There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 102 [102] I would like to become the prince you love in the children's chapter

Chapter 102 [102] I would like to become the prince you love in fairy tales
After reading the subtitles of "Heartbroken Man Who Can".

Two songs immediately came to mind in Li Bu's mind, one was from Liu Zhihua's practice, and the other was from Guangming's Fairy Tale.

But after thinking about the artistic conception of these two songs, Li Bu quickly gave up Liu Zhihua's practice, because he thought it was a sad song, not suitable for patients, but the song Fairy Tale , quite suitable for this [who can understand the pain of a heartbroken man].

After deciding to use the song Fairy Tale, Li Bu asked in the live broadcast room; "Brother Heartbroken, I would like to ask, do you and your girlfriend like to read fairy tales, or have you read fairy tales before?" yes?"

heard Li Bu's words
[Who can understand a heartbroken man] immediately replied to Li Bu [We both liked to read fairy tales before, especially my girlfriend, she is almost obsessed, and she is still watching it even now when she is sick Fairy tales, even she often joked to me that if one day she died of illness, I only need to kiss her, and she will come back to life and continue to accompany me. 】

After watching the subtitles of "Who Can Understand a Heartbroken Man" again.

Li Bu stroked his chin and said, "The story of Brother Heartbreak already has a rough outline in my mind, but it will take a little time for me to write it out, so in order for everyone not to be lonely, double happiness! Let’s sing a few more songs for everyone to listen to, and the new song I want to write is called [Fairy Tale] I’m dubbing now, and I’ll be back in half an hour.”

Li Bu said that if he did dubbing, he would really do dubbing. After standing up from his seat, he directly took his mobile phone specially used for dubbing, sat down and took a pen and paper while making out the lyrics and arrangement of the fairy tale. , started dubbing bit by bit while facing the phone, and he just threw it to Double Happiness in the live broadcast room.

After Shuangxi saw that Li Bu was really going to dub, he also obediently took over the two live broadcast rooms.

Then, according to the requirements of the fans, first sang Eyelash Wanwan, and then covered Li Bu's two butterflies, mice love rice, and other songs.

She sang until Li Bu completed the dubbing of the fairy tale and sat back in the live broadcast seat. Then she ended her performance, like a little girl, waiting for Li Bu to sing a new song in front of the camera expectantly.

"Thank you for your hard work, Double Happiness. Next, it's the turn of the most handsome Li Bu, that is, himself to perform for everyone."

After smiling and saying a few words to the fans and Double Happiness in the live broadcast room, Li Bu turned on the dubbing of Fairy Tale and said with a smile on his face; "The title of the song has not changed and it is still called Fairy Tale, and the story has not changed, just added something .

The fans on Double Happiness didn’t see the subtitles just now, so I will simply repeat the story in the song Fairy Tale.

The protagonist of the story of this song is a pair of lovers who love each other.

One day, the girl in the lover got sick and got a very serious disease, and the disease was very fatal. If she didn't have an operation, she would only have one month to live, but if she had an operation, there was a 90.00% chance that she would die.

But she also realized that her chance of surviving was very small, so a few days before the operation, the girl suddenly told the boy that she didn't love him anymore, and asked him to leave her side quickly, because the boy couldn't be like the prince in the fairy tale. Like guarding her and protecting her...

A fairy tale, for our heartbroken brother, also for heartbroken brother's girlfriend, and of course, for every listener and family member in the live broadcast room. "

After finishing the prelude, Li Bu sat on the stool, holding the guitar and playing along with the dubbing, while singing with a slightly sad voice;
I forgot how long I haven't heard from you, tell me your favorite story
I thought for a long time, I started to panic, did I do something wrong again

In the corridor of a certain hospital in Shenzhen, a very young man with a tired face was squatting in the corner of the wall with his mobile phone and earplugs, silently listening to the fairy tale sung by Li Bu.

Hearing Li Bu's prelude, the man couldn't help turning around to look at the ward, and then said in a complicated heart; "My dear, although you are still reading fairy tale books recently, you haven't shared them with me anymore. Are you also starting to question whether fairy tales are true, and I can't protect you like a prince?"

You cried and said to me,

things in fairy tale are lies,

I can not be your prince,

"When you were at the end, would you cry and tell me that everything in fairy tales is a lie, I can't be your prince, my dear, I think you might say, because you are the same as in the song The heroine is so resembling."

maybe you won't understand

after you said you love me,

My sky stars are bright

"Yes, you may not understand. When you said you loved me, I was so happy and excited. I felt that the whole world was beautiful all of a sudden, and even the stars in the sky were much brighter."

I would like to turn into a fairy tale,

the angel you love,

open your hands,

become wings to protect you,

You have to believe,

I believe we will be like in a fairy tale,

Happiness and joy are the ending,

"Honey, please believe in me, please believe in doctors, please believe in miracles, please believe in fairy tales, please believe in us even if fairy tales do not exist, we will pull you away from death just like the miracles in fairy tales return.

And I will also become the angel you love, spreading my wings to protect your life.

Really, really, you really just need to believe in me, firmly believe that you can overcome the disease and everything, and I will protect you for the rest. "

After listening to Li Bu's fairy tales and finding the answer in my heart.

The man got up and opened the ward, walked to the bed, held the woman's hand on the bed, and said with a distressed expression; "Jiao Mengdong, don't be nervous, and don't give up, I am actually an angel sent by heaven to protect you, and I will always guard you." your.

And I will accompany you into the operating room tomorrow, and my hand will always hold yours. You just need to firmly believe that I will protect you. So dear, trust me again, okay? "

"Uncle Hong, I may have to say sorry to you this time.

You and I both know that fairy tales are false, and it is impossible for you to guard me like the prince in the call.

So don't stay with me, okay, I don't want you to see me in the most embarrassing appearance, I want to leave my most beautiful appearance in your heart, not the ugliest appearance now. "The girl who had been in a daze on the hospital bed, looked at the man in front of her who she couldn't let go no matter what, and finally spoke with a distressed and bitter expression.

Hearing the girl's words, the man didn't talk nonsense, he directly pulled out the earplugs, played the sound of his mobile phone, and Li Bu's voice immediately sounded in his hand, and the man immediately followed the voice, knelt down in front of the girl and sang ;
I forgot how long I haven't heard from you, tell me your favorite story,

I thought for a long time, I started to panic, did I do something wrong again,

You cried and said to me, fairy tales are all lies, I can't be your prince
Maybe you won't understand, since you said you love me, the stars in my sky are bright,

I would like to become the angel you love in fairy tales, open my hands, and become wings to protect you,

You have to believe, believe that we will be like in a fairy tale, happiness and joy is the ending.

After singing the fairy tale with Li Bu, the man knelt on the ground and held the girl's hand, and said in a pleading tone; "Honey, can you please don't refuse me? Please believe me, I am the angel in the fairy tale, I He will definitely become your prince and protect you for the rest of your life, you just need to believe that our ending will be happy, and I can do the rest."

"The song is really nice, it seems to be a story about the two of us, but will our ending be happy?

Well, I'll trust you again, just because I don't feel at ease, so I leave alone without you. "Facing the man in front of her who loves her desperately, the girl didn't have the courage to reject him again, so she chose to believe in the fairy tale again, and once again looked forward to the miracle.

(End of this chapter)

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