The superstar is here

Chapter 807 The love that no amount of sea water can drown

Chapter 807 The love that no amount of sea water can drown
There were only five people in the screening room of "The Titan".

Two people in Chen Ziang's party: him and Li Hui.

The other three were Jennings and James and another friend of theirs.

In the first row of seats sat James, Chen Ziang and Jennings in turn.

Li Hui and the fifth person sat in the back row.

Chen Ziang sat between the three of them in the first row, with a pen and paper ready.

Jennings was nervous, but James was a little surprised.

Is this guy really capable?

People like James who are passionate about art and filming are very good at it.

Art connects.

Films directed by James have their own style, and no matter how they change, they will not lose their main style.

Sometimes it's not that he doesn't want to change, but that he can't change at all.

It's like my appetite is only two bowls of rice, can I have to eat four or five bowls?

James had heard about the legend of Gold Zang for a long time, and he didn't really believe that so many classic songs were written by Gold Zang alone.

Of course, if Gold Zang is an American, James might not doubt it either.

In fact, China in his impression is very bad, and there are no talents in this field.

To give a simple example, which is the most populous country in the world?


But such a country can't find eleven people who can play football.

I don't ask you to be good at playing, at least you can qualify for the World Cup, okay?
But in Asia, you can't even make the top five.

In this World Cup in Spain, Asia has 4.5 qualifying seats.

As a result, such a large country failed to get half of the seats.

The World Cup is the football match with the highest honor, the highest standard, the highest level of competition, and the highest popularity in the world. Together with the Olympic Games, it is called the two top sports events in the world. It is even the world's largest sports event with more influence and broadcast coverage than the Olympic Games.

It is the most coveted sacred glory in the field of football in various countries around the world, and it is also the ultimate dream of football players in various countries (or regions).

Such a grand event, the Chinese football team has never had a chance, and it is no wonder that some foreign fans who learned about this event think that China has everything.

Screenings of "The Titan" begin.

But Jennings and James were not on top of that, they had been secretly observing Chen Ziang.

Especially James, he edited "Titan Giant", watched it no less than hundreds of times, and he vomited after watching it.

Chen Ziang, Li Hui, and even the fifth person watched the big screen with relish.

They are all first time viewing.

In the film, the Titan is sailing at a speed of 22.3 knots (about 45 km/h) on the dark and cold ocean, like a dagger, cutting a hole in the black flannel.

The maximum speed of the Titan is 23 knots. At this time, its speed of 22.3 knots shows that the speed of the ship is close to the limit.

In an emergency, it is difficult to "brake" such rapid progress.

The film coincides with a warm winter, and the icebergs on the Arctic Ocean are moving southerly than in previous years. Therefore, ships on the North Atlantic Ocean often receive iceberg status reports from other ships, and the big local tyrant "Titan" is of course no exception.

The captain ordered the lookouts to pay close attention to the situation of the floating iceberg, but such a deep Titan did not have a pair of binoculars!

It is said that in the real incident, the crewman in charge of the telescope carefully locked the telescope in the cabinet, and then did not board the ship himself.

The lookout that people feel distressed can only be identified by human eyes in the sea breeze.

23:40 pm.

The whole journey was calm, so calm that even if a little wave hit an iceberg, the sailors might still be able to judge it with their naked eyes.

Near midnight, lookout Frederick Fleet spotted the dark shadow of the iceberg, growing rapidly.

He woke up immediately, rang the alarm bell on the bridge three times, grabbed the phone and shouted: "There is an iceberg directly ahead!"

The first officer who received the report immediately ordered: "Slow down all engines! Full left rudder! Reverse the No. [-] propeller!"

Although it has been proven that the order to port full rudder was a fatal mistake, the Titan was less than 400 meters away from the iceberg at that time. It took only 37 seconds for the lookout to spot the iceberg and hit the iceberg on the starboard side of the ship.

In the dark night, when the hull of the ship collides with the iceberg at an extremely fast speed, any decision can be made with a single thought.

Thirty-seven seconds later, the Titan was unable to stop advancing and turning in time because of its large hull, small rudder, and too fast forward speed, and rushed towards the iceberg obliquely.

According to the knowledge of physics, people all know the phenomenon of "the tip of the iceberg". Seeing an iceberg floating on the sea surface, it is actually even more dangerous below the sea level.

