Chapter 91
the next day.

As soon as Chen Ziang arrived at the school gate by bicycle, he was stopped by a tall and handsome boy just as he was about to go in.

"Damn, don't go, tell me clearly first, I have been on the phone with you last night, who are you calling, and when will you finish calling? Don't call me back after calling, I have been waiting for you all night Ah." The commander-in-chief put his mountain bike forward, blocking Chen Zi'ang's way, as if asking for a crime.

Chen Ziang pushed the bicycle, trying to go around.

The acting commander still wanted to stop him, but Chen Ziang said, "It's for Guan Tongtong."

Dai Shuai hurriedly gave way and followed the cart.

"You...what's the relationship now?" Dai Shuai scratched his itch curiously.

Chen Ziang was speechless, and said indifferently: "It doesn't matter, you don't understand the world of the top student."

Dai Shuai vomits blood, bullying me to be a scumbag, right?

"Are you talking about studying?" he asked.

Chen Ziang said without blushing, "Then what else can we talk about? Oh, let's also talk about the places she has been to and how the cultural scenery is. Thinking about it carefully, there are quite a lot of conversations. It can be used as material to write songs for me. Writing fiction helps."

The Dai Shuai didn't believe it, and asked him what he wanted to know the most: "Are you still ready?"

Chen Ziang got on his bicycle and asked the marshal who was also on his bicycle and walked alongside him: "Do you want Guan Tongtong and I to get along, or do you think she and I are just ordinary friends?"

Dai Shuai was stunned.

Brother, I haven't thought about this question recently, why do I ask this.

Sure enough, I don't understand the world of Xueba.

"I don't know, I just want to ask." Dai Shuai scratched his head, he was naturally curious.

"It's rare to be confused in life." Chen Ziang laughed.


In the afternoon, after school, Chen Ziang rode his bicycle home, went downstairs after dinner, and walked out of the community slowly.

He was going to the small teahouse nearby and was going to negotiate two deals.

He could no longer apply for the evening self-study before the college entrance examination. With the signature of his parents and the halo of being a top student, the school readily gave him the green light.

This tea house serves Cantonese style breakfast in the morning, with a wide variety, which is the favorite of people in Guangdong Province.

But at noon and in the evening, the teahouse is just a teahouse, only for guests to drink tea and chat.

When Chen Ziang went up, Liu Guoping was already waiting there with four people.

Of those four people, two are singers and two are managers.

Three men and one woman, plus Liu Guoping, is four men and one woman.

When Chen Ziang came, okay, five men and one woman.

"Teacher Zi'ang, here." As soon as Chen Ziang appeared, Liu Guoping stood up and waved his hand.

Chen Ziang walked over with a calm demeanor, giving off a young and mature feeling.

The four people who came had been sizing up Chen Ziang since he appeared.

He is really still a middle school student, with such a childish face.

On top of that, he's still wearing his school uniform.

Uncle Cao, when they saw Chen Ziang, the four of them felt that they had spent their entire lives on dogs.

"Come on, let me introduce you, this is Teacher Zi'ang." Liu Guoping enthusiastically introduced Chen Zi'ang: "The three songs "Those Flowers" released by Teacher Zi'ang were recorded in my recording studio, and I witnessed them with my own eyes. I am amazed at the talent of Teacher Ziang..."

Liu Guoping didn't even know what a face was when he was bragging, he just bragged as much as he could.

Two singers among the four who got up from their seats murmured in their hearts, this slightly fat middle-aged man is so ashamed, the recording effect of "Those Flowers" can't be heard by ordinary people, but they don't have it.

Your recording studio is too low-grade, right? Three good songs, if the recording equipment is better, it won’t make professional musicians sound so disgusted with professional equipment.

"Teacher Ziang is too young."

"Teacher Ziang is really young."

The four people greeted Chen Ziang one after another, the first sentence was similar, they all thought he was too young.

After introducing Chen Ziang, Liu Guoping introduced the two singers and their managers to Chen Ziang.

The two singers who came were men.

Although people in the circle think that Chen Ziang's price is too high, but his qualifications for the three hit songs are there.

Denying him is equivalent to denying the public.

Can they tell the public that you are all crazy, these three songs are not good, they are not good?
The audience can't do it, I'm full and you insist that I'm hungry, I'll fuck you.

Before the song that Chen Ziang gave to Weiwei came out, female singers did not dare to take the risk of paying such a high price for his song.

So none of the female singers Liu Guoping contacted last night agreed to come. It was because of the schedule, or because they didn't want to be taken advantage of. Only they knew. Liu Guoping and Chen Ziang had no way of knowing.

"Hello, hello." Chen Ziang shook hands with the first male singer. The other party started out on the campus folk song route, and later sang pop music. Now that there is an opportunity to come back and sing one or two campus folk songs, he and the company want to give it a try. .

"Hello." He Dong smiled lightly. He was already in his thirties, and he couldn't call someone as young as Chen Ziang his teacher.

Chen Ziang didn't care either, and continued to shake hands and greet the second singer.

"Teacher Zi'ang is imposing, worthy of the word 'Zi'ang'." Xu Ran, who took the rock route, smiled heartily. He is also in his thirties, but he respects Chen Ziang very much.

Chen Ziang had a good impression of Xu Ran.

For a long time in China, rock singers either had long hair with shawls or bright bald heads. Chen Ziang didn't like it very much.

Xu Ran used to have long hair and shawls before, but that was when he was young. Now he is not as rebellious as before. His hair is cut normally, no different from the public.

A group of people sat down and drank tea.

"Brother Xu, I grew up listening to your songs." Chen Ziang smiled at Xu Ran.

"Haha, old Xu is getting old." Liu Guoping on the side joked.

Xu Ran smiled, he could see from Chen Ziang's eyes that Chen Ziang was not making fun of him because he was old, but was saying that he was very famous and once very brilliant.

"Brother Xu is in his prime, but he took a break for further studies, and now he is starting again." He Dong also smiled and chatted with everyone.

"It's no better than Xiao He and you young people." Xu Ran smiled.

"You are only three or four years older than me, don't rely on your old age to sell your old age." He Dong laughed.

"You young people, don't bury us, there are still two of us in our forties." Liu Guoping patted He Dong on the shoulder.

"You are all seniors. I will replace wine with tea and offer you a toast. I hope you will support me a lot in the future." Chen Ziang raised his teacup.

Everyone raised their teacups.

Everyone talked and laughed, and it didn't take long.

"Good music should be shared with the world. It just so happened that I had a burst of inspiration in the past few days. I wrote several songs, but I couldn't finish singing them. Since the two of you are here, I will show them to everyone and take them away if you like them." Chen Ziang also Don't waste time, get out the book.

(End of this chapter)

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