There is a backer behind this anchor

第1章 【1】1秒富豪,1秒屌丝,还代送1村姑

Chapter 1 [1] A rich man for a second, a dick for a second, and a village girl as a gift
Life is always full of many helplessness and dramatic no choice.

If you were a billionaire in the last second, remember that you must not be complacent, because once you are complacent, you may become a worthless poor dick the next second.

Looking at the dilapidated house in front of him, the dilapidated village in front of him, and the dilapidated clothes on his body, Li Bu really wanted to cry at this moment, he really wanted to squat on the ground with his head in his arms and cry loudly.

But at this time, he didn't dare, not because the crown on his head would fall off, but because his pants were rotten. If he squatted down now, his buttocks would be gone, and there was an old yellow dog behind him, She was staring at him intently.

"God, I don't wear such things when you play. Last second, I was a multi-millionaire who drove a Ferrari with one hand. You got me here as a beggar the next second after a car accident. Do you play with people like this?" ?”

At this moment, Li Bu really wanted to cry. A minute ago, he was a rich man who gave away thousands of gold with a wave of his hand. As a result, when he was crossing the intersection, he drove a mud head with one hand. The car crashed.

Then in the next second, before he fully understood what was going on, he had already come here and turned into an N-class male dick who couldn't survive in the city and was going to go home to work on subsistence allowances .

Even saying that the previous Li Bu was a diaosi might be an insult to the diaosi title.

Why, because this Li Bu has been working abroad for five years, not only did he not get a penny back for his family, but also every time during the Chinese New Year, his family had to send money to him as travel expenses, so that he could go home to celebrate the New Year .

The reason why Li Bu is like this this time is because it is not a holiday, and last month when he had no money to eat, he sold his mobile phone and took it for dinner and accommodation.

So this time, Li Bu came home quietly by himself without telling anyone, and after he went home this time, he didn't plan to go out again, because he was full and hungry outside. After five years of life, he really didn't want to live it anymore.

Originally, I just went home, but the luck of this guy was not good. He accidentally fell asleep on the bus back, and then he sold the mobile phone in his pocket that day, and the little money left after buying the ticket was also taken Let's go.

The bus only went to the city, and did not go directly back to Li Bu's house, so Li Bu, who lost his money and could not buy a ticket, finally walked for a day like this, and walked back from the city abruptly. My hometown in the mountain village.

When he returned to his hometown, his stomach had been fighting for a long time, and he fell in love with the pomegranate on the pomegranate tree in the neighbor's house. Then he didn't care if there was no one in the neighbor's house, and he climbed up without even asking. Go up and pick it up and eat it.

And just when he was eating with gusto, the big yellow dog behind him jumped out from nowhere, suddenly jumped up and bit the pants behind his buttocks, dragged him down from the tree forcefully, He smashed it hard on a big rock under the tree, and then he just disappeared, and he just came here out of nowhere.

After scolding God and accepting the memory of the original owner, Li Bu covered his head with one hand and the open position behind his buttocks with the other, and said with a look of lovelessness; "God, I won't scold you anymore, You let me be a dick, but can you get rid of the big yellow dog behind me, I'm afraid of dogs!!"

"Rhubarb, come back to me, don't bite anyone!!" Just when Li Bu was worried about when he would be bitten by a dog, an angelic voice suddenly came from behind him. changed.

The so-called angel is not someone else, but the so-called angel is actually Li Bu's fiancée, who talked to him and gave him a gift, and he missed his wife and childhood sweetheart, Li Yanmei, who lived in the same room with him.

Li Bu saw Li Yanmei, and Li Yanmei naturally saw Li Bu, so a roar resounded throughout the mountain village; "You heartless bastard, you dare to come back, I will kill you today You, the irresponsible man who kissed me, I won't be called Li Yanmei anymore, ouch."

Speaking of having a fiancée, the predecessor was actually quite wronged. Why, because he was only 16 years old at that time, after watching the kiss scene in the TV series, he couldn't help but kissed Li Yanmei.

The first bite was okay, but after that, he wanted to come for the second time, and during the second time, he was accidentally seen by Li Yanmei's father.

Then he was held up with a kitchen knife, and he was asked to marry Li Yanmei or be hacked to death. He had no choice but to say something he shouldn't have said, so he was still a bit young and ignorant at the time. He agreed to marry Li Yanmei.

Afterwards, the two families also invited witnesses, and gave the gift money in front of everyone, but yearning for the big city, and the predecessor who was a little scared, did not really marry Li Yanmei, but spent the night alone on the night of the gift money. He secretly took his luggage and slipped out.

Moreover, he has been away for five full years. In the past five years, he has only secretly returned home four times, and each time he came back hiding from Li Yanmei's family. Parents asked for some money, and sneaked away early the next morning.

Because of the engagement five years ago, Li Yanmei is still unable to marry, and dare not marry.

So at this time, seeing Li Bu, the chief culprit who had delayed and harmed her for five years, after Li Yanmei screamed, she immediately picked up a wooden stick and chased after Li Bu. It's the rhythm of fighting with Li Bu.

"Help, help, the crazy woman is going crazy and going to kill someone, help, help, the crazy woman is going crazy and going to kill someone!!" Seeing Li Yanmei chasing him, Li Bu, who was startled, didn't care about his crotch. It couldn't be opened, so it just ran wildly in the village.

After finally seeing this heartbroken man, and now she is still being called a crazy woman, Li Yanmei is simply mad with anger.

Li Yanmei, who was insane from anger, grabbed a stick and chased Li Bu, yelling, "Yes, I am the crazy woman, I am the crazy woman who was tortured by you!" .

Now everyone says that I am a crazy woman who was bought, but the buyer refused to take the goods. Li Bu, I hate you to death. Why didn’t you escape earlier when you wanted to escape? You have to wait for my family to take yours. I ran away only after the gift money, woo woo woo, wow wow wow you big bastard, big bastard... "

Hearing Li Yanmei's words, Li Bu was stunned. He suddenly forgot to run away selectively, turned around foolishly, and began to look carefully at this guy who didn't look pretty. His face was full of tears, and he shouted that he hated him to death, but But the stick in his hand was reluctant to hit his village girl.

After a stick pretended to be very angry and hit Li Bu next to it, Li Yanmei threw the stick aside, sat down on the ground and cried loudly; "Why did you kiss me if you don't like me? Gift money?
Do you know how I have lived in the past five years, woo woo, do you know that in the past five years, I have wanted to find a valley with no one to jump into several times?But I dare not, I am afraid of heights, I am afraid that you will come back and want me, but I am gone, woo woo woo... "

"Poor boy, although you've made a mess of your life, I'm so fucking envious of you now, thinking that I have tens of millions of assets and countless beauties around me, but I've never had such a woman who is willing to wait for me.

Although this woman is not beautiful, although she is not virtuous, although she loves to speak vulgar words, although she fights very scary, but her heart is really beautiful, you don't want it, you despise it, then I want it, I use everything I have, Would you like to exchange everything you have here? ? "

After muttering a few words in his heart as if talking to his predecessor, Li Bu directly reached out to lift Li Yanmei who was on the ground, and said with a faint smile; "Stop crying, am I coming back to marry Are you out yet?
Besides, I went out in the past five years because I wanted to make more money and marry you in a good way, but I didn't expect that money outside is so difficult to earn... "

[One point of investment, one point of gain, the author has invested himself, what are you waiting for, fasten your seat belts, the clown is about to take off, everyone, collect, recommend tickets, invest and go, how high the clown can fly depends on yours Oh, I love you guys. 】

(End of this chapter)

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