Thus, in the dark night of the icy sea, the Titan and the iceberg had a kiss of death. The starboard side of the hull was torn open by the iceberg below the sea level.

Except for some passengers in the bottom cabin who witnessed the milky white iceberg passing by outside the porthole, the passengers in the first and second class cabins only felt slightly shaken, and did not realize that the catastrophe was imminent, nor did they think that their lives had entered the countdown.

23:50 pm.

In the first 10 minutes after the impact, 4000 tons of seawater poured into the bow of the ship.Fortunately, the waterproof board is still functioning, and the water seepage is still within a controllable range. The captain summoned engineers to overhaul the damaged part.

0:00 minutes

7000 tons of seawater poured into the bow of the ship, and the water has flooded the three bow cargo holds, further covering the upper deck, and the bow of the ship began to sink slowly.

Engineer Andrew inspected the damage to the hull and told Captain Smith that the five forward compartments were flooded with sea water.It means that the ship is hopeless.

Titan sank bad luck, since dawn.

Captain Smith asked how much time was left, and was answered that two hours at most.

Five minutes later, Captain Smith gave the order to prepare the lifeboats.

0:05 pm.

As a universe-class luxury ship, there are actually only 16 lifeboats, which can only be used by 1178 people, while the total number of people on board is 2208.

This actually did not meet the standards of British cruise ships at the time, so how could a "trench" ship like the Titan make such a low-level mistake?
This is about the owner of the ship—Ismay.

Bruce Ismay is the chairman of the British White Star Company. He saw that the boats built by Cunard Company, another company, were so good that he couldn't help but be jealous.

He wants to build a giant wheel.

Shipbuilding "satellites" can be forgiven, but "how fast and cheap" is a big deal. After all, the quality of cruise ships is still at stake.

Ismay doesn't care, I'm going to build a big ship!
In order to make the top deck of the Titan more spacious, he reduced the number of lifeboats on the Titan from 48 to 16.

His death eventually led to a tragedy, and more than 1500 people were buried with him.

0:10 pm.

The crew on the Titan began to prepare to use signal flares to call for help.

At that time, the nearest ship was the Californian. Although the crew of the Californian saw the white flame signal, they didn't know what it was.

Because before the maiden voyage of the Titan, under the hype of the media at the time, most people subconsciously believed that the safety performance of the Titan was unquestionable, and it was absolutely impossible for the century ship to be overturned.

0:15 pm.

At the same time as the distress flare was fired, telegraph operator Phillips sent out the distress signal "CQD MGY". CQD is the common distress signal and MGY is the Titan's radio call designator.

But there seems to be no response.

Subsequently, the Titan giant switched to the latest "SOS" distress signal to continue calling for help.This is also the first time that humans have actually used the SOS distress signal.

Most of the ships that received the signal at that time only got the SOS distress signal, and they immediately sailed to the scene to support the Titan.

I don't know what evil wind was blowing on the Atlantic Ocean that day.The nearest ship, the California, failed to receive the distress telegram in time because the telegraph operator turned off the telegraph machine.

Of all the ships that could receive the telegram, the closest was the Carpathia, which was heading for the Titan at the fastest speed.But even then, it will take at least 4 hours to get to the scene.

This is destined to be a "remedy after a dead sheep", no one can turn the tide in the vast ocean.

0:20 pm.

The Titan has sunk 6 meters, and the two rows of portholes on the left and right are submerged underwater, and some of the portholes that are open have caused the water intake to continue to increase.

Even though the water pump kept sucking in and out the seawater, making the final struggle mechanically, it could only slightly slow down the sinking speed of the bow.

0:25 pm.

The captain made a decision: the woman and the child go first.

In an instant, countless pairs of lovers and families had to face the sudden farewell.

0:40 pm.

All the preparations for the lifeboats were completed, and the crew began to persuade the first-class women and children to board the lifeboats.

Boat No. 7 was the first lifeboat to be lowered, but the lifeboat with a maximum capacity of 65 people only carried more than 10 passengers.

Because the nautical industry at that time believed that if the lifeboat was fully loaded with people, it would cause damage or even capsize. However, the design of the lifeboat of the Titan was so advanced that the crew did not even know it.

1:00 pm.

With the bow completely sunk, the Titan began to spiral out of control.

