, only to see that the door of Chen Ziang's room was half open.

That silly girl, the door didn't close properly.

Kuantandan was speechless.


Chen Ziang's exclamation came.

Afterwards, Wu Xuanyi ran out of Chen Ziang's room with her bare feet, her pajamas in her arms, her face flushed, and she didn't bring back her shoes.

(End of this chapter)

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