There is a backer behind this anchor

Chapter 104 [104] The most true story, the most touching song, children's chapter

Chapter 104 [104] The truest story, the most touching song, the fairy tale
The next day was the day when [a heartbroken man can understand] his girlfriend had surgery.

"Mengdong, come on, we will definitely overcome the disease.

And don't be afraid, your angel, I will always watch over you. "After escorting his girlfriend all the way to the operating room, Brother Heartbroken took out a pair of handcuffs, pinned his hands on one end and the woman's hand on the other, and looked at the woman tenderly and said.

Originally, according to the regulations, Brother Heartbroken could not enter the operating room with him.

But the doctor couldn't bear Bro Heartbroken's begging and the pressure from hundreds of reporters outside the hospital, so in the end, after Broken Heart also received a sedative, he agreed to accompany him.

Hearing Bro Heartbroken's words, the woman looked up greedily at the man who loved herself more than her life, while suppressing her fear and nodded; "I'm not afraid, because my prince, you are by my side Guard me, and Brother Lizhi said, happiness will be our final ending!!"

After touching his girlfriend's face through the mask, Brother Heartbreak nodded and said in agreement; "Yes, your prince is here, and happiness will be our end, and you must Get well, and then join me to form our happy family!!"

"Honey, meeting you in this life is my greatest luck. I love you."

Gently nodded and said a few words back to Brother Heartbreak, a tear flowed from the corner of the woman's eyes, and she added another sentence silently in her heart; "Even if I leave in the end, I am satisfied, thank you for walking with me Every day, I am reluctant to leave this world's silly man."

"I love you too, meeting you is the love that I accumulated after spending all my lifetimes of luck, so you must bear it, we will get married together, have children together, and grow old together slowly.

Even if we will all grow old and die in the end, but even if we die, we must die together, because you silly girl is too stupid, I am afraid that you will go there alone, and you will be given away if you have no support there. Bullied. "

After affectionately returning a few words to his girlfriend, Brother Heartbreak touched a pharmacy receipt in his pocket, and secretly said in his heart; "Silly girl, you are so stupid, why am I willing to let you leave me alone?" And go.

If you leave me without me by my side, you will definitely be bullied over there with your character.

Although I keep telling myself that you will definitely survive, I am also prepared for the worst.

My dear, you don't have to be afraid, I won't let you go alone, my legacy has been arranged, if you can't bear it in the end, I will leave with you.

You know, I'm just like you, you're not used to a world without me, and I don't care about a world without you. "

"Husband, don't cry, I will take care of it, I know without me, you must not be able to take care of yourself, so don't worry, I will take it, I will take it, I promise you!!"

After reassuring Brother Heartbroken with a firm face, the woman said firmly in her heart; "This stupid man, if I'm not here, he will definitely have a terrible life, so I can't die, at least not now .

I want to live with this stupid man until I grow old, God just beg you, okay, I can be a pig or a dog in my next life, let me live a little longer in this life, and let me stay with this stupid man for the rest of my life, okay? please! ! "

"The anesthetic will be administered later, and the operation time needs to be postponed for two hours. Stephen Andris Potter, a world-renowned anti-cancer expert, is going to come over and perform the operation on the patient himself." Just after Broken Heart talked with the woman, the doctor prepared While giving the woman anesthesia to start the operation, the director of the hospital suddenly walked in, accompanied by several nurses, and said.

Hearing the dean's words, several attending doctors in the operating room were stunned for a moment, and then asked back with incredulous expressions; "Dean, isn't Stephen Andris Potter communicating in the big hospital over there in the capital?" , How could he come to our side and still operate on this patient?"

"I don't know exactly why Stephen Andris Potter came here to operate on patients.

What I know is that Prince Wang called last night to take away the patient's information, and just now I received the news that Stephen Andris Potter is coming to our side soon. "

After explaining a few words to several attending doctors, the dean looked at Brother Heartbroken and the woman, and said kindly; "Your stories are very touching, and your songs are also very nice. Now the whole world is caring for you." Pray, so you must be strong and believe that you can beat the disease.

And Stephen Andris Porter is a top expert in this field, he has an astonishing 80.00% recovery rate for this type of disease, so your surgery success rate is now 50.00%, not [-]% before Already, so come on! ! "

"Thank you, Dean, and thank you doctors, it will be difficult for the fool in my family to live a good life alone, so I will definitely get over it." Hearing that the success rate of her operation has increased by 40.00%, the woman immediately expressed gratitude Thank you to the dean and doctors.

"You're welcome. It's our doctor's duty to save lives and heal the wounded. You should take a good rest now. We're going to meet Stephen Andris Potter now, and then we'll study your surgery plan with him, so we can add some surgery for you." success rate."

After smiling back to the woman for a few words, the dean led the doctors and turned around to leave the operating room, and the woman and the heartbroken brother [could not walk after being sedated and anesthetic] were also transferred from the operating room Went to the ward.

the other side.

Immediately after the dean left the operating room, he greeted Stephen Andris Potter, a world-renowned anti-cancer expert, at the entrance of the hospital surrounded by a large group of reporters.

Before Stephen Andris Potter came, he also listened to the fairy tale sung by Li Bu, and he also knew the story of Brother Heartbroken and his girlfriend, so he was not too surprised to see the reporter at the hospital gate .

In addition, as a workaholic and surgery freak, he didn't care what those reporters were doing.

After he followed the dean and the others into the hospital, he immediately led his team to re-do a comprehensive examination for the woman.

After the examination, he checked all the previous treatments and medications of the woman. In the end, he unilaterally eliminated all the doctors in the hospital, and re-planned a set of surgical treatment and postoperative surgery for the woman with his team. rehabilitation program.

"I would like to turn into a fairy tale,

the angel you love,

open your hands,

become wings to protect you,

You have to believe,

I believe we will be like in a fairy tale,

Happiness and joy are the ending. "

When Stephen Andris Potter's plan came out and he was about to enter the operating room to start the operation, he suddenly heard Brother Heartbroken singing fairy tales with the woman, and he was hypnotized with medicine in front of the hospital bed, smiling. coaxing her.

Accompanying his wife to give birth is already a very worrying thing.

It is very difficult for ordinary people to accompany their wives to undergo an operation that may cause them to die at any time. It is difficult to find one out of 1 men who can bear it.

So when he saw that Broken Heart was willing to take anesthesia and sedatives to accompany his girlfriend for surgery, Stephen Andris Potter patted him on the shoulder with admiration and said, "Young man, your The story is very touching, your songs are beautiful, and I am here to assure you that happiness will be your final ending!!"

(End of this chapter)

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