The evacuation was frantic, and many lifeboats were lowered half empty, most of which were not full.

As a result, only 1178 people went on the lifeboat that could have carried 651 people, and some people were pulled aboard after jumping into the sea.

On the port side of the ship, the lifeboats only carried women and children.On the starboard side, men are allowed to board after women give priority to escape.

At that time, King Astor IV, the richest man in the world, sent his pregnant wife to the lifeboat, stood on the deck, lit a cigar, and gave up his seat to an Irish woman who took a third-class cabin.

A few days later, in the early morning light of the North Atlantic, the salvage crew found him.

His head had been crushed by the chimney.

Astor had the assets to build a dozen Titans, yet he rejected every valid reason to escape for his life.

Human nature cannot be regarded as the same, and the world has never lacked exceptions.

The deputy counselor of the Japan Railway Institute, Hosono Masamune, disguised himself as a woman and climbed onto a lifeboat full of women and children to escape.

However, afterwards, he was publicly criticized by all Japanese newspapers and public opinion by name. He also survived 10 years of repentance and shame, and died in depression.

Back to the movie.

1:20 pm.

The seawater kept pouring down towards the sloping end, and the originally calm top deck became a mess. Passengers finally realized the seriousness of the situation, and fled to the deck and side of the ship one after another, squeezing towards the lifeboats.

The chaos escalated, the crew had to shoot down the passengers, and the evacuation began to spiral out of control.

1:30 pm.

The passengers stranded on the ship were in a commotion. When lifeboat No. 14 on the cabin side was carrying 60 people and was about to be released, some people tried to jump into the boat, but were shot by the crew in the boat.

The people on board slowly sank into the Atlantic Ocean together with the Titan, and slowly fell into boundless despair.

When the god of death comes, people can only wait passively, waiting for death to approach, invade, spread, and devour.

1:40 pm.

At this time, the bow deck has been completely submerged in the water, and the 8-member band on the ship continued to play music for the passengers under the leadership of the band conductor Wallace Hartley, in order to calm the lives that were destined to die in a few minutes. Until death.

Strauss is the founder of Macy's department store in the United States. No matter what method he uses, his wife Rosalie always refuses to get on the No. [-] lifeboat. She said: "For many years, I will go wherever you go, and I will accompany you." Go wherever you want."

Then the old gentleman took his wife's arm, and an old couple staggered to the wicker chairs on the deck and sat down, waiting for the last moment.

Later, a monument built for the Strauss couple stood in the Brown District of New York City, engraved on it: "Many waters cannot quench love (Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it)."

And the owner of the trench, Ismay, who reduced the number of lifeboats and compressed the height of the aquifer...

It was also this guy who ordered the entire ship to advance at full speed regardless of the danger of night sailing!
Why did he do this?

Because he not only wants to die, but also wants to make headlines.He hoped that his family's boat could arrive at the shore ahead of schedule, so that the major media wouldn't be surprised again?
The murderer, at the very last moment, with great determination abandons his passengers, his crew, his ship, and makes a leap out to sea—into a collapsible lifeboat.

2:00 pm.

More than 1500 people remained on the sinking ship, and the crew tried their best to maintain order so that women and children could enter the lifeboats. When 44 people boarded the collapsible lifeboats and released them, there were only the last two lifeboats on board, but it was too late. The process is sent to the surface.

Because the bow and front side of the Titan have been completely submerged in the water, and the first-class cabin area has also begun to flood, and the Titan has come to a dead end.

2:10 pm.

The sinking speed of the ship accelerated significantly, and the bridge was about to be submerged. The captain signaled the telegraph operator to leave the post to escape, but the telegraph operator Phillips remained indifferent and continued to send SOS distress signals to the vast sea.

Until the last moment of his life, he also repeated this action, allowing the sea water to cover his fingertips and chest.

The captain, Edward John Smith, stepped into the captain's cabin, locked the door, and accepted the trial of death.

2:13 pm.

The ship's hull was about to collapse, making it impossible for the band on board to continue playing.

When the performance ended, many passengers and crew members lost the last bit of comfort and sanity, and jumped into the sea in despair, trying to escape.

Afterwards, the center of gravity of the ship completely lost its balance and kept moving forward, while the stern continued to warp up, and soon completely lifted out of the water.The glass dome of Titan collapsed due to excessive water pressure, and the chimney steel cables tied to the dome also broke.

