The superstar is here

Chapter 89 Dilemma

Chapter 89 Dilemma
"Haha, Sanfeng Harvest!" In the study, Chen Ziang was overjoyed. He was completely free from the art school culture test, and he could pass the score line in the college entrance examination with his eyes closed.

But until the end of the college entrance examination and the day when the scores came out, he didn't dare to relax completely.

Don't be unlucky, be late on the day of the college entrance examination, or have an accident on the road.

Anyway, I can't relax just yet.

But he is already thinking about where to go to art school.

"Youzhou, Jinling, and Songjiang Prefecture, all three art schools have accepted me for their professional examinations!" Chen Zi'ang sent Guan Tongtong a message.

It's such a happy event, the first to share with girlfriends is a must.

Later, he sent another message to Dai Shuai: "Shuai, I have been admitted to the three major art schools. Haha, you can choose your city freely. Come on!"

As soon as he finished sending a text message to Dai Shuai, Chen Ziang's cell phone rang.

He saw that it was Guan Tongtong calling.

Since the two parted last time, Guan Tongtong made more calls on his own initiative.

"Zi'ang." Guan Tongtong's uneasy voice came, the voice was very small.

It's nighttime now, and there are elders in her family, even if she hides in her room and calls on the phone, she doesn't dare to make too much noise.

The family clearly opposed her falling in love in middle school.

"Tongtong, have you seen the message?" Chen Ziang asked.

"Yes, I see." Guan Tongtong was not in a good mood.

"You don't seem to be happy." Chen Ziang heard it, and asked a little nervously. The most feared thing in a long-distance relationship is a change of heart, and then a quarrel.

It's frustrating to change your mind.

Quarreling hurts feelings. If it is the same city and the same place, it is easier to meet and resolve the quarrel.

Not in a different place, long-term grievances will cause accidents sooner or later.

"Which school do you want to go to?" Guan Tongtong asked with a bit of aggrieved voice.

Chen Ziang didn't think too much about it, and analyzed: "I'm more inclined to be a director. No matter how big an actor is, in front of a big director, I can only keep my tail between my legs and act honestly..."

Before he finished speaking, Guan Tongtong rarely interrupted him and asked, "You don't want to come to Youzhou, do you?"

Chen Ziang was taken aback for a moment, this time he finally heard what Guan Tongtong meant and understood why she was unhappy in the first place.

It turned out that she wanted him to go to Youzhou to study.

And she, because of her status, can only go to university in Youzhou.

Her grades are so good, it is not a big problem to get into Peking University, so naturally she can only go to university in Youzhou.

Chen Ziang was about to say something, when the phone called again during the call.

At first glance, it's Dai Shuai's.

Do not pick up.

He hung up the phone with Commander-in-Chief, and said to Guan Tongtong, "I...I didn't mean that, I want to go to Youzhou to go to school."

Guan Tongtong said unhappy: "You said it just now, you want to study directing."

Chen Ziang was speechless.

In fact, I want to study directing is one reason, and also the main reason.

The other reason is because of Shi Jia.

Jinling and Songjiang Mansion are close to Lin'an, and regardless of Beiying in Youzhou, if he can really enroll in the two schools of Shangnanyi and Shangxi, he will definitely choose Songjiang Mansion.

Songjiang Mansion is the closest to Lin'an.

At the beginning, Chen Ziang just said that he was going to go to another place for the exam, and Shi Jia cried so much.

Later, although he knew that he was going to take the art test, maybe he would go to one of the three schools in the future, and Shi Jia accepted it, but he was often very disappointed, afraid that he would really pass the test.

She really passed the exam and went to Songjiang Mansion, Shi Jia could still accept it.

Going to Youzhou, Chen Ziang was very troubled thinking about it.

Shi Jia definitely couldn't accept it.

"I..." Chen Ziang wanted to coax Guan Tongtong, but when he found out that Dai Shuai called again.

press off.

"Shuai Shuai is so annoying, he called me twice." He couldn't help complaining, trying to change the subject.

Guan Tongtong exclaimed, "He also called me just now."

"Damn!" Chen Ziang was taken aback, he seemed to know what Dai Shuai meant and what he wanted to do.

"Hey, he called me again." Guan Tongtong panicked.

Chen Ziang was speechless: "He may have noticed it. This guy is quite smart. Don't be afraid, we won't admit it. If he calls you later, you can scold him if you want."

Guan Tongtong curled her lips: "It sounds like I like to scold people, I'm not like my sister."

Chen Ziang knew that Guan Tongtong had another younger sister, who was even younger and only in junior high school, but from what Guan Tongtong said, her younger sister was wild and had caused many troubles at school.

Dai Shuai's home.

This guy was sitting at the desk with exam papers in front of him.

"Damn, both of them are on the phone, so I'll just say they have a problem." Dai Shuai couldn't believe it.

Can Chen Ziang manage a goddess like Guan Tongtong?
Dai Shuai was a little confused.

Although he suspected that Chen Ziang and Guan Tongtong were getting married before, he was not so sure this time.

He saw Chen Ziang's text message before, and wanted to call to confirm and chat.

Unexpectedly, Chen Ziang hung up on him while he was on the phone.

In doubt, he suddenly thought whether Chen Ziang was on the phone with Guan Tongtong, so he tried calling Guan Tongtong.

Guan Tongtong's phone was actually on the phone.

No, check again, and then he called Chen Ziang again.

Damn, it's still on the phone.

In disbelief, he called Guan Tongtong again.

Still on the phone.

Now, he was dumbfounded.

Was he right to be skeptical?

Chen Ziang's side.

"I don't care, you are coming to Youzhou." After chatting, Guan Tongtong acted like a baby.

Chen Ziang has a big head, he has seriously considered it.

If he really went to Youzhou, it was hard to say whether he would be able to go to the end with Guan Tongtong in the future.

He is no longer a little boy who only yearns for love, disregards reality, and dares not know how to face reality.

Therefore, he was not so determined, he did not give up on Youzhou, but on Beiying.

Even if he really got admitted to Beijing Film Academy at that time, he would have to think about it again.

In his opinion, mother is the most important thing.

Mom is like this now, and she can't do without him.

Her wish is as always, and she hopes that Chen Ziang will go to university in Lin'an.

She didn't want Chen Ziang to go to a place so close to Songjiang Mansion.

"Okay, okay, I'll go there when I get admitted to Beijing Film Academy." Chen Ziang promised Guan Tongtong, first comfort his "wife" before we talk.

"No, Beiying really won't admit you. You can still apply for other universities in Youzhou. Your grades should be fine in Tsinghua University." Guan Tongtong was worried. He was afraid that if Beiying didn't admit Chen Ziang, Chen Ziang would go to Jinling or Songjiang.

In Youzhou, even if you are not in the same school, you can meet every day if you really want to.

"Okay, okay, I'll listen to you, let's take the exam in Youzhou." Chen Ziang held Guan Tongtong steady, and we'll talk about the future.

"Hee hee." Guan Tongtong was very happy. After being separated for so long, she sometimes misses making out with Chen Ziang.

Opposites attract, and when you get older, you will desire it even more.

Suddenly, Chen Zi'ang heard Guan Tongtong's distant but clear voice: "Eldest sister, open the door, elder sister..."

Guan Tongtong hurriedly whispered to Chen Ziang: "My sister is here to torment me again, I'll hang up first."

"Yeah." Chen Ziang was also quite afraid that Guan Tongtong's sister would find out about their relationship.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Ziang looked back towards the door of the study as if he felt something.

(End of this chapter)

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