The No. 1 and No. 2 chimneys eventually lost their tension, broke and poured into the sea, sinking into the sea with many passengers who were crushed to death.

Since the hull was no longer balanced at all, many passengers slid from the stern into the water like sitting on a slide, and many people were sucked into the hull and never came out again.

At this time, dedicated electrical engineers have been maintaining electricity in the cabin.

Eventually, seawater poured into the central electrical control room, causing a short circuit, and the lights of the entire ship went out for a moment, then flickered, and finally dimmed forever.

The electrical engineer eventually died in his own post.

2:17 pm.

After the stern was raised, the hull was under unimaginable pressure, and the steel bars were continuously twisted and deformed, and finally it reached the limit.

In a series of explosions, the hull broke apart.The bow of the ship sank directly into the water, and the stern temporarily refloated because there was almost no water in it.

According to the design concept of the Titan, the waterproof system of the stern can play a role again in this case, blocking the seawater to prevent the stern from sinking, but the waterproof door between the two engine rooms is opened for pumping, which is beyond the capacity of the ship.

The bow of the ship that sank into the water also kept pulling on the stern, which caused the stern of the ship that had just returned to the surface to tilt up again, and the first-class smoking room was ignited by the splashed coal, and the previous explosion also ignited the fire at the break. Wood and combustibles blazed into the sky.

The stern of the ship sank while burning, and the fire and sea water were bound to tear this "unsinkable ship" into pieces.

2:19 pm.

The fire submerged into the sea, and those who were on the verge of death in the icy seawater were buried in the scalding seawater as soon as they touched a little warmth.

After burning, the keel of the Titan was completely broken, the bow of the ship rushed to the bottom of the sea at a speed of 40 miles per hour, and the stern completely disappeared in the vast Atlantic Ocean within 1 minute.

2:20 pm.

The huge vortex created by the sinking of the hull sucked in a large number of people who persisted to the end, or rather, corpses.

Although many people surfaced later, they eventually died of exhaustion because they could not be rescued in time...

The sea quickly returned to calm.

Not a trace of waves, not a trace.

However, in the past 2 hours and 40 minutes, it swallowed a century ship and the last despair of more than 1500 people.

At 3:30, the Carpathia arrived at the scene of the incident first.

Which company does dead ship owner Ismay envy and hate the most?
That's right, the Canard Company, and the Carpathia is the passenger ship of the Canard Company!

Back then, Ismay fell into "madness" and insisted on building the Titan because he didn't like her. Now after the shipwreck, the ship of the Cunard Company came to rescue it.

About half an hour later, the crew of the Carpathia spotted the first lifeboat in the twilight of dawn in the North Atlantic.

The rescue work continued until 8:30 in the morning. Of the 2208 crew members and passengers on the Titan, only 705 survived.

The captain and chaplain of the Carpathia presided over a memorial service in the great dining room, and at about 8:50 the ship turned around and headed back to New York.

After the Carpathia arrived in New York Harbor and passed the Statue of Liberty, people who heard of the doom gathered on the Bartley Coast of Manhattan Island, standing in the rain, and silently greeted the survivors on the Titan.

Of the more than 50 senior staff members on the Titan, except for the second officer, Lightler, who was in charge of lifesaving, survived, the rest all died in their posts.


While watching the movie, Chen Ziang picked up the paper and pen next to him from time to time, and wrote on the paper.

Jennings wanted to see what was written, but the only light in the projection room was from the big screen.

And the light was still on and off, and Jennings couldn't see clearly at all.

"The Titan", which lasted more than three hours, Chen Ziang didn't even go to the bathroom during the middle.

Jennings and James have taken turns going out three or four times.

Watching this movie, what Chen Ziang looked at was the main frame of the story, to see how it differed from his previous life.

Li Hui is different. What she saw was the love in it, and she almost cried when she saw it.

When the film was over, Chen Ziang tapped his pen on the paper: "The lyrics and simple staff are done!"

James and Jennings were taken aback.

I rub it, is it true or not?
Not to mention the quality of the songs, they were already shocked by being able to write while watching.

It takes more than three hours to write a song, compose the music and fill in the lyrics. There are such people.

And not a lot.

But in the list of James and Jennings, there is no such person as Chen Ziang.

(End of this chapter)

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